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Năm học 2022-2023



I. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).





1. There are 4 people in Hieu’s family



2. Hieu’s brother teaches him physics.



3. When Hieu needs help, his parents always help him .



4. Hie’s family routines help them spend some time together every day.



5. His parents are workers.




II-  Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information.

Question 6: Hieu’s parents always listen to him and cheer him up whenever he has ___________.

A. free time                             B. difficulties                           C. happiness                            D. many friends  

Question 7: His parents’ __________ and trust give him strength to carry on.

A. encourages                         B. love                                    C. worries                               D. money

Question 8:Hieu’s brother is his best friend. He shares his happy and _________ moments with him.

A. bad                                     B. happy                                   C. successful                              D. exciting

Question 9His parents have created some ________ so that every week we can spend some time together although they"re all very busy.

A. money                                B. houses                                 C. family routines                  D. rules          

Question 10: He lives with his parents and his brother and  all his ________are the result of their support.

A. fame                                   B. fortunate                             C. qualification                              D. achievements



 I. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main _________ of the family.

A. breadwinner           B. homemaker                        C. housewife                           D. bread maker

2. She’s such a good wife. She’s _________ her husband through difficult times.

A. taught                     B. left                                                  C. supported                             D. provided

3. It’s not easy for some tenth-graders to get into high school _________.

A. works                     B. routines                              C. times                                   D. responsibilities

4. Jim’s main _________ in his home is to keep the house clean.

A. right                        B. honour                                C. part                                     D. responsibility

5. Family _________ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life.

A. bonds                      B.values                                  C. holidays                              D. connections

6. Doing housework brings great _________ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills.

A. benefits                  B. hard work                                       C. results                                      D. practices

7. He’s a man of strong _________. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him.

A. health                     B. character                             C. hands                                  D. influence

8. When all members of the family share housework, the family _________ will become stronger.

A. joys                        B. happiness                            C. life                                                  D. bonds

II.  Complete the sentences using the words or phrases in the box.

life skills



family values




family bonds

1. Doing chores as a family will help strengthen _________.

2. Preparing and cooking meals are some of the essential _________ for teens.

3. Instead of giving me answers to questions, my parents always _________ to me to think for myself.

4. The kids deeply _________ their grandfather for his great knowledge about the world.

5. Sarah is a(n) _________ girl. She never cheats in exams.

6. His parents give him full _________ for his choice of school.

7. Kindness and responsibility are two _________ that many parents want to teach to their children.

8. I’m lucky to have such a(n) _________ brother who always gives me help when I need it.


I. Complete the sentences using the correct present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Nick and Dave (visit) _________ their parents twice a month.

2. You can’t talk my grandfather now. He (watch) _________ the evening news.

3. I can’t shop for groceries today. The local shops (not open) _________ on Sunday.

4. Lan sometimes (meet) _________ her friends after school.

5. Be quite! My younger brother (study) _________ for his exam.

6. Chris (look) _________ stressed, because he (look) _________ for a new job.

7. Anna often (walk) _________ to work, but her husband (drive) _________ her to her office this morning.

8. What _________ you (cook) _________? The food (smell) _________ so good!


II. Put the verbs in the present simple tense or present continuous tense.

1. Emily lives and works in Paris but she (have) ………………. a holiday in England at the moment.

2. I wonder why the neighbor’s dog (bark) ………………. again. Maybe there is a burglar!

3. Ann (get) …………………. up at seven o’clock every morning.

4. Then she (go) …………………. to have a shower before breakfast.

5. Then she (drive) …………………. to the beach and stays all day.

6. She (not/ work) …………………. because she won the lottery last year.

7. Why (you/ learn) …………………. English this year?

9. What (you/wear) …………………. now? In that way, I will recognize you at the airport.

10. Kate is in the kitchen and very stressed! She (cook) …………………. dinner for 30 people.


III. Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

1. Marie isn’t a Canadian. I (believe/ am believing) she comes from France.

2. Look! Bin (jumps /is jumping) into the water.

3. I (think/ am thinking) you’re crazy!

4. Don’t give Jenny any cheese. She (hates/ is hating) it!

5. I (go/ am going) to New York next Thursday. Do you want to come?

6. Once a week, I (go/ am going) to an English class at the college.

7. I (have/ am having) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

8. David is rich – he (drives/ is driving) a Mercedes.

9. You won’t find Tom at home right now. He (studies/ is studying) in the library.

10. It (snows/ is snowing) quite hard - perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.


IV.There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1. Hi, Anna! Where do you go?

2. What do you do right now?           

3. The children are wanting to have a rest now.

4. I’m seeing you’re working very hard.

5. Sometimes my dad is cooking a good meal for the whole family.

6. I’m thinking that’s a great idea.

7. I can’t go out with you tonight. I work on an important project.

8. My uncle is having a big house in the city centre.




I. Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences.

1. Mr Thanh / hate / do / housework / but / he still / clean / the house / once / week.


2. I / have / a holiday / my family / in Mai Chau / now. / We / spend / our summer holidays here / every year.


3. If / be / important / children / learn / some life skills / home.


4. Parents / have / teach/ their children / be honest and show respect to older people / an early age.


5. Jane / think of / apply / another job./ She / think / her present job / be / boring.


6. Doing housework/help/ children / learn / take care / themselves.


7. Family routines / connected / children"s health / academic achievement.


8. Children / should / learn / choose / right / kind of clothes / right occasion.


II/Write a paragraph about your family routines .









I. Read the text and choose the best answers.

Family time is when family members do things (1) ______. Ways of spending family time are different for different families, from taking a family (2) ______ in a nice place every year, or planning a family movie night every week, to having one (3) ______ together every day. Some families spend time together just by having regular family meetings. Family members  can sit together to (4) _____ important issues and make decisions, or just have casual chats. Some people may think it is (5) ______ for everyone in the family to get together. However, in many case, parents as well as children have to adjust their own timetables to make  (6) _________ to be with their family. Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members (7) _________and creates fond memories of happy experiences.

1. A. together  

2. A. course

3. A. lunch

4. A. discuss

5. A. simple

6. A. excuses

7. A. special

B. differently

B. vacation

B. dinner

B. argue

B. interesting

B. friends

B. stronger

C. similarly

C. photo

C. breakfast

C. laugh at

C. hard

C. time

C. weaker

D. for others

D. responsibility

D. meal

D. enjoy

D. funny

D. money

D. natural

II. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

In 1977 Governor Raul Castro signed a paper suggesting that August 7, 1977 was American Family Day. One year later, Governor Bruce Babbitt signed the day into law as an official Arizona holiday. American Family Day is now celebrated across the United States on the first Sunday in August. It encourages people to enjoy the warming summer days with those dearest to them. Principally, the day encourages families to spend time with one another. Unlike some other family holidays, people do not give gifts on this day. Instead, they celebrate the day by focusing on family relationships. People believe that the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people enjoy being with their families.           

The most common activities family members often do together include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the park, watching a movie, visiting grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class together, visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in the cooking. Whatever people do, the most important thing should be that they do it with their families. Americans love their Family Day because it reminds them to express their love to their family and helps strengthen their family bonds.




1.  1.Family Day became an official holiday in Arizona in 1977.



2.  2.American Family Day is usually on Sunday.



3. 3.People often give gifts to their family members on American Family Day.



4. 4.On Family Day, family members often visit their friends together.



5. 5.Some families celebrate Family Day by cooking together.



6. 6.Family Day gives people opportunities to express their love to their family.






Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them.

1. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary?

    Nam: Yes. _________ each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds.

A. I"m not sure that                                        B. I strongly believe that                               

C. I agree that                                                D. I hope that

2. Lan: What do you think about the British family value of being truthful and honest?

    Nam: _________, it"s one of the first things parents should teach their children.

A. In their opinion           B. In a nutshell            C. In my own way                 D. In my opinion

3. Lan: Nam, do you think parents should help their children do their homework?

    Nam: Well, _________ parents should let their children do their homework by themselves so they can become independent.

A. I don"t think               B. I wish that           C. I believe that                D. I hope that

4. Lan: Do you think teens should learn how to cook?

    Nam: Well, _________ they can learn it when they start their own families. As teens, they should spend all their time on study.

A. I suppose that               B. I hope that        C. I doubt that                   D. I agree that

---------THE END----------









I. Listen to an announcement about a Go Green Weekend event and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. At the club meeting, the speaker only talks about the teams and activities.
2. The Clean-up Team will pick up rubbish in the central market.
3. Both students and local people will take part in the event.
4. A report of the event will be produced by the Media Team.

II. Listen again and complete each gap in the table with ONE word from the recording.


Clean-up Team

- Clean the central (1) ________

- Pick up rubbish, bottles, and (2) _______ bags

- Water small trees and flowers

Donation Team

Collect used items

(3) the items and put them into the correct bags

Media Team

(4) ___________ photos of the event on the club"s website

Make (5) ________ for the club"s future activities



I. Complete the following sentences with the words / phrases from the box.


organic                                energy                                adopt                      awareness                   

set up                                  eco-friendly                        litter                      protect


1. More and more people _________ a green lifestyle, which is good for themselves and the environment.

2. _________ farming is better for the environment because it doesn"t use harmful chemicals.

3. The club hopes to raise public _________ of the environmental issues.

4. Students are reminded not to drop _________in the street.

5. Bamboo is considered to be one of the most_________ building materials.

6. A way to save _________ is to reduce the amount of electricity used at home.

7. Simple actions like putting rubbish in the bin can help to _________ the environment.

8. The club was _________to encourage people to recycle more.

II. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. You can save a lot of energy by turning off unnecessary household (appliances / chores).

2. (Natural / Nature) resources are materials from the Earth used to support life and meet people"s needs.

3. More people turn to organic products because they do not contain harmful (chemicals/ chemistry).

4. The club members hope to (raise / rise ) people"s awareness of environmental protection.

5. There are many simple ways to reduce the negative impact of using plastic on the (environment / environmental).


I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to.

1. A: Oh no! I’ve left my money at home

    B: Again? OK. I _________ pay for the dinner.

2. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It_________ be warm and sunny.

3. I think the final match _________ be very exciting.

4. They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They _________do a tour of the country.

5. I hope you _________ visit me in my home one day.

6. I can’t come to the party tomorrow. I _________ study for my exams.

7. A: It’s very hot in here.

    B: I_________turn on the air conditioner

8. I and my friends _________see a movie after class. Would you like to join us?


II. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1. A new school is going to be build in the neighbourhood next year.

2. This kind of bird is only founded in remote places in Scotland.

3. The wildlife park is visit each day by hundreds of people.

4. People should avoid using products which make from plastic.

5. Students are instruct on how to recycle the used items in their homes.

6. Look at those black clouds. It will rain.

7. A: Why are you wearing your best suit ?

    B: I will have an interview this afternoon.

8. Animals should not be use for the benefits of human beings.

III. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1. I"m afraid you_________ for an interview.

A. didn"t select                                                B. haven"t selected

C. were not selected                                       D. were not selecting

2. Her first novel_________ into English last year.

A. translated               B. was translated        C. was translating                   D. translate

3. Their suitcases are packed. They_________ to the southern part of the country for their holiday.

A. will travel              B. travelled                 C. are going to travel              D. was travelling

4. My brother_________ a set of toys for his 7th birthday.

A. was given               B. gave                        C. was giving                          D. give

5. Are you thirsty? I_________you a glass of water.

A. will get                   B. am going to get      C. have given                          D. gave

6. This book _________in the classroom yesterday.

A. was left                  B. was leaving            C. leaves                                 D. left

7. A documentary about the wildlife_________ on TV tonight.

A. show                       B. will show                C. showed                               D. is going to be shown

8. She is buying some sugar and flour. She _________a cake this evening.

A. is going to make    B. makes                     C. made                                   D. has made



I. Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences.

1. Reduce / amount / air travel / way / reduce / carbon footprint.


2. You / turn / appliances / when/ in use / save / energy


3. You / use / public transport /bus/ train / rather / private vehicles.


4. Cut / plastic / products/reduce / plastic pollution.


5. You / buy / organic / food / contain /harmful / chemicals


6. Plant / trees / provide / shade / environment / beautiful.


7. Green / live/be / adopt/people/ world.


8. People"s awareness / environmental protection / been / raise / since / take / part / campaign.

II. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice.

1. Pollution affects the environment in many ways.


2. The club"s activities will raise people"s awareness of environmental issues.


3. The local people planted many more trees in the neighbourhood last week.


4. The students are cleaning the school playground this morning.


5. Americans use around 100 billion plastic bags each year.


6. More and more people adopt a green lifestyle.


7. We are going to pick up rubbish in the central park this weekend.


8. The Youth Union will organise a campaign to protect the environment.


III. Write a paragraph (120 – 150 words) about ways to reduce your carbon footprint. You can use the ideas in 1 to help you.











I. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.

There are many things you can do to help reduce plastic pollution. Firstly, you should reduce your use of plastic. You should avoid single-use plastic products such as straws or takeaway coffee cups. Instead, choose reusable products made from bamboo or metal. Besides, you should use strong, reusable shopping bags made from other materials rather than plastic. Secondly, you should reuse plastic. If you have plastic items, make sure you use them many times. For example, you can refill water bottles and reuse lunch boxes. Finally, you should recycle plastic whenever you can. Before you buy anything sold in plastic, check the recycling symbols. Always try to recycle plastic items instead of throwing them away in the rubbish bin. Remember that there are many things that are made from recycled plastic.


Match the highlighted words in the text with the meanings.




1. single-use

a. that can be used again

2. takeaway

b. used once then thrown away

3. reusable

c. brought at a shop or reastaurant and used  somewhere else

B. Choose the best answers.

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. The causes of plastic pollution                 

B. The possible solutions to plastic pollution

C. The effects of plastic pollution

2. What should you do before you buy plastic items?

A. Look for the recycling symbols

B. Bring a reusable bag                                 

C. Recycle household items

II. Read the text and choose the best answers.

The most obvious advantage of living green is that it helps reduce environmental pollution. This is done by practising the 3Rs. The first R means choosing products very carefully to reduce waste as much as possible. Reusing involves the repeated use of items. The third R is about separating materials that can be recycled and later used for a new purpose.

There are also economic benefits to living green. Reducing the use of energy and water can help save money on household bills. Furthermore, reusing products and materials is another way to make saving. It helps save on production costs since creating new products wastes materials and is expensive. Recycled products also last longer than new ones, making them a better and more eco-friendly option.

Lastly, going green offers health benefits. It reduces air pollutants by making the air we breathe cleaner and healthier. This means fewer diseases and doctor"s appointments. Another way to improve your health is to purchase organic foods and green products for your household. They don"t use harmful chemicals that can lead to health issues. In turn, you are also supporting responsible farming methods that protect the environment.


1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The pros of a green lifestyle.                     B. Difficulties in adopting a green lifestyle.

C. Trends in green living.

2. According to the text, how can we practise the 3Rs?

A. By reducing waste as much as possible

B. By reusing and recycling items                 C. By doing both A and B above

3. Which of the following is NOT given in the text as a benefit of living green?

A. health benefit                     B. economic benefit               C. community benefit

4. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _________.

A. creating new products        B. reusing products                 C. making savings

5. The word "purchase" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.

A. exchange                            B. sell                                      C. buy

1. Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them.

1. Mai: I want to reduce my carbon footprint. _________

    Lan: You should change your daily habits. For example, you should take shorter showers to save energy.

A. What should I do, Lan?                 B. How about the exam, Lan?

C. What do you have, Lan?                D. How do I change my routine, Lan?

2. Nam: Can you give me some advice on how to reduce air pollution in the city?

    Hoa: _________I would use public transport such as buses or trains. It"s a very good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

A. If I liked you          B. If I were you           C. If I wished              D. If I wanted

3. Tuan: Can you give me some advice about living green?

    Minh: _________ use more organic food because it"s good for your health and the environment.

A. I advise you to       B. I want you to          C. I tell you to D. I ask you to

4. Long: I"m looking for a book on endangered animals but I haven"t found a good one. _________

   Hoa: How about searching it on our school library website? I hope you will find the one you need there.

A. Can you show me the way to the library?

B. Would you like to go to the bookshop?

C. Can you give me some advice?

D. Would you like to try it on


-----------THE END---------


                                                            UNIT 3- MUSIC

I. Listen to an interview about preparations for an International Youth Music Festival and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. This is the first International Youth Music Festival.
2. The organisers have finished preparations for the festival.
3. Last year, the festival was held on the beach.
4. They are selling tickets for the festival at the park gates.
5. The country park is far from the town centre.
II.  Listen again and complete the sentences

1. Tam is at the site of the second International Youth Music Festival, he is one of the festival ………….

2. They"re still setting up the main ……………………. and there"s still a lot to do.
3. we want to get it ready by tomorrow so that the bands can start to practise.
4. Last year the festival was on the…………………… and it was free of charge.

5. This year we have sold the tickets in …………………….. so that we know how many people are coming.

I. Choose the odd one out.

1.A. band                  B. musician                C. singer                     D. teacher

2.A. violin                 B. piano                      C. song                       D. flute

3.A. pop                    B. album                    C. jazz                        D. rock

4.A. hit                      B. stage                      C. theatre                    D. cinema

5.A. judge                 B. participant             C. show                      D. movie

6.A. perform             B. sing                        C. award                     D. dance

7.A. famous              B. record                    C. popular                  D. favourite

8.A. audience            B. fan                         C. idol                        D. student


II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. There are many (talent) _______ participants in this show.

2. We are really looking forward to her (perform) _______ this Sunday.

3. She dreams of becoming a famous rock (sing) _______.

4. The piano is a great (music) _______ instrument for beginners.

5. I love reading books about famous (art) _______.

6. My friend and I were so (excite) _______ to go to the Youth Music Festival.

7. She decided to make an audio (record) _______ for her first song.

8. Everybody can send text messages or vote online to choose the (win) _______ of the show.

I. Circle the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

1. Mai agreed  (buy / to buy) my old laptop.

2. His teacher made him apologise / to apologise) for his bad behaviour.

3. They decided  (going / to go) to the live concert.

4. I"d love ( to visit / visit) Paris one day.

5. His parents didn"t let him (go / to go ) to music school.

6. We managed (find / to find ) their first album on social media.

7. I saw her (cross / to cross) the street.

8. I heard him (to open / open) the window last night.

9. Dad promised (take / to take) us to the circus on Sunday.

10. He really wants ( learn / to learn ) to play a musical instrument this summer.


II. Make compound sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

1. I"d like to go to the party. I"m too busy. 


2. It was sunny. Lan took an umbrella. 


3. Anna is an amazing dancer. Her parents are proud of her. 


4. You can vote online for your favourite singer. You can send text messages. 


5. Lisa went shopping yesterday. She didn"t buy anything. (but)


6. John"s parents own a restaurant. Sometimes he helps in the kitchen at weekends.


7. Go inside. You will catch a cold. 


8. Rita is a good drummer. She will probably be invited to join the band 


III. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. We plan (perform) _______ in Europe this summer.

2. Finn should manage (go) _______ to bed earlier.

3. She warned him (not be) _______late for class again.

4. Don"t let her (eat) _______too much.

5. I forgot (lock) _______ the door when I left home this morning.

6. The manager made the singer (practise) _______ so hard for the show.



I. Read the text and choose the best answers.

Gilberto Gil is a Brazilian singer and guitarist, and one of his country"s most (1) _______ songwriters. As a young (2) _______ in the 1950s, he was influenced by the style of Joao Gilberto, but he didn"t release his first album, Louvacao, (3) _______ 1967. He travelled in the 1970s, recorded an album in English (4) _______ in 1980, introduced reggae to Brazil when he released his version of Bob Marley"s song, "No woman, no cry.’ He has played (5) _______ many musicians, while continuing his career as a solo artist. In all he has produced over 40 albums. His music appeals to people because of its rhythms and (6) _______ but people also admire him for his work in politics and for social causes.

1.A. talent                 B. talenting                C. talented                  D. talents

2.A. music                 B. musical                  C. musically               D. musician

3.A. before                B. until                       C. after                       D. in

4.A. but                     B. so                           C. and                         D. or

5.A. for                      B. with                       C. by                          D. to

6.A. melodies            B. songs                                 D. sound


2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Nowadays, teenagers like to watch music videos online. This is now more popular than listening to the radio. Some videos can quickly become extremely popular internationally and reach one billion views. Some music hits get more than 10 million views in less than 20 minutes.

Downloading music is a popular choice for youngsters. People in many countries prefer downloading singles rather than albums. This only costs a small amount of money. Using file-sharing websites to download music is often illegal but some people still continue to get their music this way. Record companies and many musicians are very unhappy that people can listen to their music without paying for it.

What are you and your friends listening to these days? Hip hop dance, rock, heavy metal, rap? Music tastes are very varied amongst teenagers around the world. A shopping centre in the UK recently discovered what kind of music some local teenagers don"t like. This is what happened: shoppers and shop owners complained to the police about teenagers behaving badly there. When a new sound system started playing Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, the antisocial behaviour stopped. The young people who caused problems had gone!


1.     Teenagers prefer listening to the radio to watching videos online nowadays.

2.     Thanks to social media, some artists can become famous quickly.

3.     Downloading music from certain websites is against the law.

4.     In many countries, people tend to download albums instead of singles.

5.     Teenagers all over the world seem to have the same taste in music.

6.     Some young people often behave badly when listening to clasical music.

7.     Clasical music helps solve a problem in a shopping center in the UK.


I. Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences.

1. Beethoven / born / 1770 / Bonn, Germany.


2. He / start / learn piano / age of 4 / and / taught / his father.


3. When/he/22/he/ move / Vienna / study / famous composer Hayden


4. He / start / become / famous composer / when / he/30.


5. He / write / many works / heroes and struggles.


6. his late 20s / he/start / lose his hearing / ond / he / become / quite ill/ during / last years / his life.


7. He / die / age of 57 / Vienna.


8. Beethoven / write / many symphonies / well-known piano sonatas / and / become / master musician / all time.



II. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

1He started playing the guitar six years ago.

A. He has played the guitar for six years.

B. It was six years ago did he start playing the guitar.

C. He hasn"t played the guitar for six years.

D. It is six years since he has played the guitar.

2. They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.

A. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.

B. Their parents never go out in the evening.

C. Their parents do not let them go out in the evening.

D. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.

3. I"ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.

A. If you promise to return the book next week I let you borrow it.

B. If you promised to return the book next week. I"ll let you borrow it.

C. If you promise to return the book next week. I"ll let you borrow it.

D. If you promise to return the book next week, I won"t let you borrow it.

4. They are building a new highway around the city.

A. A new highway is being built around the city.

B. A new highway is been built around the city.

C. A new highway around the city is being built.

D. Around the city a new highway is being built.

5. "Let"s go to the theatre tonight," she suggested.

A. She suggested they to go to the theatre that night.

B. She suggested going to the theatre that night.

C. She suggested that they went to the theatre that night.

D. She suggested that let"s them go to the theatre that night.

6. She prefers staying at home to going out.

A. She likes staying at home to going out.

B. Staying at home is her favourite.

C. She doesn"t like staying at home as much as going out.

D. She would rather stay at home than go out.

7. The band decided to delay their concert because the weather was bad.

A. Despite the bad weather, the band decided to delay their concert.

B. The bad weather made the band delay their concert.

C. The band still performed their concert in the bad weather.

D. The bad weather did not make them delay their concert.

8. Laura went shopping. She didn"t buy anything.

A. Laura went shopping, so she didn"t buy anything.

B. Laura went shopping, or she didn"t buy anything.

C. Laura went shopping, but she didn"t buy anything.

D. Laura went shopping, then she didn"t buy anything.

III. Write an email (120-150 words) to your friend describing your experience at a school music event. Use the following questions as cues for your writing.

1. When and where did the event happen? 

 2. Who did you go with? 

 3. What did you do there? 

 4. How did you feel when attending the event? 

 5. What did you like the most? 

 6. What, if anything, did you dislike about the event? 

Hi …, 

How are you doing? Thave passed all exams and I am feeling very relaxed now.
















1. Complete the following conversations by circling the best answers.

1. Phong: Let"s go to the school concert on Saturday evening, Nam!

    Nam: _______. Where can we meet?

A. I"d love to                           B. I don"t feel like it                            C. I"m sorry

2. Mai: What are you going to do this weekend. Lan?

    Lan: I haven"t got any plans. _______we do something together?

A. Will                                    B. Would                                            C. Shall

3. Peter: _______we talk about the benefits of music in our next presentation?

    Mike: That"s a good idea.

A. Let"s                                    B. What about                                     C. Why don"t

4. Mai: Why don"t you come with me to China?

   Ann: _______ but I"ve already booked another holiday

A. That"s not possible             B. I"d love to                                       C. Sorry. I can"t

5. Nam: Do you have any suggestions for the theme of our music festival?

    Peter: _______Gen Z Music?

A. How about                         B. Is it                                                 C. Why isn"t


                                 -----------THE END----------


                                              UNIT 4: FOR A BETTERCOMMUNITY


I. Listen to an announcement and choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. This non-profit organisation supports _____people and communities.

A. remote                      B. local                        C. poor 

2. They organise job training courses for_____.

A. poor people              B. teenagers                C. old people 

3. They are looking for teenagers who can volunteer_____.

A. on weekdays             B. every day                C. at the weekend 

4. People whose application is successful will be trained by ________volunteers.

A. experienced              B. helpful                    C. young 

5. Volunteers will have a chance to meet teenagers with ___________interests.

A. strong                        B. different                  C. similar 

II. Listen again and decide whether the following statement are True (T) or False (F).
1.  This organisation helps people in the area.
2. Only poor people can get support from the City Centre for Community Development.
3. The centre is looking for volunteers now.

4. The new volunteers will only become members of the local community development network.
5.  The deadline for the application letter is the 1st January.


I. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 

1.         A. homeless                B. provide                   C. donate                                 D. remote 

2.         A. contact                   B. equip                      C. service                                D. interest 

3.         A. benefit                    B. charity                    C. generous                             D. volunteer

4.         A. already                   B. deliver                    C. management                       D. announcement 

5.         A. activity                   B. experience              C. application                         D. appreciate 

6.         A. release                    B. local                       C. hardship                             D. village 

7.         A. purpose                  B. blanket                   C. forward                               D. reward 

8.         A. participate              B. secondary               C. development                      D. immediately 

9.         A. afternoon                B. teenager                  C. orphanage                           D. family 

10.       A. popular                   B. similar                    C. refugee                               D. national 

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 

1.         A. area                         B. beach                      C. peace                                  D. sea 

2.         A. wide                       B. child                       C. unit                                     D. countryside 

3.         A. theatre                    B. thousand                 C. through                               D. though 

4.         A. contest                    B. listen                      C. taste                                                D. coas 

5.         A. activities                B. dishes                     C. buses                                  D. houses 

6.         A. rural                        B. surprise                   C. successful                           D. volunteer

7.         A. application             B. benefit                    C. non-profit                           D. narrow-minded

8.         A. reference                B. remote                    C. reaction                              D. creation

9.         A. area                        B. market                    C. martyr                                 D. archaeology

10.       A. dedicated                B. demonstrate            C. development                      D. delicate

III. Choose the best option A, B, C or D.

1. I particularly have a(n) _______ in working with children.

            A. luck                         B. opportunity             C. chance                                D. interest

2. The win _______ the confidence of the football team.

            A. rose                         B. helped                     C. grew                                   D. boosted

3. They had to sit through _______ meetings, and they felt very tired.

            A. finishing                 B. ending                    C. endless                               D. ends

4. The elderly people in our neighbourhood appreciated the _______ of the place.

            A. cleaning out           B. cleaning away        C. cleaning up                         D. cleaning on

5. Many teenagers _______ their applications to become volunteers in that summer campaign.

            A. give out                  B. give in                    C. send in                                D. send away

6. Many people who _____ think that they are very fortunate to live the way of giving all children

            A. volunteer                B. volunteers              C. volunteering                       D. voluntary

7. I would like to continue to lend my helping hands to achieve the goal of giving all children an equal chance of having _______ futures.

            A. succeed                  B. successive              C. successful                           D. succeeding

8. Last year we _______ in the Community Village project in Mai Chau, Hoa Binh while the disabled artisans _______ to follow their trades.

            A. join – are trying                                         B. joined – were trying          

            C. joined – had tried                                       D. were joining – were trying

9.  During the volunteer programme, they _______ up international understanding while they _______for the needs of the local community.

            A. builds – are working                      B. were building – were working      

            C. were building - worked                  D. built - were building

10. _______ also helped to set up and arrange two retail stalls, selling the products to visitors.

            A. Volunteer               B. Volunteers              C. Volunteering          D. Voluntary

11. If you don"t have time to volunteer, you can__________ money and food.

            A. participate              B. boost                       C. donate                     D. deliver

12. This clean water project will ______________the people in the village.

            A. benefit                    B. donate                     C. raise                        D. volunteer

13. Our club needs more_____________ to clean up the park at the weekend.

            A. spectators               B. assistants                C. volunteers              D. electrician

14. I am ___________________ in community development activities.

            A. interested               B. interesting              C. excited                    D. exciting

15. There are ________________ volunteering opportunities in our community.

            A. excite                     B. excitedly                C. excited                    D. exciting

16. They visit a retirement home and ____ time doing fun activities with the elderly who lack immediate family.

            A. spend                      B. lose                         C. waste                      D. consume

17. Fundraising for charity is a ____ thing for everyone to do to help the community.

            A. meant                     B. meaningful             C. meaningless           D. meaning

18. Both community __ and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.

            A. life                          B. language                 C. performance           D. service

19. We hope that students themselves will enjoy taking part ______ the projects.

            A. in                            B. on                           C. at                            D. for

20. Many international volunteer organizations are trying to find a ____ to the problem of world hunger.

            A. way                         B. method                   C. suggestion              D. solution

21. Chloe_____________ in my wardrobe when I _____________ her. 

            A. hid - found                                                 B. was hiding - found            

            C. was hiding - was finding                            D. hid - was finding 

22. We _____________ many sport cars when we _____________ for the bus. 

            A. saw - were waiting                                     B. were seeing - waited 

            C. saw - waited                                               D. were seeing - were waiting 

23. The taxi driver _____________ very fast when the accident_____________. 

            A. drove was - happening                               B. drove - happened

            C. wasn"t driving - happened                         D. wasn"t driving - was happening

24. My sister _____________ the dishes when it _____________ out of her hand. 

            A. was washing - was slipping                       B. washed - was slipping

            C. washed - slipped                                        D. was washing - slipped 

25. She _____________ the news while I_____________ the ironing.  

            A. was reading - did                                       B. read - did 

            C. read- was doing                                          D. was reading -was doing 

26. While he _____________ the house, he_____________ some glasses 

            A. was cleaning - broke                                  B. was cleaning - was breaking 

            C. cleaned - was breaking                               D. cleaned - broke 

27. The laptop"s battery _____________ out of energy when she _____________ the websites. 

            A. was running - surfed                                  B. ran - was surfing 

            C. was running - was surfing                         D. ran - surfed 

28. Alexandre _____________ out of the window when dark clouds_____________. 

            A. was looking - were appearing                    B. was looking - appeared 

            C. looked - appeared                                       D. looked - were appearing 

29. The photographer _____________ some photos when the model _____________.

            A. was                                                             B. took - acted taking - acted 

            C. took - was acting                                        D. was taking - was acting

30. While our dad _____________ the gardening, my brother _____________ the lesson. 

            A. did - revised                                               B. did -was revising 

            C. was doing - revised                                    D. was doing -was revising               

31. It _____________ to rain while my dad _____________ the flowers in the garden. 

            A. started - was watering                                B. was starting - was watering 

            C. was starting - watered                                D. started - watered 

32. While the children _____________, their parents _____________ social media. 

            A. slept - checked                                           B. slept - were checking 

            C. were sleeping - were checking                   D. were sleeping - checked 

33. The thieves ________ (hide) in the basement when the policeman ________ (surround) in the building. 

            A. hid - was surrounding                                B. were hiding - surrounded 

            C. were hiding - was surrounding                  D. hid - surrounded 

34. He_____________ a lot of friendly people while he _____________ as a volunteer. 

            A. met - worked                                              B. was meeting - worked 

            C. was meeting - was working                       D. met - was working 

35. He _____________ the television, his coat and _____________ out. 

            A. turned off -put on -was walking                B. turned off - put on - walked 

            C. turned off - was putting on - walked          D. was turning off - put on - walked 

36. He_____________ a poor sense of direction and soon _____________ lost in the jungle. 

            A. had -was getting                                         B. was having -got 

            C. had got                                                       D. was having -was getting 

37. Linh _____________ English at university when he _____________ to play the guitar. 

            A. was studying - was learning                      B. studied - was learning 

            C. studied learnt                                              D. was studying - learnt 

38. While Henry _____________ an ice-cream, his sister _____________ with other kids. 

            A. was having -was playing                           B. had -played 

            C. had was playing                                         D. was having was playing 

39. I _____________ (see) a famous celebrity when I_____________ in the supermarket yesterday. 

            A. saw -shopped                                             B. saw - was shopping 

            C. was seeing - shopped                                 D. was seeing -was shopping 

40. She _____________ when I_____________ (have) a shower, so I_____________ the door. 

            A. arrived - had - wasn"t answering                B. was arriving - was having - didn"t answer 

            C. arrived - was having - didn"t answer          D. was arriving - had - wasn"t answering 


IV. Choose the answer which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words.

1. We have made some minor changes to the program. 

            A. small                      B. super                                   C. large                       D. low 

2. Through play children act out and learn how to master situations. 

            A. adapt                      B. become proficient             C. exchange                D. deal with 

3. Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.

            A. aspect                     B. field                                    C. foundation             D. weakness 

4. We"ve had to make some adjustments to original calculations. 

            A. derivative               B. premier                               C. modified                 D. first 

5. His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of the disease. 

            A. kept                        B. added                                  C. deducted                 D. divided 

Choose the answer which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words.

1. The community is appealing to everyone to save water. 

            A. rescue                     B. waste                                  C. use                         D. store 

2. You can"t be dependent on your parents all your life. 

            A. related                    B. reliant                                 C. helpless                  D. independent 

3. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand. 

            A. enough                   B. adequate                             C. poor                        D. abundant 


4. He closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else. 

            A. unwillingly             B. freely                                  C. readily                    D. intentionally 

5. There have been some fundamental structural changes in society. 

            A. nonessential           B. basic                                   C. important                D. foundational 

V. Choose the underlined words that need correction. 

1. People no longer live-in small communities to the same extent than they used to

                                   A                                    B                                 C                 D 

2. Added training is probably the best way to further your career these days

        A                                B                                 C                               D

3. The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymously.

      A                          B                                                        C                                    D

4. Arranged childcare over the school holidays can be quite a problem for working parents. 

           A                          B                                                 C                  D

5. The city developed fast in the past years, and lots of people come, and lots of people come to seek

                        A                     B                      C                                                                     D



VI- Supply the correct form of the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous. 

1. When she ______________ (open) the door, it ______________ (rain). 

2. While I ______________ (study), I ______________ (suddenly feel) sleepy. 

3. We ______________ (listen) to music when my mother ______________ (phone). 

4. Anna ______________ (have) a shower when her phone ______________ (ring). 

5. When I ______________ (go) to school, it ______________ (start) to rain. 

6. The electricity ______________ (go) out when Jim ______________ (read) in his room. 

7. ______________ (you think) of her when she ______________ (call) you? 

8. They ______________ (wait) for me when I ______________ (arrive). 

9. He ______________ (climb) a mountain when the storm ______________ (begin). 

10. While Brian ______________ (drive), he ______________ (see) saw an accident. 


VII. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets. 

1. She received a refund on the __________________ tickets.                     (use) 

2. Julia was an __________________ and lived with her aunt when she was a child. (orphanage) 

3. He underwent a lot of hardships in his __________________. (child) 

4. The flat has four separate bedrooms and a __________________ kitchen.  (commune) 

5. It"s scary to see the __________________ river carried trees along. (flood) 

6. This is the biggest __________________ we"ve had up to now.      (donate) 

7. Governments are constantly striving to create __________________. (equal) 

8. They are a poor and __________________ nation.                                (develop) 

9. She is currently a __________________ worker at the hospital.              (volunteer) 

10. The entire organization is funded by __________________ donations.             (charity) 


VIII- Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

            Projects Abroad Vietnam is a Non-Governmental Organization. Its main placements mainly focus on providing care for children with disabilities, and its main partners include Hanoi Friendship Village, Hope Center, Phuc Tue Center for intellectual disabled children, etc.     

            Standards of cleanliness and sanitation in care centres can often be quite poor. Many of the children that attend daycare facilities also come from low-income families where this isn"t a priority. This means that the spread of infections and sickness is common. We educate and run activities to promote proper hygiene, with the aim of improving overall health in these care centres.

            We aim to promote a lifestyle of proper nutrition, exercise and medical care and life skill education targeting healthy behaviour. Our health education programme also includes gender education. Volunteers are encouraged to include physical activities in their daily routines, promoting healthy foods as well as good hygiene practices.

            It has been shown that a lack of stimulation in early years, particularly in situations of poverty or neglect, can lead to delayed development later in life. With that in mind, we aim to improve the emotional and cognitive development of the children we work with through regular games, activities and interaction with our volunteers, while taking care to include and offer the same level of attention to each child.

            In Viet Nam, there are very limited resources made available for people with disabilities. Those with disabilities can be marginalized and have severely restricted opportunities when it comes to finding work. This has a huge impact on their quality of life. By providing individualized care and attention, we can give more specialized and worthwhile treatment to those who are most in need.

1. The project tries to improve healthcare by_____________.

            A. recording poor standards of cleanliness and sanitation in care centres

            B. making daycare facilities available for low-income families

            C. encouraging proper hygiene to improve overall health

            D. educating and running activities to promote the quality of care centres

2. In order to promote healthy behaviour, volunteers should include the promotion of _____________.

            A. physical activities, proper nutrition, and life skill education

            B. focusing on gender education only

            C. healthy foods as well as good hygiene practices for volunteers

            D. their daily routines to follow healthy foods as well as good hygiene practices

3. Volunteers offer_____________ to children to improve their emotional and cognitive development

            A. stimulation in early years

            B. later development in life

            C. the same level of interaction

            D. regular games, activities and interaction

4. The programme provides __________to disabled people so that they can find work more easily.

            A. opportunities to limited resources B. a huge impact on their quality of life

            C. specific care and attention D. the emotional and cognitive development

5. The word "marginalized" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_____________.

            A. put in the outer part

            B. treated as if someone is not important

            C. being different from the others

            D. put in many activities.


IX/Write a paragraph about a volunteer work/ volunteer works you have done for a better community.

         You should base on the suggestions below:

                  1. What was it?

                  2. When/where did you do it?

                  3. What did you do?

                  4. Who did you do it with?

                  5. What did you think about the work? What is the result of your work?














-----------THE END--------




I. Listen to a conversation about RoboVacuum. Fill in each gap in the diagram below with ONE word.
To clean the whole (1) _______

To remove dirty (2) ________

To start or (3) ________ the device


I. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 

1.         A. internet                   B. energy                    C. battery                                D. computer

2.         A. factory                    B. processor                C. pollution                             D. atmosphere

3.         A. motorbike               B. appliance                C. memory                              D. company

4.         A. telephone                B. researcher               C. invention                            D. equipment

5.         A. transmission           B. century                   C. chemical                             D. Holiday


II.  Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 

1.         A. mouth                     B. amount                   C. ground                                D. ought

2.         A. intelligent              B. profile                    C. science                               D. versatile

3.         A. webs                       B. trips                        C. chefs                                   D. disks

4.         A. benefit                    B. generous                 C. inventor                              D. video

5.         A. weigh                     B. rough                      C. cough                                  D. laugh

III- Use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences.

1. Mozart is remembered by a street __________________ after him.                                 (name)

2. His parents ran a __________________ and publishing company.                                   (print)

3. Television is a __________________ means of diffusing knowledge.                             (power)

4. The world is being transformed by __________________ technology.                            (inform)

5. I don"t think technology in music will drive __________________ to extinction.              (create)

6. The car is __________________ but humans must drive it in case emergencies.             (drive)

7. Interior __________________ always want to keep up to date with the late trends.             (design)

8. Companies protect their intellectual property with __________________ and trademarks.     (patent)

9. RAM random access memory - is the temporary __________________ component of a computer. (store)

10. Science and technology empower humans to control natural forces __________________            (effect)

IV-Choose the best option A, B, C or D.

1. It is thought that Google ________ cars may transform the way we move around cities in the future.

            A. driving                   B. driver                      C. motionless              D. driverless

2. Retinal implants are meant to partially restore vision to people who have lost their ________.

            A. view                       B. scene                      C. scenery                   D. sight

3. Biotech drugs, which are ________ from living cells, provide some of the best efforts at curing diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer"s, Parkinson"s, and HIV.

            A. done                       B. made                       C. caused                    D. formed

4. The cocoons of silkworms were first used ________ silk by the Chinese.

            A. to make                  B. for make                 C. to making               D. to be made

5. Paper was first ________ to make paper money, playing cards or the world"s oldest book the Diamond Sutra - in the 2nd century by the Chinese.

            A. to invent                 B. inventing                C. being invented       D. invented

6. The magnetic compass was first used to determine the correct ________ by the Chinese.

            A. way                         B. road                         C. path                         D. direction

7. Gunpowder was first used to make beautiful displays of ________ for celebrations in the 9th

century by the Chinese.

            A. firing                      B. fires                        C. fireworks                D. firework

8. IBM Watson is an artificially intelligent computer system ________ of answering questions posed in natural language.

            A. capable                   B. aware                      C. able                         D. fond

9. YouTube ________ to become the world"s most popular video-sharing website since 2005.

            A. grows                     B. grew                       C. has grown               D. have grown

10. Apple iPad ________ the single most popular tablet PC ever since 2010.

            A. has existed             B. has stayed               C. has remained          D. has continued

11. The screen will ________ the username in the top right-hand corner.

            A. store                       B. display                    C. install                     D. promote

12. The laptop is not working because you haven"t ________ it yet.

            A. changed                  B. charged                   C. pressed                   D. put

13. The scientists ________ important research in the laboratory.

            A. put out                    B. go out                     C. hand out                 D. carry out

14. You can send and receive e-mails from a ________.

            A. charger                   B. printer                    C. smartphone             D. USB

15. Many young people carry a pair of earbuds as they are small, light, and ________.

            A. chargeable              B. economical             C. portable                  D. transferable

16. Modern smartphones nowadays do not have many ________ to look better.

            A. buttons                   B. keyboards               C. screens                   D. pens

17. Be careful when using electrical ________.

            A. equipment              B. experiment             C. experience              D. exception

18. Andy should install this ___________ on her smartphone. It helps to make her photos more beautiful.

            A. hardware                B. software                 C. device                     D. equipment

19. If you have an ____________, you don"t have to bring all those heavy books in your bag.

            A. correction pen        B. e-book reader         C. digital camera        D. earbuds

20. I think this is a _____________ problem. The computer screen is broken.

            A. hardware                B. software                 C. device                     D. equipment

21. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to ________ time while doing housework.

            A. kill                          B. save                         C. spend                      D. waste

22. A robot vacuum cleaner is a _____________ device in your home. It makes housework less tiring.

            A. help                         B. helpless                  C. helpful                    D. helpfully

23. It is convenient for you to read ________ when you travel.

            A. e-books                  B. laptops                    C. online game            D. smartphones

24. 3-D is used to produce complex tools and components.

            A. print                       B. printing                  C. printer                    D. blueprint

25. I ________ to school every day for the last two weeks.

            A. walked                    B. have walked           C. walk                        D. was walking

26. It is very difficult ________ because it smells horrible.
            A. for breathe                                                 B. to me for breathing

C. for me breathing                                         D. for me to breathe
27. The manager decided ________ in their personal discussions.
            A. to not participating                                    B. not participating   

C. not to participate                                        D. to not participate
28. Jacky ________ in Seoul for five years, but he ________ in 2021.
            A. lived – left             B. has lived – left       C. lived - has left        D. has lived - has left
29. My friend promised ________ the time to help me ________.

            A. to find – moving    B. finding – move       C. finding - to move   D. to find - move
30. This rule is ___________ the usage of infinitives.

            A. enough useful understanding                     B. useful enough understanding

            C. useful enough to understand                      D. enough useful to understand
31. I ________ my key some hours ago, so I ________ into the house.

            A. lost - couldn"t get   B. have lost couldn"t get         C. lost - could get       D. have lost - could get

Created by: Mr Thanh (0369904425)

32. Making friends ________ more difficult since I ________ a new city.

            A. become – moved                                        B. has become
            C. became - have moved                                D. became moved
33. Facebook is used ________ among the young.

            A. communicate         B. communicating      C. to communicate     D. to communicating

34. It"s no good ________ him the truth now.

            A. not to tell                B. tell                          C. telling                     D. to tell

35. Most of my friends enjoy ________ football on television.

            A. watch                      B. to watch                  C. watching                 D. watched

36. He reminded me ________ to give the book back to John

            A. not forget               B. not to forget           C. forgot                     D. forgetting

37. It"s important ________ too much about your failure.

            A. not to worry           B. not worry                C. not worrying to      D. don’t worry

38. Mary often watches YouTube videos to study how ________ a dish or make a cake.

            A. cook                       B. cooking                  C. to cook                   D. to cooking

39. ________ is better than ________, so keep your hands busy.

            A. Do – say                 B. To do – saying       C. Doing - to say        D. Doing saying

40. They ________ reporting the results of the competition until they were sure.

            A. delayed                   B. have delayed                      C. were delaying         D. delay
41. "Where"s Tony?" "He ________ to the travel agent"s, and he hasn"t come back."

            A. has been                 B. has been going                   C. had done                 D. would do

42. We think they ________ all that is necessary.

            A. have done               B. doing                                  C. has gone                 D. had gone

43. I"d like to see that football match because I ________ one this year.

            A. don"t see                 B. can"t see                              C. hardly see               D. haven"t seen

44. I can"t believe that you ________ all the three exercises. You just started five minutes ago.

            A. have finished          B. have been finishing            C. finished                  D. are finishing

45. Up to now, the discount ________ to children under ten years old.

            A. has only applied     B. only applies                        C. was only applied    D. only applied

46. Tom often watches TV after his parents ________ to bed.

            A. had gone                 B. have gone                           C. go                           D. went

47. Their children ________ lots of new friends since they ________ to that town.

            A. have made moved              B. were making- have moved

            C. made are moving               D. made have been moving

48. Jane is a wonderful singer. Her mother tells me that she ________ professionally since she was four.

            A. has been sung         B. was singing                         C. is singing                D. has been singing

49. He ________ off alone a month ago, and ________ of since

            A. set - hasn"t been heard                                            B. was setting hasn"t heard

            C. set- hasn"t heard                                                     D. was setting- hadn"t been heard

50. None of the students ________ to class yet.

            A. are coming             B. hadn"t come                         C. haven"t come          D. have come

V- Choose the underlined words that need correction.
1. I haven"t seen her for over ten years and then I bumped into her yesterday.
                A                          B                      C                    D
2. He successfully has fixed many different types of computerso I think he"s an expert.
                              A                                                                   B         C                D
3. Astronauts say unmanned flights into space can make important and excited discoveries.
                                        A                       B                                        C                    D
4. I am pleased to tell you that your application for the post of salesman have been successful.
                         A                    B                                  C                                              D
5. Scientists have used genetic engineers to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing.
                             A                              B                                                C                                  D
VI- Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.


The Advantages of Using Wi-Fi on Your Smartphone

            Wi-Fi is a method for devices such as smartphones to connect wirelessly to the Internet using radio waves. Connecting to the Internet using Wi-Fi requires a hotspot, but it is always faster than the 3G cellular networks which smartphones can also use to connect, and occasionally faster than 4G. Using Wi-Fi when it is available can also prove to be cheaper and make your phone run more efficiently in the long run than relying on cellular networks.

            When you use a Wi-Fi network to access the Internet from your phone, the data usage does not count against your bundled data. Mobile providers often allocate a certain amount of data for free each month and charge you a fee for any data usage beyond this. By connecting via Wi-Fi wherever it is available, you can save your bundled data for situations when you might not be close to any Wi-Fi hotspots.

            In many situations, your speed using a strong, dedicated Wi-Fi connection is faster than that of using your mobile network. It is very noticeable when transferring larger files. If you need to download large files or stream media to your smartphone in a hurry, it is much better to do so via Wi-Fi.

            Battery life is extremely important for smartphones because you will not be able to connect to the Internet or use certain functions such as the camera flash if your battery is too low. Using Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet drains less battery life than using a mobile network, especially in situations where the cellular coverage fluctuates. Since Wi-Fi is generally faster than using mobile networks, you will also not spend as much time transferring the data, which further decreases battery usage.

1. The following are the advantages of using Wi-Fi on your smartphone EXCEPT that ______.

            A. it does not need a hotspot to connect all your mobile devices

            B. it is faster than the 3G cellular networks

            C. it is cheaper than using the 3G networks

            D. it makes your phone run more efficiently in the long run

2. By using Wi-Fi, you ______.

            A. can use all your bundled data for free

            B. can use a certain amount of data for free each month

            C. may stay under the data capacity allocated by mobile providers

            D. save your bundled data for situations when you use a Wi-Fi network

3. A Wi-Fi connection offers ______.

            A. better large files     B. faster smartphones C. no need for hurry   D. better speeds

4. Using Wi-Fi offers longer battery life because ______.

            A. you will be able to connect to other devices when your battery is now

            B. it required less time with the same task than using mobile networks

            C. the Internet harms the battery life so much

            D. it required so little energy while the cellular coverage fluctuates

5. The word “drains” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

            A. improves    B. saves           C. increases     D. reduces


----------THE END---------


 Trường: THPT QUANG TRUNG        Họ tên giáo viên: HỒ THỊ HỒNG DIỆU

Tổ: GDCD                                          

Ngày soạn: 22/11/2022

Lớp dạy: 10/3, 10/4, 10/5, 10/6   






Câu 1: Trong các hoạt động kinh tế, hoạt động nào đóng vai trò trung gian, kết nối người sản xuất với người tiêu dùng?

A. Hoạt động vận chuyển - tiêu dùng              B. Hoạt động phân phối - trao đổi

C. Hoạt động sản xuất - vận chuyển               D. Hoạt động sản xuất - tiêu thụ

Câu 2: Những người sản xuất để cung cấp hàng hóa, dịch vụ ra thị trường đáp ứng nhu cầu tiêu dùng của xã hội được gọi là chủ thể

A. phân phối.              B. sản xuất.               

C. nhà nước.               D. tiêu dùng.

Câu 3: Theo phạm vi của quan hệ mua bán, thị trường được phân chia thành thị trường

A. trong nước và quốc tế.                              B. hoàn hảo và không hoàn hảo.

C. truyền thống và trực tuyến.                        D. cung  - cầu về hàng hóa.

Câu 4: Trong nền kinh tế hàng hóa, giá cả thị trường được hình thành thông qua việc thỏa thuận giữa các chủ thể kinh tế tại

A. quốc gia giàu có.                                      B. thời điểm cụ thể.

C. một cơ quan nhà nước.                              D. một địa điểm giao hàng.

Câu 5: Theo quy định của Luật ngân sách thì ngân sách địa phương là các khoản thu và các khoản chi ngân sách nhà nước thuộc nhiệm vụ chi của cấp.

A. nhà nước.               B. địa phương            

C. địa phương             D. trung ương.

Câu 6: Việc tạo lập và sử dụng ngân sách nhà nước được tiến hành trên cơ sở

A. Luật Ngân sách nhà nước.                         B. nguyện vọng của nhân dân.

C. tác động của quần chúng                           D. ý chí của nhà nước.

Câu 7: Những người có thu nhập cao trong doanh nghiệp phải trích một khoản tiền từ phần thu nhập để nộp vào ngân sách nhà nước theo loại thuế gì?

A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng.                                 B. Thuế thu nhập cá nhân.

C. Thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt.                              D. Thuế nhập khẩu.

Câu 8: Thuế là một khoản nộp ngân sách nhà nước có tính chất gì?

A. Bắt buộc.               B. Tự nguyện.             C. Không bắt buộc.     D. Cưỡng chế.

Câu 9: Doanh nghiệp do một cá nhân làm chủ và tự chịu trách nhiệm bằng toàn bộ tài sản của mình về mọi hoạt động của doanh nghiệp là nội dung của khái niệm doanh nghiệp nào dưới đây?

A. Doanh nghiệp tư nhân.                            B. Công ty hợp danh.

C. Liên minh hợp tác xã.                              D. Công ty cổ phần

Câu 10: Một trong những đặc điểm của doanh nghiệp là có tính

A. tổ chức.                 B. phi lợi nhuận.         C. tính nhân đạo.         D. tự phát.

Câu 11: Một trong những vai trò của tín dụng là huy động nguồn vốn nhàn dỗi vào

A. cá độ bóng đá.                                          B. lừa đảo chiếm đoạt tài sản.

C. sản xuất kinh doanh.                                 D. các dịch vụ đỏ đen.

Câu 12: Một trong những đặc điểm của tín dụng là có tính

A. một phía.               B. tạm thời.                C. cưỡng chế.             D. bắt buộc.

Câu 13: Một trong những căn cứ quan trọng để thực hiện hình thức tín dụng cho vay thế chấp được thực hiện là người vay phải có

A. đầy đủ quan hệ nhân thân.                         B. tài sản đảm bảo.

C. địa vị chính trị.                                         D. tư cách pháp nhân.

Câu 14: Hình thức tín dụng nào trong đó người cho vay là các tổ chức tín dụng và người vay là người tiêu dùng nhằm tạo điều kiện để thỏa mãn các nhu cầu về mua sắm hàng hóa

A. tư nhân.                 B. thương mại.            C. nhà nước.               D. tiêu dùng.

Câu 15: Toàn bộ những vấn đề liên quan đến thu nhập, chi tiêu, tiết kiệm, đầu tư…của mỗi người được gọi là

A. tài chính doanh nghiệp.                             B. tài chính gia đình.

C. tài chính thương mại.                                D. tài chính cá nhân.

Câu 16: Bản kế hoạch về thu chi ngân sách nhằm thực hiện một mục tiêu tài chính trong một thời gian từ 3 đến 6 tháng được gọi là

A. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân vô thời hạn.     B. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân ngắn hạn.

C. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân trung hạn.        D. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân dài hạn.

Câu 17: Hoạt động nào sau đây được coi là hoạt động sản xuất ?

    A. Anh P xây nhà.                                        B. Ong xây tổ.

    C. M nghe nhạc.                                          D. Chim tha mồi về tổ.

Câu 18: Đối tượng nào dưới đây không đóng vai trò là chủ thể trung gian?

A. Người môi giới việc làm.                          B. Nhà phân phối.

C. Người mua hàng.                                      D. Đại lý bán lẻ.

Câu 19: Nội dung nào dưới đây không phải là chức năng của thị trường?

A. Cung cấp hàng hoá, dịch vụ ra thị trường.

B. Điều tiết, kích thích hoặc hạn chế sản xuất và tiêu dùng.

C. Cung cấp thông tin cho người sản xuất và người tiêu dùng.

D. Thừa nhận công dụng xã hội của hàng hoá

Câu 20: Giá cả thị trường không chịu tác động của yếu tố nào dưới đây

A. Quy luật giá trị.                                        B. Niềm tin tôn giáo.

C. Quan hệ cung cầu sản phẩm.                     D. Thị hiếu người tiêu dùng.

Câu 21: Ngân sách nhà nước không gồm các khoản chi nào?

A. Chi cải cách tiền lương.                            B. Các khoản chi quỹ từ thiện.

C. Bổ sung Quỹ dự trữ tài chính.                    D. Dự phòng ngân sách nhà nước.

Câu 22: Loại thuế nào dưới đây là hình thức thuế trực thu?

A. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp.                     B. Thuế giá trị gia tăng.

C. Thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt.                              D. Thuế bảo vệ môi trường.

Câu 23: Một trong những ưu điểm của mô hình sản xuất hộ kinh doanh là

A. có nguồn vốn lớn.                                     B. dễ tạo việc làm.

C. dễ trốn thuế.                                             D. sử dụng nhiều lao động.

Câu 24: Nội dung nào dưới đây không phản ánh vai trò của tín dụng ?

A. Là công cụ điều tiết kinh tế xã hội .            B. Hạn chế bớt tiêu dùng.

C. Nâng cao hiệu quả sử dụng vốn.                D. Thúc đẩy sản xuất, lưu thông.

Câu 25: Hình thức tín dụng nào Nhà nước là chủ thể vay tiền và có nghĩa vụ trả nợ?

A. Tín dụng nhà nước.                                  B. Tín dụng ngân hàng.

C. Tín dụng thương mại.                               D. Tín dụng tiêu dùng.

Câu 26: Hình thức vay tín dụng ngân hàng nào sau đây người vay phải trả lãi hàng tháng và một phần nợ gốc?

A. Vay thấu chi.          B. Vay tín chấp.          C. Vay thế chấp.         D. Vay trả góp.

Câu 27: Cá nhân muốn tiết kiệm một khoản tiền trong vòng 5 tháng nên lựa chọn loại kế hoạch tài chính nào sau đây?

A. Kế hoạch dài hạn.                                     B. Kế hoạch vô thời hạn.

C. Kế hoạch trung hạn.                                  D. Kế hoạch ngắn hạn.

Câu 28: Việc làm nào dưới đây thể hiện cá nhân có kỹ năng lập và thực hiện kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân?

A. Ghi chép cụ thể các khoản cần chi tiêu.      B. Tiêu đến đâu thì lo đến đấy

C. Tự do tiêu tiền sau đó xin bố mẹ.               D. Sử dụng thẻ tín dụng không giới hạn.

Câu 29: Trong nền kinh tế, việc tiến hành phân chia các yếu tố sản xuất cho các đơn vị sản xuất khác nhau để tạo ra sản phẩm được gọi là

A. trao đổi trong sản xuất.                             B. tiêu dùng cho sản xuất.

C. sản xuất của cải vật chất.                           D. phân phối cho sản xuất

Câu 30: Trong nền kinh tế hàng hóa, người tiến hành các hoạt động mua hàng hóa, dịch vụ để thỏa mãn các nhu cầu tiêu dùng cá nhân được gọi là

A. chủ thể tiêu dùng.                                     B. chủ thể trung gian. 

C. chủ thể nhà nước                                      D. chủ thể sản xuất.

Câu 31: Các loại thị trường nào dưới đây được hình thành dựa trên vai trò của đối tượng giao dịch, mua bán

A. Thị trường gạo, cà phê, thép.                     B. Thị trường tiêu dùng, lao động.

C. Thị trường hoàn hảo và không hoàn hảo.    D. Thị trường trong nước và quốc tế.

Câu 32: Trong nền kinh tế hàng hóa, giá bán thực tế của hàng hoá trên thị trường được gọi là

A. giá trị sử dụng.       B. giá trị hàng hóa.      C. giá cả thị trường.     D. giả cả nhà nước

Câu 33: Theo quy định của Luật ngân sách thì ngân sách trung ương là các khoản thu và các khoản chi ngân sách nhà nước thuộc nhiệm vụ chi của cấp

A. địa phương                                              B. trung ương.            

C. nhà nước.                                                D. tỉnh, huyện

Câu 34: Theo quy định của Luật ngân sách thì ngân sách nhà nước được dự toán và thực hiện trong một khoảng thời gian là bao lâu?

A. Một quý.                                                 B. Hai năm.

C. Một năm.                                                 D. Năm năm

Câu 35: Loại thuế nhằm điều tiết việc sản xuất và tiêu dùng xã hội cũng như nhập khẩu hàng hoá được gọi là gì?

A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng.                                 B. Thuế thu nhập cá nhân.

C. Thuế nhập khẩu.                                       D. Thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt.

Câu 36: Một trong những vai trò của thuế biểu hiện ở việc, nhà nước sử dụng thuế là một trong những công cụ để

A. điều tiết sản xuất.                                     B. triệt tiêu sản xuất.

C. thu hồi vốn đầu tư.                                    D. phân bổ vốn đầu tư.

Câu 37: Mô hình kinh tế nào dưới đây dựa trên hình thức đồng sở hữu, do ít nhất 7 thành viên tự nguyện thành lập và hợp tác tương trợ lẫn nhau trong hoạt động sản xuất, kinh doanh?

A. Công ty hợp danh                                     B. Hộ kinh doanh.

C. Hộ gia đình.                                             D. Hợp tác xã.

Câu 38: Một trong những vai trò quan trọng của sản xuất kinh doanh là góp phần

A. giải quyết việc làm.                                  B. tàn phá môi trường.

C. duy trì thất nghiệp.                                   D. thúc đẩy khủng hoảng.

Câu 39: Tín dụng là khái niệm thể hiện quan hệ kinh tế giữa chủ thể sở hữu (người cho vay) và chủ thể sử dụng nguồn vốn nhàn rỗi (người vay), theo nguyên tắc hoàn trả có kỳ hạn

A. nguyên phần gốc ban đầu.                         B. nguyên phần lãi phải trả.

C. đủ số vốn ban đầu.                                    D. cả vốn gốc và lãi.

Câu 40: Một trong những vai trò của tín dụng là

A. bần cùng hóa người đi vay nợ.                   B. tăng lượng vốn đầu tư sản xuất.

C. kiềm chế việc làm trái pháp luật.                D. tư bản hóa chủ thể cho vay nợ.

Câu 41: Chủ thể cho vay của tín dụng nhà nước đó là

A. người nước ngoài.   B. doanh nghiệp.         C. người dân.              D. nhà nước.

Câu 42: Quan hệ tín dụng bằng tiền giữa một bên là ngân hàng với một bên là các chủ thể kinh tế dựa trên nguyên tắc thỏa thuận và có hoàn trả được gọi là dịch vụ tín dụng

A. tiêu dùng.               B. doanh nghiệp.         C. ngân hàng.             D. cá nhân.

Câu 43: Bản kế hoạch thu chi giúp quản lí tiền bạc của cá nhân bao gồm các quyết định về hoạt động tài chính như thu nhập, chi tiêu, tiết kiệm, đầu tư,... để thực hiện những mục tiêu tài chính của cá nhân được gọi là

A. Kế hoạch tài chính gia đình.                      B. Kế hoạch tài chính doanh nghiệp.

C. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân                        D. Kế hoạch phân bổ ngân sách.

Câu 44: Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân ngắn hạn thường gắn với khoảng thời gian là

A. dưới 12 tháng.        B. dưới 3 tháng.          C. dưới 10 tháng.        D. dưới 26 tháng.

Câu 45: Trong nền kinh tế thị trường, việc làm nào dưới đây của các chủ thể kinh tế gắn liền với hoạt động phân phối ?

A. Công ty A điều chỉnh cơ cấu mặt hàng sản xuất.

B. Công ty A điều chỉnh nhiệm vụ các nhân viên.

C. Công ty A điều chỉnh cơ cấu nhân sự công ty.

D. Công ty A nhập nguyên liệu để tăng ca sản xuất.

Câu 46: Trong nền kinh tế, chủ thể nào dưới đây đóng vai trò là chủ thể trung gian khi tham gia vào các quan hệ kinh tế?

A. Hộ kinh tế gia đình.                                  B. Ngân hàng nhà nước.

C. Nhà đầu tư bất động sản.                           D. Trung tâm siêu thị điện máy.

Câu 47: Khi thấy giá bất động sản tăng, anh B đã bán căn nhà mà trước đó anh đã mua nên thu được lợi nhuận cao. Anh B đã vận dụng chức năng nào dưới đây của thị trường?

A. Lưu thông.                                               B. Thanh toán.           

C. Đại diện.                                                  D. Thông tin.

Câu 48: Nhận định nào dưới đây nói về nhược điểm của cơ chế thị trường.

A. Thúc đẩy phát triển kinh tế.                       B. Kích thích đổi mới công nghệ.

C. Làm cho môi trường bị suy thoái.              D. Khai thác tối đa mọi nguồn lực.

Câu 49: Theo quy định của Luật ngân sách, Ngân sách nhà nước gồm khoản chi nào dưới đây?

A. Cân đối từ hoạt động xuất nhập khẩu.        B. Chi đầu tư phát triển.

C. Chi quỹ bảo trợ quốc tế.                            D. Chi quỹ bảo trợ trẻ em.

Câu 50: Loại thuế nào dưới đây là hình thức thuế gián thu?

A. Thuế xuất nhập khẩu.                               B. Thuế thu nhập cá nhân.

C. Thuế sử dụng đất phi nông nghiệp             D. Thuế sử dụng đất nông nghiệp

Câu 51: Một trong những hạn chế của mô hình sản xuất hộ kinh doanh là

A. khó đầu tư trang thiết bị.                           B. dễ quản lý sản xuất.

C. sử dụng nhiều lao động.                            D. tạo ra nhiều việc làm.

Câu 52: Nội dung nào sau đây không phản ánh đặc điểm của tín dụng ?

A. Dựa trên sự tin tưởng.                               B. Tính hoàn trả.

C. Tính tạm thời.                                          D. Tính bắt buộc.

Câu 53: Hình thức tín dụng trong đó người cho vay dựa vào uy tín của người vay, không cần tài sản bảo đảm là hình thức tín dụng nào dưới đây?

A. Tín dụng đen.                                           B. Cho vay trả góp.

C. Cho vay tín chấp.                                     D. Cho vay thế chấp.

Câu 54: Hình thức tín dụng nào dưới đây không có sự tham gia của hệ thống ngân hàng?

A. Tín dụng thương mai.                               B. Tín dụng ngân hàng.

C. Tín dụng nhà nước.                                  D. Cho vay thế chấp.

Câu 55: Cá nhân không thể hiện tốt kỹ năng lập và thực hiện kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân khi thực hiện hành vi nào dưới đây?

A. Xây dựng kế hoạch chi tiêu cụ thể.

B. Cân nhắc cụ thể các khoản chi tiêu.

C. Tự do tiêu tiền trong thẻ của bố mẹ.

D. Tính toán những khoản cần thiết để tiêu dùng.

Câu 56: Bản kế hoạch về thu chi ngân sách nhằm thực hiện một mục tiêu tài chính trong một thời gian dưới 3 tháng được gọi là

A. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân dài hạn.           B. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân vô thời hạn.

C. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân trung hạn.        D. Kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân ngắn hạn.


Câu 1 ( 2 điểm):  Trước diễn biến phức tạp của dịch bệnh COVID-19, nhu cầu tiêu dùng khẩu trang và dung dịch nước sát khuẩn của xã hội tăng nhanh trong khi nguồn cung cấp không tăng theo kịp, dẫn đến hiện tượng khan hiếm hàng hoá và tăng giá sản phẩm. Nhiều chủ thể sản xuất ngành dệt may và sản xuất các sản phẩm tiêu dùng đã chuyển một phần nguồn lực của mình sang đầu tư sản xuất khẩu trang và nước sát khuẩn, phục vụ tiêu thụ nội địa và xuất khẩu đồng thời gia tăng lợi nhuận và phát huy tối đa nguồn lực sản xuất của bản thân.

a) Nếu xét theo đối tượng giao dịch và phạm vi giao dịch, thông tin trong trường hợp trên đề cập đến những loại thị trường nào?

b) Qua thông tin đó, em nhận thấy thị trường đã thể hiện chức năng gì đối người sản xuất kinh doanh?

Câu 2 ( 1 điểm):  Lan đặt mục tiêu thi đỗ vào một trường đại học chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin. Sau khi ra trường, Lan đặt mục tiêu tìm một công việc ổn định, lập kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân cho tiêu dùng, tiết kiệm và đầu tư. Dự định lâu dài có thể mua được nhà trên thành phố và tiếp tục học thêm kĩ năng công nghệ thông tin.

Em hãy cho biết những loại kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân nào được đề cập ở trường hợp trên. Theo em, để đạt được những mục tiêu tài chính cá nhân đã đề ra, mỗi người cần tuân thủ kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân như thế nào?

Câu 3 ( 2 điểm):  Đại dịch COVID-19 đã làm thay đổi nhiều thói quen của người tiêu dùng, trong đó có thói quen mua hàng. Các biện pháp phòng ngừa dịch bệnh như giãn cách xã hội, hạn chế tiếp xúc.... khiến việc đặt hàng trên thiết bị di động, giao hàng tại địa chỉ của khách hàng trở nên phù hợp và thuận tiện hơn. Sự thay đổi này đã làm phổ biển một phương thức mới của việc mua và bán trên thị trường. Để thích ứng với xu hướng và cách thức tiêu dùng mới của người dân, các doanh nghiệp cũng phải sáng tạo, phản ứng nhanh. Theo đó, thay đổi mô hình kinh doanh, từ sản xuất đến phân phối, vận chuyển, tiêu thụ, là giải pháp tốt nhất giúp doanh nghiệp phát triển trong tình hình mới.

a) Thông tin trong trường hợp trên cho em biết điều gì về phương thức giao dịch mới trên thị trường? Loại thị trường mới này có tên gọi là gì?

b) Em hãy mô tả một vài đặc điểm chính của phương thức giao dịch mới trên thị trường. So với phương thức giao dịch truyền thống, phương thức mới này có ưu thế hơn ở những điểm nào?

Câu 4 ( 1 điểm):  Bắt đầu lên lớp 10, Lan lập kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân để đạt được các mục tiêu đề ra. Hằng tháng, Lan lập kế hoạch chi tiêu của cá nhân để cân đối chi tiêu hợp lí. Mọi khoản chi tiêu đều được Lan phân chia rõ ràng như chi phí sinh hoạt, chi phí học hành, giải trí và một phần tiết kiệm. Với số tiền tiết kiệm được trong 1 năm. Lan định lên lớp 11 sẽ mua một khoá học ôn thi trực tuyến.

Em hãy cho biết những loại kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân nào được đề cập ở trường hợp trên. Theo em, để đạt được những mục tiêu tài chính cá nhân đã đề ra, mỗi người cần tuân thủ kế hoạch tài chính cá nhân như thế nào?

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