Ngày 25-04-2024 12:02:49

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ với trường chúng tôi theo mẫu dưới :
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Nội dung

Lượt truy cập : 6686868
Số người online: 17
GV chọn một số bài báo học sinh để Kiểm tra gữa kỳ I. Sau dó sử dụng một số nội dung để KT HKI do chương trình có hạn chế vì Covid-19. HT.


I. Chương I: Nguyên tử
1. Thành phần nguyên tử: nguyên tử gồm lớp vỏ electron mang điện tích âm và hạt nhân mang điện tích dương
a. Lớp vỏ: Bao gồm các electron mang điện tích âm.
- Điện tích: qe = -1,602.10-19C = 1-
- Khối lượng: me = 9,1095.10-31 kg 
b. Hạt nhân: Bao gồm các proton và các nơtron
-. Proton
- Điện tích: qp = +1,602.10-19C = 1+
        - Khối lượng: mp = 1,6726.10-27 kg  1u (đvC)
-. Nơtron
- Điện tích: qn = 0
- Khối lượng: mn = 1,6748.10-27 kg  1u 
Kết luận:
- Hạt nhân mang điện dương, còn lớp vỏ mang điện âm
- Tổng số proton = tổng số electron trong nguyên tử (p=e)
- Khối lượng của electron rất nhỏ so với proton và nơtron
2. Điện tích và số khối hạt nhân
a. Điện tích hạt nhân.
Số đơn vị điện tích hạt nhân (Z) = số proton = số electron (Z = p = e)
Thí dụ: Nguyên tử có 17 electron thì điện tích hạt nhân là 17+
b. Số khối hạt nhân:  (A)       A = Z + N
c. Nguyên tố hóa học:   - Là tập hợp các nguyên tử có cùng số điện tích hạt nhân.
- Số hiệu nguyên tử (Z): Z = P = e
- Kí hiệu nguyên tử: 
   Trong đó A là số khối nguyên tử, Z là số hiệu nguyên tử.
3. Đồng vị, nguyên tử khối trung bình
a. Đồng vị: Là tập hợp các nguyên tử có cùng số proton nhưng khác nhau số nơtron (khác nhau số khối A).
b. Nguyên tử khối trung bình:                            
4. Cấu hình electron trong nguyên tử 
a. Mức năng lượng
- Trật tự mức năng lượng: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s ....
b. Cấu hình electron
Cách viết cấu hình electron trong nguyên tử:
+ Xác định số electron 
+ Sắp xếp các electron vào phân lớp theo thứ tự tăng dần mức năng lượng
+ Viết electron theo thứ tự các lớp và phân lớp.
II. Chương 2. Bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố hóa học.
1. Nguyên tắc sắp xếp các nguyên tố trong bảng tuần hoàn: theo 3 nguyên tắc
2. Cấu tạo bảng tuần hoàn gồm ô nguyên tố, chu kì và nhóm nguyên tố
3. Sự biến đổi tuần hoàn cấu hình electron, bán kính nguyên tử, độ âm điện , tính kim loại , tính phi kim, tính axit- bazơ của oxit và hiđroxit tương ứng, hóa trị cao nhất với oxi, hóa trị trong hợp chất khí với hiđro theo chu kì và theo nhóm A.
- Lưu ý: Hóa trị cao nhất với oxi (m) = số nhóm A
Hóa trị trong hợp chất với H (n): m + n = 8
4. Ý nghĩa bảng tuần hoàn:
-  Mối quan hệ : số thứ tự ô nguyên tố  số proton, số electron
Số thứ tự chu kì số lớp electron
Số thứ tự nhóm A  số electron lớp ngoài cùng
* Lưu ý: số nhóm = số electron hóa trị
+ Với các nguyên tố nhóm A thì: số electron hóa trị  =  số electron lớp ngoài cùng
+ Với các  nguyên tố nhóm B thì số electron hóa trị = số e lớp ngoài cùng + số e phân lớp sát trong nếu phân lớp đó chưa bão hòa ( nếu số e hóa trị bằng 8,9,10 thì đều được xếp vào nhốm VIIIB).
- Khi biết vị trí của nguyên tố trong BTH ta có thể suy ra tính chất cơ bản của chúng và so sánh tính chất của nó với các nguyên tố lân cận.
III. Chương 3. Liên kết hóa học
1. Khái niệm về liên kết hoá học – Qui tắc bát tử:
Liên kết hoá học là sự kết hợp giữa các nguyên tử tạo thành phân tử hay tinh thể bền vững hơn.
- Qui tắc bát tử: nguyên tử của các nguyên tố có khuynh hướng liên kết với các nguyên tử khác để đạt được cấu hình electron bền vững của các khí hiếm với 8 electron (hoặc 2 elctrron đối với heli) ở lớp ngoài cùng.
2. Liên kết ion, liên kết cộng hoá trị không phân cực, liên kết cộng hoá trị có phân cực

Liên kết Liên kết ion Liên kết cộng hoá trị
LK CHT không cực LK CHT có cực
Bản chất do lực hút tĩnh điện giữa các ion mang điện tích trái dấu -Là sự dùng chung các cặp electron
(cặp electron chung có thể do 2 hoặc 1 nguyên tử bỏ ra)
-Cặp electrron dùng chung phân bố thường ở giữa.  -Cặp electrron dùng chung bị lệch về phía nguyên tử có độ âm điện  lớn hơn.
Điều kiện liên kết Xảy ra giữa những nguyên tố khác hẳn nhau về bản chất hoá học (thường xảy ra với các kim loại điển hình và các phi kim điển hình) Thường xảy ra giữa 2 nguyên tử cùng nguyên tố phi kim Xảy ra giữa 2 nguyên tố gần giống nhau về bản chất hoá học (thường xảy ra với các nguyên tố phi kim nhóm 4,5,6,7)
Ví dụ Na+h  +  Cl-h   NaClh  

Hiệu độ âm điện   

3. Hoá trị và số oxi hoá:
- Hoá trị nguyên tố trong hợp chất ion được gọi là điện hoá trị. Trị số điện hoá trị của một nguyên tố bằng số electron mà nguyên tử của nguyên tố nhường hoặc thu để tạo thành ion.
- Hoá trị nguyên tố trong hợp chất cộng hoá trị được gọi là cộng hoá trị. Cộng hoá trị của một nguyên tố bằng số liên kết mà nguyên tử nguyên tố đó tạo ra được với các nguyên tử khác trong phân tử.
- Cách xác định số oxi hoá: (4 qui tắc)
Qui tắc 1 Số oxi hoá của nguyên tử  dạng đơn chất bằng không. VD:  .
Qui tắc 2  Trong phân tử hợp chất, số oxi hoá của    
+ Oxi thường là –2:  H2O-2     CO     H2SO   KNO 
 + Hidro thường là +1: H+1Cl   H+1NO3   H S
Qui ước 3   Trong một phân tử tổng số oxi hoá của các nguyên tử bằng không.
   VD: H2SO4    2(+1) + x  + 4(-2) = 0  x = +6
        K2Cr2O7   2(+1)  +  2x  +  7(-2)  = 0 x = +6
Qui ước 4  Với ion mang điện tích thì tổng số oxi hoá của các nguyên tử bằng điện tích ion. Mg2+ số oxi hoá Mg là +2, MnO   số oxi hoá Mn là: x + 4(-2) = -1 x = +7
IV. Chương 4 : Phản ứng oxi hóa khử.
1. Phản ứng oxi hóa khử : là phản ứng hóa học trong đó có sự thay đổi số oxi hóa một số nguyên tố.
- Để lập phương trình hóa học của phản ứng oxi hóa khử tiến hành theo 4 bước như trong SGK :
Bước 1. Xác định số oxi hoá các nguyên tố. Tìm ra nguyên tố có số oxi hoá thay đổi . 
Bước 2. Viết các quá trình làm thay đổi số oxi hoá 
Chất có oxi hoá tăng: Chất khử - ne số oxi hoá tăng
Chất  có số oxi hoá giảm: Chất oxi hoá + me   số oxi hoá giảm.
Bước 3. Xác định hệ số cân bằng sao cho tổng số e cho = tổng số e nhận
Bước 4. Đưa hệ số cân bằng vào phương trình, đúng chất  và kiểm tra lại theo trật tự: kim loại – phi kim – hidro – oxi
Fe O   + H  Fe0  + H O-2
2Fe+3 + 6e  2Fe0       quá trình khử Fe3+
H20                  2H+    + 2e        quá trình oxi hoá H2
(2Fe+3  +  3H2   2Fe0 + 3H2O)
Cân bằng :      
   Fe2O3         +       3H2             2Fe   +      3H2O
             Chất oxi hoá      chất khử
    Fe3+  là chất oxi hoá                   H2 là chất khử
2. Phản ứng hóa hợp, phản ứng phân hủy có thể là phản ứng oxi hóa khử hoặc không phải. Phản ứng thế luôn là phản ứng oxi hóa khử còn phản ứng trao đổi thì không phải là phản ứng oxi hóa khử.

Câu 1. Cho biết tổng số hạt p, e,n trong nguyên tử của nguyên tố X là 52 , trong đó số hạt mang điện nhiều hơn hạt không mang điện là 16 hạt 
   a. Xác định số hiệu nguyên tử , số khối của X 
   b. Viết cấu hình electron , từ đó xác định vị trí của X trong bảng HTTH 
   c. Viết kí hiệu nguyên tử của X.
Câu 2. Nguyên tử X có tổng số hạt cơ bản bằng 48, trong đó số hạt mang điện gấp đôi số hạt không mang điện. 
a. Xác định số proton, số electron, số nơtron, đthn.
b. Viết cấu hình e?
c. Xác định số e ở từng lớp.
Câu 3. Nguyên tố Bo có 2 đồng vị, trong đó  B chiếm 19%. Tìm số khối của đồng vị thứ 2, biết nguyên tử khối trung bình của Bo là 10,81.
Câu 4. R thuộc nhóm VIIA. Trong công thức oxi cao nhất, R chiếm 47,02 % về khối lượng.
a. Xác định tên nguyên tố R.
b. Trong tự nhiên R có 2 đồng vị, đồng vị thứ nhất hơn đồng vị thứ 2 là 2 notron, đồng vị thứ nhất chiếm 25 %. Xác định số khối của 2 đồng vị. 
Câu 5. R là một nguyên tố kim loại nhóm IIIA. Trong oxit cao nhất, R chiếm 52,94 % về khối lượng.
a. Xác định tên và khối lượng nguyên tử của nguyên tố đó
b. Cho 20,4 g oxit trên của R tác dụng vừa đủ với 240 g dung dịch  A nồng độ 18,25% (A là hợp chất với hiđro của một phi kim X thuộc nhóm VIIA ), sau phản ứng thu được dung dịch B. Tính nồng độ phần trăm của dung dịch B.
Câu 6. Viết công thức của các loại phân tử CuCl2 biết Cu và Cl lần lượt có các đồng vị sau: 65Cu ,63Cu , 35Cl, 37Cl
Câu 7. Cho nguyên tố X (Z=13), Y (Z=16)
a. Viết cấu hình e của X, Y. Vị trí của X, Y trong BHTTH.
b. Tính chất hoá học của X, Y.
c. Hoá trị cao nhất với oxi của X, Y. Công thức oxit cao nhất. Công thức hidroxit tương ứng.
d. Công thức hợp chất khí với Hidro.
Câu 8. Viết cấu hình e ứng với các trường hợp sau
a. X thuộc CK 2, nhóm VA. b. X thuộc chu kì 4, nhóm IIA
c. X có 3 lớp e, lớp ngoài cùng có 7 e. d. X thuộc chu kì 3, có 3 e lớp ngoài cùng.
Câu 9. Hợp chất khí với hidro của một nguyên tố là RH4. Trong oxit cao nhất , oxi chiếm 53,3 % về khối lượng. Xác định tên nguyên tố R.
Câu 10. Oxit cao nhất của nguyên tố R là R2O5. Trong hợp chất với hidro, R chiếm 82,23 % về khố lượng. Xác định tên R.
Câu 11. Cho các nguyên tố
a. P (Z =15), C (Z=6), Na ( Z= 11), N (Z=7). Sắp xếp theo chiều tăng dần độ âm điện.
b. Si (Z =14), C (Z=6), Na ( Z= 11), K (Z=19). Sắp xếp giảm dần bán kính nguyên tử.
c. Cho các axit sau HClO4, H2SO4, H2SiO3, H3PO4. Sắp xếp theo chiều tăng dần tính axit.
 d.Sắp xếp các hiđroxit sau: NaOH, KOH, Mg(OH)2, Al(OH)3 theo chiều tăng dần của tính bazơ.
Câu 12. Hoà tan 4,05 g một kim loại nhóm IIIA bằng dung dịch H2SO4 loãng dư. Sau phản ứng thu được 5,04 lít khí H2 (đkc). Xác định tên kim loại.
Câu 13. Hoà tan 5,6 g hỗn hợp gồm 2 kim loại kiềm liên tiếp nhau vào nước thu được 3,36 lít khí (đkc) và dung dịch A.
a.  Xác định tên 2 kim loại.
b. Tính thể tích dung dịch H2SO4 2M cần dùng để trung hoà hết dung dịch A.
Câu 14. Hoà tan 7,6 g hỗn hợp 2 kim loại kiềm thổ thuộc 2 chu kì liên tiếp bằng dung dịch HCl dư thu được 5,6 lít khí (đkc). Xác định tên 2 kim loại đó.
Câu 15. Cho 3,45 gam một kim loại kiềm tác dụng hết với Cl2  khi phản ứng xảy ra hoàn toàn thu được 8,775 gam muối. Xác định tên của kim loại đã dùng.
Câu 16. Khi cho m (g) kim loại canxi tác dụng hoàn toàn với 17,92 lit khí X2 (đktc) thì thu được 88,8g muối halogenua. 
a. Viết PTPƯ dạng tổng quát.
b. Xác định công thức chất khí X2 đã dùng. 
Tính giá trị m.
Câu 17. Hoà tan 15 g hỗn hợp gồm 2 muối cacbonat của 2 kim loại nhóm IIA thuộc 2 chu kì liên tiếp bằng dd HCl dư thu được 2,24 lít khí (đkc). Xác định tên 2 kim loại.
Câu 18. Cho Na(Z =11), Mg (Z =12), S (Z= 16), Fe (Z = 26), Cl (Z=17)
a. Viết cấu hình e của nguyên tử.
b. Viết quá trình tạo thành ion và cấu hình e của ion Na+, Mg2+, S2-, Fe2+, Fe3+, Cl-
Câu 19. a) Cho Na (Z=11), O(Z=8). Viết công thức hợp chất có thể hình thành và cho biết loại liên kết hoá học hình thành.
b) Cho H (Z=1), Cl(Z=17). Viết công thức hợp chất có thể hình thành và cho biết loại liên kết hoá học hình thành.
Câu 20.   a. Viết CTCT của các phân tử sau  H2S, NH3, H2O, P2O3 ;CH4 ,C2H6; C2H5Cl; C2H4; C2H2
 b.  Viết phương trình phản ứng có sự dịch chuyển electron tạo thành các phân tử sau: NaCl (từ Natri và khí clo); Na2O ( từ Natri và khí oxi); CaCl2( từ Ca và khí clo); MgO (từ Mg và khí oxi)
c. Viết sơ đồ hình thành liên kết các phân tử NaCl, MgO, K2O, CaCl2
Câu 21. Xác định số oxi hoá của các nguyên tố trong các trường hợp
a. CO32-, MnO4-, PO43-, NH4+, NO2-
b. CH3Cl, NaClO4, NH4Cl, Na3PO4
Câu 22. Cân bằng phản ứng oxi hoá khử bằng phương pháp thăng bằng e
a. Al + H2SO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + SO2+ H2O
b. Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + S+ H2O
c. Cl2 + NaOH → NaClO + NaClO3 + H2O
d. Fe + HNO3 → Fe(NO3)3 + NO2 + H2O
e. KMnO4 + HCl  → KCl + MnCl2 + Cl2 + H2O
f. Zn + HNO3 → Zn(NO3)2 + N2O + H2O
g. Al + HNO3 → Al(NO3)3 + N2 + H2O
h. NO2 + NaOH  NaNO2 + NaNO3 + H2O.
i. KMnO4 + KI + H2SO4→ MnSO4 + I2 + K2SO4 + H2O
j. KMnO4 + H2S + H2SO4 → K2MnO4 + MnSO4 + S + H2O  
k. FeS2 + O2 → Fe2O3 + SO2 

ĐỀ 1:
Câu 1: Phát biểu nào sau đây không đúng?
A. Khối lượng nguyên tử tập trung hầu hết ở hạt nhân.
B. Nguyên tử có cấu trúc đặc khít, gồm vỏ nguyên tử và hạt nhân nguyên tử.
C. Vỏ nguyên tử được cấu tạo bởi các hạt electron.
D. Electron có khối lượng xấp xỉ 0,00055 u; điện tích 1−.
Câu 2: Cấu hình electron nào sau đây đúng?
A. 1s12s22p53s1. B. 1s22s22p63s23p3. C. 1s22s22p43s2. D. 1s22s22p53s13p5.
Câu 3: Khối các nguyên tố thuộc nhóm A gồm 
A. nguyên tố s. B.  nguyên tố s và p.     C. nguyên tố d. D. nguyên tố d và f.
Câu 4: Trong bảng tuần hoàn theo chiều tăng dần của điện tích hạt nhân, điều khẳng định nào sau đây không đúng ?
A. Trong một chu kỳ, theo chiều tăng của điện tích hạt nhân tính phi kim tăng dần.
B. Trong một nhóm A, theo chiều tăng của điện tích hạt nhân, độ âm điện của các nguyên tố tăng dần.
C. Trong một nhóm A, theo chiều tăng của điện tích hạt nhân tính kim loại của các nguyên tố tăng dần.
D. Trong một chu kỳ, theo chiều tăng của điện tích hạt nhân độ âm điện của các nguyên tố tăng dần.
Câu 5: Nguyên tố R thuộc nhóm VIA trong bảng tuần hoàn. Trong hợp chất của R với hiđro (không có thêm nguyên tố khác) có 5,882% hiđro về khối lượng. R là nguyên tố nào dưới đây?
A. Oxi.                B. Lưu huỳnh.                             C. Crom.                      D. Selen
Câu 6: Chọn câu đúng trong các câu sau đây :
A. Trong liên kết cộng hóa trị có cực, cặp electron chung lệch về phía nguyên tử có độ âm điện nhỏ hơn. 
B. Liên kết cộng hóa trị có cực được tạo thành giữa 2 nguyên tử có hiệu độ âm điện từ 0,4 đến nhỏ hơn 1,7. 
C. Liên kết cộng hóa trị không cực được tạo nên từ các nguyên tử khác hẳn nhau về tính chất hóa học.
D. Hiệu độ âm điện giữa 2 nguyên tử lớn thì phân tử phân cực yếu.
Câu 7: Trong các loại phản ứng sau, loại phản ứng nào luôn luôn không phải là phản ứng oxi hóa − khử?
A. Phản ứng hóa hợp.  B. Phản ứng phân hủy.   C. Phản ứng trao đổi.   D. Phản ứng thế.
Câu 8: Tổng số hạt cơ bản trong nguyên tử  là
A. 29. B. 94. C. 65. C. 36.
Câu 9: Cho rằng oxi có 2 đồng vị, hiđro có 3 đồng vị. Có bao nhiêu loại phân tử nước tạo thành?
A. 18. B. 5. C. 12. D. 6.
Câu 10: Cấu hình electron nào sau đây là của kim loại?
A. 1s22s22p63s23p3. B. 1s22s22p63s23p1. C. 1s22s22p63s23p5. D. 1s22s22p63s23p4.
Câu 11: Nguyên tố ở chu kì 4, nhóm VIA có cấu hình electron là
A. [Ar]4s24p4. B. [Ne]4s24p4. C. [Ar]3d104s24p4.       D. [Ar]4s24p6.
Câu 12: Nguyên tử của nguyên tố R có cấu hình electron 1s22s22p3. Công thức hợp chất khí với hiđro và công thức oxit cao nhất của R là cặp công thức nào sau đây?
A. RH2, RO.           B. RH3, R2O5.          C. RH4, RO2.              D. RH5, R2O3.
Câu 13: Cấu hình electron của cặp nguyên tử nào sau đây có thể tạo liên kết ion?
A. 1s22s22p3 và 1s22s22p5.                                     B. 1s22s1 và 1s22s22p3.                                    
C. 1s22s22p1 và 1s22s22p5.                                 D. 1s22s22p1 và 1s22s22p63s23p6.                                
Câu 14: Để hình thành phân tử X2, mỗi nguyên tử X phải góp chung bao nhiêu electron, biết rằng X có cấu hình electron là 1s22s22p3?
A. 1. B. 3. C. 2. D. 4.
Câu 15: Hóa trị của nguyên tố trong trường hợp nào sau đây là điện hóa trị?
A. NH3, H2O, K2S, MgCl2.                                              B. K2S, MgCl2, Na2O, CH4.
C. NH3, H2O, Na2O, CH4.                                              D. K2S, MgCl2, Na2O.
Câu 16: Cấu hình electron nguyên tử của nguyên tố có số hiệu nguyên tử là 27 là 
A. [Ar]4s23d7. B. [Ar]3d74s2.   C. [Ar]4s24p63d1. D. [Ar]3d9. 
Câu 17: Cho sơ đồ phản ứng: Mg + HNO3  Mg(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + H2O. Tỉ lệ số phân tử HNO3 bị khử và số phân tử tạo muối nitrat là 
A. 1 : 8.                     B. 2 : 1.                     C. 1 : 9.                 D. 4 : 1.
Câu 18: Câu nào dưới đây là đúng nhất?
A. Tất cả các nguyên tố mà nguyên tử có 3 electron ở lớp ngoài cùng đều là kim loại hoạt động mạnh.
B. Các nguyên tố mà nguyên tử có 5 electron ở lớp ngoài cùng thường là phi kim.
C. Tất cả các nguyên tố mà nguyên tử có 4 electron ở lớp ngoài cùng đều là phi kim.
D. Tất cả các nguyên tố mà nguyên tử có 8 electron ở lớp ngoài cùng đều là kim loại.
Câu 19: Một nguyên tố thuộc nhóm VIA có tổng số các hạt cơ bản trong nguyên tử là 24. Cấu hình electron nguyên tử của nguyên tố đó là
A. 1s22s22p4. B. 1s22s22p5. C. 1s22s22p3. D. 1s22s22p6.
Câu 20: Ion X+ và Y2− đều có cấu hình electron giống nhau. Biết rằng nguyên tố X và Y đều thuộc chu kỳ nhỏ. Tổng số electron của phân tử tạo bởi các ion này là
A. 14. B. 30. C. 46. D. 19
ĐỀ 2
Câu 1: Các hạt cấu tạo nên hạt nhân của hầu hết các nguyên tử là
A. electron, nơtron, proton.    B. electron, proton.    C. nơtron, electron.       D. proton, nơtron.
Câu 2: Tổng số hạt p, n, e trong nguyên tử của nguyên tố X là 10. Số khối của nguyên tử nguyên tố X là
A. 3. B. 6. C. 7. D. 4.
Câu 3: Trong phân tử chất A có công thức M2X, có tổng số hạt p, n, e là 140, trong đó số hạt mang điện nhiều hơn số hạt không mang điện là 44 hạt. Tổng số hạt mang điện trong nguyên tử M nhiều hơn trong nguyên tử X là 22 hạt. Số hiệu nguyên tử của M là
A. 11. B. 19. C. 6. D. 32.
Câu 4:  Dãy nào dưới đây gồm các đồng vị của cùng một nguyên tố hóa học?
A.  . B.  . C.  . D.  .
Câu 5: Nguyên tử X có 3 lớp electron. Lớp ngoài cùng của nguyên tử X có 2 electron. Phát biểu nào sau đây không đúng khi nói về X ?
A. X là nguyên tố p. B. Điện tích hạt nhân của nguyên tử X là 12+.
C. Ở trạng thái cơ bản, các phân lớp electron của nguyên tử X đã bão hòa.    D. X là nguyên tố kim loại.
Câu 6: Cho cấu hình electron nguyên tử của các nguyên tố sau: 
X:  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 Y: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
Z: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3   T: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d8 4s2
Dãy gồm các nguyên tố kim loại là
A. X, Y, T. B. X, Y, Z. C. Y,  Z, T. D. X, Z, T.
Câu 7: Nguyên tử X có tổng số hạt p,n,e là 34 và số khối là 23. Số lớp electron và số electron lớp ngoài cùng lần lượt là
A. 3 & 1                 B. 2 & 1 C. 4 & 1 D. 1 & 3
Câu 8: Trong bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố, số chu kì nhỏ và số chu kì lớn lần lượt là
A. 3 và 3.  B. 4 và 3. C. 3 và 4.                 D. 4 và 4.
Câu 9: Cho các phát biểu sau:
(1) Trong bảng tuần hoàn, các nguyên tố được sắp xếp theo chiều tăng dần của khối lượng nguyên tử.
(2) Chu kì 5 có 32 nguyên tố.
(3) Các nguyên tố trong cùng một nhóm A thì có cùng số electron lớp ngoài cùng trong nguyên tử.
(4) Các electron hóa trị của các nguyên tố thuộc hai nhóm IA, IIA là electron p.
Số phát biểu không đúng là
A. 1 B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.
Câu 10: Cho 0,5 mol hỗn hợp 2 kim loại liên tiếp ở phân nhóm chính nhóm II (nhóm IIA) có khối lượng là 18g. Xác định hai kim loại trên.
A. Ca, Mg B. Mg , Ba C. Ca, Ba  A. Ca, Sr
Câu 11: Trong chu kì 2, khi đi từ nguyên tố Li đến F (theo chiều tăng của điện tích hạt nhân) thì
A. Bán kính nguyên tử và độ âm điện đều tăng.            B. Bán kính nguyên tử tăng, độ âm điện giảm.
C. Bán kính nguyên tử giảm, độ âm điện tăng.             D. Bán kính nguyên tử và độ âm điện đều giảm.
Câu 12: Nguyên tử của nguyên tố X có tổng số electron trong các phân lớp p là 7. Số hạt mang điện của một nguyên tử Y nhiều hơn số hạt mang điện của một nguyên tử X là 4 hạt. Phát biểu nào sau đây là không đúng khi nói về nguyên tố Y?
A. Y là phi kim.
B. Công thức hợp chất khí của Y với hiđro là H2Y.
C. Y thuộc nhóm VA trong bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố hóa học.
D. Y thuộc chu kì 3 trong bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố hóa học.
Câu 13: Nguyên tố M ở chu kì 3, nhóm IA. Nguyên tố G ở chu kì 2, nhóm VIA. Tổng số proton trong hạt nhân nguyên tử M và G là
A. 19. B. 11. C.18. D. 8.
Câu 14: Cho các phát biểu sau:
(1) Phân tử CO2 phân cực bởi vì có chứa liên kết C=O phân cực.
(2) Trong các phản ứng hóa học, nguyên tử phi kim có khuynh hướng nhận electron để trở thành ion âm, gọi là cation.
(3) Trong công thức cấu tạo của NF3, số cặp electron tự do chưa tham gia liên kết ở nguyên tử N là 3
(4) Độ âm điện của nguyên tử càng lớn thì tính kim loại của nó càng mạnh.
Số phát biểu không đúng là
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Câu 15: Dãy gồm các chất có liên kết cộng hóa trị không phân cực là
A. N2, O2, Cl2, H2. B. N2, Cl2, H2, HCl. C. N2, HI, Cl2, CH4. D. Cl2, CO2, N2, F2
Câu 16: Chọn câu đúng nhất về liên kết cộng hóa trị. Liên kết cộng hóa trị là liên kết
A. giữa các phi kim với nhau.
B. trong đó cặp electron chung bị lệch về một nguyên tử.
C. được hình thành do sự dùng chung electron của 2 nguyên tử khác nhau.
D. được tạo thành giữa 2 nguyên tử bằng một hay nhiều cặp electron chung.
Câu 17: Hợp chất nào sau đây là hợp chất ion?
A. NaF. B. CH4. C. H2O. D. CO2.
Câu 18: Nguyên tố X có 19 proton còn Y có 8 proton. Công thức của hợp chất hình thành bởi X và Y và loại liên kết hóa học giữa chúng lần lượt là
A. XY2 với liên kết cộng hóa trị. B. X2Y với liên kết cộng hóa trị.
C. XY2 với liên kết ion. D. X2Y với liên kết ion.
Câu 19: Số oxi hóa của Mn trong K2MnO4, Fe trong Fe3+, S trong SO3, P trong PO43- lần lượt là
A. +6, +3, +6, +5. B. +3, +5, 0, +6. C. +6, +3, +5, +6.  D. + 5, +6, + 3, 0.
Câu 20: Nguyên tử S đóng vai trò vừa là chất khử, vừa là chất oxi hoá trong phản ứng nào sau đây?
A. 4S + 6NaOH(đặc)   2Na2S + Na2S2O3 + 3H2O
  B. S + 3F2   SF6
  C. S + 6HNO3 (đặc)   H2SO4 + 6NO2 + 2H2O 
  D. S + 2Na   Na2S
ĐỀ 3:

Câu 1. Electron ở lớp nào sau đây liên kết với hạt nhân chặt chẽ nhất?
A. Lớp K   B. Lớp M C. Lớp N D. Lớp L
Câu 2. Nguyên tử nguyên tố X có 4 lớp electron, lớp thứ 3 có 14 electron. Vậy số proton ở nguyên tử là
A. 28 B. 27         C. 26 D. 29
Câu 3. Nguyên tử X có tổng các hạt cơ bản là 82. Hạt mang điện nhiều hơn hạt không mang điện là 22. Số electron trong ion X2+ là
A. 24 B. 26           C. 30 D. 25 
Câu 4: Cho 5 nguyên tử  .  Cặp nguyên tử nào là đồng vị?
A.  (C, D)           B.  ( C, E)      C.  ( A,B)                 D.  (B,C).
Câu 5. Cho phản ứng sau: FeS + H2SO4   Fe2(SO4)3 + SO2 + H2O. 
Hệ số cân bằng tối giản của H2SO4 là
A. 8.                    B. 10.                                C. 12.                    D. 4.
Câu 6. Hai nguyên tử của nguyên tố M và X có cấu hình electron ở lớp ngoài cùng là 4px và 4sy. Tổng số electron ở hai phân lớp ngoài cùng của A và B là 7. Biết A không phải là khí hiếm. Vậy M và X là:     
A. Br và Ca        B. Sc và Br C. K và Br          D. Ca và Se        
Câu 7. Nhóm nguyên tố là tập hợp các nguyên tố mà nguyên tử có cùng
A. số phân lớp electron B. số electron hoá trị
C. số electron ở lớp ngoài cùng D. số lớp electron
Câu 8: Ion Y2- có cấu hình electron 1s22s22p63s23p6. Vị trí của Y trong bảng tuần hoàn là 
        A . chu kì 3, nhóm VII A                      B. chu kì 3, nhóm VI A
        C . chu kì 3, nhóm VA                          D. chu kì 4, nhóm IA
Câu 9. Nguyên tố nào sau đây có độ âm điện lớn nhất? 
A. Kali B. Oxi. C. Clo D. Flo. 
Câu 10.  Nguyên tử của nguyên tố R có cấu hình electron 1s22s22p3.  Công thức hợp chất khí với hiđro và công thức oxit cao nhất của R là cặp công thức nào sau đây ?
      A. RH2, RO          B. RH3, R2O5          C. RH4, RO2              D. RH5, R2O3
Câu 11.  Chiều tăng dần tính axit của các oxit là
A. Na2O < K2O < P2O5 < Cl2O7 B. K2O < Na2O < P2O5 < Cl2O7
C. P2O5 < Cl2O7 < Na2O < K2O D. P2O5 < Cl2O7 < Na2O < K2O 
Câu 12.  X, Y, Z cùng thuộc 1 chu kì. Oxit của X tan trong nước cho dung dịch làm quỳ tím hóa hồng. Y phản ứng với nước cho dung dịch làm phenolphtalein hóa hồng. Z phản ứng được với cả axit lẫn kiềm. Vậy chiều tăng dần điện tích hạt nhân của 3 nguyên tố trên được sắp theo thứ tự là
A. X, Y, Z. B. X, Z, Y. C. Y, Z, X. D. Z, Y, X.
Câu 13. Liên kết ion là loại liên kết hóa học được hình thành bằng lực hút tĩnh điện giữa
A. các ion mang điện tích trái dấu. B. cation và electron tự do.
C. các ion mang điện tích cùng dấu. D. electron và hạt nhân nguyên tử.
Câu 14. Liên kết cộng hóa trị là liên kết hóa học được hình thành giữa  hai nguyên tử bằng
A. một electron chung. B. sự cho – nhận electron.
C. một cặp electron góp chung. D. một, hai hay nhiều cặp electron chung.
Câu 15. Trong phân tử nào sau đây chỉ tồn tại liên kết đơn : N2, O2, F2, CO2 ?
A. N2            B.  O2              C. F2               D. CO2
Câu 16. Điện hoá trị của các nguyên tố O, S trong các hợp chất với các nguyên tố nhóm IA đều là
A. 2- B. 6- C. 2+ D. 6+
Câu 17.Trong các phản ứng sau, phản ứng nào không phải là phản ứng oxi hóa khử ?
A. Fe + 2HCl  FeCl2 + H2                    B. Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu
C. CH4 + Cl2  CH3Cl + HCl                 D. BaCl2 + H2SO4  BaSO4 + 2HCl
Câu 18. Oxit B có công thức X2O. Tổng số hạt cơ bản (p, n, e) trong B là 92, trong đó số hạt mang điện nhiều hơn số hạt không mang điện là 28. B là chất nào dưới đây?
A. Na2O                    B. K2O C. Cl2O                     D. N2O
Câu 19.  Cho các phân tử : H2, CO2, HCl, Cl2, H2O, C2H2. Có bao nhiêu phân tử KHÔNG cực ?
A. 1  B. 2  C. 3  D. 4
Câu 20.  Tổng số electron trong 2 anion XY32- và XY42- lần lượt là 42 và 50. Vị trí của  X, Y trong bảng hệ thống tuần hoàn là ( cho ZN = 7, ZO = 8, ZS = 16, ZCl = 17,ZBr = 35)
A. X ở chu kì 3, nhóm VIIA, Y ở chu kì 2 nhóm VIA. B. X ở chu kì 4, nhóm VIIA, Y ở chu kì 2 nhóm VIA. C. X ở chu kì 2, nhóm VA, Y ở chu kì 2 nhóm VIA.  D. X ở chu kì 3, nhóm VIA, Y ở chu kì 2 nhóm VIA. 
ĐỀ 4

Câu 1. Nguyên tử nguyên tố Y có tổng số hạt cơ bản là 52, trong đó số hạt không mang điện trong hạt nhân lớn gấp 1,059 lần số hạt mang điện dương. Kết luận nào dưới đây là không đúng với Y?
A.Y là nguyên tố phi kim. B. Y có số khối bằng 35.
C. Điện tích hạt nhân của Y là 17+. D. Nguyên tử Y, lớp ngoài cùng có 5 electron
Câu 2. Những tính chất nào sau đây không biến đổi tuần hoàn theo chiều tăng dần của điện tích hạt nhân nguyên tử ?
A.  Số electron lớp ngoài cùng    B.  Độ âm điện của các nguyên tố
C.  Khối lượng nguyên tử           D.  Tính kim loại , tính phi kim .
Câu 3. A, B là hai nguyên tố thuộc cùng một phân nhóm và thuộc hai chu kì liên tiếp trong bảng tuần hoàn. Biết ZA+ ZB=32 (Z là số hiệu nguyên tử). Số proton trong nguyên tử nguyên tố A, B lần lượt là
A. 7, 25.                       B. 12, 20.                          C. 15, 17.                    D. 8, 14.
Câu 4. Liên kết cộng hóa trị là liên kết:
A. Giữa các phi kim với nhau
B. Trong đó cặp electron chung bị lệch về một nguyên tử
C. Được hình thành do sự dùng chung electron của 2 nguyên tử khác nhau
D. Được tạo nên giữa hai nguyên tử bằng một hay nhiều cặp electron chung
Câu 5. Trong phản ứng oxi hóa – khử
A. chất bị oxi hóa thu electron và chất bị khử nhường electron.
B. quá trình thu electron gọi là quá trình khử.
C. chất oxi hóa là chất nhường electron.
          D. quá trình nhận electron gọi là quá trình oxi hóa.
Câu 6. Một nguyên tử chứa đồng thời 20 nơtron, 19 proton, 19 electron. Kí hiệu của nguyên tử là
A.  Cl B.  K C.  Ar D.  K
Câu 7. Dãy nào trong các dãy sau đây gồm các phân lớp electron đã bão hòa:
          A. s1,p3,d7,f12 B. s2,p5,d9,f13               C. s1,p3,d5,f7 D. s2,p6,d10,f14
Câu 8. Nguyên tố X  có phân lớp electron ngoài cùng là 3p4. Nhận định nào sai khi nói về X?
A.  Hạt nhân nguyên tử của X có 16 proton .
B.  Lớp ngoài cùng của nguyên tử nguyên tố X có 6 electron .
C.  X là nguyên tố thuộc chu kì 3 .
D.  X là nguyên tố thuộc nhóm IVA .
Câu 9. Các nguyên tố hóa học trong cùng một nhóm A có tính chất hóa học giống nhau vì
A. có cùng số lớp electron. B. cấu hình electron lớp ngoài cùng như nhau.
C. số phân lớp ngoài cùng giống nhau            D. có bán kính như nhau.
Câu 10. Điện hóa trị của các nguyên tố Na, O trong hợp chất Na2O lần lượt là
            A. +1, - 2           B. - 1 , + 2             C. 1- , 2+                D. 1+, 2-
Câu 11. Cho 2 nguyên tố X (3s1), Z (3s² 3p5); câu trả lời nào sau đây sai?
A. Liên kết giữa Z và X là liên kết cộng hóa trị.
B. Liên kết giữa Z và X là liên kết ion.
C. Liên kết giữa Z và Z là liên kết cộng hóa trị không cực.
D. X là kim loại; Z là phi kim.
Câu 12. Nguyên tử của nguyên tố X có 29 electron và 36 notron. Kí hiệu nguyên tử của X là
A.   B.         C.           D.  
Câu 13. Cấu hình electron của nguyên tử nguyên tố X là 1s22s22p63s23p64s2. Vị trí của X trong bảng tuần hoàn là
A. Ô thứ 20, chu kì 4, nhóm IIA.                          B. Ô thứ 20, chu kì 4, nhóm IIB.
C. Ô thứ 20, chu kì 4, nhóm VIIIA.                      D. Ô thứ 20, chu kì 4, nhóm VIIIB.
Câu 14. Cho các phản ứng hóa học sau:
(1) 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2↑ (2) CO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3↓ + H2O.
(3) 2KClO3   2KCl + 3O2↑.
Các phản ứng thuộc loại phản ứng oxi hóa khử là
A. 1 B. 2 C. 1 và 2 D. 1 và 3.
Câu 15. Một ion M3+có tổng số hạt proton, nơtron, electron là 79, trong đó số hạt mang điện nhiều hơn số hạt không mang điện là 19. Cấu hình electron của nguyên tử M là
A. [Ar]3d64s2.     B. [Ar]3d54s1.      C. [Ar]3d64s1.     D. [Ar]3d34s2
Câu 16. Cấu hình electron nguyên tử của 3 nguyên tố X, Y, Z lần lượt là :
1s2 2s2 2p63s1 , 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s1 ,  1s2 2s2 2p63s23p1 . Nếu xếp theo chiều tăng dần tính kim loại thì sự  sắp xếp đúng là 
A.  Z < X < Y                  B.  Z < Y < Z               C.  Y < Z < X             D.  Y > X > Z
Câu 17. Cho phản ứng hóa học: Fe3O4 + HNO3 → Fe(NO3)3 + NO + H2O. Sau khi cân bằng, hệ số của các chất lần lượt là:
A. 3, 14, 9, 1, 7 B. 3, 28, 9, 1, 14 C. 3, 26, 9, 2, 13 D. 2, 28, 6, 1, 14
Câu 18. Ion M2+ có cấu hình electron ngoài cùng là 3d6. Cấu hình electron của M và vị trí của nó trong bảng tuần hoàn là
A. 1s²2s²2p63s²3p63d8, ô 26, chu kỳ 3, nhóm VIIIA.     B. 1s²2s²2p63s²3p63d4, ô 22 chu kỳ 3, nhóm IVB.
C. 1s²2s²2p63s²3p63d64s2, ô 26 chu kỳ 4, nhóm IIA.     D. 1s²2s²2p63s²3p63d64s2, ô 26 chu kỳ 4, nhóm VIIIB.
Câu 19: Nguyên tử X có 11 electron trên phân lớp p. Cấu hình electron của X là:
A. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 B. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5    C. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3p53s2 D. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
Câu 20: Cho các nguyên tố: K (Z = 19), N (Z = 7), Si (Z = 14), Mg (Z = 12). Dãy gồm các nguyên tố được sắp xếp theo chiều giảm dần bán kính nguyên tử từ trái sang phải là:
A. N, Si, Mg, K. B. Mg, K, Si, N. C. K, Mg, N, Si. D. K, Mg, Si, N.











NĂM HỌC: 2019-2020



Quang trung Da Nang




























Năm học 2019-2020





(Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to”, nguyên mẫu không “to”)

1. To-infinitive / Infinitive with to

* Động từ nguyên mẫu có to được dùng làm:

- Chủ ngữ của câu:           To become a famous singer is her dream.

- Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ:      What I like is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the warm sand.

- Tân ngữ của động từ      It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.

- Tân ngữ của tính từ        I’m pleased to see you.

* V + to-inf

- hope: hy vọng                         - offer:  đề nghị                         - expect: mong đợi

- plan: lên kế họach                   - refuse: từ chối             - want: muốn

- promise: hứa                           - pretend: giả vờ                        - fail: thất bại, hỏng

- attempt: cố gắng, nỗ lực          - tend: có khuynh hướng           - threaten: đe dọa

- intend: định                            - seem:dường như                     - decide: quyết định

- manage: xoay sở, cố gắng        - agree: đồng ý              - ask: yêu cầu

- afford: đáp ứng                       - arrange: sắp xếp                      - tell: bảo

- appear: hình như                     - learn: học/ học cách                - invite: mời

- would like                              - offer: cho, tặng, đề nghị

* Trong các cấu trúc:

It takes / took + O + thời gian + to-inf                    

   + chỉ mục đích

   + bổ ngữ cho danh từ hoặc đại từ: S + V + Noun / pronoun + to-inf

           I have some letters to write.

           Is there anything to eat?

   + It + be + adj + to-inf: thật … để ..

Ex: It is interesting to study English

   + S + be + adj + to-inf

Ex: I’m happy to receive your latter.

+ S + V + too + adj / adv + to-inf

   + S + V + adj / adv + enough + to-inf

   + S + find / think / believe + it + adj + to-inf

Ex: I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary.

- Sau các từ nghi vấn: what, who, which, when, where, how,…(nhưng thường không dùng sau why)

Ex: I don’t know what to say.

* Note:

- allow / permit/ advise / recommend + O + to-inf                  She allowed me to use her pen.

- allow / permit / advise / recommend + V-ing                        She didn’t allow smoking in her room

II. Bare infinitive / Infinitive without to

* V+ O+ bare inf

-        let          - make              - had better                   - would rather

Note be + made + to-inf

-        help + V1 / to-inf

-        help + O + V1 / to-inf

-        help + O + with + N

Ex: My brother helped me do my homework.

      My brother helped me to do my homework.

      My brother helped me with my homework.

* Động từ chỉ giác quan

- Các động từ chỉ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find .. + O + V1 (chỉ sự hoàn tất của hành động – nghe hoặc thấy toàn bộ sự việc diễn ra)

Ex: I saw her get off the bus.

- Các động từ chỉ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find .. + O + V-ing (chỉ sự việc đang diễn ra)

Ex: I smell something burning in the kitchen.




I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. change                     B. children                              C. machine       

2) A. guitarist                   B. passenger                            C. generous                 D. village

3) A. other                        B. long                                    C. possible                  D. constancy

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. number                    B. eager                                   C. special                    D. affair

5) A. feeling                     B. believe                               C. ready                      D. easy

6) A. acquaintance            B. interest                               C. capable                   D. sympathy


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.

A. together                        B. unselfish                 C. mutual                 D. friend

8) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.

A. selfish              B. enthusiastic            C. helpful                    D. pleasant

     9) Suddenly she recognized the ....................... of the situation that made her laugh.

A. wonder             B. pleasure      C. understanding D. hunour

    10) He is a .............person  because he is always friendly with everyone.

A. helpful             B. good-natured C. honest     D. quick-witted

11) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............

A. loyalty              B. sympathy    C. constancy   D. unselfishness

12) A ..................... friendship is a precious relation ship.

A. mutual              B. sincere        C. generous     D. successful

13) A good marriage is based on ................................ .

A. trust                              B. loyalty        C. secret                   D. A & B

     14) The children seem to be totally .............................. of working quietly by themselves.

A. unable              B. impossible              C. incapable                D. not able

15) They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.

A. staying             B. stay             C. to stay                     D. stayed

16) The children were eager ............................ their parents.

A. to see                B. see              C. seeing                  D. saw

17) I’d rather ........................... at home.

A. to stay              B. staying        C. stayed         D. stay

    18) Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot

A. laugh                B. to laugh                  C. laughing     D. laughed

     19) They noticed him .......................... the agreement.

A. sign                              B. to sign                    C. signing                   D. signed

     20) It’s important for her ............................ the office.

A. ringing             B. ring             C. rang             D. to ring

     21) They would .................. go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.

A. like                               B. rather                      C. prefer          D. better

    22) The boss made ......................... for a meeting after work.

A. us to stay                      B. us stay                    C. us staying               D. us to staying

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

    23) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.

                 A                      B        C               D

    24) There are a lot of work to do here.

                 A          B          C       D

    25) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.

           A                             B             C                   D

    26) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.

            A                                         B        C                      D

    27) I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.

                 A                B                            C                                 D


Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.


   My name’s Mandi. Three months ago, I went to disco where I met a boy called Tom. I guessed he was older than me, but I liked him and thought it didn’t matter. We danced a couple of times, then we chatted. He said he was 18, then asked how old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him my real age, he wouldn’t want to know me, as I’m only 13.

    After the dicso we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next Saturday we went for a burger and had a real laugh. Afterwards he walked me to my street and kissed me goodnight. Things went really well. We see each other a couple of times a week, but I’ve had to lie to my parents about where I’m going and who with. I’ve always got on with them, but I know if they found out how Tom was they’d stop me seeing him.

     Now I really don’t know what to do. I can’t go on lying to my parents every time I go out, and Ton keeps asking he can’t come around to my house. I’m really worried and I need some advice.

28) Why has Mandi written this?

     A. to describe her boyfriend                      B. to prove how clever she is

   C. to explain a problem                               D. to defend her actions

29) Who is she writing to?

     A. her boyfriend                B. her parents             C. a teenage magazine                        D. a school friend

30) Why is Mandi worried?

     A. She’s been telling lies.                                                  B. Tom has been behaving strangely.      

     C. She’s not allowed to go to disco.                                  D. Her parents are angry with her.

31) Why can’t Tom come to Mandi’s house?

      A. She doesn’t want her parents to meet him.                  B. Her parents don’t like him.

      C. He’s nervous of meeting her parents.                          D. She doesn’t want him to see where she lives.

32) Which of these answers did Mandi receive?

     A. Tell me what you really feel.                            B. You must start by being honest with everyone.

     C. Everyone’s unfair to you.                                 D. Don’t worry. I’m sure Tom will change his mind.


1. They arrived home late. ( he saw )


2. She didn’t want to stay there fore the weekend. ( They made her )


3. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment. ( The teacher let )


4. The boy ran away from the house. ( She noticed )


5.  He said that he didn’t want to learn Math. ( I overhear )


6. The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. ( The police made )


7. He left the house early this morning. ( I heard )


8. He drove away. ( She stood there and watched )


9. The robber came from the back door. ( I could feel )


10. May be the school will ask me to pay some extra money. ( Do you think the school will make )




                                                UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES


1.Hiện tại đơn (Simple present)

S + V1/(s/es)

                              S + don’t / doesn’t + V1

                              Wh- + do / does + S + V1…?

         - Dùng để chỉ các hành động thói quen, mang tính chất lặp đi lặp lại.

                     Ex: She usually gets up at 6 A.m.

         - Dùng để chỉ các sự kiện và sự thật hiển nhiên, chân lý.

                     Ex:Waterfreezes at 0 degree centigrade.

      - hành động trong tương lai được đưa vào chương trình, kế hoạch.

Ex: The new school year begins on September 5th.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

                        every____ (every day, every week, every night,…..)

                        often, sometimes, usually, always, frequently, as a rule……

                        twice a week, once a week….



2.Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)

S + V2/-ed

                              S + didn’t + V1

                              Wh- + did + S + V1…?

Cách dùng:

         - Một hành động đã xảy ra và đã hoàn tất ở thời gian xác định trong quá khứ.

                     Ex: We bought this car two years ago.

         - Một thói quen trong quá khứ.

                     Ex: When I was young, I often went swimming with my friends in this river.                    

         - Một chuỗi hành động trong quá khứ

Ex: I entered the room, turned on the light, went to the kitchen and had dinner.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

            yesterday ________ ( yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon,…….)

                        last _______ ( last year, last night, last week, last month….)

                        _______ ago( two years ago, many months ago, ten minutes ago….)

            in + year in the past ( một năm nào đó trong quá khứ:in 1999, in 2001…)

3Quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past continuous):          

S + was / were + V-ing

                                       S + was / were + not + V-ing

                                       Wh- + was / were + S + V-ing…?

Cách dùng:

         - Một hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.

                     Ex: What were you doingat 7 pm yesterday?

         - Một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì một hành động khác xảy ra cắt ngang.

                     Ex: Mai was watching TV when I came home.

                        When they were having dinner, she entered their room.

         - Hai hành động xảy ra song song trong quá khứ.

                     Ex:While her mother was cooking dinner, her father was reading books.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

                     At + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ

                     At this/ that time + thời gian trong quá khứ

            Khi hai mệnh đề nối với nhau bằng chữ when hoặc while

 Hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ: hành động ngắn dùng quá khứ đơn; hành động dài dùng quá khứ tiếp diễn.

4. Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past perfect)

S + had + V3/-ed

S + hadn’t + V3/-ed

Wh- + had + S + V3/-ed…?

Cách dùng:

         - Một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ.

                     Ex: He had left the house before she came.

         - Một hành động xảy ra trước một thời điểm xác định  trong quá khứ.

                     Ex: We had had lunch by two o’clock yesterday.

                        By the age of 25, he had written two famous novels.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết:  before, after, when, by the time, as soon as, as…., by + thời gian trong quá khứ





I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. hand                                     B. bank                       C. sand                        D. band

2) A. money                      B. month                     C. monkey                  D. monitor

3) A. change                     B. hungry                    C. stronger                  D. single

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. experience               B. embarrass               C. floppy                     D. embrace

5) A. idol                          B. video                      C. birthday                  D. imagine

6) A. cotton                       B. happen                    C. extreme                  D. quickly


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ..............

A. ideal                             B. idea             C. idol          D. fan

8) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ......

A. picture              B. clip             C. news                       D. cartoon

9) She ..................... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.

A. looked              B. stared                      C. glanced                   D. sighted

10) This ........................ girl was disliked by the rest of the class.

A. helpful             B. sneaky                    C. unselfish                 D. generous

11) He pulled a(n) ......................... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.

A. sum                              B. amount                   C. piece                       D. wad

12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ............................ situation before.

A. embarrassed     B. embarrassing                      C. confused     D. confusing

13) The children were ......................... about opening their presents.

A. interested                     B. fond                        C. keen                        D. excited

14) I know from ............................ that he’ll arrive late.

A. knowledge        B. experience  C. understanding D. reality

15) Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy.

A. did/ had found              B. had done/ found        C. was doing/ found             D. did/ was founding

16) You ...................... your new hat when I ...................... you yesterday.

A. were wearing/ had met            B. wore/ had met  

C. wore/ was meeting                   D. were wearing/ met

17) As I .................... the glass, it suddenly ...................... into two pieces.

A. cut/ broke                     B. was cutting/ broke     

C. cut/ was breaking         D. was cutting/ had broken

18) A burglar .................. into the house while we ................... television.

A. broke/ were watching                          B. broke/ watched

C. had broken/ watched                            D. broke/ had watched

19) When I ...............................  home, I ........................... a phone call.

A. got/ received                                        B. was getting/ was receiving

C. got/ had received                                              D. had got/ had received

20) They ................. small cups of coffee after they ..................... dinner.

A. had drunk/ finished                              B. drank/ finished

C. were drinking/ finished                                    D. drank/ had finished

21) It was midnight. Outside it ........................... very hard.

 A. rains                B. rained                     C. had rained    D. was raining

22) When he ....................... at the station, his train already.....................

A. arrived/ left                   B. arrived/ had left        C. had arrived/ left  D. had arrived/ left

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

    23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.

                         A             B                C   D

    24) Don’t make so much fusses over the children.

                 A                             B       C            D

    25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday

                    A                    B                         C              D

    26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.

                               A         B     C                                    D

    27) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from.

                      A                               B                                 C          D


Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.


      When the bus ... (28) ... in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said. “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be ... (29) ... for us. Come on. I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I ... (30) ... in New York, I used to dream if this moment. And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six. She had some ... (31) ... of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She didn’t know. Nobody was waiting in the square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s letter. “What are we going to do now?” asked Martin. “There isn’t ... (32) ... a hotel here!”   

28) A. reached                        B. got                          C. stooped                   D. came

29) A. expecting                     B. waiting                   C. welcoming             D. receiving

30) A. was living                    B. have lived               C. live                         D. am living

31) A. recall                            B. memories               C. thinking                  D. remembering

32) A. even                             B. hardly                     C. too                          D. very


Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

    1) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ............................ my keys.

    2) While Diana (watch) ...................................her favourite TV programme, there (be) ...........a power cut.

    3) Who (drive) ............................... the car at the time of the accident?

    4) By the time Sheila (get) .................. back, Chris (go) ...................... home.

    5) David (eat) ................................ Japanese food before, so he (know) .............................. what to order.

    6) I (do) ............................. some shopping yesterday, when I (see) .............................. your friend.

    7) What .............. you (do)...................... when I (come) ........................... to your office yesterday?

    8) Laura (miss) .......................... the party because no one (tell) ............................... her about it.






1. GERUND (V-ing)

* Danh động từ có thể được dùng làm:

- Chủ từ của câu:                  Swimming is my favourite sport.

- Bổ ngữ của động từ:          My hobby is collecting stamps.

- Tân ngữ của động từ:         I enjoy traveling

V + V-ing  

            - mention: đề cập đến                - quit: từ bỏ                               - risk: có nguy cơ

- fancy: thích                            - deny: phủ nhận                       - involve: liên quan

- detest: ghét                             - encourage: khích lệ                 - consider: xem xét

- imagine: tưởng tượng - miss: bỏ lỡ                              - It is no use: không có ích

- It is no good: không tốt           - postpone: hoãn lại                   - suggest: đề nghị

- practice: luyện tập                  - finish                                     - admit: thừa nhận

- avoid: tránh                            - mind: ngại                              - delay: hoãn                

- hate: ghét      

-        waste / spend: lãng phí, bỏ ra (thời gian, tiền bạc)

-        have difficulty / trouble: gặp khó khăn/trở ngại

-        can’t help: không thể không

-        can’t stand / can’t bear: không chịu đựng nỗi

-        feel like: cảm thấy thích

-        look forward to: mong chờ, mong đợi

-        It is (not) worth: đáng / không đáng

-        keep / keep on: tiếp tục

-        be busy                         

-        be used to / get used to

* Sau các liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,…

Ex: After finishing his homework, he went to bed.

* Sau các giới từ: on, in, at, with, about, from, to, without, ….

Ex: My sister is interested in listening to pop music.




2. INFINITIVE OR GERUND (To-inf / V-ing)

a. Không thay đổi nghĩa:

- begin / start / continue/ like / love + To-inf / V-ing

Ex: It started to rain / raining.

b. Thay đổi nghĩa:

+ remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc đã xảy ra rồi (trong quá khứ)

+ remember / forget / regret + to-inf: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, sắp xảy ra (trong tương lai)

Ex: Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed.

      I remember meeting you some where but I can’t know your name.

      Remember to send her some flowers because today is her birthday.

+ stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn việc gì

+ stop + to-inf: dừng ….. để …

Ex: He stopped smoking because it is harmful for his health.

      On the way home, I stopped at the post office to buy a newspaper.

+ try + V-ing: thử

+ try + to-inf: cố gắng

+ need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần được (bị động)

+ need + to-inf: cần (chủ động)

Ex: I need to wash my car.

      My car is very dirty. It needs washing / to be washed.

+ Cấu trúc nhờ vả:

S + have + O người + V1 + O vật ...

S + have + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người) ...

S + get + O người + to-inf + O vật

S + get + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người)

3. Passive infinitive (to be + V3/ed)

Dùng với nghĩa bị động. Khi làm bài, cần lưu ý nghĩa của câu là chủ động (V + to V) hay bị động (V + to be + V3/ed).

Ex: They want to be invited to the party. (Họ muốn được mời dự tiệc.)

 SAI: They want to invite to the party

Câu này SAI vì người đọc không rõ họ muốn mời ai. Trong câu trên, họ được mời (= ai đó mời họ), nghĩa đã rõ ràng.

4. Passive gerund (being + V3/ed)

Dùng với nghĩa bị động. Khi làm bài, cần lưu ý nghĩa của câu là chủ động (V + V-ing) hay bị động (V+being+ V3/ed).

Ex: I disliked being taken to the zoo when I was a child.

(Khi còn nhỏ, tôi không thích được dẫn đi vườn bách thú.)

SAI: I disliked taking to the zoo when I was a child.

(Khi còn nhỏ, tôi không thích dẫn đi vườn bách thú.)

Câu này SAI vì người đọc không rõ tôi không thích dẫn ai. Trong câu trên, tôi được dẫn (= ai đó dẫn tôi), nghĩa đã rõ ràng.

* LƯU Ý: Sau giới từ (in, on, at, about, for, from, …), vẫn dùng “being”.




I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. fat                            B. any                                      C. gas                         D. hat

2) A. glad                          B. geography                          C. glass                       D.give

3) A. hour                         B. happy                                  C. husband                  D. hold

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. candle                      B. finish                                  C. family                     D. anniversary

5) A. relation                    B. together                              C. successful               D. celebrate

6) A. golden                      B. adult                                   C. perhaps                   D. future


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) A date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important event is a(n) ............................... .

A. birthday                        B. celebration              C. wedding         D. anniversary

8) Dinner will be a cold ..........................., not a sit-down meal.

A. party                             B. meal                       C. dish             D. buffet

9) He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he is ....................... .

A. joyful               B. enthusiastic C. reserved                  D. calm

10) Steve thought his ........................... with Helen was changing.

A. relate               B. relative                   C. relation       D. relationship

11) He is ............................ for his elderly parents.

A. paying attention B. looking                 C. caring                     D. taking care

12) He is smartly ........................ when he comes to an interview.

A. dressed             B. put on                     C. worn                       D. undressed

13) John had agreed ......................... me in his office.

A. to meet                         B. meeting      C. to be met       D. being met

14) it’s important for the figures ......................... regularly.

A. to update          B. updating                 C. to be updated D. being updated

15) It is no good ............................ sorry for yourself.

A. to feel               B. feeling                    C. feel             D. felt

16) The man wanted to avoid ...................... on security cameras.

A. to see                B. seeing         C. to be seen     D. being seen

17) Peter ........................ to go in for the exam.

A. avoided            B. let                           C. advised       D. decided

18) I tried ........................... the bus, but I missed it.

A. to catch            B. catching      C. to be caught            D. being caught

19) The plants want ........................... daily.

A. to water            B. watering     C. to be watered D. being water

20) Will you remind me .................... this letter at the post office?

A. to post              B. posting                   C. to be posted            D. being posted

21) The goods ought ....................... two weeks ago.

A. to deliver                                                          B. delivering  

C. to be delivered                                      D. being delivered

22) I have expected ......................... the secret of happiness.

A. to tell                B. telling                     C. to be told                D. being told

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

23) The thief asked her handing over her money.

       A                B               C                     D

24) He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester.

             A                     B        C                  D

25) They chose not to be attended the meeting.

                  A      B             C                  D

26) He could not decide whether to get a job or studying.

                               A          B         C                        D

27) I dislike being talk about everywhere.

            A           B            C            D





Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.


     Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better.

     It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and men. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun.

     When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are vegetarians, or who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious seasons.

      Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus lots of people’s favourite drinks.

     The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone can help you carry it!

     On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you’ve earned it!

28) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party?

            A. to entertain people.                       

            B. to make new friends.

            C. to get people to know more about their host and hostess.

            D. to help people to know each other better.

29) when giving a dinner party, you should NOT invite ........................ .

     A. husbands and wives.                                         B. those who are vegetarians.

     C. both women and men.                                       D. those who can’t eat or drink certain things.

30) The menu should include these EXCEPT ..........................

     A. a first course     B. a supper      C. a dessert     D. main courses

31) According to the passage, starters should be served ...........................

     A. because the guests want to have a good time together

     B. because the guests like eating them

     C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait

     D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait

32) What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal?

     A. Stand beside the guests without doing anything. 

     B. Sit down with the guests and have a good time.

     C. Sit down with the guests to show your politeness. 

     D. Only serve the guests with the food.


Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

    1) I don’t remember (tell) ............................ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.

    2) Ms Drake expects (consult) ........................... about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed.

    3) Sally gave a good speech that I couldn’t insist (applaud) .................... loudly when she finished.

    4) Tommy admitted (throw) ...................... the rock through the window.

    5) Paul really didn’t mind (surprise) .............................. by the party to celebrate this fortieth birthday.

    6) Anne hoped (invite) ............................. to join the private club.

    7) Most people enjoy (travel) ........................... to different parts of the world.

    8) May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) ....................... more of this programme?








A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding “-ing”. The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be used:

a. as the subject of the sentence:

* Reading helps you learn English.

b. as the complement of the verb “to be”:

* Her favorite hobby is reading.

c. after prepositions. The gerund must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:

* She is good at learning E

* They are keen on windsurfing.

This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition, e.g. in spite of , there’s no point in ... :

* There’s no point in typing the assignment.

* In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time.

d. after a number of “phrasal verbs” which are composed os a verb + preposition /adverb


To look forward to, to give up, to be for/ against, to take to, to put off, to keep on:

* I look forward to hearing from you soon. (at the end of a letter)

* He kept on asking for a discount.

e. in compound nouns


* a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting

It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of a continuous verb.


* the pool isn’t swimming, it is pool for swimming in .

f. after the expressions

can’t help, can’t stand, it’s no use, good, and the adjective worth:

* I can’t stand being stuck in traffic jams.

* It’s no use/good trying to persuade him

* It might be worth changing the title of the book.


The present participle of most verbs has the form V-ing and is used in the following ways:

a) as part of the continuous form of a verb


* I am working .

* She was dancing.

b) after verbs of movement / position in the pattern: verb + present participle


* My mother used to go shopping everyday.

* He came running towards me.

This construction is particularly useful with the verb ‘to go’, such as go diving, go fishing, go swimming...

c)After verbs of perception in the pattern : verb + O +present participle


* I heard someone playing the guitar.

* I can smell something burning!

Note: There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a bare-infinitive rather than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete action, but the participle refers to an incomplete action, or part of an action.


* I heard Mai playing the piano.(= she had started before I heard her, and probably went on afterwards)

* I heard Mai play the piano. (= I heard her complete performance)

d) as an adjective


* It was an interesting film.

* It’s a bit worrying when the police stop you.

e) with the verbs spend and waste, in thepattern: verb + time/money expression + present participle


* I spend 2 hours a day travelling to work.

* Don’t waste time playing computer games !

They’ve spent $4,000 buying that watch.

f) with the verbs catch and find, in the pattern: verb + O + present participle:

With catch, the participle always refers to an action which causes annoyance or anger:

If I catch you stealing my apples again, I’ll tell your parents.

This is not the case with find, which is unemotional:

We found our dog lying in the bedroom.

* They found their mother sitting in the garden.

g) to replace a sentence or part of a sentence:

When 2 actions occur at the same time, and are done by the same person or thing, we can use a present participle to describe one of them:

He sang to himself. He walked down the road.

Singing to himself, he walked down the road.

When one action follows very quickly after another done by the same person or thing, we can express the first action with a present participle:

He put on his coat and left the house.  Putting on his coat, he left the house.

The present participle can be used instead of a phrase starting as, since, because, and it explains the cause or reason for an action:

Feeling tired, he went to bed early (= because he felt tired...)

* Knowing that she likes roses, he gave her a bunch of red roses on her birthday.


- Form: having + p2 (having seen, having worked...)

- Use:

+ The perfect gerund can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action.


He was accused of deserting his ship = He was accused of having deserted his ship.

However, the perfect gerund is used to emphasize completion in both the past and the future.


The retired teacher recalled having taught.


- Form: having + p2(having done, having read ...)

- Use:

+ The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject.


Switching off the lights, we went to bed = Having switched off the lights, we went to bed.

+ The perfect participle emphasizes that the first action is complete before the second one starts.


She bought a bike and cycled home. – Having bought a bike, she cycled home.

+ The perfect participle is, however, necessary when there is an interval of time between the 2 actions.


Having failed twice , he didn’t want to try again

+ It is also used when the frist action covered a period of time

Example :

He had been living trere for such a long time that the didn’t want to move to another town – Having lived there for such a long time , he didn’t want to move to another town



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. who                          B. wheel                      C. whether                 D. whale

2) A. summer                    B. educate                   C. club                         D. public

3) A. handicapped             B. visited                     C. decided                   D. wanted

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. volunteer                 B. nation                     C. college                    D. hospital

5) A. orphanage                B. participate              C. vacation                  D. remote

6) A. comfort                    B. area                         C. happiness               D. believe


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) To do the work for a humane society is ......................... .

A. friendly            B. mutual                    C. voluntary    D. thoughtless

8) Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped.

A. play a role of    B. take a place of C. participate  D. are a part of

9) There is a special fund for the severely ....................... .

A. orphan              B. volunteer    C. aged                        D. handicapped

     10) The ...................... of this society in to provide community education for street children.

A. mission            B. work                       C. job              D. duty

11) The work of the charity is funded by voluntary ......................... .

A. action               B. activity                   C. donation     D. organization

12) We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs.

A. look after                     B. look into     C. look for                  D. look at

13) Shy people often find it difficult to ........................ group discussions.

A. take place in     B. take part in             C. get on with    D. get in

    14) I am ......................... to come to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my absence.

A. capable             B. excused      C. unable                     D. disliked

     15) ....................... it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.

A. Reading                        B. To read                   C. To have read D. Having read

16) ......................... that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.

A. Knowing                      B. Known        C. Knew                   D. Having knew

17) ....................... photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.

A. Seeing              B. Seen                        C. Saw             D. Having seen

     18) I hate ....................... a child ........................ .

A. see/ crying       B. see/ cry                   C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry

     19) I notice the lorry ........................ down the hill.

A. to come            B. came                       C. coming                   D. having come

     20) I observed a blue car ...................... very fast towards the motorway.

A. having driven   B. driven                     C. driving                                D. to drive

21) They left the restaurant, ......................... two hours over lunch.

A. spending                       B. spent                       C. after spend                          D. having spent

    22) The police accused him of.......... fire to the building but he denied ........... in the area on the night of the fire.

A. setting/ being   B. setting/ having been       C. set/ be             D. having set/ having been

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

    23) He says that speak a foreign language always makes him nervous.

                  A              B                                              C                        D

    24) Each nation has many people who voluntary take care of others.

            A                 B                                               C                        D

    25) We’re looking forward to see you again.

             A                        B         C                D

    26) I’d like buying some earrings like yours.

           A             B               C                       D

    27) She smelt something burning and saw smoke rise.

                    A                          B                     C           D

C. READING: Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.


      More and more young people are ... (28) ... voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a year free before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries. There they will earn little ... (29) ... no money. But they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the experience.

     The work may ... (30) ... of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection. ... (31) ... kind of job it is, it is certain to be ... (32) ... and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten. 

28) A. doing                B. making                   C. taking                     D. getting

29) A. with                  B. but                          C. or                            D. and

30) A. consist             B. include                   C. contain                   D. involve

31) A. Any                  B. What                       C. However                 D. Whatever

32) A. challenging      B. dangerous               C. difficult                  D. attracted

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.................................(complete) the book, he had a holiday.

2. .............................. (look) down from the hill, the town spread out before us towards the coast.

3. ..................................(photocopy) all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file.

4. I found a coin.................. (lie) on the sidewalk.

5. (Wait) …………….. six months for the washing machine being delivered, I decided to cancel the order.

6. (Watch) …………….. television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child.




A/  LÝ THUYẾT: Reported Speech with gerund

a/ Having object:

S + V + Object + preposition + V-ing


Verbsaccused …of, suspect … of, congratulate … on, prevent … from, thank … for, warm … against.

Example:- “You are not telling the truth, you are a liar!”

" They accused me of telling lies.

b/ Having no object:   

S + V + preposition + V-ing


Verbs: dream of, approve/ disapprove of, insist on, apologize for, think of, …

 c/ Other:look forward to, deny,.admit,+ V-ING




I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. earning                     B. learning                  C. searching                D. clearing

2) A. candy                       B. sandy                      C. many                      D. handy

3) A. given                        B. risen                        C. ride                          D. whiten

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. competition             B. annual                     C. final                                    D. stimulate

5) A. performance            B. celebration              C. remember               D. announce

6) A. apologize                 B. difficulty                C. enjoyment              D. remember


I/  Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

     7) A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other to find out who is the best at     something.

A. participation    B. competition                        C. activity                  D. performance

8) A person who decides who has won a competition is called a(n)........

A. referee              B. judge                      C. investigator            D. witness

9) To make something develop or become more active.

A. to encourage    B. to enhance              C. to stimulate             D. to strike

    10) To agree to give someone money for a charity if that person competes a special activity.

A. organize                      B. support                   C. sponsor                   D. encourage

     11) A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a group.

A. contestant         B. competitor                          C. examinee                            D. representative

12) The greatest ............................ of all is the World peace.

A. present             B. gift                          C. prize                                   D. award

     13) A sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different games.

A. match               B. tournament                         C. game                    D. play

14) They had a really good chance of winning the national ......................

A. compete            B. competition                        C. competitor                          D. competitive

15) Jack admitted ....................... the money.

A. steal                  B. to steal                                C. stealing                   D. stolen

16) Thank you very much ........................ lending me your bike.

A. about                B. in                            C. for                           D. of

17) Don’t ......................... him to arrive early. He’s always late.

A. think                 B. judge                      C. hope                        D. expect

    18) I wouldn’t ..................... of going to the party I hadn’t been invited to.

A. dream               B. intend                     C. depend                    D. rely

     19) The instructor warned the students ............ sailing alone on the lake.

A. on                     B. for                           C. of                            D. against

     20) The manager ....................... the men to turn to work immediately.

A. insisted             B. suggested               C. demanded                           D. ordered

     21) Her mother prevented her ..................... going out tonight.

A. against              B. from                                   C. about                      D. at

    22) I apologized ........................ the book at home.

A. for leaving       B. to leaving               C. leaving                   D. to leave

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

    23) I’d like to thank your brother for your help.

               A           B                            C       D

    24) Mrs. Allen was concerned about my have to drive so far every day.

                                                          A         B                        C          D

    25) You can congratulate yourself about having done an excellent job.

                                 A               B           C            D

    26) Peter apologized for break the vase.

                           A          B     C        D

    27) He insisted on seeing the manager tomorrow.

                    A               B             C                 D

III. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.

    28) “It was really kind of you to help me.” Mary said to me.

à Mary thanked me........................................................................................

    29) “I’ll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda..

à John insisted................................................................................................

    30) “You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to me

à Jim congratulated me..................................................................................

    31) “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you”, Miss White said to Peter.

à Miss White thanked.....................................................................................

    32) “Don’t play with the matches!” I said to Jack.

à I warned.......................................................................................................

    33) “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to me.

à Margaret apologized...................................................................................

    34) “I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to me.

à Paul has always dreamed of.......................................................................

    35) “You didn’t do what I said”, the mother said to her son.

à The mother accused......................................................................................

IV. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition:

1. I always dream …… living in a small house near the sea.

2. Mike apologized ………… being so rude to me.

3. The driver of the other car accused me ……… causing the accident.

4. We don’t approve ………… hunting animals.

5. Kevin thanked us ………… inviting him to our party.

6. The woman blame me …… breaking her glasses.

7. My bag wasn’t heavy, but David insisted …… carrying it for me.

8. No one can prevent him ……… attending the meeting.

C. READING: Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.

            Completing a marathon is considered very difficult, many coaches believe that it is possible for anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort. Obviously, most participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their specific age group and gender. Another very important goal is to break certain time barries. For example, ambitious recreational first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours; more competitive runners will attempt to run under 3 hours. Many runners then prefer to finish for example in 3:29:59, which makes them " sub-3:30h marathoners ", instead of 3:30:01.

            For most runners, the marathon is the longest run they have ever attempted. Many coaches believe that the most important element in marathon training is the long run. Recreational runners commonly try to reach a maximum of about 20 miles in their longest weekly run and about 40 miles a week in total when training for the marathon. More experienced marathoners may run a longer distance. During marathon training, adequate recovery time is crucial. If fatigue or pain is felt, it is recommended to take a kreak for a couple of days or more to let the body heal. Overtraining is a condition that results from not getting enough rest to allow the body to recover from difficult training. It can actually result in a lower endurance and speed and place a runner at a greater risk of injury.

1. Marathon completion is ______________ .

        A. impossible                      B. easy                              C. not very difficult             D. very difficult

2. One of the important goals in a marathon competition is __________ .

        A. breaking time barries                                               B. age                           

        C. gender                                                                     D. reaching the finish

3. In marathon training, the most important is ____________ .

         A. the age                                                                   B. the coaches" belief

         C. the long run                                                            D. the recreation

4. If the marathon runner feels tired or has a pain, _________.

         A. he should continue the training                              B. he should quit running forever

         C. it is time for him to stop his training                        D. he should take a break for several days

5. Overtraining may lead to _________ .

          A. good results                    B. long endurance          C. injury                             D. recovery









1.      Điều kiện loại 1 :


IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If)

MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)

Simple Present

            S + V[-e/es]

            S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf)

Simple Future

             S + will + V(inf)

             S + will not + V(inf)

             Will + S + V(inf)…?

                        Unless = if…….not

               Ví dụ:           Study hard                   or   you will fail the exam.      

                      =  Unless  you study hard  ,    you will fail the exam.

                      =  If you don’t study hard  ,    you will fail the exam.                                                                                                                                             Ghi chú :              

      - Sau mệnh đề If hoặc mệnh đề Unless phải có dấu phẩy (,)

      - Sau Unless không được dùng dạng phủ định (Ví dụ : không được viết Unless you don’t write)            

2. Điều kiện loại 2, loại 3 :



IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If)

MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)


Simple Past

            Be à were    (was)

            S + V-ed/2

            S + didn’t + V(inf)

S + would / could + V(inf)

S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V(inf)

Would / Could + S + V(inf)… ?


Past Perfect

            S + had + V-ed/Vpp

            S + hadn’t + V-ed/Vpp

S + would / could have + V-ed/3

S + wouldn’t / couldn’t have + V-ed/3

Would / Could + S + have + V-ed/3…?

                              Điều kiện loại 2 : diễn tả một sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại

                              Điều kiện loại 3 : diễn tả một sự việc không có thật ở quá khứ

Dạng bài tập :  Biến đổi câu. Dựa vào tình huống (thường có 2 câu hoặc 2 mệnh đề) để xác định

                              + 1 câu hoặc mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân

                              + 1 câu hoặc mệnh đề chỉ kết quả


Because of

+  nguyên nhân


+  kết quả


As a result

That’s why

            => Áp dụng trong câu điều kiện :         If    +    (nguyên nhân)     ,     (kết quả)

            Lưu ý :      

+ Nếu tình huống được cho ở thì hiện tại đơn, ta áp dụng câu điều kiện loại 2

+ Nếu tình huống được cho ở thì quá khứ đơn, ta áp dụng câu điều kiện loại 3

+ Câu điều kiện loại 2, loại 3 là không có thật ở hiện tại nên cả hai mệnh đề trong câu điều kiện phải ở dạng phủ định của câu hoặc mệnh đề ban đầu.

            Ví dụ :        He doesn’t hurry, so he misses the train (tình huống hiện tại à loại 2)           

                              =  If he hurried, he wouldn’t miss the train                                                  

                              They don’t go camping because the weather is bad. (tình huống hiện tại à loại 2)

                              =  If the weather weren’t bad, they would go camping.

                              She stayed up late. That’s why she was ill. (tình huống quá khứ à loại 3)

                              = If she hadn’t stayed up late, she wouldn’t have been ill.


Ex: 1.“If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor.”, John said.

ð  John said if he had a lot of money, he would build houses for the poor.

2. “ If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school” they said to me.

=> They told me if that day were/ had been Sunday, they wouldn’t go/ wouldn’t have gone to school.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. probably                  B. population                          C. gold                       D. hospital

2) A. smallest                   B. best                                     C. longest                    D. biggest

3) A. mountain                 B. ground                                C. blouse                     D. soup

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. instead                     B. interesting                          C. expected                 D. resources

5) A. figure                       B. double                                C. different                  D. support

6) A. research                   B. decrease                             C. available                 D. government



I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) The teaching of history shouldn’t be ...................... to date and figures.

A. limiting            B. limitation   C. limit                       D. limited

8) We don’t have the......................... to update our computer software.

A. sources             B. resources                C. funds                      D. origins

9) One third of the world’s ........................... consumes two thirds of the world resources.

A. people              B. men             C. population     D. human

10) The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called .............................. .

A. family planning           B. birth control           C. population              D. A & B

11) When a person has an infectious disease, he is..........from other people.

A. isolated            B. limited                    C. separated    D. confined

 12) Since the early 1990s Viet Nam has experienced ................... growth but the differences between the lives of the rich and the poor have been greater.

A. population                    B. economic   C. educational   D. financial

13) A person who has moved from one place to another especially to find work.

A. emigrant                       B. immigrant               C. migrant                D. A & C

14) What’s the .......................... of your country?

A. populate           B. population              C. populous                 D. popular

15) If the ball .......... the line, that would have been the end of the game.

A. would cross      B. will cross                C. had crossed   D. crossed

16) If someone knocked a candle over, it ...................... a fire.

A. will start                       B. started         C. would start  D. would have started

17) If you ......................... told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there.

A. hadn’t               B. don’t                       C. didn’t          D. wouldn’t have

18) What would Tom do if he ............................... the truth?

A. would know     B. knows                     C. had known              D. knew

19) If I ........................ you were sick. I would have called sooner.

A. knew                 B. had known  C. know        D. would have known

20) If there ......................... a row, I’m going to keep out of it.

A. will be              B. is                             C. were                        D. had been

21) If I ........................... you, I’d call and apologise.

A. am                    B. were                        C. would be                 D. was

22) Jack will win the election if he ......................... harder.

A. will campaign                                      B. would campaign

C. campaigned                                          D. campaigns

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

23) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean.

          A            B                                           C           D

24) We should visit that part of the country if it will be spring.

                      A                B                              C         D

25) If I will make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends.

                     A                                B                            C        D

26) We could had done more if we had had more time

                     A                     B      C         D

27) He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us.

                      A                B         C                                   D

III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

28) If someone (walk).................................. in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.

29) I’m sure he (understand) .................................... if you explain the situation to her.

30) If she hadn’t walked to the meeting, she (not be)................................... late.

31) He always (complain) .................................... if I’m late.

32) If he spoke more clearly, we (understand) ................................... him.

33) If the woman (say) ................................ what she wanted, I wouldn’t have put the phone down.

34) If they arrived in time, they (see) ................................. the ceremony.

35) If you (ask).................................... me, I would explain it to you.

IV. Give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets:

1. If I had more money, I (buy)…………………….. a car.

2. If I (be) …………….you, I (not, believe) ……………………..what Ken says.

3. Unless you (go)……………. to bed early, you (be)………………….. tired tomorrow.

4. Jim (catch)………………. the plane last night if he (get)………………. to the airport on time.

5. Hang said she (help) ……………………me if she finished early.

6. He asked her what she (do) …………………if she (win)……………… a lottery.

7. If I (revise) ………………… lessons last night, I (be) ………………able to do the test now.

8. You can go all that way unless you (have) ………….two drivers.

V. Using the given information, make conditional sentences.

1.  I don"t ride the bus to school every morning because it"s always so crowded.


2.  Martin failed his driving test last week because he was very nervous.


3.  Stop talking or you won"t understand the lesson.


4.  The wind is blowing hard, so we won"t take the boat out for a ride.


5. "If I had any money I"d buy you a drink," she said to me



Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.

     The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children may be more an American ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups.

     The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households is single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7 percent, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child.

36) With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

     A. the traditional American family                       B. The nuclear family.

     C. The ideal family.                                              D. The current American family.

37) The writer implies that ........................ .

    A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the U.S

     B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure.                       

    C. the ideal American is the best structure.

    D. fewer married couples are having children.

38) Who generally constitutes a one-person household?

      A. A single man in his twenties               B. A single woman in her late sixties

     C. An elderly man                                     D. A divorced woman.

39) According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent ................ .

     A. 7 percent of households                                    B. 20 percent of households  

     C. 33,3 percent of households                   D. 3 percent of households    

40) The word current in line 7 is closest in meaning to ...................

A. present             B. contemporary         C. now                        D. modern


------------THE END----------




Pronouns one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone

a. Someone:   -  used in positive sentences , has the idea of  a definite idea 

b. Anyone:    - used in negatives and questions , has the meaning of no limit

c. Everyone:  - mean “all the people in a group”              

d. Everybody: - used in positive sentences , questions

e. No one:       - mean “No people”     - used in positive sentences

f. One:            - used to avoid repeating a singular noun

g. Ones :          - used to avoid repeating a plural noun

         Followed by a  singular verb




No one


           indefinite pronouns


          Refer back to them in a sentence                  

                                 with they/ them/their





I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A. stage                   B. page                        C. cake                                    D. tablet

2) A. elephant             B. event                       C. engineer                   D. let

3) A. listened              B. liked                       C. watched                   D. stopped

II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A. decorate             B. pagoda                    C. relative                   D. calendar

5) A. celebration         B. traditional                           C. entertainment         D. preparation

6) A. between             B. banner                    C. colour                     D. special


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

7) A particular time when something happens.

A. occasion                       B. event                       C. happening      D. holiday

8) To give something to someone and at the same time to receive the same type of thing from them.

A. change              B. hand in                   C. exchange       D. return

9) To make something look more attractive by putting things on it.

A. adorn                B. decorate      C. to be placed on something to make it more beautiful D. all are correct

10) Thinking about what is good in a situation or good or useful.

A. negative                      B. affirmative     C. positive               D. indefinite

11) A special event that people organize to memorize something.

A. birthday                        B. wedding        C. house warning    D. celebration

12) ......................... was the day before yesterday.

A. The France’s Independence day    B. The day of the French independence

C. French’s Independence            D. France’s Independence Day

13) Banh Chung is made ............. sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.

A. of                      B. from                       C. with          D. by

14) Many people go to the pagoda to .......... for a happy year for themselves and their family.

A. pray                              B. long             C. desire                   D. ask

15) Were there any calls for me?

     – Yes, ................ rang while you were out.

A. someone                       B. anyone                    C. no one                D. A & B

16) I threw my old trainers and bought some new ................. .

A. ones                              B. one              C. some                    D. any

17) There’s ...... waiting outside to see you. She didn’t tell me her name.

A. no one              B. anyone        C. someone                 D. everyone

18) There are two films on TV this evening. Which ...............would you prefer to see?

A. one                               B. ones                        C. someone                 D. anyone

19) Do you need thick paper or thin ...........................?

A. anyone              B. everyone     C. one              D. ones

20) We all know the man is a thief, don’t we?

     – Yes, ................... knows, but .............. dares to say so publicly.

A. someone/ no one                                              B. everyone/ no one

     C. anyone/ no one                                      D. anyone/ someone

21) Can you please check that  .............................. has got a ticket?

A. someone                       B. anyone                    C. no one                     D. everyone

22) I would like to offer a small reward to ........................ who finds my missing dog.

A. someone                       B. anyone                    C. no one                     D. one

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.


  23) There isn’t no one waiting for meisn’t there?

                       A                     B        C              D

    24) Someone spoke to me, but I can’t remember its name.

                              A       B                               C         D

    25) Anyone stole the money, but we don’t know who.

              A                 B                 C                        D

    26) Someone would tell me the answer, so I guessed.

               A                                  B                C        D

    27) There are someone wanting to see you outside.

                 A                             B         C                 D


III. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns: one(s), someone, anyone, no one, orevery one.

    28) Nearly .......................... on the Internet uses e-mail to communicate with each other.

    29) ............................ has left their bag behind.

    30) I’ve got some stamps here. Which is the .................... you like?

    31) Was there ...................... you knew at the meeting?

    32) Goodbye, ........................  . I’ll see you next week.

    33) Does ............................... else want to come?

    34) Would you make a copy for ............... in the office and a few extra .............. for the visitors?

  35) There’s .......................... at the door.

IV. Complete the sentence using someone, anyone, no one, or everyone:

1. Do you know ……………. in this village?

2. There is ............... in the room. …………. has left.

3. The phone call is not for me. ………… knows I’m here.

4. Has ……….. finished their assignments yet?

5. ………….. told my parents that I had won the competition.

6. Hello! Is …………..home?

7. ………… must hand in their research paper by Friday.

8. …………. has taken my bag for mistake. This is not mine.

C. READING: Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.

              The New Year is an event that happens when a cuture celebrates the end of one year and the begining of the next year. Cultures that measure yearly calendars all have New Year celebrations.

              Tet Nguyen Dan pronunciation, more commonly known by its shortened name Tet, is the most important and popular holiday and festival in Vietnam. It is Vietnamese New Year which is based on the Chinese calendar, a lunisolar calendar. The name Tet Nguyen Dan is Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning.

              Tet is celebrated on the same day as Chinese New Year through exceptions arise due to the one-hour time diference between Hanoi and Beijing. Tet shares many of the same customs of its Chinese counterpart. It is celebrated from the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, around late January or early February, until at least the third day. Many Vietnamese prepare for Tet by cooking special holiday foods, decorating and cleaning the house. During Tet holiday, Vietnamsese visit their families, pagodas and temples, forgetting about the troubles of the past year and hoping for a better upcoming year. Tet traditionally marks the coming of Spring, so Spring is sometimes used interchangeably with Tet in Vietnamese. Vietnamese people usually return to their famillies during Tet. Some return to worship at the family altar or visit the graves of their ancestors. Other return to where they grew up. Although Tet is a main holiday among all vietnamese, each region and religion has its own customs.

1. Tet is a ________ holiday in Vietnam.

           A. important                      B. lunisolar                     C. unpopular                 D. uncommon

2. Vietnamese New Year is based on __________ .

 A. the Vietnamese calendar      B. the Chinese calendar   C. Chinsese culture               D. New Year celebrations

3. Tet is celebrated at least ____________ .

           A. one day                       B. two days                      C. three days                D. a fournight

4. Which is NOT done to prepare for Tet ?

           A. cooking special holiday foods                                B. cleaning the house

           C. decorating the house                                               D. visiting relatives and friends

5. Tet __________________.

A. has the same customs throughout the country

B. has different customs, which are up to region and religion

C. is not celebrated throughout the country

D. ia at the end of Spring

------------THE END----------






Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Mã đề: 100





Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. From questions 1 to 3:


Question 1:   He didn’t come to class for two days, and anyone knows where he is.

                                A                       B      C                    D

Question 2:  It is  extremely important for an engineer  know to use a computer.

                   A           B                        C                        D

Question 3:  Many people go to the pagoda to pray of a happy year for themselvesand their family.

                               A          B                                C                                  D

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. From questions 4 to 6:

Question 4: A. visited                B. decided                 C. handicapped         D.wanted

Question 5: A. each                   B. which                    C. changeable           D. characteristic

Question 6: A. husband             B. hour                      C. helicopter             D. hospital


Choose one word or phrase – (A, B, C or D) - that best completes the sentences  from questions 7 to 22:

Question 7:  The president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.

A. disappointment         B. anxiety                      C. interest                      D. sadness

Question 8:   Before I started the car, all of the passengers _________________ their seat belts.

A. have buckled            B. had buckled               C. will buckle                D. was buckling

Question 9:  How many__________ are there in the competition?

A. participative             B. participants               C. participates               D. participations

Question 10:  I am so __________ that I cannot say anything, but keep silent.

A. nervously                  B. nerve                         C. nervous                     D. nervousness

Question 11:   ___________ is a holiday in Vietnam celebrated on September 2ndevery year.

A. Teachers" Day           B. Mother’s Day            C. Thanksgiving            D.Independence Day

Question 12:  There was __________ shortage of food and safe water after the flood.

A. Ø                               B. an                               C. a                                D. the

Question 13:  Mr. John thanked me___________ helping him with the homework.

A. to                               B. for                              C. of                               D. on

Question 14:  _______________it was a formal dinner party, James wore his blue Jeans.

A. Even though             B. Since                         C. Only if                      D. Until

Question 15:  Population growth rate_______________ in recent years.

A. has fallen                  B. had fallen                  C. have fallen                D. fell

Question 16:   The children were warned ______ in the lake without an adult present.

A. not swim                   B. not to swim               C. not swimming           D. to not swim

Question 17:  It’s no use_____________ ask him ______________us.

A. asking / helping        B. asking / to help          C. to ask/ helping          D. to ask / to help

Question 18:  My handbag was stolen ____________we were playing tennis.

A. before                       B. while                         C. after                          D. during

Question 19:  If I had enough money , I ___________ a good dictionary.

A. would buy                 B. would have bought    C. will buy                     D. will have bought

Question 20:  He ____________me that if he were me, he would do that work.

A. told                           B. said to me                  C. said                           D. says

Question 21:  Lan: What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?                         

                       Nga:______________________ . It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.

A. Yes, that’s right        B. Oh, it’s great             C. It’s not a good idea.  D. Ok, I don’t agree

Question 22:  Lan : “I’ve passed my exam.”

Mai : “_______________________”

A. Good luck.                                                       B. That’s a good idea.

C. It’s nice of you to say so.                                D. Congratulations!


Read the passage and choose the word (A, B , C or D) which best fits each gap of the passage from questions 23 to 27:                       

Lunar New Year, or Tet, is Vietnam’s main ____(23)       It is the grandest and most ____(24)___       occasion in the year which falls sometime between 19thJanuary and 20th February on the Western calendar.

 On the days of Tet, everyone tries to be nice and ____(25)       to each other. People believe that what they do ____(26)       the first day of the year will influence their luck during the whole year. Thus, only positive comments should be ____(27)____.

Question 23: A. day                   B. excursion              C. holiday                 D. vacation

Question 24: A. big                    B. important              C. boring                   D. importance

Question 25: A. impolite           B. rude                       C. polite                    D. please

Question 26: A. on                     B. at                           C. for                         D. of

Question 27: A. done                 B. taken                     C. had                        D. made


Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions from questions 28 to 32:

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behaviour between two or more humans. This article focuses on the notion specific to interpersonal relationships. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem and affection. Friends will welcome each other"s company and exhibit loyalty towards each other. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behaviour, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviours.

Yet, for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent basis: the tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy and empathy, honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults  of one"s counterpart mutual understanding.

In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. The study of friendship is included in sociology, anthropology, philosophy and zoology. Various theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social psychology, social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics and attachment styles.

Question 28:  What term is used to denote co-operative and supportive behaviour between people?

A. Anthropology.          B. Psychology.               C. Sociology.                 D. Friendship.

Question 29:  Which sentence is NOT true according to the 1st paragraph?

A. They often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviours.

B. They will welcome each other"s company and express loyalty towards each other.

C. They seldom desire the best for their friends.

D. Friends often engage in mutually helping behaviour.

Question 30:  What is closer, friendship or association?

A. Association is considered to be closer than friendship.

B. Association is considered to be as close as friendship.

C. Both friendship and association are close.

D. Friendship is considered to be closer than association.

Question 31:  What fields of study are about friendship?

A. The tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy, empathy and honesty.

B. Social psychology, social exchange theory, equity theory.

C. Sociology, anthropology, philosophy and zoology.

D. Mutual knowledge, esteem and affection.

Question 32:  What kind of things will friends share?

A. Degrees of intimacy.

B. Various theories of friendship.

C. Enjoyable activities.

D. The tendency to desire what is best for the other.


Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has stress pattern different from that of the other words from questions 33 to 34:

Question 33: A. problem           B. participate            C. orphanage             D. voluntary

Question 34: A. calendar           B. parade                   C. occasion               D. longevity


WRITING : Choose the best answer for the following sentences from questions 35 to 40:

Question 35:    "Could you please wait here until your name is called?"

A. She reminded me to wait here until my name was called.

B. She advised me to wait there until my name was called.

C. She asked me to wait there until my name was called.

D. She wanted to know if I could wait there until my name was called.

Question 36:  Build a sentence, using the words given  by choosing - A, B, C or D – from the ones given:

Tom /work/ hard /he/ pass/  exam.

A. Will Tom work hard, he will pass the exam.    B. Unless Tom works  hard, he will pass the exam.

C. If Tom doesn’t work hard, he will pass the exam.       D. Should Tom work hard, he will pass the exam.

Question 37:  Complete the sentence by choosing - A, B, C or D – from the phrases  given.

                   If he had tried harder, he ________________ .

A. would not sack       B. will not sack      C. will not be sacked       D. would not have been sacked


Question 38:   Rearrange the words given to make a complete sentence by choosing - A, B, C or D

– from the ones given.

        to return/ John/ to/ next/ it/ day/ promised/ her/ the

A. John promised returning it to her the next day.

B. John promised return it to her to the next day.

C. John promised to return it the next day to her.

D. John promised to return it to her the next day.

Question 39:   Complete the sentence by choosing - A, B, C or D – from the ones given.

___________________ he began to make friends more easily.

A. After entering the new school                           B. Upon entering into the new school

C. When he had been entering the new school.    D. Having entered his new school, it was found that

Question 40:   I first started to play the guitar when I was sixteen.

A. I have played the guitar when I was sixteen.    B. I have started the guitar when I was sixteen.

C. I have started the guitar since I was sixteen.    D. I have been playing the guitar since I was sixteen.




Mã đề: 200




I /  VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR :  Choose the  best  option .

1. Good friendship should be based on ………… respect , trust and understanding .

      a. loyal                           b. attractive                       c. suspicious                      d. mutual

2. We must cooperate closely in order to finish the project on time .

a. help                            b. work together               c. agree                             d. assist

3. The birthday marks the …………… in the life of a person , when he / she first came into being .

         a. labels                          b. milestones                    c. starting points               d. symptoms

4. The man expected ………………… a job in that company .

         a. to offer                       b. offering                         c. to be offered                  d. being offering

5. ……………all his homework , Tom was allowed to go out with his friends .

      a. To do                          b. Had done                       c. Doing                            d. Having done

6. We can’t grow enough food to …………..the increasing population .

      a. support                       b. supporter                       c. supportable                   d. supportive

7.  Mary should have apologized ……….being late this morning , but she didn’t .

      a. on                               b. for                                 c. of                                   d. about

8. Western people are not used …………with chopsticks .

      a. eat                              b. to eat                             c. to eating                        d. for eating

9. ……………is the act of limiting the children born .

      a. Population                  b. Birth rate                       c. Birth control                  d. Under-population

10. The policeman  ……………himopen his briefcase .

      a. made                          b. asked                             c. forced                            d. told

11. Thanks to the …………. among producers  , customers can buy goods with low prices .

      a. compete                      b. competitor                    c. completion                    d. competition

12.  - “ I hear you have passed your exams . Congratulations !”   ~   “ ………………”.

      a. Thank you !                b. Congratulations !          c. Not at all                       d. It’s my pleasure .

13. He wouldn’t have failed if he …………….his father’s advice .

      a. takes                           b. took                               c. had taken                       d. would take                          

14. ……………printing …………by Chinese ?

      a. Did / invented            b. Was / invented              c. Was / inventing             d. Were / invented

15. The volunteers help disadvantaged children to …………….their difficulties .

      a. struggle                      b. fight                              c. forget                            d. overcome

II / ERROR IDENTIFICATION :  Pick out the underlined part that needs correcting .

16.   Overpopulation  is a   short way   to lead to   poor   ,   illiteracy   and  social evils .

                    A                                  B                              C            D

    17. The film was so  bored   that many people  walked   out of   the cinema just after 15 minutes watching it .

                                         A                                                    B                       C                                      D


    18. To save energy , all the lights should be   turned off   before   going out .

A                                                  B                C                         D

   19. Have seen  the film  twice , I don’t want  to see  it  again any more .

                        A                      B                                 C                   D                     

   20.  They let me  choose   an  umbrella , and I  took the blue once .

                                    A         B                                 C                 D


 A -  Choose the best answer to complete each space .

        I had an ….( 21) experience last year . When I…..( 22) to town in the south of France , a young man waved to me . I stopped and he asked me for a lift . As soon as he had got into the car , I said good morning to him ……….( 23)  French and he replied in the same language . …….( 24) of us spoke during the journey . I myself know a little of French . I had nearly approached the town when the young man suddenly said , very ………….( 25) , “ Do you speak English ? ” As I soon learnt , he was English himself .

21. a. amuse                         b. amusing                        c. amused                          d. amusement

22. a. was driving                b. drove                             c. had been driving           d. having driven

23. a. with                            b. in                                   c. on                                  d. by

24. a. Not                             b. Neither                          c. None                              c. All

25. a. quick                          b. slow                              c. slowly                           d.  slowness

 B -  Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question :

      Different regions have different rates of population growth , but in the 20thcentury , the world saw the biggest increase in its population in human history due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity made by the Green Revolution .

      However , in some countries there is a negative population growth , especially in the Central and Eastern Europe , mainly due to low fertility rate ,and Southern Africa  due to the high number of HIV – related deaths .Within the next decades , Japan and some countries in Western Europe are also expected to encounter a negative population growth  due to sub-replacement fertility rates .

      Population growth which exceeds the carrying capacity of an area will result in overpopulation . On the contrary , such areas may be considered “ under-populated ” if the population is not large enough to maintain an economic system .

26.       Which sentence is NOT true ?

a.  Most of the countries in the world are facing the problem of overpopulation

b.  Overpopulation is a state when the population growth exceeds the carrying capacity of an area

c.  The Green Revolution  caused the population explosion in the 20th  century .

d.  The 20th century had the highest population growth rate in the history .

     27. When is an area considered “ under-populated ” ?

   a. When its population is not big enough to maintain the economic system .

   b. When it has high number of HIV – related deaths .

   c. When its population is too poor .                              

    d. When it has high fertility rate

     28. Which areas are expected to encounter a decrease in population growth in the next decades ?

   a.  Some countries in Central and Eastern Europe ,          b. Japan

   c.   Some countries in Western Europe ,                          d. B and C

     29.  Negative population growth in Central and Eastern Europe is due to : ……………

           a. high fertility rate         b.  low fertility rate

           c. low death rate                 d. high number of HIV-related deaths .

30.  What does “ fertility rate ” mean ?

           a. birth rate                        b. death rate                         c. growth rate                  d. marriage rate

IV /  WRITING :  Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the root one :

31. “ If I were you . I would travel to Paris by train ,” Jane said .

      a. Jane said If she had been me , she would have traveled to Paris by train .

      b. Jane said If she were me , she would travel to Paris by train .

      c. Jane advised me to travel to Paris by train .                                                  d. B  and C are correct .

32.  “ Congratulations ! You’ve won the scholarship ,” he said .

      a. He said that congratulations ! I had won the scholarship .                           

      b. He said I had won the scholarship and he congratulated .

      c. He congratulated me on having won the scholarship .                                 

      d. He congratulated me of winning the scholarship .

33. Tom did his homework and then he went to bed .

      a. After Tom had done his homework , he went to bed .                                 

      b. Having done his homework , Tom went to bed .

      c. Doing his homework , Tom went to bed .           d. A and B are correct .

34. Let’s start our journey or we’ll be late .

      a. If we start our journey , we won’t be late .          b. Unless we start our journey , we won’t be late .

      c. If we don’t start our journey , we’ll be late .       d. We would be late if we didn’t start our journey

35. He dislikes people asking him about his job .

      a. Asking him about his job is disliked  .                b.  He dislikes being asked about his job .

      c. His job is disliked asking about .                         d. People are disliked asking about his job .


A- Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others :

36. a. figure                         b. average                          c. organize                        d. grow

37. a. choose                        b. children                         c. character                        d. teacher

   38. a. volunteer                    b. province                        c. population                     d. provide

B – Choose a word whose stressed syllable is different from the others .

   39. a. coordinate                  b. voluntary                      c. minority                        d. development

40. a. assistance                   b. supporter                       c. vocation                        d. secretary



Mã đề: 300




Choose one word or phrase – (A, B, C or D) - that best completes the sentences 

Câu 1: The plants want ………………… daily.

A. watering                    B. to be watered             C. being watered           D. to water

Câu 2: Tom apologized to being late for class.

A. apologized                B. to                               C. being                         D. late

Câu 3: Daisy is so …………… . She is only cares about herself, not about other people.

A. talkative                    B. loyal                          C. helpful                      D. selfish

Câu 4: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

A. hospital                     B. holiday                      C. honest                       D. husband

Câu 5: When we …………… to see him last night, he …………… to music.

A. come / is listening                                           B. had come / listened

C. came / was listening                                        D. were coming / had listened

Câu 6: I can’t read when I am traveling. It makes me …………… sick.

A. felt                            B. feeling                       C. to feel                        D. feel

Câu 7: We didn’t visit the museum because we had no time.

A. If we have time, we will visit the museum.

B. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.

C. If we had time, we would visit the museum.

D. If we had had time, we will have visited the museum.

Câu 8: Johnny will have completed his five- year course at university next month.

A. finished                     B. found                         C. tried                          D. enjoyed

Câu 9: “What shall we do this evening?” “ ……………”

A. Let’s go out for dinner  B. No problem            C. Oh, that’s good!     D. I went out for dinner

Câu 10: Does he tell you how he is getting …………… his new friends?

A. out of                        B. on of                          C. on with                      D. away with

Câu 11: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

A. machine                    B. choose                       C. teacher                      D. change

Câu 12: In tonight’s quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.

A. losers                        B. judges                        C. competitors               D. winners

Câu 13: We are looking forward …………… from you soon.

A. of having heard        B. at hearing                  C. to hearing                  D. from hearing

Câu 14: Last month while we watched an exciting game on television in our living  room, the electricity went out.

A. Last month               B. on                              C. went out                    D. watched


Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each blank from 15  to 19.

A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition between people, largely on the (15)….......... of their physical appearance. The modern beauty pageant can trace its origin to the Miss America pageant, first held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1921, under the title ‘Inter-City Beauty" contest. The following year the title was (16)…..........  as Miss America. Other contests include the yearly Miss World competition and Miss Universe, which are the two largest and most famous (17)….......... beauty contests. Women from around the world (18)….......... in the competition for these titles. To be selected as Miss World or Miss Universe, a contestant must be celibate or single. If a Miss WorId fails to live up to people"s expectations, she may be disqualified. The organizers of the major beauty contests represent their contests as being events of world importance. (19)….......... many other people consider beauty contests to be agreeable entertainment event of no great importance.


Câu 15:     A. beautiful               B. beautify                C. beauty                   D. beautifully

Câu 16:     A. renewed                B. removed                C. renamed               D. retained

Câu 17:     A. nation                   B. national                 C. internationale

Câu 18:     A. participate            B. interest                  C. excite                    D. involve

Câu 19:     A. Besides                 B. However               C. Therefore             D. Furthermore

Câu 20: Each nation has many people who …………… take care of others.

A. voluntary                  B. voluntarily                C. voluntariness            D.volunteer

Câu 21: Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.

A. constancy                  B. generous                    C. sympathy                  D. enthusiast

Câu 22: We …………… TV last night.

A. don’t watch               B. haven’t watched        C. didn’t watch              D. hadn’t watched

Câu 23: He advised them …………… in class.

A. not to talk                 B. to not talk                  C. to talk not                  D. don’t talk

Câu 24: We all were in state of great…………… when we learnt that we had passed the final exam.

A. excite                        B. exciting                     C. excitement                D. excited

Câu 25: …………… all his homework, he went to bed.

A. Doing                        B. Having done              C. To do                        D. Do

Câu 26: We are not permitted enter the factory after 6.p.m without authorization.

A. authorization            B. permitted enter          C. We are                      D. after

Câu 27: If he had known that she was in the hospital, he would come to see her.

A. see                             B. had known                 C. was                            D. would come

Câu 28: Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.

A. anniversary               B. unselfish                    C. suspicious                 D. acquaintance

Câu 29: They  congratulated  me  …………… the exams  with  high marks.

A. passed                       B. having passed            C. to pass                       D. on passing

Câu 30: Peter said, “I wish I hadn’t lent him some money.”

A. Peter suggested lending him some money.                   B. Peter wishes not to lend him some money.

C. Peter thanked him for lending him some money.         D. Peter regretted lending him some money.

Câu 31: If everything is all right, we …………… our work on time.

A. complete                   B. are completing          C. have completed        D. will complete

Câu 32: The driver stopped …………… a coffee because he felt sleepy.

A. have                          B. to have                       C. having                       D. had

Choose the   item that best completes the unfinished statement (or best answers the questions) about each passage

Going to a party can be fun and enjoyable. If you are invited to party, do call your host up early to inform him/her of whether you are going. If you want to bring someone who has not been invited along with you, you should ask for permission first. Remember to dress appropriately for the party. You will stick out like a sore thumb if you are dressed formally whereas everyone else is in T- shirt and jeans.

If you are not sure what to wear/ do ask your host. During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to serve drinks or wash the dishes. You host would certainly appreciate these efforts. If you happen to be in a party you don’t know everyone, do not try to monopolize the host’s attention. This is inconsiderate since your host has many people to attend  and can not spend all his/ her time with you. Instead , learn to mingle with others at the party. You could try breaking the ice by introducing yourself to someone who is friendly- looking.

    Before you leave the party remember to thank your host  first. If you have the time, you  could even offer to help  your host clean up the place.

Câu 33:  IF you are invited to a party, should ……………………..

 A.  take someone with you                            B. ask for your parent permission

C. bring a small a gift                                     D. call to confirm your arrival

Câu 34:  According to the passage, if you are dressed differently from everybody at the party…..
A. People may be attached to you                              B. You will make people notice to you

C.  you will  feel uncomfortable                                D. You shouldn’t pay attention to your clothes

Câu 35:  What should you do if you are in a party?

A. talk to your host as much as possible                    B. Move around and talk to other guests

C. Try to break the ice up                                           D. Just make friends with friendly-looking people.

Câu 36:  The phrase the ice means……………………..

A. make friends                                                          B. attract people attention

C. make people feel more relaxed                              D. establish relationship

Câu 37:  Which of the following is not true according to passage?

A. You shouldn’t bring someone who hasn’t been invited along with you to a party.

B. you should help your lost with the wash up or clean –up

C. you shouldn’t be very clearly different from everyone at the party

D. you shouldn’t leave without showing your gratitude to your host

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

Câu 38:  .He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester.

                        A                     B        C                  D

Câu 39:  They chose not to be attended the meeting.

                        A      B             C                  D

Câu 40:  He could not decide whether to get a job or studying.

                                    A          B         C                        D



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Choose the word whose  underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:           

 1.  A. longevity                                                    C. guitarist        D.agrarian

 2.  A. visited                                B. handicapped                     C.decided                                         D. wanted

       Choose the best option to complete the following sentences:

 3. She pretended ……………me as she passed me in the street

       A. not see to                          B. not see                              C. not seeing                                            D. not to see

 4. If the ball .......... the line, that would have been the end of the game.

       A. will cross                          B. would cross                      C.crossed                                          D. had crossed

 5. He has to work very hard to earn enough to………… his large family.

       A. celebrate                           B. limit                                                                  D. reach

 6. A ................... is a person that officially decides who is the winner of a competition.

       A. participant                        B. sponsor                             C. poet D. judge

 7. The woman refused……………..the strange man.

       A. helping                              B. helped                               C. to help D. help

 8. My uncle……………..his own business in 1999.

       A. started                               B. had started                        C. would started                                           D. has started

 9. At Tet , many people go to pagoda to pray .……..….a happy new year.

       A. of                                       B. about                                C. for  D. on

 10. The old woman …………………………. the boy of breaking her window.

       A. apologised                         B. thanked                             C.congratulated                                D. accused

 11. They now regret ............... their son by giving him everything he asked for.

       A. having been spoiled          B. having spoiled                  C. to have spoiled                                          D. to be spoiled

 12. Jane expected  ....................... to the university, but he wasn"t.

       A. admitting                              B. to admit                       C. being admitted               D. to be admitted

 13. If I were forced to leave my position, I………………upset

       A. probably be                       B. would be                           C. will be                    D. would have been

 14. He loved Marry for her honesty, her modesty and her........................

       A. selfishness                        B. unselfish                           C.unselfishness                                D. selfish

 15. If it ....................., there will be a shortage of water.

       A. not rain                              B. rains                                  C. can rain        D.doesn"t rain

 16. When she ………….the station, the train ……………………..

       A. arrived/ went                  B. arrived/ had gone              C. has arrived/ was going        D. arriving/ has gone

 17. They made him…………..for them at the weekends.

       A. work                                  B. working                            C. to work                                              D. worked

 18. The practice of controlling the number of children a person has is called .............................. .

       A. family planning                B. safe control                       C. labor saving                                           D. population

 19.  …………………….the film twice, we didn"t want to see it again.

       A. Being seen                        B. To see                               C.Seeing                                           D. Having seen

 20. The bus was completely empty. There wasn"t ................ on it.

       A. no one                               B. ones                                  C.anyone                                          D. someone

 21. I am very pleased today because  ………….... is late for work

       A. everyone                           B. no one                               C.anyone                                          D. someone

       Choose the word or phrase whose underlined part  needs correcting.

 22. The children are looking forward to celebrate  the Mid-autumn festival.

       A. celebrate                           B. festival                             C. forward to    D. are

 23. I am very happily to have received a donation of $1,000 from your company some days ago.

       A. happily                              B. from                                 C. to have received                                        D. of

 24. We didn"t think her parents would allow her go out late at night.

       A. would allow                      B. go out                               C. at    D. think

 25. You had better ask him come in . Don"t keep him standing at the door.

       A. come                                 B. standing                            C.don"t                                              D. had better


Choose the best option to complete the blanks in the following passage:

       The FIFA Women"s World Cup is the (26) _____ important international competition in woman"s football. Contested (27)_______four years, the first women"s world cup tournament, named the Women"s world championship, was held in 1991, 61 years after the men first FIFA World Cup tournament in 1930. The current format has 16 _(28)________ compete every four years for the winner trophy. Of the first four tournaments held, the USA has won the championship twice. Since its first tournament , the Women "s world cup has continued to grow in popularity. FIFA estimates that there are currently forty millions girls and women (29)_______ football around the world, and the number of women will equal to the number of men by 2010.

 26.  A. most                                 B. almost                              C. mostly                                           D. more

 27.  A. even                                  B. every                                C.event                                             D. none

 28.  A. footballers                        B. groups                              C.teams                                            D. people

 29.  A. growing                            B. running                             C.playing                                          D. getting

Read the following passage and then choose the best answer

       The most important celebration holiday in China is the New Year. At this time shops are closed. The people celebrate by feasting, by paying friendly calls to their neighbors, and by visiting the temples to make promises for the New Year. Children parade through the streets carrying colorful lanterns and paper figures. Firecrackers similar to those used in the United States on the Fourth of July are set off. In fact, on the night that the New Year"s celebration begins, the exploding fireworks make so much noise that no one is able to sleep.

       The time of the New Year is also the time at which Chinese people refresh their homes. For example, the windows, which are made of thick rice paper, are torn down, and new ones are put up. This is also the time during which people pay their debts. Every man tries to settle all his bills before the beginning of the New Year.

 30. No one is able to sleep on the night  that the New Year"s celebration begins because ..............

       A. they pay their debts          B. they explode fireworks

         C. fireworks make noise.      D. their children carry colorful lantems and paper figures.

 31. The word "ones "in the second paragraph refers to ..................... .     

       A. windows                            B. homes                               C. Chinese people                                           D. rice paper

 32. This article as a whole is about ...................... .

       A. New Year"s promises        B. paying debts        C. The Chinese New Year        D. holiday China  

 33. Which of the following sentences is not true?

       A. Everyone explodes fireworks.               B. Chinese people try to pay debts before the New Year.

         C. Children parade through the streets.     D. People feast and call to their neighbors friendly.

       Choose the most suitable clause or sentence:   

 34. "I"m sorry I didn"t lend you the book you wanted," Mary said to John.

       A. Mary wanted John to lend her the book she had wanted.         

       B. Mary apologized John for not lending the book he had wanted.

       C. Mary apologized John for didn"t lending the book he wanted. 

       D. Mary accused John of not lending her the book she had wanted.

 35. My father hasn"t smoked for three years. 

       A. My father stopped smoking three years ago.  B. My father quit smoking for three years.

       C. My father started to smoke three years ago.   D. My father will continue smoking in three years" time.

 36. "Please don"t smoke in my car," he said. à He asked me…………………………

A. please not to smoke in my car                                               B. not to smoke in his car       

C. I didn"t smoke in his car                                                         D. didn"t smoke in his car

 37. Peter : “What sort of food and drink did you have at Lan"s party?”    Susan: “Oh ,……………….......”

       A. she asked us to eat all the food she served                    

       B. we were served chicken, steak, soup, bread, beer and soft drinks

       C. we helped her prepare some special food and drink     

       D. we brought some soft drinks and biscuits

 38. Michael: “................................?”   

John: “Well, she"s not very beautiful. But she"s got bright eyes and a very friendly smile.”

       A. What are her personalities                                                        B. What does she look like  

       C. What does she like                                                          D. What is she look like

       Choose the word whose stressed syllable is different from that of the others:

 39.  A. celebrate                          B. together                            C.successful                                     D. activity

 40.  A. performance                     B. announce                          C. remember        D.champion



Mã đề: 500





Choose the best option  to complete each of the following sentences from 1 to 20

Câu 1:  Don"t all of us want _________ and needed by other people?

A. loving                       B. to be loved                C. to love                       D. being loved

Câu 2:  _________ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.

A. To have been slept   B. Having been slept     C. To have slept            D. Having slept

Câu 3:  “You"re always making terrible mistakes,” said the teacher. This sentence means that _________

A. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes.

B. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

C. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.

D. The teacher complained about his students making terrible mistakes.

Câu 4:  At the end of this month, we _________ friends for ten years.

A. has been                    B. will have been           C. are                             D. will be

Câu 5:  Jane is fortunate now _________ a scholarship last month by her government.

A. to be given                B. having been given     C. to have been given    D. being given

Câu 6:  He apologized _________ not being able to complete the poem.

A. for                             B. on                              C. of                               D. to

Câu 7:  I don"t enjoy _________ at by other people.

A. to laugh                     B. laughing                    C. to be laughed            D. being laughed

Câu 8:  Hoa: “Would you mind if I borrow your bike?”        Minh  “_________.”

A. Not at all                   B. Excuse me                 C. Yes, please               D. It’s my fault

Câu 9:  “Is Marsha still here?”      “No. She was the first _________”.

A. that she left               B. leaving                      C. to leave                     D. in leaving

Câu 10:  Tom said that if he _________ me, he _________ that old building.

A. had been /wouldn’t buy                                   B. was /wouldn’t have bought

C. had been /wouldn’t have bought                     D. were /wouldn’t buy

Câu 11:  _________ he  quits smoking, he will die.

A. Although                   B. If                                C. Because                     D. Unless

Câu 12:  _________ you at the station if you"d told me you were coming.

A. I"d have met              B. I was met                   C. I met                         D. I"d meet

Câu 13:  “We need new curtains.”     “Okay, let"s buy _________ them.”

A. some with flower on                                       B. ones

C. ones with flowers on                                       D. one

Câu 14:  Nam: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”  Nga: “_________”

A. Yes, it is. Isn’t it?     B. Yes, so do I.              C. I’ve had enough.       D. Yes, I’d love to.

Câu 15:  “Let"s have a break for lunch,” said Mathew. This sentence means that _________

A. Mathew suggested having a break  for lunch.  B. Mathew insisted on having a break  for lunch.

C. Mathew offered us a break for lunch.               D. Mathew wanted to have a break for lunch.

Câu 16:  I _________ in this house  for six years now.

A. live                            B. have been lived         C. have lived                 D. lived

Câu 17:  Jen had confided her secret to Mark; but he betrayed her _________.

A. sympathy                  B. constancy                  C. loyalty                       D. trust

Câu 18:  She showed her _________ by asking lots of trivial questions.

A. experience                B. inexperience              C. experienced              D. inexperienced

Câu 19:  Children are always _________ about Tet holiday.

A. excited                      B. concerned                  C. keen                          D. interested

Câu 20:  Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care _________ others.

A. to                               B. on                              C. of                               D. in

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting from 21 to 22

Câu 21:  There"s hardly no sugar left, so we must get some when we go shopping.

A. no sugar                    B. There"s                       C. must                          D. some

Câu 22:  John congratulated  us  of passing our exam.

A. of                              B. congratulated            C. us                              D. our

Read the passage and choose the correct  answer for each question from 23 to 27


Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.

Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America. In 1620 the ship the Mayflowers arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually called Pilgrims. They arrived at the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many of them died. But in the following summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter. They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived.

Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days.

The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America. The meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes (also called yams) and cranberries, which are made into a kind of sauce or jelly. The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing, and many families have their own special recipe. Dessert is pumpkin made into a pie.

On Thanksgiving there are special television programs and sports events. In New York there is the Macy"s Thanksgiving Day Parade, when a long line of people wearing fancy costumes march through the streets with large balloons in the shape of imaginary characters. Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.

Câu 23:  In the United States, Thanksgiving is _________.

A. a religious celebration held by Christians only

B. celebrated as a public holiday

C. more important than Christmas

D. apart from Christmas

Câu 24:  According to the passage, Pilgrims are _________.

A. people who left their home and went to live in North America in the early 17th century

B. people who travelled to America by ships

C. trips that religious people make to a holy place

D. Native Americans who live in North America

Câu 25:  All of the following statements are mentioned EXCEPT _________.

A. People celebrate Thanksgiving to thank God

B. People go to churches for religious services on Thanksgiving

C. People usually have traditional dinners on Thanksgiving

D. There are lots of entertainments on Thanksgiving

Câu 26:  On Thanksgiving, _________.

A. turkey, yams and pumpkin pies are served

B. people join in the Macy"s Thanksgiving Day Parade

C. people wear coloured carnival masks matching through the streets

D. people go out to shop for Christmas presents

Câu 27:  Which of the following is not true?

A. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated by the first, Europeans in North America to thank God for their survival.

B. Christmas comes less than a month after Thanksgiving.

C. In the US, Thanksgiving is not a national holiday; it"s a religious holiday.

D. The Macy"s Thanksgiving Day Parade is colourful and exciting.


Read the following passage and choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) for each blank from 28 to 32

       If you are invited to someone"s house for dinner in the United States, you should bring a gift, such as a (28)_________ of flowers or a box of chocolates. If you give your host a (29)_________ gift, he/she may open it in front of you. Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is considered polite. It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and wants to show his/her appreciation to you immediately. Even if the host doesn"t like it, he/she will tell a “white lie” and say how much they like the gift to  (30)_________ the guest from feeling bad. If your host asks you to arrive at a particular time, you should not arrive (31)_________ on time or earlier than the (32)_________ time, because this is considered to be potentially inconvenient and therefore rude, as the host may not be ready.

Câu 28:     A. bundle                   B. hand                      C. bunch                    D. handful

Câu 29:     A. valuable                B. unpacked              C. wrapped                D. unwanted

Câu 30:     A. protest                  B. make                     C. protect                  D. prevent

Câu 31:     A. gradually              B. recently                 C. perfectly               D. exactly

Câu 32:     A. permitted              B. waited                   C. expected               D. wasted


Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one from 33 to 35

Câu 33:  “Could you please wait here until your name is called?” she said.

A. She wanted to know if I could wait there until my name was called.

B. She asked me to wait there until my name was called.

C. She advised me to wait there until my name was called.

D. She reminded me to wait here until my name was called.

Câu 34:  “I wish I"d asked for his name and address,” Lan said.

A. Lan regretted not to ask for his name and address.

B. Lan regretted not asking for his name and address.

C. Lan regretted to ask for his name and address.

D. Lan regretted not having asking for his name and address.

Câu 35:  “If we had a map, we could  find the street,” Mai said

A. Mai said that if we had a map, we could  find the street.

B. Mai said that if they had a map, they could  find the street.

C. Mai said that if they had had a map, they could  have found the street.

D. Mai said that if they had had a map, they could  find the street.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others from 36 to 38

Câu 36:     A. stays                     B. steals                     C. tells                      D. talks

Câu 37:     A. competition          B. competitor            C. contest                  D. question

Câu 38:     A. children                B. exchange               C. machine                D. peach

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others from 39 to 40

Câu 39:     A. memorable           B. excited                  C. interested             D. confident

Câu 40:     A. appreciate             B. situation                C. experience            D. embarrassing


--------------------THE END ------------------


































Năm học 2019-2020





I/ The present simple tense ( Thì hiện tại đơn )

    1. Form  : S ( I / WE / YOU / THEY) + V

                      S ( HE / SHE / IT) + VS/ES

                      S + BE( AM / IS / ARE)......

    1. Usage:

   - Thì  HTĐG diễn tả một thói quen, một hành động xảy ra thường xuyên lặp di lặp lại ở hiện tại.          

                           eg. I watch T.V every night.

   - Thì  HTĐG diễn tả một chân lý , một sự thật hiển nhiên.

                         eg. The sun rises in the East /   Tom comes from America.

   - Thì  HTĐG được dùng khi ta nói về thời khóa biểu ( timetables), chương trình (programmes).........

                         eg. The train leaves the station at 8.15 a.m.

                              The film begins at 8 p.m.

   - Thì  HTĐG dùng sau những cụm từ chỉ thời gian : when, as soon as,.. và những cụm từ chỉ điều kiện : if, unless.

                      eg. When summer comes, Ill go to the beach.

                           You wont get good marks unless you work hard.

    1. Adverbs:

                     Often= usually= frequently, always= constantly, sometimes =occasionally, seldom= rarely,

                     everyday/   week/ month.............


  II. The present continuous tense( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )

1.      Form : S + BE ( AM / IS / ARE) +V ing

2.      Usage:

          - Thì HTTD diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra và kéo dài một thời gian ở hiện tại( thường có các trạng

          từ : now, right now, at the moment, at present.)

                             eg. The children are playing football now.

          - Thì HTTD cũng thường được dùng theo sau câu đề nghị, mệnh lệnh.

                            eg. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

     Note :Không dùng thì HTTD với các động từ chỉ nhận thức , tri giác như : to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget, belong to, believe.....

( Với các động từ này ta thay bằng thì HTĐG.)   

                          eg. She wants to go for a walk at the moment.


  III/ The present perfect tense ( Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành )

1.      Form : S + HAVE / HAS + PII

2.      Usage :

          - Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra, vừa mới kết thúc, thường đi với trạng từ “just”       

                             eg. We have just bought a new car.

        - Thì HTHT diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu từ quá khứ , còn kéo dài đến hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp

                             tục ở tương lai.            

                            eg.   You have studied English for five years.

          - Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động xaỷ ra trong quá khứ mà không biết rõ thời gian.

                              eg. I have gone to Hanoi.

          - Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần ở quá khứ.

                              eg. We have seen Titanic three times.

          - Thì HTHT dùng sau những từ so sánh ở cấp cao nhất.( trong lời bình phẩm)

                              eg. Its the most boring film Ive ever seen.

          - Thì HTHT dùng với This is the first/ second time, it’s the first time.........

                              eg. This is the first time Ive lost my way.

     -Thì HTHT dùng với This morning/ This evening/ Today/ This week/ This term...... khi những thời gian

                       này vẫn còn trong lúc nói.

                         eg. I havent seen Joana  this morning . Have you seen her?

Note : - Gone to khác với Been to.

                          eg. Marry has gone to Paris(đang ở hoặc đang trên đường đến Pari)

                                Marry has been to Paris(đã đến nhưng bây giờ không còn ở Pari)

3.      Adverbs :

- just, recently, lately :gần đây, vừa mới                         - ever :đã từng                          - never:chưa bao giờ

  - already :rồi               - yet: chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn)

- since :từ khi( chỉ thời điểm mà hành động bắt đầu)

- for : khoảng(chỉ khoảng thời gian của hành động )

so far =until now =up to now =up to the present : cho đến nay, cho đến tận bây giờ ...

** Thì HTHTTD : S + have been + Ving.  Sử dụng tương tự thì HTHT nhưng muốn nhấn mạnh tính liên tục

của hành động.

                                    eg. You have been learning English for 5 years.


IV/  The past simple tense ( Thì Quá khứ đơn )

    1. Form : S + V- ed (regular /irregular )
    2. Usage : _Thì QKĐG diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, đã chấm dứt và biết rõ thời gian.       eg. I went to the cinema last night.
    3. Adverbs :   -last :      yesterday                      - ago :                        -

   ** -  Khi đổi sang dạng phủ định  và nghi vấn nhớ đưa động từ chính về nguyên mẫu.

        - Chú ý cách phát âm các động từ có tận cùng là  ‘ed’

*     Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là /d/ khi theo sau các âm hữu thanh   ( trừ âm /d/ )

*     Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là /t/ khi theo sau các âm vô thanh ( trừ âm /t/ )

*     Động từ tận cùng bằng ‘ed’ được phát âm là /id/ khi theo sau các âm /t, d/

V/  The past continuous tense :

        1. Form : S + WAS/ WERE + V ing.

        2. Usage : - Hành động đang xảy ra và kéo dài một thời gian ở quá khứ.

                                  eg. Yesterday, Mr Nam was working in the garden all the afternoon.

                         - Hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.

                                  eg. We were learning English at 9 a.m last Sunday.

                       -  Hành động đang xảy ra( ở quá khứ ) thì có một hành động khác xen vào.(hđ đang xảy ra dùng thì QKTD , hđ xen vào dùng thì QKĐG )

                                eg. When I saw her yesterday, she was having breakfast.

                        - Hai hành động  xảy ra song song cùng một lúc ở quá khứ.

                               eg. Last night, I was watching T.V while my sister was reading a book.

Note: không dùng thì này với các động từ chỉ nhận thức, tri giác( thay bằng QKĐG).

        3. Adverbs:- at 4p.m yesterday              - at this time last Sunday...........


VI/ The past perfect tense ( Thì quá khứ hoàn thành )

        1.Form : S + HAD + PII.

        2. Usage :Diễn tả một hành động trong quá khứ xảy ra trước một thời gian cụ thể hoặc trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ.( Nếu trong câu có hai hành động quá khứ , hđ nào xảy ra trước ta dùng QKHT, hđ nào sau ta dùng QKĐG).

                  eg.  They had live here before 1985.

                        After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed.


VII/  The simple future tense ( Thì tương lai đơn giản)

1.      Form : S + will/ shall + V bare infi.

2.      Usage: - Dùng khi ta quyết định làm một điều gì đó vào lúc nói.

                        eg. You will give your sentences now.

                - Dùng để yêu cầu, đề nghị  ai đó làm gì

                         eg. Will you shut the door.

                - Dùng để đồng ý hoặc từ chối làm gì .

                         eg: A:I need some money.

                             B:Dont worry .Ill lend you some.

                - Dùng để hứa hẹn làm điều gì 

                        eg:I promise Ill call you when I arrive

                - Dùng  shall I và shall we để đề nghị hoặc gợi ý.

                        eg. Where shall we go tonight?/ Shall we go to the cinema?

                - Dùng I think Ill...../ I dont think Ill......khi ta quyết làm / ko làm điều gì.

                       eg.I think Ill stay at home tonight./ I dont think Ill go out tonight.

3.      Adverbs : - someday :một ngày nào đó.          - next week/ next month..........

                      - tomorrow :                                     - soon :chẳng bao lâu nữa.


 VIII/ Near future (Thì tương lai gần )

1.      Form: S + BE + GOING TO + V BARE INFI. (dự định sẽ )

                  S + BE +V ING                              (sắp sửa )

2. Usage :

- Diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai gần có dự định trước( thường trong câu không

có trạng từ chỉ thời gian )

            eg. They are going to repaint the school .

                 -Diễn tả sự tiên đoán, sự kiện chắc chắn xảy ra ở tương lai vì có dấu hiệu hay chứng cứ ở hiện tại .

-        eg. Toms a good student. Hes going to pass the final exam.

                                                     Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.




            Theo luật chung một động từ bao giờ cũng hòa hợp với chủ ngữ ø  của no ù- tức là – nếu chủ ngữ số ít thì

động từ theo sau cũng ở số ít và ngược lại nếu chủ ngữ øøsố nhiều thì theo sau là động số nhiều. Tuy nhiên, ta hãy

chú ý 10 luật đặc biệt sau:

[1] : Hai hay nhiều chủ ngữ số ít đựơc nối  bởi  liên từ  AND thì đòi  hỏi một  động  từ  số  nhiều 

                    - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly.

- Tom and Mary were late yesterday.

Tuy nhiên, nếu hai chử từ này diễn tả một người, một vật hay một ý tưởng chung thì động từ vẫn ở số ít.

- Bread and butter is my daily breakfast.

- To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life.

[2] : Hai chủ ngữ øđược nối với nhau bằng AND mà trước chủ  ngữ ø ø đầù có EACH, EVERY, MANY A, NO thì

động từ phải ở số ít.

- Each boy and  girl has a textbook.

- No teacher and student is present.


[3] : Khi hai chủ ngữ ø được nối bởi OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR…thì  động từ hoà hợp cùng với

chủ ngữ øgần nó nhất

- He or you are the best student in this class.

- Neither Jack nor I am willing to do that.

[4] : Khi hai chủ ngữ ø đươcï nối bởi AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH thì động từ hòa hợp với chủ ngữ ø  

thứ nhất.

- John, as well as you, is responsible for this act.

- Tom, with his friends, is in the car.

[5] : Một  danh từ  tập  hợp ( collective noun ) cần 1 động từ số nhiều khi ta ngụ ý nói tới từng

cá  nhân tạo nên tập hợp ấy,nhưng động từ vẫn  là số ít nếu ta ngụ ý nói chung chung coi cả tập hợp

như một đơn vị 

- The family of this dead soldier is noble.

- The family go to the movies every Sunday morning.

[6] : Khi chủ  ngữ ø là danh từ có hình thức là số nhiều nhưng nghĩa lại là số ít thì động từ chia ở số ít.

No news is good news.

- Physics is more difficult than chemistry.

            các danh từ th ường gặp như : news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics,

           phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines…

[7] : Khi chủ ngữ ø ø là danh từ chỉ trọng lượng, đo lường, giá cả hay giá tiền thì được coi là số ít, động từ theo

 sau cũng ở số ít.

                     - Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money.

- Five hundred miles is a long distance.

[8] : Khi chủ ngữ  là đại từ bất định như : everyone, something, nobody…thì động từ theo sau phải ở số ít 

                    - Nobody has opened the door.

- Is everyone present ?

[9] : Trong câu bắt đầu bằng THERE thì động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ theo sau nó.

                     - There stands a pagoda facing the little lake.

- There were a lot of people at the meeting.

[10] : Động từ có chủ  từ  là đại từ quan hệ  thì  phải  hoà  hợp  cùng  ngôi và  số  với  tiền  vị  từ  của  đại  từ  ấy 

                      - He works for the factory which makes cars.

- The man who is living near my house teaches us English.




*Câu gián tiếp là câu dùng để thuật lại nội dung lời nói trực tiếp.

* Các thay đổi chung khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp.

1. Thay đổi về thì trong câu:


Câu trực tiếp

Câu gián tiếp

Simple present

Simple Past

Present progressive

Past progressive

Present perfect

Past perfect

Present perfect progressive

Past perfect progressive

Simple Past

Past perfect

Past progressive

Past perfect progressive

Simple Future

Future in the past

Future progressive

Future progressive in the past


2. Thay đổi về đại từ nhân xưng,đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu:


I -> he/ she, we-> they                mine-> his /her , our-> their

Me-> him/her, us-> them            myself-> himself /herself, ourselves->themselves

My-> his /her, our -> their

  1. Thay đổi về các nhóm từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn:


Nhóm từ trong câu trực tiếp

Nhóm từ trong câu gián tiếp


that day


the day before


that night


the following day/ the next day

this moth

that month

last month

the moth before / the perious month

next month

the month after / the following month












* Các thay đổi cụ thể cho từng loại câu trong lời nói gián tiếp

I. Câu trần thuật(statement)


S +  said/ told + ( O )(that)  + clause*

(*clause : thay đổi thì,đại từ,cụm từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn)


Vd: ‘We will have a test tomorrow’,My teacher said.

  -> My teacher said (that) we would have a test the next day.


II. Câu hỏi ( questions):


§  Câu hỏi đảo ( yes/ no question)


S + asked + ( O )  + if / whether + clause*

(*clause:trật tự từ trở về dạng câu trần thuật, thay đổi về thì, đại từ, từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn cho phù hợp với văn cảnh lời nói).

§  Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi:( wh - question)


S+ +asked +( O ) + wh- word + clause*


*(*clause:trật tự từ trở về dạng câu trần thuật, thay đổi về thì, đại từ, từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn cho phù hợp với văn cảnh lời nói).


III. Dạng mệnh lệnh thức /câu ra lệnh , đề nghị(command/ requests)


                           S+  động từ tường thuật + O + (not)  + to infinitive

Động từ tường thuật : told, asked, advised, persuded, taught, directed, begged, encourage.......

IV. Danh động từ trong lời nói gián tiếp:

- Khi lời nói gián tiếp là lời đề nghị, chúc mùng, cám ơn, xin lỗi.....động từ tường thuật cùng với danh động từ theo sau nó thường dùng để truyền tải nội dung lời nói trên.

Ø  Động từ tường thuật * + (O) + giới từ + danh động từ (V-ing)........

*Động từ tường thuật : thank sb for, accuse sb of, congratulate sb on, dream of, object to, apologize sb for, insist on, complain about.........

Ø  *Động từ tường thuật + danh động từ( V-ing).......

     * Động từ tường thuậtdeny, admit, suggest, regret...........

Ø  Danh động từ tường thuật thường đi theo động từ tường thuật SUGEST trong các mẫu câu đề nghị sau:

·        Why dont yo u/ Why not / How about -> sugest + sb + V-ing

·        Lets / Lets not -> sugest + V-ing/ sugest + not+ V-ing

·        Shall we/ Its a good idea -> sugest + V-ing.


V. Động từ nguyên mẫu trong lời nói gián tiếp

- Khi lời nói gián tiếp là lời đề nghị, mệnh lệnh, ý định, lời hứa, lời yêu cầu...động từ tường thuật cùng với

động từ nguyên mẫu theo sau thường dùng để truyền tải nội dung lời nói trên.

Ø  *Động từ tường thuật + tân ngữ+ động từ nguyên mẫu( to-infinitive)

*Động từ tường thuật: ask, advise, command, invite, order, recommand, encourage, urge, warn, want...

Ø  *Động từ tường thuật + động từ nguyên mẫu( to-infinitive)

*Động từ tường thuật:agree, demand, hope, promise, threaten, offer, refuse, decide...

Ø  Would you/ Could you / Will you/ Can you -> asked+ sb + to + V

Ø  Would you mind + V-ing /Do you mind + V-ing -> asked + sb + to +V

Ø  Would you like/ Will you -invited + sb + to + V

Ø  Had better/ If I were you/ why dont you -> advised + sb + to + V

VI. Câu điều kiện trong lời nói gián tiếp

-Nếu trong lời nói gián tiếp có câu điều kiện, thì chỉ có câu điều kiện loại một là thay đổi về thì, hai câu điều kiện còn lại vẫn giữ nguyên hình thức động từ.





I/ Structure :

            Active:             S   +   V +   Obj.



       Passive:       S   +    Be  +  Vpp  +( by Obj)

II/ Công thức :

·        S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + V pp ( by Obj.)

·        S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + Being + Vpp (by Obj).

·        S + have/ has +been + Vpp ( by Obj.)

·        S + had been + Vpp ( by Obj.)

·        S + will/ shall + Be + Vpp.( by Obj.)

·        S + Be( am, is, are) + going to + Be + Vpp.(by Obj).

·        S + will/ shall + have been Vpp.( by Obj.)

  Modal verbs:

v  S + can /  may/ must / ought to / should / could.........+ Be + PII.

v  S + modal verbs + have been + PII ( dạng  hoàn thành)

 ***Notes: + Ta có thể bỏ: by me, by him, by her, by it, by us, by you, by them, by someone, by people trong câu bị động nếu không muốn nêu rõ tác nhân hoặc thấy không quan trọng.

                + Nếu câu chủ động có các trạng từ( ngữ) chỉ nơi chốn thì đặt chúng trước “by + tân ngữ bị động”.

                           eg. The police found him in the forest

                                 _He was found in the forest by the police.

                + Nếu câu chủ động có các trạng từ( ngữ) chỉ thời gian thì đặt chúng sau “ by + tân ngữ bị động”

                           eg. They are going to buy a car tomorrow.

                                    A car is going to be bought by them tomorow.

  + Nếu tân ngữ trong câu bị động chỉ sự vật, sự việc thì ta dùng giới từ ‘with’ thay ‘by’ trước tân ngữ ấy.

                            eg. The bottle is filled with ink./ The bowl is fill with sugar.

  + Nếu động từ chủ động có hai tân ngữ  thì một trong hai tân ngữ có thể dùng làm chủ ngữ trong câu bị động

( nhưng chủ ngữ về người được sử dụng nhiều hơn)


     eg. I am writing her a letter.             She is being written a letter.

                                                              A letter is being written to her

_Các động từ : ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, pay, offer thường có hai tân ngữ.

III/ Một số dạng bị động khác :

1.      Dạng nhờ bảo : HAVE, GET.

Active: S + HAVE + Obj +V(person) + V

 -> Passive: S + HAVE + Obj(thing) + PII +(by Obj(person)

               eg. I have her cut my hair yesterday.

                    -> I had my hair cut yesterday.

Active: S + GET + Obj(person) + To V + Obj (thing).

  ->Passive: S + GET +Obj (thing) + PII  +by Obj (person).

               eg.  I get him to make some coffee

                    -> I get some coffee made.

2. Động từ chỉ giác quansee, watch, hear.........

Active: S + Verbs +Obj + bare inf/ V ing.

     -> Passive: S + Be + PII + to inf/ V ing.

               eg. I saw her come in  -

                  >She was seen to come in.

3. Động từ chỉ về ý kiếnsay, think, know. believe,hope, consider,tell....................

Active: S + V1 + that + Clause( S2 +V2 +Obj2)

   -> Passive: ->It + be+ V1( PII ) +that +Clause(S2+V2+O2).

              -> S2 + be + V1(PII  ) {+ to inf

                                                 {+to have PII .

            Eg 1 . People say that he is a famous doctor

            ->It’s said that he is a famous doctor.

           ->He’s said to be a famous doctor.

           Eg 2: They thought that Marry has gone away.

          ->It was thought that Marry had gone away.

         ->Marry was thought to have gone away.

4. Câu mệnh lệnh:

a. Verb + Obj + Adjunc     -> Let + Obj + be + Vpp + Adjunct.

        eg. Close the door, please.  -> Let the door be closed, please.

b. S + let + smb +do + smt.

         eg. He let me go out. _I was let to go out / I was allowed to go out.      

5. Bị động của động từ Need, Make

            a. Need: - The floor is dirty. It needs to be swept/ cleaned.

                          or: The floor is dirty. It needs sweeping/ cleaning.

            b. Make: - The story makes me laugh -> I am made to laugh

They made her work hard -> She was made to work hard.







Grammar:  Cõu điều kiện cú hai mệnh đề: MĐ phụ (hay MĐ điều kiện) bắt đầu bằng If, và MĐ chớnh

( nờu lờn kết quả).

-Cú 3 loại cõu ĐK :

1. Real conditional sentences ( Type 1).

a. Future possible ( cú thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ).

      If + S + V (simple present) + S + will/ can/ may/ must...+ V inf.

            eg. If I have time, I will visit you.

bHabitual ( thói quen).

      If + S + V( simple present) + S + V ( simple present).

            eg. Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time.

c. Command ( câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu).

      If + S + V (simple present) + command form.

            eg. Please buy me some fruits if you go to market.

 2. Present unreal conditional sentences ( Type 2 ).

      If + S + V (simple past) + S + would/ should/ could/ might + V inf.

     (Trong MĐ phụ nếu có’To be’thì dùng ‘Were’ cho tất cả các ngôi.)

            eg. If today were Saturday , I could go to the beach .

                  If I had time , I would write you a letter.

3. Past unreal conditional sentences ( Type 3).

                                      If + S + V (past perfect) + S + would/ could/ might + have + PII.

            eg. If I hadnt  lost my way, I would have arrived sooner.

Note:-  Có thể  dùng  đảo ngữ trong câu ĐK loại 2 có Were’ và câu ĐK loại 3 để nhấn mạnh

            eg. If I were younger, I would play tennis.

                       - Were I younger,I would play tennis.

                  If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam.

                       - Had he studied hard, he would have passed his exam. 

- Unless: Trong MĐ điều kiện , ta có thể thay liên từ If bằng Unless( nếu không, trừ phi).   

                         Unless = If........not ..........

             eg. If you dont study hard, you will fail in the exam.

                =Unless you study hard, you will fail in the exam.

·        Khi ta đổi If sang Unless , nếu MĐ If ở thể khẳng định không được đổi sang thể phủ định khi dùng Unless mà phải đổi MĐ chính sang thể ngược lại.

eg. If we had more rain, our crops would grow faster.

    =Unless we had more rain, our crops wouldnt grow faster.

         - Provided ( that) / providing ( that), On condition (that )( với điều kiện là) , As long as, so long as (miễn là, với điều kiện là), Suppose, supposing ( giả sử như ), In case ( trong trường hợp), Even if ( ngay cả khi, dù cho....

dùng để chỉ sự tương phản hay nhấn mạnh), ......... có thể dùng thay cho If trong câu điều kiện.

                 eg. Supposing it rains, what will you do ?

                       Ill accept your invitation provided you go with me.

                       Even if he goes to bed early, he always wakes up late .  

4. When ( khi):( khi hành động chắc chắn xảy ra hơn).

                  eg.  Ill phone you when I go to bed tonight.                 

5 . As  if and As though : Cư như thể, như là

             * Chỉ hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại:

                      S + V ( present) + As if/ As though + S + V ( present).

             * Chỉ hành động hay sự kiện không có thật ở hiện tại:

                   S + V (present) As if/ As though + S + V (past).

            eg. He acts as though he were rich.

               The girl dresses as if it were summer even in the winter.

       * Chỉ hành động hay sự kiện không có thật ở quá khứ.

                  S + V (past) + As if/ As though + S + V ( past perfect).

             eg. She looked as if she had seen a ghost.

6But for ( nếu không vì, nếu không có)

                   eg. But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.

7. Without ( không có ): eg. Without his books, he would know nothing.

8Mệnh lệnh cách + and : Do that again and Ill call a policeman.(= If you do..)

9. Clauses after  Wish, If only: (ao ước, giá mà ). Sau Wish và If only thường dùng một MĐ chỉ một điều ao ước, một điều không thật. Có 3 MĐ sau Wish và If only:

a. Future wish: S + wish + S + would/ could + V (bare inf.)

                          ( If only)

                       eg. I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.

                             If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday.

b. Present wishS + wish + S + V  past subjunctive=simple past.

                         ( V2 ;be –were).

                          ( If only )

                       eg. I cant swim. I wish I could swim

      Marry isnt here. I wish she were here. =If only Marry were here.

c. Past wish:   S + wish + S  + past perfect/ could have + PII.

                       ( If only)

          eg. She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house.

                     ( She hadnt have enough money to buy the house).

                            If only I had met her yesterday.( I didnt meet her).





 I. Noun clauses: - Là một mệnh đề phụ làm công việc của một danh từ.

- Noun clause: được nối với mệnh đề chính bởi các từ nối: That, who, what, which, where, when, how, whether.

- Khi dùng các từ nối trên, động từ trong MĐ danh ngữ chia ở thể xác định, không chia ở thể nghi vấn.

1. Noun clause làm chủ ngữ trong câu:

     eg. What he said was not true.

2. Noun clause làm tân  ngữ trong câu:

     eg. Ill tell you when he comes.        I didnt believe what he said.

3. Noun clause làm bổ  ngữ trong câu:

     eg. Money is what she needs.

4. Noun clause làm tân  ngữ  cho giới từ.

II. Relative clauses:

- Còn được gọi là Adj clause (MĐ tính ngữ) vì nó là MĐ phụ được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó.

- MĐQH được nối với MĐ chính bởi các đại từ quan hệ Who, Whom, Which, Whose, That hoặc các trạng từ quan hệ When, Where, Why.

- Vị trí : MĐQH đứng ngay sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.

** The uses:

1.Who: - là một ĐTQH chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người làm chủ ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó.

  eg. This is the man. He is my teacher.  This is the man who is my teacher

2. Whom:  - là một ĐTQH chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người làm tân ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó.

              eg. The woman is my aunt. You saw her yesterday.

                   - The woman whom you saw yesterday is my aunt.

- Whom : có thể được bỏ.  - The woman you saw yesterday is my aunt.

3. Which: là một ĐTQH chỉ vật, đứng sau danh từ chỉ vật làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ cho động từ đứng sau nó.

    eg. The hat is mine. Its on the table.

         - The hat which is on the table is mine.

  eg. This is the book. You gave it to me yesterday.

       - This is the book which you gave me yesterday.

- Which : có thể được bỏ khi nó làm tân ngữ cho động từ sau nó.

   eg. This is the book you gave me yesterday.

4.That: - là ĐTQH chỉ cả người và vật.

            - That có thể dùng thay cho Who, Whom, Which trong MĐQH xác định.

        eg. That is the car that he bought last month.

5.Whose: là một ĐTQH, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người và thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ. Whose cũng được dùng cho vật ( =of which). Sau Whose luôn là một danh từ.

eg. The woman whose wallet was stolen yesterday is my sister.

6.When: là một trạng từ quan hệ chỉ thời gian, đứng sau danh từ chỉ thời gian.

    - When được dùng thay cho at / on / in + which ; then.

     eg. Ill never forget the day when I met her.

                                                 = on which

          That was the time when she saw the thief.

                                       = at which

7.Where: là một trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, đứng sau danh từ chỉ nơi chốn.

   Where được dùng thay cho at / on / in + which; there.

    eg. That is the house where we are living now.

          Your home town is a place where you were you born.

8. Why: - là một trạng từ quan hệ chỉ lý do, đứng sau tiền ngữ ‘ THE REASON’.

              - dùng thay cho ‘ FOR THE REASON’.

       eg. Please tell me the reason why you are so sad.

                                                   = for which          




I. Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ sự tương phản:

Although/ even though/ though + clause

 = despite/ inspite of + N

= despite/ inspite of the fact that + clause.

Vd: Although/ even though/ though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

-> Despite/ inspite of having enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

-> Despite/ inspite of the fact that he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

II. . Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ nguyên nhân

Because + clause = because of + N

Vd: He didnt go to school because he was ill.-> He didnt go to school because of his illness.




IGiới từ + thời gian:

  1. At + giờ cụ thể: at 5’ oclock, at 7 p. m, at 3:34a.m, …

+ Chỳ ý: at noon; at midnight ; at night; at sunrise/ dawn; at sunset/ dusk; at Christmas; at once; at last; at the moment; at weekend; at present......

  1. On + thứ trong tuần; ngày; ngày trong thỏng: on Monday/ Saturday, on June 10th, ....

+ Chỳ ý: on time (đỳng giờ); on Christmas Day; on Tet holiday,....

  1. In  + buổi, tuần, thỏng, mựa, năm, thập kỷ, thế kỷ, thiờn niờn kỷ:  in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in a week, in June , in May, in Spring, in Summer, in Autumn, in Fall, in Winter, in 1979, in 2009

+ Chỳ ý: in time (đỳng giờ, kịp giờ)

  1. Một số giới từ khỏc + thời gian: for (khoảng), since (kể từ), from.... to… (từ … đến…); between... and... (giữa … và ….); until (cho đến khi); till (cho đến khi); after  (sau khi); before  (trước khi);.....



a) Cách dùng A/ AN.

* “A/ AN” – dùng trước một danh từ đếm được số ít, với ý nghĩa là một (one).

- “A” – dùng trước một phụ âm

Ví dụ: - a house, a car, a man, a teacher,…

“A” được dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng “u” nhưng phát âm là /ju:/

      Ví dụ : a university, a uniform ,

- “AN” – dùng trước một nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i).

Ví dụ:         - an apple, an actor, an old man, an easy job,…

=> “A/ AN “ – được gọi là mạo từ bất định, nghĩa là không chỉ rõ người nào hoặc vật nào.

Ví dụ:         - There was a big tree in the garden.

- “A/ AN” – thường được dùng trước một nghề nghiệp.

Ví dụ:         - My uncle is a farmer, and my auntis a housewife.

b) Cách dùng “The”

- “The” – có thể dùng trước một danh từ không đếm được, danh từ số ít hoặc số nhiều: the water, the pollution, the child,…

- “The” – là mạo từ xác định, nghĩa là chỉ rõ người nào hoặc vật nào mà người nói và người nghe đều biết.

Ví dụ:         - Please! Turn down the television.

- “The” – được dùng với danh từ có ý nghĩa là người hoặc vật duy nhất (nên không thể nhầm lẫn).

Ví dụ: - the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, the President,…

- “The” – theo sau là tính từ hoặc từ chỉ quốc tịch để chỉ một nhóm người. (Unit 4)

Ví dụ:         - The poor, the old, the homeless,…

- “The” – dùng trước tên sông, biển, đại dương, kênh đào, dãy núi, quần đảo.

Ví dụ:         - Sông: The Mekong river, the Nile, the Amazon, the Mississippi,…

      - Biển, đại dương: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Red sea, the Mediterranean,…

      - Kênh đào: the Suez Cannal, the Panama Cannal,…

      - Dãy núi: the Andes, the Alps,…

      - Quần đảo: the Canaries, the Bahamas, the Hawaiian Islands,…

* Chú ý: Không dùng “the” trước tên quốc gia, thành phố, châu lục, một ngọn núi, một hòn đảo.

Ví dụ:         - Quốc gia: Vietnam, Engliand,…

Thành phố: London, Paris,Hanoi,…

Châu lục: Asia, Europe,…

      - Ngọn núi: Mount Everest, Mount Fuji,…

      - Một hòn đảo: Phu quoc Island,…

“The” – trước tên một số quốc gia, thường là khi tên quốc gia đó gồm một tập hợp nhiều từ, hoặc có ý nghĩa số nhiều.

Ví dụ:         - The Unite Kingdom, the Unite states, the Czech Republic,…

- “The” được dùng trong câu so sánh nhất

      Ví dụ : He is the best student in my class.

c) Dùng “a/an” hoặc “the”.

Trong một câu, chúng ta thường dùng “a/an” khi đề cập về người hoặc vật đó lần đầu, nếu chúng ta muốn đề cập đến người hoặc vật đó lần 2 thì ta dùng “the”.

Ví dụ:         - I saw a man walking with a dog in the park this morning.

 - The man was blind and the dog was leading him.

| Chú ý: Một số trường hợp không dùng mạo từ "the".
+ Trước một danh từ có nghĩa chung chung, tổng quát.

I love flowers. (Không dùng "The flowers").
Tôi yêu hoa.
I afraid of dogs.Tôi sợ chó.

+ Trước danh từ chỉ lục địa.

Africa is the poorest continent in the world.
Châu phi là lục địa nghèo nhất thế giới.

+ Trước tên nước hoặc tiểu bang.

Vietnam is one of the world"s leading exporters of rice.
Việt Nam là một trong những nước xuất khẩu gạo lớn nhất thế giới.

+ Trước tên thị trấn, làng, hoặc thành phố.( Ngoại trừ "The Hague" ở Hà Lan).

New York is very magnificent at night.
Thành phố New York thật tráng lệ về đêm.

+ Trước các địa danh trên bản đồ, tên hồ, ngọn núi riêng lẻ, quần đảo có tên số ít.

Panama canal links Pacific with Atlantic.
Kênh đào Panama nối liền Thái Bình Dương và Đại Tây Dương.

+ Trước các bữa ăn.

What did you have for breakfast?
Bạn ăn sáng lúc mấy giờ vậy?

Một danh từ chỉ một khái niệm, một công dụng, mang nghĩa chung chung, ta không dùng mạo từ "the"

Salt is used to flavour food.
Muối được sử dụng để nấu ăn.





I/ Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.              A. hospital                     B. mischievous                         C. supportive            D. special

2.              A. family                       B. whenever                             C. obedient            D. solution

3.              A. biologist                    B. generally                              C. responsible            D. security

4.              A. confident                   B. important                             C. together            D. exciting

5.              A. possible.                   B. university                             C. secondary            D. suitable

II/ Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each sentence.

6.      Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.

            A. probability                    B. ability                             C. possibility                                     D. responsibility

7.      These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.

           A. solve                         B. solvable                               C. solutions            D. solvability

8.      John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.

           A. a                               B. an                                        C. the            D. no article

9.      According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.

           A. supportive                 B. caring                                  C. suitable            D. comfortable

10.   She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.

           A. came into                  B. went leisurely                       C. went quickly            D. dropped by

11.   Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.

           Ahelp                          B. prepared                               C. be busy            D. attempt

12.   Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.

           A. happen                      B. encounter                             C. arrive            D. clean

13.   What are the _______ of that country? - I think it is some kinds of cheese and sauces.

           A. drinks                       B. beverages                             C. grains            D. special dishes

14.   Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.

           A. try                            B. attept                                   C. doing            D. aim

15.   Where is Jimmy? - He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.

           A. on / for                      B. in / about                              C. to / through            D. at / with

16.   With greatly increased workloads, everyone is _______ pressure now.

           A. under                        B. above                                   C. upon            D. out of

17.   We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.

           A. wear                         B. to wear                                 C. wearing            D. worn

18.   Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles.

           A. talk                           B. to talk                                  C. talking            D. talked

19.   The worker was _______ his boss expected, so he was offered a raise.

           A. more hard-working                                                    B. as hard-working than

           C. more hard-working than                                             D. more hard-working as

20.   John _______ a respectful and obedient student.

           A. said to be                  B. is said                                  C. is said being            D. is said to be

21.   I love _______ films but I seldom find time to go the cinema.

           A. see                            B. saw                                      C. seen            D. seeing

22.   In the last hundred years, traveling _______ much easier and more comfortable.

           A. becomes                    B. has become                          C. became            D. will become

23.   In the 19th century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.

           A. took                          B. had taken                             C. had taken            D. was taking

24.   In the past the trip _______ very rough and often dangerous, but things _______ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.

           A. was / have changed    B. is / change          C. had been / will change D. has been / changed

25.   Now you _______ from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. [not more than]

           A. are flying                  B. would fly                             C. will fly            D. can fly

26.   When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television.

           A. was calling / watched      B. called / have watched      C. called / was watching   D. had called / watched

27.   By this time next summer, you _______ your studies.

           A. completes                 B. will complete       C. are completing                D. will have completed

28.   Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner.

           A. reads / has cooked     B. is reading / is cooking    C. has read / was cooking    D. read / will be cooking

29.   Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She _______ and he_______  the Newspaper.

           A. are doing / is cooking / is reading                               B. were doing / was cooking / was reading

           C. was doing / has cooked / is reading                             D. had done / was cooking /read

30.   When I _______ home last night, I _______ that Jane _______ a beautiful candlelight dinner.

           A. had arrived / discovered / prepared                             B. was arriving / had discovered / was preparing

           C. have arrived / was discovering / had prepared              D. arrived / discovered / was preparing

III/ Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

31.   They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.

           A. Their parents do not want them to go out in the evening.

           B. Their parents never let them to go out in the evening.

           C. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.

           D. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.

32.   Although my parents are busy at work, they try to find time for their children.

           A. My parents are so busy at work that they cannot find time for their children.

           B. Busy at work as my parents are, they try to find time for their children.

           C. My parents are too busy at work to find time for their children.

           D. My friends rarely have time for their children because they are busy at work.

33.   His eel soup is better than any other soups I have ever eaten.

           A. Of all the soups I have ever eaten, his eel soup is the best.

           B. I have ever eaten many soups that are better than his eel soup.

           C. His eel soup is the worst of all soups I have eaten.

           D. His eel soup is good but I have ever eaten many others better.

34.   She gets up early to prepare breakfast so that her children can come to school on time.

           A. Despite her getting up early to prepare breakfast, her children cannot come to school on time.

              B. Because she wants her children to come to school on time, she gets up early to prepare breakfast.

           C. If she does not get up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on time.

           D. Unless she gets up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on time.

35.   The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.

           A. I have not been to the museum for a year.

           B. A year ago, I often went to the museum.

           C. My going to the museum lasted a year.

           D. At last I went to the museum after a year.

IV/ Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Jean spent her first few years in Hooper and her family moved to Otsego early in her life. She was only ten when her father died unexpectedly, leaving her mother to raise and support their family alone. Her mother soon went to work outside the home to provide for the family, and Jean, being one of the oldest, had to help care for her younger siblings. Although she had much responsibility at home, Jean thoroughly enjoyed school and was an excellent student. She went on to graduate 10th in her class at Otsego High School in 1953.

While still in high school, Jean met a young man named Charles "Chuck" Holly, at a dance in Alamo; and they were quite taken with each other. Over the next few years, their love for each other blossomed and they were married on February 24, 1953, while Jean was still in school. At the time, Chuck was serving his country in the military, and had come home on leave to marry his sweetheart. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, he was sent overseas to serve in Korea for the next fifteen months.

Upon his discharge, the couple settled into married life together in the Plainwell, Otsego area. To help make ends meet, Jean went to work at the collection bureau in Kalamazoo for a while, before taking a job at the cheese company in Otsego. In 1964, Chuck and Jean were overjoyed with the birth of their son, Chuck, who brought great joy into their lives. Jean remembered how her mother was always gone so much working after her father died and she did not want that for her son, so she left her job to devote herself to the role of a mother.

[be taken with sb/sth: find sb/sth attractive or interesting;

on leave: absent with permission; blossom: develop; make (both) ends meet: earn enough money to live without getting into debt]

36.   After Jean"s father passed away, her mother used to _______.

           A. work outside the home         B. be a housewife      C. support the family alone   D. work as a secretary

37.   Which is not referred to Jean?

           A. She was a responsible girl.              B. She never helped her mother with household chores.

           C. She often did well at school.           D. She went to high school.

38.   Jean"s husband was a _______.

           A. teacher                      B. dancer                                  C. soldier            D. servant

39.   Jean _______.

           A. served in the military                                                 B. lived in Korea for fifteen months

           C. had a daughter                                                           D. got married when she was a student

40.   Which is not TRUE about Jean?

A. She disliked staying at home and taking care of her child.

B. She worked outside the home before she had a child.

C. She was very happy when she got a baby.                              D. She quit her job to look after her baby.

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

On December 10, 2006, I was going through some hard time. The landlady did not want to release the house any more so I had to (41) _____ and only had one month to find a place. Because Christmas was coming and it was difficult for me to (42) _____ a suitable accommodation. I had only some money (43) _____. I could not buy a Christmas tree and some presents for my three boys, (44) _____ I had to use the money to find a place to live. Tome, it broke my heart as I could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys. I have been their only parent since my husband (45) _____ away two years ago. I was so sad and everything was getting on my nerves. Although I managed to solve the problem myself I could not help (46) _____ my sons about the things. When I suddenly woke up at midnight, I found my eldest son was sitting (47) _____me. He kissed me and said, "Don"t worry, Mum. We love you very much and always stand by you (48) ____ happens." At the moment I started weeping, grabbed him and kissed him. His words and love made me (49) _____ all about what I was stressing about.

In fact ever since that moment, I have realized that I can overcome any problems thanks to my sons" love. The most important thing of my life is that my boys are safe and healthy, and they bring me joy all the time. The memory (50) _____ me that nothing really matters, when I have the love of my children.

41.           A. transfer                     B. convert                                 C. move            D. change

42.           A. notice                       B. watch                                   C. find            D. see

43.           A. leave                         B. to leave                                C. leaving            D. left

44.           A. because                     B. although                               C. as though            D. if

45.           A. passes                       B. passed                                  C. has passed            D. was passing

46.           A. tell                            B. to tell                                   C. told            D. telling

47.           A. by                             B. next                                     C. over            D. up

48.           A. whenever                  B. whatever                              C. whoever            D. however

49.           A. forget                        B. to forget                               C. forgot            D. forgetting

50.           A. remembers                B. minds                                   C. reminds            D. misses


--------THE END-------




I/ Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently.

1.            A. maintain                     B. attitude                                 C. determine           D. develop

2.            A. brilliant                      B. different                               C. secretary           D. attractive

II/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

3.            A. bride                          B. fridge                                   C. bridge D. driven

4.            A. borrow                       B. neighbour                             C. stapler D. harbour                     

5.            A. booked                       B. pushed                                 C. caused                                      D. matched

III/ Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

6.       ________, women are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of the children.

          A. With tradition             B. On tradition                          C. Traditional           D. Traditionally

7.       All of the students are __________to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the university.

          A. obsessed                     B. obliged                                 C. obtained           D. observed

8.       It is important to have someone that you can__________in.

          A. talk                            B. speak                                   C. confide           D. know

9.       Most adjectives can be used to __________a noun.

          A. precede                      B. advance                                C. occur           D. stand

10.    Which of the following sentences has the correct word order?

          A. She walks usually past my house in the morning.         B. She in the morning walks usually past my house.

          C. She usually walks past my house in the morning.         D. She walks usually in the morning past my house.

11.    I"m very tired now because __________ more than 800 kilometers today.

          A. I"m driving                 B. I"ve driven                            C. I drive           D. I"ve been driving

12.    When she returned home from work, she __________a bath.

          A. takes                          B. took                                     C. has taken           D. was taking

13.    Your car is quite old. It"s the same as__________.

          A. us                              B. our                                       C. ours           D. we"re

14.    My father didn"t go to college; __________did my mother.

          A. none                          B. either                                   C. so           D. neither

15.Our English teacher would like __________.

          A. that we practicing our pronunciation                            B. us practicing our pronunciation

          C. us to practice our pronunciation                                  D. we to practice our pronunciation

15.    Our relatives__________meet us at the station this evening.

          A. are being                    B. are going to                          C. go to           D. will be to

16.    He __________for that company for five months when it went bankrupt.

          A. has been worked         B. has worked

          C. had been working        D. was working

17.    At this time next week, all of the students__________for their examinations.

          A. will be sat                   B. have been sitting                  C. have sat           D. will be sitting

18.    Rachel is good at badminton. She__________ every game.

          A. wins                           B. winning                               C. have won           D. is able win

19.    -"Let"s have a pizza." -"__________"

          A. Not again                   B. It doesn"t matter                    C. It’s a good idea           D. Not really

20.    I didn"t need __________anything. I just sat there and listened.

          A. say                             B. saying                                  C. to say           D. having said

21.    She prefers carnations __________roses. In fact, she dislikes roses.

          A. to                               B. from                                     C. over           D. than

22.    My mother made a birthday cake__________.

          A. about me                    B. for me                                  C. to me           D. to I

23.    He can"t go out because he __________his work.

          A. doesn"t finish              B. hasn"t finished                      C. didn"t finish           D. hadn"t finished

24.    Our neighbours are normally very noisy, but they"re__________this evening.

          A. unusual quiet              B. unusual quietly                     C. unusually quiet           D. unusually quietly

25.    I saw him hiding something in a __________bag.

          A. plastic small black      B. small plastic black

          C. black small plastic      D. small black plastic

26.    If Tan Son Nhat Airport __________clear of fog we"ll land there.

          A. is                               B. was                                      C. will be           D. could be

27.    Did he tell you __________?

          A. where could we meet him                                           B. we would be able to meet him where

          C. where would be able to meet him                                 D. where we would meet him

28.    If she had known how awful this job was going to be, she__________it.

          A. would accept              B. wouldn"t accept        C. wouldn"t have accepted   D. would have accepted

29.    I"ll see you __________.

          A. at the moment            B. in an hour                             C. last night           D. usually

30.    You__________write to her for she"ll be here tomorrow.

          A. don"t                          B. mustn"t                                 C. needn"t           D. haven"t

31.    You__________to spend more time in the library.

          A. must                          B. should                                  C. had better           D. ought

32.    Carol is excited__________her new job.

          A. for starting                 B. to starting                             C. about starting           D. for start

33.    __________if they had feathers instead of hair?

          A. Can people possibly fly                                               B. Could people be able to fly

          C. Will people possibly fly                                              D. Would people be able to fly

34.    The jeans are too long; you should have them__________.

          A. shorten                       B. to shorten                             C. shortened           D. being shortened

IV/Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

35.    Caroline refused taking the job given to her because the salary was not good.

                                      A                       B                C                        D

36.    finished college last year, and I am working here for only eight months now.

                   A                                       B                                  C                         D

37.    If you think carefully before making your decision, you will avoid to get into trouble later.

                                A                           B                                                        C                        D

38.    Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.

                                 A                                 B             C                                D

39.     Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a new one.

                                    A                       B                                                              C                    D

V/Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the folloeing sentences.

My aunt is one of those people who can talk to anyone about anything. If she goes to a party where she doesn"t know any of the people, she just walks up to the first person that she sees and introduces herself. And yet she doesn"t seem to talk about deeply important things like politics or religion. She always starts off on something very obvious like the other person"s job. Very soon she"s talking as if she"s known the other person for years. I asked her once what her secret was. She said that the most important thing in a conversation was listening. People love to talk about themselves, so if you allow them to do so, it"s very easy to keep a conversation going. You have to listen very carefully and ask questions. And you have to look interested, too. So don"t keep looking at other things in the room while you"re talking to someone.

Another thing that I"ve noticed is that she only pays people compliments. She says: “I like your hair. Which hairdresser do you go to?” or “You look very well. Have you been on holiday?” Friendly messages like this seem to provide an easy way into a conversation.

40.    According to my aunt, the most important thing in a conversation was__________.

          A. speaking                     B. discussing                            C. looking           D. listening

41.    At parties where she does not know anybody, my aunt normally__________.

          A. feels embarrassed and stays away from people              B. asks people to introduces themselves to her

          C. comes over to the first person and introduces herself     D. sits alone and avoids talking to other people

42.    My aunt thinks that it"s very easy to keep a conversation going if you__________.

          A. let people talk about themselves                                  B. let people hear about yourself

          C. talk about politics or religion                                       D. ask people about their secrets

43.    What should you NOT do when you have a conversation with someone?

          A. Looking very interested in his or her story                    B. Looking at other things in the room

          C. Listening very carefully and asking questions               D. Paying him or her compliments

44.    According to the passage, my aunt often starts a conversation by talking about__________.

          A. the other person"s wealth                                             B. the other person"s health

          C. the other person"s daily activities                                 D. the other person"s job

VI/Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.

In Germany, it"s important to be serious in a work situation. They don"t mix work and play so you shouldn"t make jokes (46)_______you do in the UK and USA when you first meet people. They work in a very organized way and prefer to do one thing at a time. They don"t like· interruptions or (47)_______changes of schedule. Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting, it"s important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (48)_______speaker. If you give a presentation, you should focus (49)_______facts and technical information and the quality of your company"s products. You should also prepare well, as they may ask a lot of questions. Colleagues normally use the family names, and title - for example "Doctor" or "Professor", so you shouldn"t use first names (50)_______a person asks you to.

45.         A. while                         B. as if                                      C. such as       D. as

46.         A. sudden                       B. suddenly                              C. abruptly                                    D. promptly

47.         A. other                          B. others                                   C. another                                     D. the other

48.         A. on                              B. to                                         C. at       D. in

49.         A. if only                        B. as                                         C. unless D. since


------------THE END----------




I/ Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1.              A. attract                       B. person                                  C. signal            D. instance

2.              A. verbal                       B. suppose                                C. even            D. either

3.              A. example                    B. consider                               C. several            D. attention

4.              A. situation                   B. appropriate                           C. informality            D. entertainment

5.              A. across                       B. simply                                  C. common            D. brother

II/ Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence.

6.      She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ meals, movies or late nights at a club with her colleagues.

           A. supposes                   B. discusses                              C. attends D. socializes

7.      I didn"t think his comments were very appropriate at the time.

           A. correct                      B. right                                     C. suitable                                    D. exact

8.      You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.

           A. make                        B. get                                       C. set            D. pay

9.      Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.

           A. verbal                       B. non-verbal                            C. tongue            D. oral

10.   Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."

           A. Rise                          B. Lift                                      C. Raise            D. Heighten

11.   This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.

           A. matter                       B. attention                              C. place            D. situation.

12.   They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years.

           A. informal                    B. informally                            C. informalize            D. informality

13.   Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.

           A. communicate            B. communication                    C. communicative            D. communicator

14.   The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to questions.

           A. attention                   B. attentively                            C. attentive                                  D. attentiveness

15.   Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber.

           A. to                              B. for                                       C. at            D. on

16.   She looked _______ me, smiling happily and confidently.

           A. on                             B. over                                     C. forward to        D. at

17.   - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______

           A. Thank you very much. I am afraid                              B. You are telling a lie

           C. Thank you for your compliment                                 D. I don"t like your sayings

18.   In _______ most social situations, _______ informality is appreciated.

           A. Ø / Ø                        B. the / an                                 C. a / the            D. the / a

19.   - What_______ beautiful dress you are wearing! - Thank you. That is _______ nice compliment.

           A. Ø / Ø                        B. the / Ø                                  C. a / a         D. the / the

20.   ______ you wanted to ask your teacher a question during his lecture, what would you do?

           A. As                            B. As if                                    C. Even of            D. suppose

21.   John asked me _______ in English.

           A. what does this word mean                                          B. what that word means

           C. what did this word mean                                            D. what that word meant

22.   The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.

           A. not behave                B. not to behave                        C. not behaving            D. did not behave

23.   She said she _______ collect it for me after work.

           A. would                       B. did                                       C. must            D. had

24.   She said I _______ an angel.

           A. am                            B. was                                      C. were            D. have been

25.   I have ever told you he _______ unreliable.

           A. is                              B. were                                    C. had been            D. would be

26.   I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the early hours.

           A. passing / will try        B. he will pass / tried    C. to pass / would be trying    D. he passed / have tried

27.   Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.

           A. yesterday                  B. two days ago                        C. the day before            D. the next day

28.   John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports.

           A. if I were                    B. if were I                               C. if was I            D. if I was

29.   I _______ you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same.

           A. will tell                     B. would tell                             C. told            D. was telling

30.   John asked me _______ that film the night before.

           A. that I saw                  B. had I seen                             C. if I had seen            D. if had I seen

III/ Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


            The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they are saying. We use body movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice to communicate with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are culturally specific and may mean different things in different countries.

            If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say no and shake it to say yes – the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.

            In France, you shouldn’t rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands in your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles of your feet or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right hand because they use their left hands when going to the bathroom.

            In Bangladesh, the ‘thumbs-up’ is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping, and in India, whistling in public is considered rude.

            In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you have enjoyed it. The ‘OK’ sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means ‘everything is good’ in the West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a rude gesture.

31.   It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures __________.

           A. may mean different things in different countries         B. are not used to communicate our feelings

           C. can be used to greet each other in public                     D. are used in greeting among men and women

32.   People nod their head to say no in __________.

           A. Belgium                    B. Bulgaria                               C. France D. Japan

33.   In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left hands________.

           A. when going to the bathroom                                      B. when preparing the meal

           C. to put in their pockets                                                 D. to clean their tables and chairs

34.   Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

           A. In France, people shouldn’t rest their feet on tables.

           B. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.

           C. In China, the ‘OK’ sign means money

           D. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping

35.   The word “others” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

           A. other people              B. other shoes                           C. other soles    D. other feet

IV/Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Researchers in communication show that more feelings and intentions are (36)_______ and received nonverbally than verbally. Mehrabian and Wienerfollowing have stated that only 7% (37)_______ message is sent through words, with remaining 93% sent nonverbal (38)_______.

 Humans use nonverbal communication because:

1.    Words have limitations: There are (39)_______ areas where nonverbal communication is more (40)_______ than verbal, especially when we explain the shape, directions, personalities which are expressed nonverbally.

2.    Nonverbal signal are powerful: Nonverbal cues primarily express inner (41)_______ while verbal messages deal basically with outside world. [primarily: mainly]

3.    Nonverbal message are likely (42)_______ more genuine: because nonverbal behaviors cannot be controlled as easily as spoken words.

4.    Nonverbal signals can express feelings inappropriate to state: Social etiquette/’etiket/ [ nghi thức] limits (43)_______ can be said, but nonverbal cues can communicate thoughts.

5.    A separate communication channel is necessary to (44)_______ send complex messages: A speaker can add enormously to the complexity of the verbal message through simple nonverbal (45)_______.

36.         A. sent                          B. posted                                  C. mailed      D. thrown

37.           A. through                     B. in                                         C. of            D. for

38.           A. thought                     B. expressions                          C. gestures            D. postures

39.           A. sum                          B. great deal                             C. amount            D. numerous

40.           A. effect                        B. effective                               C. effectively            D. effectiveness

41.           A. feelings                     B. words                                   C. shows            D. sorrows

42.           A. be                             B. being                                   C. to be            D. been

43.           A. what                         B. that                                      C. why            D. when

44.           A. get                            B. have                                     C. make            D. help

45.           A. signs                         B. signals                                 C. sight            D. signatures


---------THE END--------




I/ Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently.

1.A. remain                               B. seaman {sailor}                    C. contain                                     D. retain

2.A. control                              B. patrol                                   C. idol                                          D. extol

II/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

3.A. parallel                              B. label                                     C. vessel                                                D. chapel

4.A. typist                                 B. typical                                  C. typing                                                D. stylish

5.A. vein                                   B. reign                                    C. foreign                                                 D. main

III/ Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

1.  With black hair and eyes, she is_________of the people from her country.

          A. the same                     B. typical                                  C. similar           D. identical

2.  Military is_________in this country. Every man who reaches the age of 18 has to serve in the army for two years.

          A. compulsory                B. optional                                C. illegal           D. unnecessary

3.  People tend to work hard at this_________of life.

          A. distance                      B. stage                                    C. space           D. level

4.  Concern for the environment is now at the_________of many governments" policies.

          A. core                           B. aim                                      C. target           D. purpose

5.     Why don"t you have the document_________?

          A. photocopy                  B. to photocopy                         C. photocopying           D. photocopied

6.     The strange disease_________to have originated in Africa.

          A. thinks                         B. is thinking                            C. is thought           D. thought

7.     You can use my phone if yours _________.

          A. won"t be worked         B. won"t work                           C. isn"t worked           D. doesn"t work

8.     We were rather late, but fortunately there were some tickets_________.

          A. to leave                      B. left                                       C. leaving           D. having left

9.     It"s a beautiful photo. I"m going to_________.

          A. get it enlarging           B. have it enlarging                   C. have it enlarged           D. set it enlarged

10. _________these plants regularly or they will die.

          A. Water                         B. If you water                          C. Unless you water           D. Because you water

11. I took off my shoes before entering the room _________.

          A. in order to not dirty the floor                                       B. so that I not dirty the floor

          C. in order not dirtying the floor                                       D. so as not to dirty the floor

12. What _________if you saw a pickpocket steal money from someone in the street?

          A. do you do                   B. did you do                            C. will you do           D. would you do

13. The living conditions of the population _________in the past years.

          A. has been improved      B. have been improved           C. improved           D. were improved

14. His father used the money he won to set_________his own company.

          A. on                              B. about                                    C. up           D. forward

15. Although I was very tired, _________.

          A. but I helped to clear up the mess after the party        B. I helped to clear up the mess after the party

          C. and I tried to clear up the mess after the party         D. I didn"t help to clear up the mess after the party

16. We hope to have the law _________by December.

          A. pass                           B. to pass                                  C. passing           D. passed

17. "How does the washing machine work?"" _________"

          A. Not often                    B. Like this                               C. Too much           D. A little

18. I_________like that dress. It"s really nice.

          A. do                              B. very                                     C. am           D. have

19. We couldn"t find _________could take over his job.

          A. anyone                       B. whom                                   C. someone           D. anyone who

20. Everything_________turned out to be imaginary.

          A. she said it                   B. she said                                C. which she said it           D. that said

21. I keep sneezing because I got wet_________the way home yesterday.

          A. in                               B. from                                     C. on           D. during

22. Don"t you know what happened_________the people who went on holiday with us?

          A. to                               B. with                                     C. for           D. at

23. Spain_________once a very powerful country.

          A. was                            B. is                                         C. used to           D. has been

24. I _________tired. Let"s find somewhere to have a rest.

          A. got                             B. am getting                            C. get           D. was getting

25. By the end of this week, I_________here for ten days.

          A. stay                            B. am staying                            C. will stay           D. will have stayed

26. I found this wallet on the street while I _________to school.

          A. walk                          B. am walking                           C. have walked           D. was walking

27. The washing-machine has broken down again. I think we should get_________.

          A. a new                         B. a new one                             C. other new           D. new one

28. - I don"t feel like_________home. - What about_________out for a walk?

          A. to stay/to go               B. to stay/going                         C. staying/to go           D. staying/going

29. _________we were lost, he offered to show us the way home.

          A. Thought                     B. Thinking                              C. To think  D. Think

30. He  _________missed the train. He was just in time to catch it.

          A. near                           B. nearly                                   C. nearest           D. mostly

IV/Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

31. The oil price is believing to be rising again.

               A             B         C                    D

32. While the Brows were away on holiday, their house was broke into.

                   A                   B        C                                                                  D

33. Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final exam?

                     A                                                       B            C                D

34. Now that I’ve become old, I can’t read as quick as I used to.

             A                                   B                                    C                  D

35. There have been a report of several bombings by terrorist groups.

                           A                                   B              C                      D

V/ Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences.

In 1988, for the first time in British history, a National Curriculum was introduced. The National Curriculum tells pupils which subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests. [assessment: đánh giá]

Between the ages of 14 and 16, pupils study for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams. Pupils must take English Language, Maths and Science for GCSE, as well as a half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology. In addition, they must also be taught Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education, although they do not take exams in these subjects.

At the age of 16, pupils can leave school. If pupils stay on, they usually take A (Advanced) levels, AS (Advanced Supplementary) level or GNVQs (Greater National Vocational Qualifications). It is quite common to combine, for example, two A levels with one AS level, or one A level with one GNVQ.

Pupils taking A levels study traditional subjects, such as French, Physics or History. To go to university, pupils usually need two or three A levels.

AS levels are the same standard as A levels, but only half of the content: AS level German pupils take the A-level German language exam, but do not take the A-level German Literature exam.

GNVQs are vocational qualifications. Pupils usually take on GNVQ in subjects such as Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing, and Art and Design. One GVNQ (at advanced level) is equal to two A levels.

36. Britain began to have a National Curriculum _________.

          A. one hundred years ago          B. in the nineteenth century         C. in 1898           D. in 1988

37. Which of the following subjects do British students NOT take exams in?

          A. Science                      B. Physical Education                C. Maths           D. English Language

38. Pupils need_________A levels to continue to study at university.

          A. one or two                  B. two or three                          C. four or five           D. five or six

39. Which of the following subjects do pupils NOT take on GNVQ in?

          A. German Literature      B. Business                 C. Art and Design           D. Manufacturing

40. Pupils normally study for their GCSE between the ages of     _________.

          A. 12 and 14                   B. 14 and 16                             C. 15 and 17           D. 16 and 18


--------------THE END-----------




Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently.

1.            A. average                      B. candidate                              C. severely           D. applicant

2.            A. insurance                    B. reference                              C. consider           D. available

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

3.            A. course                        B. courtesy                               C. source           D. force

4.            A. legal                          B. level                                     C. league D. leader

5.            A. choice                        B. charge                                  C. chase  D. chaos

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

6.  What is minimum entrance _________for this course?           

          A. condition                    B. requirement                          C. certificate           D. ability

7.  The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on his_________.

          A. absence                      B. remembrance                        C. behalf           D. reminder

8.  When the post finally fell _________. They offered it to Brian.

          A. vacant                        B. vacantly                               C. vacancy           D. vacancies

9.  Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) _________one at high school here?

          A. obligatory                   B. mandatory                            C. obliging           D. optional

10. If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it_________.

          A. hardly                        B. hard                                     C. completely           D. scarcely

11. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _________it.

          A. would never have believed       B. don"t believe   C. hadn"t believed           D. can"t believe

12. _________anyone call, would you please ask them to call back later?

          A. If                               B. Should                                 C. When           D. Unless

13. I wish I _________Bob the money; he spent it all gambling.

          A. didn"t lend                  B. wouldn"t lend                        C. hadn"t lent           D. weren"t lending

14. The plane would have landed easily _________the thick fog. [but for: except for/without]

          A. unless                        B. but for                                  C. because of           D. due to

15. _________you known he was a liar, would you have agreed to support him?

          A. If                               B. Since                                    C. Had           D. Did

16. Without the traffic jam on the high way this morning, I _________late for the meeting.

          A. would be         B. would have been       C. hadn"t been       D. wouldn"t have been

17. -"I have a headache." -" _________you take an aspirin?"

          A. Why don"t                  B. Why should                          C. What should           D. What must

18. Without _________it, he hindered us instead of _________us. [hinder: prevent]

          A. realize - help              B. realizing - helping       C. to realize - to help   D. realizing - to help

19. Having read the passage three times, _________.

          A. it was difficult for me to understand                             B. I still couldn"t understand its main idea

          C. the main idea of it was not clear to me                          D. it made me confused about its main idea

20. There was no one else at the post office. I_________in a queue.

          A. didn"t need to wait       B. mustn"t wait             C. needn"t have waited           D. needn"t wait

21. If I _________my passport, I"ll be in trouble.

          A. lose                            B. ’ll lose                                  C. lost           D. would lose

22. _________you pass the final examination, you"ll be given a holiday in Dalat. [as soon as]

          A. Once [when]              B. Since                                    C. Though           D. So

23. This shopping center gets_________crowded with shoppers at the weekend.

          A. always more               B. more and more                      C. from more to more           D. crowded and more

24. He would still be alive today if he_________that drug.

          A. wouldn"t take              B. didn"t take                             C. weren"t taking           D. hadn"t taken

25. -"Is your name Peter?" -"Yes, _________"

          A. I am                           B. it"s me                                  C. I do           D. it is

26. He only read for short periods each day_________. [strain: injure or weaken]

          A. in order not to strain his eyes                                       B. so as to make his eyes more tired

          C. so that he wouldn"t to strain his eyes                             D. in order won"t strain his eyes

27. She has been promoted three times_________she started working here.

          A. when                          B. for                                        C. as           D. since

28. The resort was full of people. I wish it _________less crowded.

          A. was                            B. were                                     C. would be           D. had been

29. Not only did he win the first prize, _________.

          A. and he was given a place at the university                    B. so he was given a place at the university

          C. but he was also given a place at the university              D. for he was offered a holiday abroad

30. The questions on the test were too long and difficult. I found it_________to finish them on time.

          A. possible                      B. impossible                            C. possibility           D. possibly

31. Most of the people_________to the wedding banquet arrived late.

          A. invited                       B. who inviting                         C. whom were invited           D. invite

32. There was a _________table in the middle of the room.

          A. Japanese round beautiful wooden                                 B. beautiful wooden round Japanese

          C. beautiful wooden Japanese round                                 D. beautiful round Japanese wooden

33. Burning garbage pollutes the air with_________ordours. {ordour[C]: smell}

          A. pleasant                      B. unpleasant                            C. pleasure           D. pleasing

34. It was very kind _________us to your party.

          A. of you to invite           B. of you invited        C. for you to invite         D. to you that invited

35. The old woman spent her _________life living with her only daughter.

          A. entire                         B. total                                     C. complete                                  D. quite

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

36. If Al had come sooner, he could has eaten dinner withthe whole family.

                                     A                             B                          C          D

37. If my father hasn"t encouraged me to take the exam, I wouldn"thave done it.

                                 A                                     B                                C              D

38. If you give me more timeand I willsuccessfully finish this project.

                                       A           B          C            D

39. Some of the pictures he painted themwere sold formillions of dollars.

                                                                 A       B             C       D

40. There are manyanother people who are members of the swim club.

                           A         B                        C                                          D


Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences.

Last week I went to visit Atlantic College, an excellent private college in Wales. Unusually, it gives people much needed experience of life outside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to study for their exams. The students, who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over the word, spend the morning studying. In the afternoon they go out and do a really useful activity, such as helping on the farm, looking after people with learning difficulties, or checking for pollution in rivers.

One of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different social backgrounds and countries. As few can afford the fees of £20,000 over two years, grants are available.

A quarter of students are British, and many of those can only attend because they receive government help.

“I really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people", as Barbara Molenkamp, a student from the Netherlands, said. ""You learn to live with people and respect them, even the ones you don"t like. During the summer holidays my mother couldn"t believe how much less I argued with my sister."

To sum up, Atlantic College gives its students an excellent education, using methods which really seem to work.

41. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

          A. give an opinion about a particular student     B. give an opinion about a special type of education

          C. describe the activities the students do in their free time D. describe his own experience of education

42. What can a reader find out from this text?

          A. how to become a student at Atlantic College B. what kind of programme Atlantic College offers

          C. what the British education system is like        D. how to get along better with other people

43. What is the writer"s opinion of Atlantic College?

          A. It doesn"t allow students enough study time. B. Its students are taught to like each other.

          C. It doesn’t give good value for money.           D. Its way of teaching is successful.

44. How has Barbara changed since being at Atlantic College?

          A. She knows a lot about other countries.                         B. She is more confident than her sister now.

          C. She finds it easier to get on with other people.        D. She prefers her new friends to her family.

45. The word "argued" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.

          A. quarreled                    B. respected                              C. admired                                    D. regarded

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.

The relationship between students and teachers is (46)_________formal in the USA than in many other countries, especially at the college level. American college students do not stand up when their teacher enters the room. Students are generally encouraged to ask questions in class, to stop in the professor"s of lice for extra help, and to phone if they are absent and need a(n) (47)_________. Most teachers allow students to enter class late or leave early, if necessary. Despite the lack of formality, students are still expected to be polite to their teacher and fellow classmates. When students want to ask questions, they usually (48)__________a hand and wait to be called on. When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, it is rude to begin whispering (49)_________another classmate. When a test is being given, talking to" a classmate is not only rude but also risky. Most American teachers consider that students who are talking to each other (50) _________a test are cheating.

46.        A. much                         B. most                                     C. a little           D. less

47.        A. assignment                 B. homework                            C. information           D. housework

48.        A. raise                           B. hold                                     C. hang   D. rise

49.        A. with                           B. for                                        C. to       D. at

50.        A. at                               B. during                                  C. by      D. for


----------THE END---------




Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1.       A. casual                        B. case                                     C. cashier           D. cash

2.       A. admit                         B. advance                                C. advent D. admire

3.       A. command                   B. compose                               C. complain                                  D. comment

4.       A. humor                        B. honest                                  C. human D. horror

5.       A. reserved                     B. locked                                  C. forced D. touched

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

6. It was just a friendly get-together. Everyone was wearing_____clothes. No one needed to be well-dressed.

          A. formal                        B. casual                                   C. unimportant           D. unfriendly

7. _________candidates are likely to succeed in job interviews.

          A. Nervous                     B. Self-conscious                      C. Self-doubt           D. Self-confident

8. In his latest speech, the Secretary General_________the importance of wildlife conservation.

          A. stressed                      B. excused                                C. extorted           D. remained

9. Nobody seemed to be interested in the news. It was greeted with a lack of  _________.

          A. enthusiastic                B. enthusiasm                           C. enthusiastically           D. enthusiast

10. I don"t like_________jobs. In fact, I never want to work under high pressure.

          A. stress                         B. stressed                                C. stressing           D. stressful

11. The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate_________proposals called for higher taxes.

          A. who his                      B. who he had                           C. whose           D. that his

12. Was_________I said a moment ago clear ?

          A. when                          B. which                                   C. that           D. what

13. The medicine _________had no effect at all.

          A. the doctor gave it to me                                               B. the doctor gave me

          C. which the doctor gave it to me                                     D. which given to me by the doctor

14. My bike, _________I had left at the gate, had disappeared.

          A. when                          B. which                                   C. that           D. – 

15. The new shopping mall is gigantic. It"s advertised as a place_________you can find just about anything you might want to buy.

          A. which                         B. where                                   C. in where           D. in that

16. Annie has three brothers, _________are pilots.

          A. who they all               B. who all of them                     C. that all of them           D. all of whom

17. -"Is April twenty-first the day _________?" -""No, the twenty-second."

          A. you"ll arrive then         B. on that you"ll arrive   C. when you"ll arrive   D. when you"ll arrive on

18. They have an apartment _________the park.

          A. overlooking                 B. that overlooking                   C. overlooks           D. overlooked

19. "_________having a swim in the river?" -"That"s a good idea."

          A. Why don"t                  B. How about                            C. Why aren"t           D. Shall we

20. There"s nothing you can do _________me change my mind.

          A. to make                      B. make                                    C. making           D. makes

21. "My uncle has been a writer for many years." "How many books_________so far?"

          A. did he write                B. has he been writing               C. has he written           D. was he writing

22. Housework is _________shared between them.

          A. equally                       B. equal                                    C. equality           D. equalizing

23. "Would you like a drink?" "Oh, yes. _________a Coke. Thank you."

          A. I have                         B. I"ll have                                C. I"m having       D. I"m going to have

24. Hard _________he tried, the second runner could not catch up with the first one.

          A. as                               B. for                                        C. so       D. that

25. Do you know _________this handbag might be?

          A. whom                        B. who"s                                   C. to whom           D. whose

26. The weather was very nice, so he found_________a raincoat with him.

          A. it necessary to take      B. it unnecessary taking   C. unnecessary to take   D. it unnecessary to take

27. _________these lessons carefully or you won"t understand the information on the test.

          A. If you read                  B. When you read                     C. Unless you read           D. Read

28. Joe, who is one of my elder sister"s sons, is my favorite_________.

          A. nephew                      B. niece                                    C. grandson           D. uncle

29. Angela is not only a capable reporter_________a promising writer.

          A. and                            B. or                                         C. but also           D. as well as

30. Her husband is a writer and _________.

          A. so she is                     B. neither is she                        C. so is she           D. she is neither

31. I wish I _________more time to study before last exam.

          A. could have                  B. had                                      C. had had           D. have had

32. He solemnly promised_________in our business.

          A. not interfering             B. to not interfere                      C. wouldn"t interfere           D. not to interfere

33. If you put your money into that business, you risk_________every penny.

          A. lose                            B. to lose                                  C. losing           D. lost

34. Wendy got a part-time job _________she would be able to pay for school expenses.

          A. unless                        B. although                               C. so that           D. but

35. _________did it take you to get used to wearing glasses?

          A. How long                   B. How much                           C. How far           D. How often

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

36. Liquids take the shape of any container which inthey are placed.

                                     A                                               B            C                D

37. Two out of three people striking by lightningsurvive.

                         A                             B                      C              D

38. Some of the houses had been wrecked by the storm belonged to the poor villagers.

               A                                 B                                  C                                          D

39. The notebook list every opportunities for handicapped workers in the area.

         A                       B                        C                              D

40. In my opinion, the new foreign coach does his job relativewell.

       A                                             B                                                  C         D

Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.

Computer programmer David Jones earns  £35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a cheque card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18.

The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David"s firm releases two new games for the expanding home computer market each month.

But David"s biggest headache is what to do with his money.

Despite his salary, earned by inventing new programs within tight schedules, with bonus payments and profit-sharing, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage, or obtain credit cards.

He lives with his parents in their council house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. His company has to pay £150 a month in taxi fares to get him the five miles to work and back every day because David cannot drive.

David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. "I got the job because the people who run the firm knew 1 had already written some programs," he said.

"I suppose £35,000 sounds a lot but actually that"s being pessimistic. I hope it will come to more than that this year." He spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother £20 a week. But most his spare time is spent working.

"Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school," he said. "But 1 had been studying it in books and "magazines for four years in my spare time. 1 knew what 1 wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway."

David added: "I would like to earn a million and 1 suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know when the market might disappear."

41. Why is David different from other young people at his age?

          A. He earns an extremely high salary.                               B. He is not unemployed.

          C. He does not go out much.                                            D. He lives at home with his parents.

42. David"s greatest problem is

          A. Making the banks treat him as an adult.                        B. inventing computer games.

          C. spending his salary.                                                     D. learning to drive.

43. He was employed by the company because

          A. he had worked in a computer shop.                              B. he had written some computer programs.

          C. he works very hard.                                                     D. he had learnt to use computers at school.

44. He left school after taking O-levels because

          A. he did not enjoy school.

          B. he wanted to work with computers and staying at school did not help him.

          C. he was afraid of getting too old to start computing.

          D. he wanted to earn a lot of money.

45. Why does David think h~ might retire early?

          A. You have to be young to write computer programs.

          B. He wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.

          C. He thinks computer games might not always sell so well.

          D. He thinks his firm might go bankrupt.

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.

Manuel Gonzalez comes from Spain. He usually lives in Madrid and works (46)________a journalist for a Spanish newspaper, but two years ago he decided to take a year (47)________work to live in different countries in Europe and write a book about Europeans. He spent the first two months in Scandinavia (48)________information and then moved to Germany for a month. At present he is staying in Paris, where he is renting a flat for five weeks. Four years ago he wrote a (49)________travel guide to Spain and now he is working hard to have the same (50)________with his book about Europeans.

46.     A. in                               B. for                                        C. by           D. as

47.     A. off                             B. to                                         C. away  D. from

48.     A. collected                    B. to collect                              C. collecting                                 D. collection

49.     A. best-sell                     B. best-sold                               C. best-selling D. best-to- sell

50.     A. succeed                      B. success                                 C. successful                                 D. successfully


----------THE END-----------




Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

1.       A. burden                       B. bureau                                  C. burning           D. stgrn                         

2.       A. device                        B. servile (of servant)                C. entice           D. service

3.       A. terrorism                    B. tertiary                                 C. terrible           D. terrify

4.       A. blood                         B. food                                     C flood           D. enough

5.       A. tried                           B. laughed                                C. typed           D. liked

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

6. ""You must have had a very good time on holiday." "__________, it was a disaster. Everything went wrong."

          A. By tradition                B. In short                                C. On the condition           D. On the contrary

7. There are _______ways of spending your free time, so you can choose to do whatever you like.

          A. scanty                        B. various                                 C. ridiculous           D. variety

8. They are trying to persuade the rich to__________their money to the charities.

          A. provide                      B. invest                                   C. finance           D. contribute

9. Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources__________.

          A. efficient                     B: efficiency                             C. inefficient           D. efficiently

10. Thousands of factory workers are attending evening classes in an attempt to______themselves.

          A. better                         B. be better                               C. being better D. better than

11. He eats nothing __________hamburgers.

          A. but                             B. unless                                   C. despite           D. apart

12. He worked hard __________a mechanic for ten years before being appointed manager.

          A. like                            B. alike                                     C. as       D. same as

13. This organization is quick    sending relief goods to the flooded areas.

          A. with                           B. at                                         C. for           D. about

14. When are you leaving__________Singapore? This week or next week?

          A. for                             B. in                                         C. to           D. at

15. He suddenly saw Cindy__________the room, so he pushed his way__________the crowd of people to get to her.

          A. across/through            B. over/through                         C. over / over           D. through/ across

16. The doctor will not give the patient the test results__________tomorrow.

          A. until                           B. from                                     C. at           D. on

17. Can you help me, please? I can"t see the difference__________these words.

          A. from                          B. in                                         C. between           D. about

18. I don"t understand this point. Could you please__________?

          A. explain to me it           B. explain me with it                 C. explain it to me           D. explain it for me

19. That house reminds me __________the one where I used to live.

          A. of                               B. for                                        C. about           D. with

20. It was very kind__________you to lend me the money I needed.

          A. for                             B. of                                         C. to           D. with

21. The bus hit a truck coming __________the opposite direction

          A. in                               B. at                                         C. for           D. by

22. The company made very good profit in __________.

          A. the 1990                     B. 1990s                                   C. the 1990s           D. 1990"s

23. Alex failed his English exam, but his teacher is going to give him ________chance to .pass it.

          A. another                       B. the other                               C. the others           D. other

24. Her eyes are different colors. One eye is gray, and                 is green.

          A. another                       B. the other                               C. the others           D. other

25. __________him the whole truth or he"ll get angry with you.

          A. If you don"t tell           B. Unless you tell                      C. Don"t tell           D. When you tell

26. This is the strangest case that the detective__________.

          A. has ever investigated   B. is ever investigating

          C. ever investigates                                                         Dhas never investigated

27. To reduce air pollution, __________.

          A. all automobiles necessary to be banned from the city center

          B. banning all automobiles from the city center should be done

          C. it is necessary banning all automobiles from the city center

          D. the authorities should ban all automobiles from the city center

28. Fred refused to travel by air because he was afraid of __________.

          A. long                           B. lengths                                 C. heights           D. high

29. Don"t worry! The plane __________at the airport right now.

          A. arrives                        B. arrived                                 C. has arrived           D. is arriving

30. __________about the good news, Sarah seemed to be indifferent.

          A. In spite of exciting                                                      B. In addition to exciting

          C. In stead of being excited                                              D. Because of being excited

31. He __________for that company for five months when it went bankrupt.

          A. has been worked         B. has worked

          C. had been working        D. was working

32. " __________does Joe like his new motorbike?" "He"s crazy about it."

          A. How                          B. What                                    C. When D. Why

33. Some people think__________ to master a foreign language. However, it isn"t.

          A. it’s easy                      B. easy                                     C. easily  D. it is easily

34. When his parents died, they __________him a house in which he still lives.

          A. continued                   B. from earning                        C. inherited           D. saved

35. Most people prefer spending money __________it.

          A. than earning               B. from earning                         C. to earn           D. to earning

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

36. Scientists sent an expedition to the Mars during the 1990s.

                                   A                                 B                C            D

37. Mr. Carlos, along by his cousins from Mexico City, is planning to attend the festivities.

                                           A                         B                                C                          D

38. Do you think you could lend me good pair of gloves to wear to the wedding?

                                             A                           B                    C            D

39. You had better to tell her the truth or she"ll get angry with you.

                                       A                       B                              C          D

40. Many superstitions and symbols are connected for Halloween.

           A               B                                      C                          D

Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that bes.t completes the following sentences.

One of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. For example, the continuous smell of paint has a harmful effect on painters, but it doesn"t "bother" a robot. Robots can work in nuclear power plants and in undersea research stations that might be dangerous for humans. Already, robots are working in the plastics industry and in chemical and industrial equipment industries. One of the most common uses of robots is still in automobile factories. They can do the heavy, unpleasant, or dangerous work. These kinds of industrial robots are not usually "mobile". The work they need to do is brought to them, like cars on an assembly line, for example.

The robot industry is a big business. By the middle of the 1990s, Japan" led the world in robot production with more than 71,000 industrial robots at work. Both the United States and Japan, as well as other countries, continue to develop more advanced robots. Robots can now be made to perform more complex jobs. Robots can make decisions while they are working and learn from their mistakes. Robots can now see with TV camera "eyes." They can easily hear and can even speak using a voice made by a computer. But it is difficult to make a robot "understand." Thinking. and understanding are very human qualities. The robots of the future will probably be very complex. They will be able to perform many humanlike tasks. Robots and other technology will make the future a very interesting place!

41. We can infer from the passage that by the middle of the 1990s__________.

          A. only Japan had used robots in production

          B. Japan and the USA were the only countries to use robots

          C. some countries had used robots in industrial production

          D. Japan led the world in production thanks to robots

42. Which of the following are robots NOT be able to do?

          A. To speak using a voice made by a computer

          B. To think and understand

          C. To make decisions at work

          D. To learn from mistakes

43. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the robots of the future?

          A. They will probably be very complicated.

          B. They will be able to do humanlike tasks.

          C. They will contribute to making the future more interesting.

          D. They will replace human workers in all kinds of work.

44. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "botherin the first paragraph?

          A. cancel                        B. change                                 C. upset  D. terminate

45. Which of the following can be the opposite of the word "mobilein the first paragraph?

          A. stationary                   B. movable                               C. unthinkable           D. repairable

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.

We know that there is no life on Mars. The Viking robot missions to the Red Planet proved that. The mission was (46)________to one man for the most part. Percival Lowell, a rich American businessman, suggested that Mars contained life. He was fascinated by Mars. He spent 23 years studying it. He was so (47)________involved in the search for Martian life that he built his own laboratory. It housed a huge telescope. At 7,000 feet (2.13km) (48)________sea level in a dry climate, it was a perfect site to view Mars. Lowell believed that he saw a network of lines (49)________Mars. He also thought that the lines were built by intelligent life. There was also the chance that water was on the planet. He drew many maps in his notebooks. His idea (50)________the public"s attention. People soon believed that life on Mars could exist.

46.     A. due                            B. because                                C. except           D. instead

47.     A. deep                           B. deeply                                  C. depth           D. deepen

48.     A. on                              B. over                                     C. above           D. up

49.     A. cross                          B. crossing                                C. to cross           D. crossed

50.     A. made                          B. achieved                               C. absorbed           D. drew

------THE END------




ĐỀ 1

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has different stress from that of the rest.

1.              A. express                            B. effort                               C. office            D. comment

2.              A. economic                         B. experience                       C. entertainment            D. introduction

3.              A. history                             B. depression                       C. invention            D. completely

Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences.

4.   He has just come back from London, ________is the capital of England.

           A. that                                 B. which                              C. where           D. in which

5.   No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.

           A. expected                          B. unexpected                      C. expectedly            D. unexpectedly

6.   Ms Young, to _____ many of her students are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada.

           A. who                                 B. whom                              C. that            D. whose

7.       In five more minutes, they_______for three hours on the phone.

           A. are talking                       B. have talked                      C. will have been talking            D. will talk

8.       Nam: What do you think about his story? - Tan: ____________, it’s not true.

           A. In my opinion                  B. I think                             C. According to me           D. I don’t think

9.       If she _______ the train last night, she _________ here now.

           A. took / were             B. were taking / is         C. had taken / would have been  D. had taken / would be

10.    _______ speaking, I do not really like my present job.

           A. Honest                             B. Honestly                          C. Honesty            D. Dishonest

11.    A letter of _______ is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview.

           A. recommend                      B. recommended                  C. recommender            D. recommendation

12.    _______ if he comes late?

           A. What you would do          B. What would you do          C. What will you do            D. What you will do

13.    Some days of rest may help to _______ the pressure of work.

           A. reduce                             B. lower                               C. chop            D. increase

14.    A _______ is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or training.

           A. vocation                          B. subject                             C. certificate            D. grade

15.    John: What a nice watch you are wearing, Mary! - Mary: ___________________.

           A. Thank you. I hope you like it.                                      B. I don’t think it’s nice

           C. No, I don’t think so                                                      D. Oh, that’s right

16.    He is very worried _______ his new job because he is not quite prepared _______ working.

           A. on / over                          B. to / off                             C. about / for            D. in / at

17.    Mai: Can you lend me some money, Lan? - Lan: __________________.

           A. I don’t have any money    B. Certainly. Here you are.      C. No, I can’t                                D. Yes, I can

18.    I think we ___________ from her soon.

           A. hear                                 B. will hear                          C. have heard           D. will have heard

19.    He is the man _______ car was stolen last week.

           A. whom                              B. that                                  C. which            D. whose

20.    It is of great ______ to show your interest and politeness when you are having a job interview.

           A. importance                      B. important                         C. importantly            D. unimportant

21.    _____ instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview.

           A. John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone                    B. John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone

           C. John Robbins, to who I spoke by telephone                   D. John Robbins, whom I spoke to by telephone

22.    She is the eldest in her house, so she has to look _________her brother when her parents go out.

           A. for                                   B. at                                    C. up           D. after

23.    A taxi crashed into __________ tree. _________driver was badly injured.

           A. a / a                                 B. a / the                              C. the / a           D. the / the

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions:

24.     “What did you do last weekend, Tim?” Alice asked.

           A. Alice asked Tim what did he do last weekend.

           B. Alice asked Tim what he had done last weekend.

           C. Alice asked Tim what he had done the previous weekend.

           D. Alice asked Tim what had he done the previous weekend.

25.    People say that Vietnamese students are not well-prepared for their future jobs.

           A. Vietnamese students are said not to be well-prepared for their future jobs.

           B. Vietnamese students are said to be not well-prepared for their future jobs.

           C. Vietnamese students say not to be well-prepared for their future jobs.

           D. Vietnamese students say to be not well-prepared for their future jobs.

26.    "Why don"t you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me.

           A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.

           B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. ,

           C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.

           D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.

27.    If it does not rain tomorrow, we will water the garden.

           A. Unless it rain tomorrow, we will water the garden.       

           B. Unless it does rain tomorrow, we will water the garden.

           C. Unless it rains tomorrow, we will water the garden.

           D. Unless it rains tomorrow, we will not water the garden.

Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correction.

28.    Although they always argue with each other, but they are good friends.

                                      A                    B                         C                                D

29.    More school have been built recently to make it convenient for children to go to school.

                A                            B            C                D

30.    Since they study in the same primary school, they have known each other.

                             A               B            C                         D

Choose the word or phrase that best fits each space in the following passage

 Many people love boats. Going out on the water (41) _______ a warm summer day is a lot of fun. (42) _______  ,different people like different kinds of boats. Two of the most popular kinds of boat are sailboats and speedboats. Sailboats use the (43) _______to give them power. They only have small engines. In contrast, speedboats have large engines and go very fast. Furthermore, speedboats are usually not as (44) _______ as sailboats. Speedboats are small so that they can go fast. Sailboats, on the other hand, are big so that they are more comfortable. ( 45) _______, sailboats can travel into the ocean, but this would be very dangerous in a speedboat. You can only use speedboats on rivers or lakes.

31.           A. at                                    B. on                                   C. in           D. while

32.           A. However                          B. Although                         C. Because           D. Unless

33.           A. water                               B. speed                               C. weather           D. wind

34.           A. small                               B. fast                                  C. warm           D. big

35.           B. Unfortunately                  B. At first                             C. In addition           D. Except for

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

 Diwali is a main Hindu festival. It is known as the “Festival of Lights”. It makes the victory of good over evil. In other words, lights are symbols of victory of brightness over darkness. People in India turn on lamps in every house and watch firecrackers in the night sky. These lights are a way showing honor to the gods of India for giving the people health, knowledge, riches and peace.

 On the day of Diwali, children get up at 3:00 a.m and take a bath. They dress up in festival clothes, light up the candles and share sweets. There is competition among the children to light the first firecracker and to make the loudest noise. Soon, the whole sky is bright. Children seem to have the most fun during this festival.

36.    What does the passage mainly discuss ?

           A. Unity among the people in India              B. A way that children in India have fun

           C. How a festival in India is celebrated        D. The meaning of lamplighting and firecrackers in India.

37.    The world honor in the first paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to

           A. pride                                B. respect                             C. satisfaction           D. understanding

38.    All of the following are true of the festival EXCEPT_______.

           A. giving thanks to Gods                                                  B. lighting up candles

           C. exploding firecrackers                                                  D. having sports competition between children

39.    The author’s main purpose in paragraph 1 is

           A. to show different types of lights in Diwali                     B. to point out that the Diwali is an unusual holiday

           C. to explain the meaning of Diwali                                  D. to give evidence that Diwali is celebrated at night

40.    Why does the author mention children in paragraph 2?

           A. To focus that Diwali is a noisy festival   B. To indicate that children enjoy the holiday of Diwali a lot

           C. To explain that the Diwali is a time for competition

           D. To indicate that the holiday is dangerous for children


------THE END------

ĐỀ 2


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.                                                           

1.                 A. nursery                          B. work                                C. excursion             D. certificate

2.                 A. application                    B. apply                               C. applicant             D. applicator

Choose the word that has the main stress position differently from that of the rest.

3.                 A. campus                         B. certificate                        C. performance             D. acceptance

4.                 A. impression                     B. existence                         C. compulsory             D. creativity

5.                 A. reform                           B. improve                           C. dominate             D. adopt

Choose the correct answer to each of the flollowing questions.

6.   He warned her__________the wire.

             A. not touching                  B. not touch                         C. touch             D. not to touch

7.   Hurry up! It’s time we__________for next week’s examination.

             A. have studied                  B. studied                            C. had studied             D. will study

8.   When Jack __________me, I__________a letter.

             A. phoned/ has been writing                                           B. has phoned/ was writing

             C. phoned/ was writing                                                  D. was phoning/ wrote

9.   Be quiet! The baby__________.

             A. is sleeping                     B. slept                                C. was sleeping             D. sleeps

10.    You should find out as much as about the job and the vacancy

             A. jobs are advertised         B. a job that is available.   C. a seat that is available             D. an empty seat.

11.    The academic year in England __________into three terms.

             A. has divided                    B. is divided                        C. divides             D. is dividing

12.    We saw many soldiers and horses __________were moving to the front line.

             A. which                             B. whom                             C. who             D. that

13.    Try these cakes ! They are __________from wheat flour.

             A. done                               B. made                              C. taken             D. baked

14.    A surprise party __________by my students tomorrow.

             A. is going to be organized     B. is gone to organize  C. is going to organize             D. a and b are correct

15.    Schooling is__________for all English children from the age of five to sixteen.

             A. compulsory                   B. advised                            C. selected             D. encouraged

16.    Because of the coming examination, I am under a lot of study__________.

             A. responsibility                 B. pressure                           C. confidence             D. activities

17.    Had I known she was sick , I __________her.

             A. visited                           B. had visited                       C. would have visited              D. would visit

18.    "I will do it for you, Mary", Peter said.

             A. Peter advised Mary to do it                                        B. Peter advised Mary not to do it.

             C. Peter promised to do it for Mary                                 D. Peter wanted Mary to do it.

19.    “ Thanks for your help!” “________________”

             A. With all my heart           B. Never mind me                C. It’s my pleasure             D. All it is for you

20.     “ How do you get to work?”           “_________________”

             A. It is very far                         B. About two kilometers.

             C. I walk, of course                  D. I was taken there.

21.     “ I have just passed my English proficiency test.”    “____________”

             A. Congratulations !                 B. It’s nice of you to say so!

             C. That’s a good idea!               D. Ok! I’m enjoying in it!

Choose the sentence that is closest in the meaning to the root one.

22.    I can’t do the test because it is too difficult.

             A. If the test weren’t too difficult, I can do it.                  B. If the test hadn’t been too difficult, I could do it.

             C. If the test weren’t too difficult, I could do it.               D. If the test isn’t too difficult, I can do it.

23.    They are cleaning the kitchen now.

             A. The kitchen is now cleaned.                                       B. The kitchen is cleaning now.

             C. The kitchen is been cleaning now.                              D. The kitchen is being cleaned now.


24.    He/ afraid/ sack/ lack of education.

             A. He is afraid that he sacks lack of education.                B. He is afraid of sacking due to lack of education.

             C. He is afraid of being sacked for lack of education.

             D. He is afraid of being sacked because he lacks of education.

25.    Without transportation, our modern society could not exist.

             A. Our modern society could not exist if there is no transportation.

             B. Our modern society will not exist without having transportation.

             C. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist.

             D. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not exist.

26.    "You"d better think carefully before applying for that job.” She said to me.

             A. She said me to think carefully before applying for that job.

             B. She says me to think carefully before applying for that job.

             C. She advise me to think carefully before applying for that job.

             D. She advised me to think carefully before applying for that job.

Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

27.    Buying clothes are often a very time- consuming practice because those clothes that

                                      A                    B          C

 a person likes are rarely the one that fit him or her.        


28.    After George had returned to his househe was reading a book.

                                          A                B     C             D

29.    We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on

                                        A                  B                  C                                                     D

our test tomorrow.

30.    Stuart stopped to write his letter because he had to leave for the hospital.

                                        A                  B          C                            D

Choose the correct word for each of the blanks.


You should find out as much as possible about the job and the (41)__________. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your resumes to the company to express your interest in the job and (42) __________that you may be the most suitable candidate for the position.

When you come to the interview, remember (43) __________with you your school certificates and letter of recommendation from your teachers or your previous employers. (44)__________you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during the interview.    Make sure you know where the interview is and (45)__________there. Be on time or a few minutes early. Don’t forget to dress neatly and formally.

31.              A. vacancy                         B. career                              C. profession             D. place.

32.              A. showing                        B. to show                            C. shown             D. show

33.              A. to bring                         B. bringing                           C. brought             D. bring

34.              A. Although                      B. In addition                       C. however             D. And

35.              A. how to get                     B. how getting                     C. way getting             D. to get

Choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several leading educational psychologist, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand very well the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to their children.

However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.

Michael Li is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s play the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.

Michael’s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “ when I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter,” Winton’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

36.    The main idea of the passage is____________________.

             A. how parennts should make a child a musician.            B. how parents should bring up a child.

             C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.

             D. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.

37.    Michael is lucky because____________________.

             A. His parents help him in a sensible way.    B. His family is rich enough to have a car.

             C. His father is a musician in an orchestra.    D. He is free to do anything that he likes best.

38.    Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that ____________________.

             A. He has to do his best to do everything.                       B. He has made ggreater progress in music.

             C. He is afraid that he may disappoint them                     D. He often want to kill himself someday.

39.    It is one of parents’ mistakes if____________________.

             A. they want their child to be a musician.                        B. They help their child to win music competition.

             C. They don’t care for their child’s education much.        D. They make their child try to achieve too much.

40.    According to the author’s opinion, ____________________.

             A. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.

             B. Parents should be supportive of their children.

             C. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.

             D. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.


------THE END------


ĐỀ 3

Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest.

1.                 A. economy                     B. economics                          C. technologically             D. institution                  

2.                 A. university                    B. international                      C. agricultural             D. philosophy

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

3.                 A. achieved                      B. advanced                            C. required             D. replied

4.                 A. explanation                 B. experience                          C. existence             D. exciting

5.                 A. disaster                       B. crisis                                  C. basic             D. handsome

Choose the best answer to complete the blank in each of the following sentences.

6.        Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow? – Sure. By then I __________my exam.

             A. will finish                   B. finished                             C. will have finished              D. have finished

7.        At present Mary __________her clothes. She __________ the clothes on Sunday.

             A. is washing / often washes                                           B. has washed / is often washing

             C. was washing / has often washed                                 D. washes / often washed

8.        They ________ good preparations before they _______ their final examination yesterday.

             A. made / had taken         B. have made / take   C. had made / took     D. will have made / have taken

9.        Let’s put off that meeting to next Monday.

             A. postpone                     B. arrange                              C. start             D. decide

10.    They had a really good chance of winning the national __________.

             A. competitor                  B. competition                       C. compete             D. competitive

11.    Lan is very sick now since she hasn’t got used __________the cold weather __________the U.S.

             A. to / in                          B. with / on                            C. to / at             D. with / in

12.    Many women _______the countryside have to suffer _____domestic violence as they are not aware of their rights.

             A. at / from                      B. to / at                                 C. from / with             D. in / from

13.    __________garden looks like a mess. Why don’t you cut __________grass?

             A. a /a                             B. a / the                                C. the / the              D. x / x

14.    Even though I kept apologizing, __________.

             A. my friend forgives me                                                B. my friend forgave me

             C. my friend does not forgive me                                    D. my friend did not forgive me

15.    Tom was still keen on his goal __________the fact that it was very hard to achieve.

             A. because                       B. although                            C. despite             D. in spite

16.    He __________for Canada two years ago and I __________him since then.

             A. left / did not see           B. has left / have not seen        C. left / do not see             D. left / have not seen

17.    The bedroom needs __________now.

             A. decorate                      B. decorated                           C. decorating             D. to decorate

18.    It is very kind of you __________me a hand.

             A. to give                         B. given                                 C. giving             D. give

19.    The villagers in this commune continue to take part in many __________ceremonies.

             A. traditional                   B. traditionally                       C. untraditional             D. traditions

20.    “Oh, no. Did I do that? I’m sorry.” – “__________”

             A. Oh, that’s alright. It can happen to anyone.                 B. Did i? I’m sorry.

             C. I’m worried about that.                                               D. No, of course not.

21.    “__________” – “Oh, thanks. I’m glad you like it.”

             A. What does your house cost?                                       B. I like your house. It has nice view.

             C. I don’t know how to get to your house.                       D. Who designed this beautiful house?

22.    The air has become more and more polluted because of exhaust fumes from vehicles.

             A. preserved                    B. wasted                               C. contaminated              D. conserved

Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction.

23.    Julie failed her driving test because she hasn’t practised enough.

                  A                     B              C                         D

24.    don’t mind a little inconvenient but this is impossible.

                A                                B            C                     D

25.    The doctor called this morning while you slept.

                               A               B             C               D

26.    Unless you don’t know how to do this exercise, you can ask me.

            A                                  B                                               C    D

Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks:

Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. They say that (9) ______ the Internet and other new technologies, (10) _______ no longer any need for school buildings, formal class, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but this is hard to (11) _________ a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better, not (12) _______them. We should invent a new kind of school that is (13) ________to libraries, museums, science centers, laboratories, and even companies.

27.              A. despite                        B. because of                          C. thought             D. because

28.              A. there are                      B. they are                              C. it is             D. there is

29.              A. know                          B. realize                                C. imagine             D. consider

30.              A. to eliminate                 B. eliminative                         C. eliminator             D. elimination                

31.              A. limited                        B. linked                                C. contributed             D. addressed

Read the passage and choose the best answers:

Before applying to a foreign university, one should consider the disadvantages of studying abroad. First, a student may feel lonely by being far home and friends. Also, difficulty in understanding a foreign language can be very disappointing and can affect the student’s grades. It can be very expensive to pay the costs of travel and housing in a different country. Finally, if there is an emergency at home, it will be hard to get home in a hurry.

However, studying in another country is advantageous in many ways. A student is exposed to a new culture. This culture teaches him or her about other people and other way of thinking, which can be promote friendships among countries. He can learn an new language which may be beneficial for keeping up with research after student has finished studying. He can learn experience not available in his country. The student may also get the opportunity to study at a university where leading expert in his field may be teaching. The leading expert can introduce the student to the most up-to-date finding of the tops researches in the field. Exposure to such available knowledge and insights into the field can aid the student in becoming an expert as well.

32.     _______________ to study abroad.

             A. There are only disadvantages.                                    B. There are only advantages.

             C. There are both advantages and disadvantages.             D. There are neither advantages nor advantages.

33.     When studying abroad, a student ____________.

             A. is homesick and feel lonely                   B. spends a lot of money for accommodation and transportation

             C. cannot go home immediately in emergency.                D. All are correct.

34.     When studying abroad,a student is exposed to a new culture that ________________

             A. has no advantage.        B. enriches his knowledge about people and other ways of thinking.

             C. has no effects               D. causes some troubles

35.     At a foreign university, a student ___________.

             A. can learn a foreign language.                                     B. cannot learn a foreign language

             C. has to learn his mother tongue                                   D. doesn’t have to learn a language

36.     At a foreign university, a student may ___________.

             A. meet his neighbor        B. travel a lot          C. meet a leading expert in his field      D. All are correct

Choose the sentence that is closest in the meaning to the root one.

37.     “Would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked me.

             A. He asked me if I liked to stay for dinner.                    B. She was very kind to offer me the dinner.

             C. He offered me a dinner.                                             D. She invited me to stay for dinner.

38.     “Whose car did you borrow last night?” I said to him.

              A. I said to him whose car did he borrow last night.

              B. I told him whose car had he borrowed the night before.

              B. I ordered him whose car he had borrowed the night before.

              C. I asked him whose car he had borrowed the night before.

39.     “Do you enjoy living in the city?” asked the man.

             A. The man asked if I enjoy living in the city.

             B. The man wanted to know if I enjoy living in the city.

             C. The man said whether I enjoy living in the city.

             D. The man wanted to know whether I enjoyed living in the city.

40.    what / foreign / languages / taught / are / in / schools / your / country?

A. What foreign languages are taught in schools in your country?

B. What are foreign languages taught in schools in your country?

C. What languages foreign are taught in schools in your country?

D. What foreign languages are taught in your country in schools?

------THE END------


ĐỀ 4:

Choose the correct option among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space.

What do you do well? What do you enjoy doing? Your answers to these two questions will help you identify your (1) ____. An employer will consider you seriously for a (2)_______ when you can show them that you know who you are, what you can offer and which you have studied. Sometimes it is difficult to know what your weaknesses are. Clearly not everyone is equally good (3) _______ everything. You may need to improve yourself and so (4) ____ courses in that field could turn a weakness into strength.

You will need to (5) ____ some time on your self-assessment. Your honesty and the desire for self-improvement will lead to success in getting the right job. Explore the following seven areas to start to get to know yourself: your aptitude, your skills, your personality, the level of responsibility you feel comfortable with, your interests and your needs.

1.      A. strong                      B. strength                    C. strengthen                D. strengthened

  1. A. position                    B. location                    C. spot                          D. room
  2. A. upon                        B. in                             C. at                             D. for
  3. A. meeting                    B. taking                       C. choosing                   D. interviewing
  4. A. use                           B. make                        C. lose                          D. spend

Choose the correct option among A, B, C or D that best  answers the question about the passage

      Education is another area of social life in which information technology is changing the way we communicate. Today’s college students may not simply sit in a lecture or a library to learn about their field. Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality, they can participate in lifelike simulated experiences. Consider the following scenario of the future of education made possible through developments in information technology.

      For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at school is not compulsory. Some of the older children attend school only once or twice weekly to get tutorial support or instruction from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students must complete a minimum number of study hours per year; however, they may make up these hours by studying at home at times that suit the family schedule. They can log on in early or late in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order to ensure that each student is learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number of hours a week each student studies online as well as that student’s learning materials and assessment activities. Reports will be available for parents and teachers. The software can then identify the best learning activities and conditions for each individual student and generate similar activities. It can also identify areas of weak achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the student’s needs.

  1. What is the topic of the passage?

A. The effect of information technology on education        B. Students don’t have to go to school anymore

C. Computer software will make sure students learn at home

D. Students can know about their weak aspects to focus.

  1. The word compulsory is closest in meaning to _______________

A. depended                  B. required                    C. divided                     D. paid

  1. _______________ counts the number of hours per week that students spend learning.

A. Teacher                    B. Parent                      C. Calculator                D. Computer software

  1. What CAN’T the software do?

A. monitor the time the students learn                B. find out the best activities for the students

C. design materials for the students                    D. identify weaknesses of the students

  1.  What is NOT MENTIONED as a benefit of information technology to the students?

A. Students don’t need to travel to school daily               B. Students can learn at times that suit their schedule

C. Students’ weak achievement can be identified             D. Students’ learning time won’t be monitored

Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one:

  1. We didn’t go by air because we didn’t have enough money.

A. We would have gone by air if we had had enough money

B. If we had gone by air, we would have had enough money

C. If we had enough money, we would go by air

D. We wouldn’t have gone by air even if we had enough money

  1. “Can I bring a friend to the party? Nancy wanted to know.

A. Nancy knew that bringing a friend to the party was good        

B. Nancy wanted to invite a friend to the party

C. Nancy asked if she could bring a friend to the party

D. Nancy wanted to ask someone to bring her friend to the party

  1. My uncle has not been healthy for months

A. My uncle was healthy last time                                   B. It’s months since my uncle was healthy

C. The first time my uncle was healthy was months ago    D. My uncle’s health lasted for months

Choose the correct option among A, B, C or D which completes each sentence:

  1. Despite having worked in the field day after day, _______________.

A. could her parents hardly earn make ends meet  B. it was not possible for the family to make ends meet

C. the family could hardly earn enough                    D. earning enough to feed the family was just impossible

  1. Many people are said _______________

A. that are homeless after the floods                               B. having no home after the floods

C. the floods have made them homeless                         D. to be homeless after the floods

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:

  1.  Do you ever feel that life is not fair to you because you can’t seem to get the job where you want or that suits you?      A                                                       B                                                      C                         D
  2.  Paul decided to jointhe army after the first year at college and he was in it ever since.

    A          B                                                       C                    D

  1. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tellthem.

            A                                  B                               C       D

  1. If you didn’t think it is necessarily, you wouldn’t go to a lot of trouble to completeit.

             A                              B                                                   C                    D

  1. At the age of eighteen, William Shakespeare got married with Anne Hathaway, whowas eight years older.

           A                                                                      B                                            C                            D

Choose the word which is stressed different from the rest:

  1.  A. garbage                   B. pressure                    C. household                D. secure
  2.  A. pessimistic              B. geographical C. interviewing D. engineer      

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:

  1. A. arrives                      B. dates            C. invites                      D. talks            
  2. A. chores                      B. chemist                    C. change                     D. chopstick

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence:

  1. Michael’s father, _______________is 65 years old, goes jogging in the park very morning.

A. whose                      B. who                         C. that                          D. he

  1. All of the people _______________ in the accident were taken to hospital.

A. injured                     B. were injured             C. who injured              D. whom were injured

27.   _______________ summer I spent in _______________ USA was one of _______________ best in my life.

      A. a/ the/ the                 B. the/ the/ a                 C. the/ the/ the              D. a/ a/ a

  1. By the end of this year, they _______________ here for more than 20 years.

A. have lived                B. will have lived          C. will be living            D. will live

  1. _______________ it rains heavily, we can’t go to school.

A. Unless                      B. Even though            C. As long as                D. If

  1. When she came home last night, the dinner _______________, so she had a drink first.

A. was being prepared   B. had prepared             C. had been prepared     D. was preparing

  1. Wendy: “Why don’t we get together next week?” Cindy: “_______________”

A. I didn’t have the time            B. Not again                 C. That’s a good idea     D. It’ll take three hours

  1. After his death, she took the responsibility _______________ running the company.

A. up                            B. on                            C. for                            D. into

  1. Last Sunday was _______________ that we took a drive in the country.

A. too beautiful             B. such beautiful           C. very beautiful           D. so beautiful

34. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.

     A. happen                       B. encounter                C. arrive                        D. clean  

35.  In ten years’ time AIDS will be brought under control, and maybe it will not be a/an _______disease anymore.

      A. endanger                  B. danger                      C. endangered               D. dangerous

36.    Whether we go out will depend _______________ the weather.

      A. on                            B. about                       C. in                             D. with

37.    To beat other candidates, you should prove to be the most _______________ for the vacancy.

      A. supportive                B. suitable                    C. caring                       D. comfortable

38.    He usually travels to _______________ Philadelphia by _______________ train.

      A. no article/ no article  B. the/ a                        C. the/ the                    D. no article/ a

39.    If we don’t use electricity _______________, there will be power cuts.

      A. economy                  B. economic                 C. economical               D. economically

  1.  Pat: “Congratulation! You’ve got a promotion” Steve: “_______________”

A. I’m sorry                  B. No problem              C. My pleasure             D. Thanks


ĐỀ 5:

MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectanswertoeachofthe followingquestions:

Question1:My mother takes the ____________ for running the household

A. responsibility                B. responsibly                  C. responsible                  D.response

Question2:The wedding day is ________ choosen by the groom’s parents

A. careful                             B. carefully                   C. careless                    D. carelessly

Question3:A skilled _________ will help candidatetes feel relaxed .

  A. interview                             B. interviewing          C. intervewee            D. interviewer   

Question4:A woman has to _________ more in marriage than a man.

A. determine            B. sacrifice                    C. apologize                  D. equalize

Question5:She ________ him a handsome compliment.

A. made                                  B. did                           C. gave             D. paid

Question6:Schooling is _________ from the age of 6 to 14.

A. compulsory                      B. convenient   C. necessary                  D. important

Question7:Students usually ________ their GCSEs at the age of sixteen.

A. pass                                 B. make                        C. take              D. follow

Question8:The country is experiencing a severe economic ____________.

A. development                    B. cooperation  C. depression                D. reform

Question9:I _____________ to the same barber since last year.

A. am going              B. have gone                 C. go                           D. had gone

Question10:That book ________________ by a famous author.

A. wrote                               B. was written   C. is writing                  D. has written

Question11:What _______________ happen if you come late for the meeting tomorrow?

A. will be                               B. would be                  C. will              D. would

Question12:1. I asked Martha_________________ to enter law school.

A. are you planning    B. if she is planning       C. was she planning      D. if she was planning

Question13:Hung: “You’ve got a good voice. You sang so beautifully!” _ Lan: “_____.”

A. The same to you    B. You, too                   C. Thanks for your compliment D. Thank a lot

Question14:The people ___________are looking at the house are my parents.

A.who                               B.whom                          C.whose                          D. which

Question15:He is always _______ time. He never comes to work late.                                  B. on                                                     D. for

Question16:I _____ a lot of photos when I was  on holiday last summer.

A. was taking                    B. took                            C. had taken                 D.have taken

Question17:Yesterday when  I . arrived at the station, the train _______ for 15 minutes.

  A. had left                              B. has left                     C. left                           D.was leaving

Question18:Jane said that she ________ her e-mail first thing every morning.

A. checks                            B. checked                    C. had checked D. was checked

Question19:We __________ to study hard when we were at school.

A. made                               B. to make                    C. were made                D. have made

Question20:He felt bored with _______ woman sitting behind him at  the  party.

     A.a                                   B. x                                 C. an                            D. the

Question 21:If I __________ hungry, I _______________something. But I am not hungry now.

A were / would eat.                                     B. had been / would have eaten

C. had been / would eat                               D. were / would have eaten

Question 22:The building _____ by Mr. Pike looks terrible.

      A. which was decorated       B. decorating                C. who  decorated         D. was  decorated

Question 23:Teacher, are we expected to learn all the new words ______ heart?

      A. in                                   B. at                             C. by                            D. to

Question24: Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “____________.”

    A. I know so             B. Well, I hope so         C. I think not                D. Yes, that’s right

Question25:A: “When do children in Vietnam go to primary school? - B: " _____.."

A. At 6 years                                                  B. At the age of 6 years old

C. When they are 6                                         D. When they are 6 old years

MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectanswertoeachofthe followingquestions:

Question26: People protesting against pollution are marching to New York.

A. People they protest against pollution are marching to New York.

            B. People whom protest against pollution are marching to New York.

            C. People who protest against pollution are marching to New York.

            D. People that protesting against pollution are marching to New York.

Question27: They say that many people are homeless after the tsunami.

A. It is said to have been homeless after the tsunami.

B. They say many people to be homeless after the tsunami.

C. Many people are said to have been homeless after the tsunami.

D. Many people are said to be homeless after the tsunami.

Question28:We did not visit the museum because we had no time.

      A. If we have time, we will visit the museum.           B. If we had time, we would visit the museum.         

      C. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.   

      D. Had we not  had time, we would have visited  the museum.

MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectanswertoeachofthe followingquestions: (đây là phần kết hợp câu)

Question29:The flight attendant said : “Don’t forget to fasten your seat belts.”

The flight attendant reminded us  _________________________________

A.not to forget to fasten our seatbelts                         B.not to fasten our seatbelts      

C. to fasten our seatbelts                                           D. of not fastening our seatbelts

Question30:No one has cleaned the floor for weeks.

 A. The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks.B.The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks.

 C. The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks.   D.The floor has cleaned for weeks.

Read the following passage and mark the letterA,B,C,orD on your answer sheet

These days, most people in Britain and the US do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing.Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinema and concerts you can put on what you like from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.

            But in Britain, as well as the US, men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and business people wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart dresses.

            In many years, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles.

            It is difficult to say exactly what people wear informal or formal in Britain and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the same. You’ll feel more relaxed if you don’t look different from everyone else.

Question 31: Many British people wear freely when they _______________.

            A. attend meetings                    B. attend lectures  C. spend their spare time        D. meet their friends.

Question 32: Who doesn’t usually wear suits and ties?

            A. lawyers                    B. doctors                     C. drivers                      D. accountants

Question 33: If you visit an American friend at home in the evening, you may find that your friend wear _______________.

            A. pretty clothes           B. informal clothes        C. formal clothes          D. plain clothes

Question 34: If you are in a foreign country, the best way the writer suggests to you is to wear ________.

            A. strange clothes         B. as the people there do     C. your native clothes           D. comfortable clothes.

Question 35: What do you think the passage is mainly about?

            A. Recent dressing habit in Great Britain and the United States.

            B. The reason why informal clothing is popular in the UK and USA.

            C. When we should wear in a formal way.

            D. Where we should wear in a formal way.

Mark the letter A,B,C,orD on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined partis

Question36:A.laughed              B.sacrificed                   C.cooked                      D. explained

Question37:A.bride                  B.confine                     C.oblige                       D. determine

Question38:A. technology        B.chemistry                  C.children          


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions:

Question39:A. historian                       B. certificate                 C.academic                       D.curriculum

Question 40:A.approach                        B.attract                       C.decent                       D.install


------------THE END-----------

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