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NĂM HỌC: 2019-2020

Đà Nẵng ngày 25 tháng 5 năm 2020



NĂM HỌC 2019-2020



S+ Could + V + O
Be able to
Ought to
Had better
Have to

 Passive Voice:
S+ Could + BE + V3/ V_ed
Be able to
Ought to
Had better
Have to



I/ Adjectives and Adverbs.
1. Adjectives:
* Positions: - Adj. + N . beautiful hat.
- be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ taste/ look/ keep.... + Adj. He seems tired now.
- be/ seem/ look/ taste...+ too + Adj. He is too young to drive a motorbike.
- be + Adj + enough . She is tall enough to play volleyball.
- be/ seem/ look/ taste/ smell/ ... + so + Adj. + that.
The story is so interesting that I can’t put it down.


- How + Adj. + S + V! How beautiful the girl is!
Notes: Trật tự từ của tính từ:
- Tính từ chỉ cảm nghĩ đứng trước tính từ miêu tả: an interesting young man.
- Đôi khi chúng ta dùng hai hay nhiều tính từ miêu tả trong một câu, thì trật tự của chúng được sắp xếp như sau:
Số lượng + Chất lượng + Kích thước + Tuổi tác + Màu sắc + Xuất xứ( quốc gia)+ Chất liệu + NOUN.
eg. a beautiful old French picture.
- Tính từ chỉ kích thước và chiều dài( big, tall, long...) thường đi trước tính từ chỉ hình dáng và chiều rộng(
round, fat, wide...). eg. a long narrow street.
- Khi có hai hoặc hơn hai tính từ chỉ màu sắc,ta dùng liên từ ‘and’.
eg.a red, white and green flag.
2. Adverbs: là những từ dùng để diễn tả tính cách, đặc tính, mức độ, trạng thái... và được dùng để bổ nghĩa
cho động từ, tính từ, trạng từ khác hoặc cho cả câu.
* Positions: - V(trợ động từ) + Adv. + V (thường). I have recently finished my homework.
- be/ feel/ look/ ....+ Adv + Adj. I feel completely interested in this book.
- V (thường) + too + Adv. He studied too lazily to pass his exam.
- V (thường) + so + Adv. + that. Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.
- S + V ( + O) + Adv. He drives carefully.
- V (thường) + Adv. + enough. He worked hard enough to succeed.
- Adv. cũng có thể đứng một mình ở đầu câu( hoặc giữa câu giữa hai dấu “,”)
Suddenly, he heard a strange voice.
II. Degrees of comparison of Adj. and Adv.
1. Equal dgree: So sánh bằng S + V + as + Adj/ Adv + as + N/ Pronoun.
eg. He is as tall as his father. / Mai is as beautiful as her mother.
- Có thể thay ‘as’ bằng ‘so’ trong câu phủ định. S + Be not + as/so +Adj + as N/ Pronoun.
S + do/ does not +as/so + Adv+............
eg. Your pen is not so expensive as mine.
- Có thể diễn đạt ý bằng nhau, như nhau:
S + V + the same + (noun) + as +noun(pronoun).
eg. My house is as high as his = My house is the same height as his.
Marry is as old as Tony = Marry and Tony are the same age.
2. Comparative degree:
a. Short Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + short Adj/Adv + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun.
eg. Today is hotter than yesterday./ He runs faster than I do.
-Tính từ 1 âm tiết tận cùng là phụ âm đơn ( trừ w, x, z) đứng trước một nguyên âm đơn thì gấp đôi phụ âm
cuối + er. big-bigger


- Tính từ 2 âm tiết có tận cùng là : y, le, er, ow, et + er. quieter, cleverer, narrower....
- Tính từ 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng một phụ âm +y, đổi ‘y’ thành ‘i’ + er. happier.
- So sánh hơn có thể được nhấn mạnh bằng cách cộng thêm ‘much’ hoặc ‘far’.
S + V + far/ much + sh.Adj/ Adv + er + than + noun/ pronoun.
eg. Today is much hotter than yesterday.
b. Long Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + more long Adj/ Adv + than + Noun/Pronoun.
eg. This chair is more comfortable than the other.
He speaks English more fluently than I do.
-Nhấn mạnh : S + V + far/ much + more + long Adj/ Adv + than + noun/ pronoun.
eg. Hoa’s watch is much/ far more expensive than mine.
He reads much more rapidly than his brother.
-So sánh kém hơn: S + V + less Adj/ Adv than noun/ pronoun.
eg. My TV is less beautiful than yours.
He drives less carefully than I think.
3.Superlative degree: So sánh nhất
S + V + the + sh.Adj/Adv + est + in( danh từ đếm được số ít)
+ the most + long Adj/ Adv + of( danh từ đếm được số nhiều)
+ least + Adj/ Adv
eg. He is the tallest in my class.
Nga is the most inteligent of all the students.
Those shoes are the least expensive of all.
Note: - good/ well better the best
- bad/ badly worse the worst
- many/ much more the most
- little less the least
- far farther the farthest(về khoảng cách)
further the furthest( về thời gian)
- near nearer the nearest(về khoảng cách)
the next( về thứ tự)
- late later the latest( về thời gian)
the last( về thứ tự)
- old older the oldest( về tuổi tác)

elder the eldest( về cấp bậc hơn là tuổi tác)

4. So sánh kép( double comparatives):
a. Càng ngày ....... càng, mỗi lúc một...... hơn.
* Với tính từ ngắn: Adj + ER and Adj + er. The weather gets warmer and warmer
* Với tính từ dài: more and more + Adj. She becomes more and more beautiful.
b. Càng ngày càng ít...., càng ngày càng kém....: less and less + Adj.
eg. He is less and less hard-working.
c. Càng .... thì càng.......
* Với tính từ ngắn: The adj. + er......., the adj. + er.
eg. The darker it gets, the colder it is.


* Với tính từ dài: The more adj......., the more adj.........
eg. The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is.
* Với động từ: the more...., the more...... The more you learn, the more you forget.
Note: Nhiều khi hai vế không cùng một loại tính từ dài hay ngắn nhưng có thể sử dụng lẫn lộn với nhau.( hoặc
vế trước tính từ, vế sau động từ hoặc ngược lại...)
eg. The more she smiles, the more graceful she is.
d. Càng ít........, thì càng ít........ Càng kém....., ....thì càng kém......
* Với tính từ: The less + adj........, the less + adj. .......
eg. The less difficult the lessons are, the less hard-working the students.
* Với động từ : the less....., the less.....
The less I live with him, the less I like him.
5. Những cách nói khác có tính cách so sánh.
a. Other .... than........: khác. I want to read other novels than these.
b. Rather than: hơn là. We want to be poor rather than rich.
c. Had better: nên You’d better stay at home than go fishing.
d. Had rather hoặc Would rather: thích.. ..hơn .We’d rather watch a film than read a book.
6. Danh từ cũng có thể được dùng trong so sánh:
S + V + as + many/ much/ little/ few + noun +as + noun/ pronoun.
hoặc S + V + more/ fewer/ less + noun + than + noun/ pronoun.
eg. He earns as much money as his brother.
I have more books than she does.


Mệnh đề động từ , là những động từ đi kèm với một hoặc hai từ( một trạng từ hoặc một giới từ). Với mỗi trạng
từ đi kèm thì mệnh đề động từ sẽ mang một ý nghĩa khác nhau.
Vd: -Look! There is a cat!
-My mother looks after carefull.

Có bốn loại cụm động từ khác nhau:
1. Loại 1:
Động từ đi với một tân ngữ trực tiếp- đây là ngoại động từ . Nếu tân ngữ trực tiếp là một danh từ, nó có thể
đứng trước hoặc đứng sau trạng từ. Tuy nhiên, nếu tân ngữ trực tiếp là một đại từ thì nó phải đứng trước đại từ.
Công thức:

V + Adverb +O

Vd:look up, bring (sb) up, let(sb) down, make up, put off, put on, take off, take away, try on, turn down, work
out, turn on, turn off......
2. Loại 2: Động từ đi với một giới từ và một bổ ngữ trực tiếp- đây là ngoại động từ. Đối với những cụm động từ
này không được tách rời hai phần của cụm động từ. Công thức:
V +preposition +O

V d. She looks after her children properly
3. Loại 3: động từ không đi với bổ ngữ trực tiếp- đây là nội động từ. Ta không được tách rời hai phần của cụm
động từ. Công thức:

V + Adverb

Vd: break down , break up, get away, get by, go down, hold on, pass away, pass out, set off/ set out, stand out,
take off....
4. Loaị 4: động từ bao gồm cả trạng từ và giới từ. Chúng luôn cần một bổ ngữ trực tiếp. Ta không được tách
rời các phần của cụm động từ này. . Công thức:

V + Adverb + preposition +O

Vd:catch up with, come up against, come up with, face up to, fall in with, get along/on with, get out of, look up
to, make up for, put up with, run out of, stand up for, stand up to...
Some common Phrasal verbs
Verb Preposition Synonym ( Ngh ĩa)
call  back return a telephone call  Gọi lại ( điện thoại)
call  off cancel  Hủy bỏ
call on ask to speak in class  Gọi phát biểu ý kiến
call up make a telephone call  Gọi điện thoại
do over do again  Làm lại
figure  out find the solution to a problem  Tìm giải pháp
fill in complete a sentence by writing in a blank  Điền vào
fill up fill completely with gas, water, coffee, etc.  Đổ đầy, làm đầy
find out discover information  Tìm ra, phát hiện ra
get  in enter a car, a taxi  Lên xe, tax i...
get off leave a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle Xuống xe buýt, máy bay ...
get  on enter a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle Lên xe
get over recover from an illness  Bình phục, khỏi ốm
give back return something to someone  Trả lại
give up quit doing something or quit trying  Từ bỏ, bỏ
go off explode Phát nổ
hand  in give homework, tests, papers, etc., to a teacher  Nộp bài kiểm tra, bài thi...
hand  out give something to this person, then that person, then another person,. Phân phát
hang up 1. hang on a hanger or a hook;  Treo

2. end a telephone call  Kết thúc cuộc gọi đt

keep  on continue  Tiếp tục
leave out omit  Bỏ sót, bỏ qua

look up look for information in a reference book  Tra cứu( từ,kiến thức...)
make  up invent  Phát minh ...
pay back return money to someone  Trả lai tiền cho ai
pick up Lift   Đón
put  off Postpone Hoãn lại
put on put clothes on one"s body Mặc quần áo
put  out extinguish (stop) a fire, a cigarette, a cigar  Dập tắt ( Lửa, thuốc lá ..)
run into meet by chance  Tình cờ gặp
shut off stop a machine or light, turn off  Đóng ,tắt
start over start again  Khởi động lại
take off remove clothes from one"s body  Tháo, cởi quần áo...
tear  up tear into small pieces  Xé ra từng mảnh nhỏ
throw away/out put in the trash  Vứt bỏ
try on put on clothing to see if it fits  Thử ( quần áo )
turn  down decrease the volume  Vặn nhỏ âm thanh
turn  off stop a machine or a light, shut off  Tắt ( đèn, máy móc ...)
turn on begin a machine or a light  Bật đèn, máy móc...
turn up increase the volume  Vặn to âm thanh



Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
1. A. bamboo B. good C. foot D. cook
2. A. cake B. panda C. face D. late
3. A. social B. science C. sour D. sure
Circle the word whose stress part is placed differently from that of the others
4. A. reserve B. schedule C. wildlife D. beauty
5. A. derive B. contain C. leopard D. prevent
Make the correct choice:
6. Many plants and endangered species are now endangering of _______.
A. expression B. expulsion C. extinction D. extension
7. _______ is destroying larger areas of tropical rain forests.
A. Disforestation B. Deforestation C. Anti-forestation D. forests
8. A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to________endangered species.
A. save B. kills C. make D. do
9. The raw sewage needs to be ________ treated.
A. chemically B. chemical C. chemist C. chemistry
10. There are more than 20 ________ working on the water treatment project.
A. researches B. researcher C. researchers D. research
11. More and more people __________ of food poisoning nowadays.
A. exits B. survive C. die D. starve
12. The government _________ the flood victims with food, clothers and money.
A. gave B. provided C. offered D. presented
13. Many people _________ that natural resources will never be used up.


A. view B. consider C. believe D. regard
14. Conservation is the protection of the _________ environment.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalize
15. There are many ________ of pollution in our modern world
A. resources B. sources C. foundations D. bases
16. You ________ ask a woman about her age. It’s not polite.
A. must B. need C. musn’t D. needn’t
17. Pay attention ________ all traffic signs when you are travelling in the street.
A. for B. on C. to D. from
18. Their plans were cancelled _______ of a bad storm.
A. in spite B. because C. instead D. in place
19. I’ll lend you the money and you ________ pay me back till next month.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. need D. must
20. You should change your wet shoes,________ you’ll catch cold
A. therefore B. or C. if D. unless
21. The twins used to play rugby when they were four year old, ________ ?
A. don’t they B. didn’t they C. didn’t used they D. did they
22. You would rather _________ talking in class so as not to make your teacher angry.
A. stops B. stopping C. to stop D. stop
23. I’ve got __________ money to lend you now. I think you can ask Lyn for some.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
24. To tell the truth, Aim frightened ________ ghosts.
A. for B. on C. with D. of
25. Tell her that she ________ be here by six. I insist on it.
A. may B. must C. ought to D. might
26. He hurried _________ he wouldn’t be late for class.
A. since B. as if C. unless D. so that
27. There should be no discrimination _______ grounds of sex race or religion
A. on B. at C. of D. in
28. He has refused, but he _________ change his mind if you asked him again
A. might B. may C. can D. must
29. Two parallel white lines in the millde road meant that you _________ not overtake.
A. must B. might C. may D. need
30. There’s _______ university in my neighborhood.
A. an B. a C. the D. Φ
Choose the underlined words that need correcting.
31. The bus will be leaving on five minutes so you’d better hurry up.

32. Many teachers have devoted their lives to teaching, therefore teaching is not a well-paid job.
33. My parents often take careful of me when I am ill.
34. She passed the board exam, who made her parents proud.
35. Lack of properly physical exercise cause tiredness and poor health.
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus species
attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephant,
marine turtles and great apes. These species not only need species measures and extra protection in order to
survive, they also serve as “umbrella” species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same

In addition to our flagship animals, we work to protect numerous species in peril around the world that live
within our priority eco-rigions. Laree predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like
whooping cranes and songbrids, and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from WWF’ s
conservation efforts. Our wildlife trade experts at “traffic” work to ensure that trade wildlife products, doesn’t
harm a species, while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable trade.
WWF is known for acting sound science. Science leads and guides us strategies and approaches, from the way
to restore tigers in viable, breed population to decide which areas need protection the most.
36. What does WWF stand for?
A. World Wildlife Food. B. World Wildlife Formation.
C. World Wildlife Fund. D. World Website Fund.
37. How many species do we pay much attention to?
A. 5 B. 8 C. 7 D. 9
38. What is the meaning of the world habitats in pharagraph 1?
A. The place where animals or plants are normally found.
B. The place where animals or plants can drink and sleep.
C. The place where animals or plants can eat find their enemy.
D. The place where animals can find and keep their body warm.
39. What can science help us in safeguarding endangered species?
A. Find the way to kill all species easily. B. Lead and guide strategies and approaches.
C. Discover another habitat of animal. D. Search for a food source for animals.
40. Which of the following is not stated in the passage?
A. WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world.
B. WWF is known for acting on sound science.
C. these above species need extra protection so as not to be extinct.
D. All species are so fierce that scientists can’t take care of them.
Read and choose the appropriate option:


Different kinds of animals have appeared and disappeared throughout Earth’s history. Some animals go
extinct because the climate (41)_______ they live changes. The climate may become wetter or drier. It may
become warmer or cooler. If the animals cannot change, or adapt, to the new climate, they die.
Some animals go extinct because thay cannot (42) _______ with other animals for food. Some animals
go extinct because they are killed by enemies. New kinds of animals are always evolving. Evolving means that
the animals are changing (43) _______ from generation to generation. Small differences between parents,
children, and grandchildren slowly add up over many, many generations. Eventually, a different kind of animal
evolves. [evolve: tiến hóa]
Sometimes many of the animals on Earth go extinct at the (44) _______ time. Scientists call this a mass
extinction. Scientists think there (45) _______ at least five mass extinctions in Earth’s history. The last mass
extinction happened about 65 million years ago. This mass extinction killed off the dinosaurs.
41. A. where B. which C. when D. what
42. A. complete B. find C. compete D. exist
43. A. accidentally B. suddenly C. quickly D. slowly
44. A. same B. similar C. different D. various
45. A. has been B. have been C. will be D. are
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
46. The gate was closed to stop the children running into the road.
A. The gate was closed so the children running into the road.
B. The gate is closed so that children don’t run into the road.
C. The gate was closed so that the children couldn’t run into the road.
D. The gate is closed that the children couldn’t to run into the road.
47. My Indian friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
A. My Indian friend is not used to using chopsticks.


B. My Indian friend can’t use chopsticks.
C. My Indian friend didn’t use to using chopsticks.
48. Too tired to continue, David stopped walking.
A. David couldn’t carry on walking because he was too tired.
B. David couldn’t stop walking because he was to tired.
C. David was too tired to carry out walking.
D. David can’t continue to walk when he’ stirred.
49. I haven’t met old English teacher since I left school.
A. I didn’t have a chance to meet my old English teacher because I left school.
B. this is the last time I met my old English teacher at shool.
C. I last met my old English teacher when I left school.
D. My old English teacher hasn’t met me since I have left school.
50. Tom didn’t begin to read until he was eight.
A. It was not until Tom was eight that he began to read.
B. When Tom was eight, he didn’t know how to read.
C. Tom had read when he was Wight to read. D. Not until Tom read, he was eight.

-----------THE END-----------

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest
1. A. same B. taste C. swallow D. page
2. A. sleep B. keep C. pleasure D. people
3. A. too B. book C. look D. good
4. A. described B. picked C. swallowed D. informed
5. A. words B. reviewers C. describes D. types
Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the rest.
6. A. subject B. swallow C. story D. digest
7. A. example B. holiday C. careful D. interest
8. A. describe B. chapter C. wonder D. easy
9. A. understand B. television C. improvement D. introduce
10. A. imaginary B. advantageous C. information D. incredible
Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence.
11. My parents........they will move to the seaside when my father retires next year.
A. think B. thinking C. will think D. thought
12. I couldn"t resist reading the book even........ I was very sleepy.
A. though B. although C. however D. otherwise
13.........that the hope for cancer control may lie in the use of vaccine.
A. To believe B. It is believed C. Believing D. The belief
14. I went to........ some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A. watch B. see to C. look at D. visit
15. My roommate"s handwriting was very bad, so he had me........ his paper for him last night.
A. to type B. type C. to have typed D. typed
16. The book is so interesting that I can"t........
A. put down it B. put it down C. put down D. be put down
17. Would you hold the door open?
A. too kind B. as kind C. kind enough D. so kind
18. What do you mean, he"s watching television? He"s........ to be washing the car.
A. hoped B. expected C. supposed D. thought
19. Children watching cartoon films.


A. interested B. keen C. fond D. concerned
20. The ........thing about travelling by train rather than by car is that you can sleep or read during the journey.
A. enjoyment B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable
21. I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday. It........ have been Jane because she was out all day.
A. must B. could C. needn"t D. can"t
22. Books in the home are a wonderful....... of knowledge and pleasure.
A. source B. resource C. list D. sum
23. Reviewers describe books ....... "hard-to-put-down", or "hard-to-pick-up-again".
A. as B. for C. into D. in
24. Books are still a cheap........ to get knowledge and entertainment.
A. means B. way C. method D. measure
25. A fine tomb,........, marks the grave of the poet Chaucer.
A. which in the fifteenth century was erecting B. erecting in the fifteenth century
C. erected in the fifteenth century D. being erected in the fifteenth century
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correction.
26. People respected him because he was a honest man.
27. Today the number of people whom enjoy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years ago.


28. My uncle has just bought some expensive furnitures for his new house.
29. Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London?
30. He studied very hard, so he passed the exam easy.
Choose the correct sentence
31. He last had his car repaired 2 weeks ago.
A. He has had his car repaired for 2 weeks. B. He had repaired his car § weeks before.
C. He had not repaired his car for 2 weeks then D. He didn"t have any repair to his car in 2 weeks.
32. John lent me this book.
A. This book was lent to me by John. B. I lent this book to John.
C. This book is lent to me by John. D. I was lent by John this book.
33. They had seen the man in a parking lot.
A. The man was seen in a parking lot. B. The man has been seen in a parking lot.
C. The man was to be seen in a parking lot. D. The man had been seen in a parking lot.
34. People say that prevention is better than cure.
A. It is said that prevention is better than cure. B. Prevention is said to be better than cure.
C. Prevention is to have said to be better than cure. D. A and B are correct.
35. My mother gave a watch to me.
A. My mother was given a watch by me. B. A watch was given to me by my mother.
C. A watch was given my mother by me. D. A watch was given to my mother by me.
Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Today there are libraries in almost every towns in the world. Even in areas (36)______ there are no
libraries, there are often mobile libraries which take boos from one village to (37)______. But in the days when
books were copied by hand (38)______ than printed, libraries were very rare. The reason is simple: books took
a very long time to produce, and there were far fewer coppies of any given work around. The greatest library
(39)______ all, that in Alexandia, had 54,000 books.
In the ancient world, this number (40)______ considered huge. It was the first time that anyone had
collected so many books from all around the world (41)______ one roof. There are many theories about why
these books were lost. (42)______is that the library accidentally burned down. Another is that one of the rulers
of the city ordered the books to be burned. They were taken to various places and it took six monthsto burn

them. (43)______ happened, the collection there was priceless. Many of the library’s treasures were lost
forever-sone books were (44)______ recovered. We cannot even know (45)______ what the library containd.
36. A. where B. who C. the place D. which
37. A. other B. others C. the other D. another
38. A. rather B. else C. more D. much
39. A. of B. about C. in D. over
40. A. is B. was C. were place D. has been
41. A. in B. under C. over D. below
42. A. One B. A theory C. None D. All
43. A. Whoever B. Whichever C. whatever D. wherever
44. A. almost B. never C. already D. yet
45. A. exactly B. really C. detailedly D. yet
Read and choose the best answer.
There are books with fairy tails in many countries. Often the same stoties are known and repeated in
many languages. Some of the things that happens in these stories are remarkable, although not as remarkable as
things that are truly happening in medicine and science today.
Most fairy tails begin with “Once upon a time” and end with “They lived happily ever after”, so we will begin
in the same way.
Once upon a time there was a girl calles Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy sister did
One night, her sister went to a ball at the palace. Cinderella was left home, very sad. After a time her fairy
godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball- but to return home by midnight.
So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress in a wonderful coach. She danced with the prince but at midnight she
ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the floor. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every
house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the right size for Cinderella. She and the price were
married and lived happily ever after.
46. Books with fairy are found in ________________.
A. our country only B. few countries
C. all countries except ours D. many countries
47. According to the passage, things truly happening in medicine and science today are_________ things that
happenes in some fairy tails,
A. More remarkable than B. less remarkable than
C. as remarkable as D. not as remarkable as
48. The word “ball” in the first sentence means ________________.
A. a sport equipment B. a dancing hall C. a balloon D. sphere
49. Cinderella was very sad because ________________.
A. her sister did nothing C. her sister went to a ball and left her at home
C. she did all the work in the kitchen D. her sister was invited to a hall
50. At the end of the story ________________.
A. Cinderella could go to the ball and it was so happened that she and the prince was married
B. Cinderella’s godmother came to comfort her
C. one of Cinderella’ sisters was married to the prince
D. the prince invited Cinderella to the hall

------THE END------


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. interfered B. allowed C. visited D. played


2. A. water B. swimming C. between D. rowing
3. A. caps B. meters C. swimmers D. lines
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. interfere B. penalty C. referee D. competition
5. A. scuba-diving B. swimming C. gymnastics D. skating
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. One of the four period of time in which a game of American football is divided is known as a .
A. part B. half C. quarter D. stage
7. Suddenly, Julia jumped out of the car and sprinted for the front door.
A. walked hurriedly B. ran very fast C. move slightly D. ran slowly
8. The is the official who controls the game in some sports.
A. player B. captain C. referee D. defender
9. The whole audience objected to their foul play during the football match.
A. clumsy B. dependent C. imperfect D. unfair
10. Those two teams played so well and the scores were tied at 1-1 at last.
A. drew B. put C. kept D. equaled
11. A kick taken as a penalty in the game of football is called a penalty kick or kick.
A. punishment B. foul C. opposition D. spot
12. In water polo, a player is ejected after committing five personal fouls.
A. punished B. criticized C. thrown out D. defeated
13. A is a device that automatically controls something such as speed, temperature or pressure.
A. mask B. regulator C. boat D. fin
14. Rowing is the sport or activity of travelling in a boat by using .
A. air tanks B. sail C. boards D. oars
15. Windsurfing or is the sport of sailing on water standing on a windsurfer.
A. boat-sailing B. sail-boarding C. board-sailing D. wind-sailing
16. Their play lost them the match against an amateur team.
A. false B. foul C. wrong D. mistaken
17. Don’t in matters that do not concern you.
A. interfere B. discuss C. question D. study
18. I don’t know why he isn’t here at the moment. He stuck in the traffic jam.
A. must get B. may be C. should be D. must have got
19. Never agree something you know to be wrong.
A. doing B. to do C. you will do D. that will do
20. The place good films is the Odeon Cinema.
A. to see B. seeing C. can see D. we see
21. It was my secretary sent the document to Mr. Smith.
A. that B. who C. whom D. A &B
22. They spent a lot of money their children with the best education.
A. providing B. provided C. to provide D. on providing
23. I just bought new shirt and some new shoes. Shirt is quite expensive but the price of
shoes are reasonable.
A. a/ A/ the B. a/ The/ a C. the/ The/ the D. a/ The/ the
24. I would like to thank my supervisor, I would never have finished my work.
A. with whom B. with him C. with his help D. without whom
25. Don’t spend time about things that may never happen.
A. worried B. worrying C. to worry D. and worry
26. Never I experienced such a storm since I was a child.
A. had B. have C. did D. was
27. We need information about this English course.
A. far B. farther C. further D. most of
28. Water polo is played in pool 1.8 meters deep.


A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
29. The player was ejected because he committed a foul.
A. as B. due to C. despite D. provided
30. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountain, the ground is rough and hard.
A. though B. due to C. because of D. because
Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
31. This class has cancelled (A) because too few (B) students had registered (C) before (D) registration closed.
32. The (A) first nation park in(B) the world, calling (C) Yellowstone Park, was established (D) in 1872.
33. A food additive (A) is any (B) chemical that food manufacturers intentional (C) add to (D)their products.
34. If you had put(A) the plant in a cooler(B) location, the leaves(C) have burned (D).
35. The house was (A) very quiet when(B) I got home because of(C) everyone had gone(D) to bed.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Synchronized swimming is a hybrid of swimming, gymnastics, and dance. This sport has an artistic effect,
and really relates to those three sports. It consists of swimmers performing a synchronized routine of elaborate
and dramatic moves in the water, accompanied by music.
Synchronized swimming demands first-rate water skills, and requires strength, endurance, flexibility,
grace, artistry and precise timing, not to mention exceptional breath control while upside down underwater.
Developed in the early 1900s in Canada, it is a sport performed almost exclusively by women, although there is
some participation by men. In its early form it was sometimes known as “water ballet”.
It is a Summer Olympic Games sport. First demonstrated in 1952, it has been an official event since 1984.
Olympic and world Championship competition is not currently open to men, but other international and
national competitions allow male competitors. Both USA Synchro and Synchro Canada allow men to compete
with women.
Competitors point to the strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance required to perform difficult routines
for the judges, one technical and one free.
36. The world ‘hybrid ‘in the first line could be best replaced by .
A. continuity B. modernization C. mixture D. succession
37. Synchronized swimming is a sport that .
A. relates to swimming, gymnastics, and dance B. began in Canada in the early of the 20 th century
C. is performed almost exclusively by women D. All are correct
38. It’s untrue to say that .
A. Synchronized swimming has completely influenced by ballet.
B. Synchronized swimming used to be known as “water ballet”
C. The requirements for synchronized swimmers are strength, endurance, flexibility, grace, artistry and
precise timing
D. Men can also take part in synchronized swimming.
39. Which of sentences is TRUE?
A. Besides demanding strength, endurance, flexibility, grace and artistry, synchronized swimming
requires exceptional breath control.
B. Olympic and World Championship competition allow male synchronized swimmers.
C. Synchronized swimming emerged as an exhibition sport at the Olympic Games in 1984.
D. Competition for both events consists of difficult technical routines.
40. The best title for the passage is .
A. History of Synchronized Swimming B. Competition Synchronized Swimming
C. The Requirement of Synchronized Swimming D. Synchronized Swimming

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
Windsurfing is surface water sport using a windsurf board, also commonly called a (41) , usually
two to five meters long and powered by a (42) sail. The rig is connected to the board by free-rotating


flexible joint called the Universal Joint(U-Joint). Unlike a rudder-steered (43) a windsurfer is (44)
by the tilting and rotating of the mast and sail as well as titling and carving the board.
The sport (45) aspects of both sailing and surfing, along with certain athletic aspects (46) with
other board sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, waterskiing, and wakeboarding. (47) it might be
considered a minimalist version of sailboat, a windsurfer offers experiences that are (48) speed record for
sailing craft; and, windsurfers can (49)______ jumps, inverted loops, spinning maneuvers, and other “freestyle”
(50) that cannot be matched by any sailboat.
41. A. board B. sailboard C. windsurfer D. All are correct
42. A. small B. large C. single D. full
43. A. boat B. sailboat C. sail boarding D. sailing board
44. A. steered B. directed C. shown D. guided
45. A. refers B. notices C. combines D. develops
46. A. connected B. shared C. involved D. dealt
47. A. Because B. Therefore C. However D. Although
48. A. perform B. display C. create D. provide
50. A. changes B. moves C. activities D. performances

------THE END------

I/ Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. events b. spirit c. Asian d. silver
2. a. gold b. region c. organize d. game.
3. a. trained b. proved c. impressed d. performed
4. a. competitor b. medal c. level d. development
5. a. honor b. high c. host d. hold
II/ Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
6. _______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do.
a. The harder / the better b. The more / the much
c. The hardest / the best d. The more hard / the more good,
7. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _______ it is at night, _______ he plays his music!
a. the less / the more loud b. the less / less
c. the more late / the more loudlier d. the later / the louder
8. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______.
a. more and more good b. better and better
c. the more and more good d. gooder and gooder
9. The Sears Tower is _______ building in Chicago.
a. taller b. the more tall c. the tallest d. taller and taller
10. Petrol is _______ it used to.
a. twice as expensive as b. twice expensive more than
c. twice more than expensive d. more expensive than twice
11. Peter is _______ John.
a. younger and more intelligent than b. more young and intelligent than
c. more intelligent and younger than d. the more intelligent and younger than
12. San Diego is town in Southern California.
a. more nice and nice b. the nicer c. the nicest d. nicer and nicer
13. It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
a. cold and cold b. the coldest and coldest c. colder and colder d. more and more cold
14. Robert does not have _______ Peter does.
a. money more than b. as many money as c. more money as d. as much money as
15. The Mekong Delta is _______ deltas in Vietnam.


a. the largest of the two b. the more larger of the two
c. one of the two largest d. one of the two larger
16. As she did so, her parents became _______.
a. the angriest b. the most angry c. the more angry d. angrier and angrier
17. People should eat ____ and do ____ to reduce the risk of heart disease.
a. less fat / more exercise b. less and less fat / the more exercise
c. the less fat / the more exercise d. fatter / more exercise
18. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. _______ the food is, _______ he likes it.
a. The hotter / the more and more b. The hotter / the more
c. The more and more hot / the more d. The hottest / the most
19. Of course you can come to the party. _______.
a. The more the merrier b. The more and the merrier
c. The more and merrier d. The more and more merrier
20. I feel _______ I did yesterday.
a. much more tired than b. many more tired than c. as many tired as d. as more tired as
21. She is _______ a spectator.
a. more an athlete than b. more of an athlete than
c. an athlete more than d. an athlete of more than
22. His house is _______ mine.
a. twice as big as b. as twice big as c. as two times big as d. as big as twice
23. ____ live in Ho Chi Minh City than in the whole of the rest of the country.
a. As much as people b. More people c. As many as people d. People more
24. It gets _______ to understand what the professor has explained.
a. the more difficult b. more difficult than
c. difficult more and more d. more and more difficult
25. You must drive slower in built up areas. _______ you drive in the city, it is _______ that you will have an
a. The faster and faster / the more b. The faster / the more probable
c. The more and more fast / the more and more probable d. The more fastly / the probable
26. The party was _______ I had expected.
a. more a hundred times fun than b. a hundred times fun more than
c. a hundred times more fun than d. more fun than a hundred times
27. He finds physics _______ other science subjects.
a. far more difficult than b. many more difficult than
c. too much more difficult than d. more much difficult than
28. _______ he drank, _______ he became.
a. More / more violent b. The most / the most violent
c. The more / the more violent d. The less / less violent
29. Mary was _______ of the two sisters.
a. the clever b. as clever as c. the cleverer d. the cleverest
30. French is a _______ language to learn than English is.
a. difficult b. more difficult c. most difficult d. more and more difficult
31. The cuisine of France is _______.
a. more famous than that of England b. famous than the cuisine of England
c. more famous than which of England d. as famous than that of England
32. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. _______ he becomes, he is.
a. The more rich / the more happy b. The richest / the happiest
c. The richer / the happier d. Richer and richer / happier and happier
33. The fast we finish, _______.
a. the sooner we can leave b. we can leave sooner and sooner
c. the sooner can we leave d. we can leave the sooner
34. Of all athletes, Alex is _______.


a. the less qualified b. the less and less qualified
c. the more and more qualified d. the least qualified,
30. If humans________ two heads, they couldn’t make decisions easily.
A. have B. have had C. had had D. had
31. Mr. Logan’s instructions were ________ clear that no one had any questions.
A. such B. ever C. so D. too
32. The contract deadline is ________ February 10 th .
A. in B. at C. on D. for
33. Almost everyone has heard the most famous Olympic saying: “Stronger, Higher, ________”.
A. Fast B. Fastening C. Faster D. Fasten
34. Although fish can hear, they have neither external ears ________ eardrums.
A. or B. nor C. and D. any
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
The primary attraction of snorkeling is the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting, such
as coral reefs, fish, starfish, and mollusks. Other organisms that can be seen while snorkeling include various
forms of seaweed, jellyfish, shrimp and $ea turtles. Snorkeling requires no special training, only the ability to
swim and to breathe through the snorkel. However, it is considered advisable that one get some instruction from
a tour guide, dive shop, or equipment rental shop, any of which often can be found around popular snorkeling
locations. Instruction generally covers equipment usage, basic safety, what to look for, and what to look out for,
including how not to damage fragile organisms such as coral. As with scuba diving, it is always recommended
that one, should not snorkel alone, but rather with a friend, a guide, or a tour group.
Swim fins used in snorkeling are usually longer than those used in diving. Snorkel is a tube about thirty
centimeters (twelve inches) long, usually J-shaped, fitted with a mouthpiece, and constructed of rubber or
plastic. It is used for breathing air from above the water surface when the mouth and nose are submerged, either
when snorkeling or during a surface swim before or after scuba diving. The snorkel usually has a piece of
rubber that attaches the snorkel to the outside of the strap of the diving mask, as sticking the snorkel in between
the strap and the mask could cause the mask to leak, or risk losing the snorkel should the diver choose to switch
to scuba.
Typically, the diving mask also serves to prevent breathing through the nose, so that one is forced to
breathe through the snorkel. This also provides some negative pressure which helps keep the .mask sealed
against the face, though attempting to breathe out through the nose can break this seal and fog the mask.
1. Snorkeling ________.
a. offers divers an opportunity to observe marine life b. needs a very special training
c. does not require an ability to swim d. is too dangerous for everybody to enjoy
2. We cannot get instructions for snorkeling from ________.
a. a college b. a tour guide c. a dive shop d. an equipment rental shop
3. A snorkeler should not ________.
a. rent diving equipment b. use any equipment c. dive with a friend d. dive alone
4. The snorkel ________.
a. is a long rope b. has swim fins c. is made of rubber or plastic d. is longer than 12 inches
5. The snorkeler breathes through his ________.
a. nose b. mouth c. fin d. face

------THE END------

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest


1. A. catastrophe B. trophy C. notify D. recipe
2. A. famine B. determine C. mineral D. miner
3. A. mission B. revision C. division D. collision
Circle the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
4. A. inhabitant B. interpreter C. imitation D. initiate
5. A. stimulate B. sharpener C. festival D. disaster
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
6. Failure to win the championship will _______in the dismissal of the coach. {trainer}
A. result B. happen C. affect D. cause
7. He tried to_______to everyone to support him.
A. make B. appeal C. persuade D. advise
8. There was a hold-up on the road because a bridge had been_______away by the flood.
A. washed B. flowed C. blown D. destroyed
9. He_______his life to helping the poor.
A. spent B. experienced C. dedicated D. used
10. The Red Cross is a organization whose purpose is to help people in war time and _______ disasters.
A. commercial B. political C. military D. humanitarian
11. She got angry when they started to_______her private life.
A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire with
12. She ran in a marathon last week but_______after ten kilometers. {withdraw}
A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up
13. Gertrude takes_______her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair,too.
A. in B. up C. after D. down
14. It took him a long time to _______the death of his wife. {recover}
A. take away B. get over C. take off D. get through
15. There were so many kinds of cameras_______, and I didn"t know which to buy.
A. to choose B. choosing from C. chosen D. to choose from
16. Billy hasn"t been working; he won"t_______his examinations.
A. get off B. get through C. keep up D. keep off
17. They arrived_______the airport_______good time for the plane.
A. in/ on B. to/ in C. at/ in D. to/ for
18. Did Mr. Tan_______the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? {take control of}
A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off
19. Paula applied for the post but she was_______
A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed ahead
20. If orders keep coming in like this, I"ll have to_______more staff. {employ}
A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on
21. Why do they_______talking about money all the time?
A. keep on B. side with C. take after D. work off
22. In addition to Mr. Thomas and Miss White, the principal_______attend the school party.
A. is likely B. is going to C. are likely D. are going to
23. "Can I help you?" " _______"
A. At two o"clock. B. I can help you C. No, I don"t. D. Yes, please.
24. My uncle _______until he was fifty.
A. married B. didn"t marry C. would marry D. was not marrying
25. She could do nothing_______complain about the weather all day.
A. but B. for C. about D. with
26. If a book is really_______, it will certainly_______the reader.
A. interesting/ interest B. interests/ interest C. interested/ interesting D. interests/ interested
27. Cigarette smoking can _______a loss of appetite.
A. cure B. release C. cause D. treat
28. In this case, I think _______nothing.

A. it is better to say B. it be better to say C. better" to say D. better for saying
29. Mark, I don"t think you_______Carol, the new department typist.
A. meeting B. having met C. to have met D. have met
30. The ________ is an international organization that aims to fight and control disease.
A. World Health Organization B Word Health Organization
C. World Healthy Organization D. World Health Organism
31. He felt _________ when he failed the exams the second time.
A. discouraged B. discouraging C. encouraged D. encourage
32. He set out soon after dark_______home an hour later.
A. to arrive B. and arrived C. in order to arriving D. so that arrived
33. I"d rather you_______anyone else about our plan.
A. not tell B. didn"t tell C. not to tell D. don"t tell
34. Tell the police the truth _______you"ll be in trouble!
A. if B. unless C. when D. or
35. According to this schedule, the next train_______in ten minutes.
A. leave B. leaves C. left D. leaving
Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. That the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter.
A. lose B. a C. are D. their
37. One of the most popular holiday is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in November.
A. holiday B. the most C. is D. in
38. Would you mind not to smoke on the bus? It disturbs other people.
A. other B. not C. to smoke D. disturbs
39. The length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads.
A. length B. how C. will D. are the roads
40. William Samuel Johnson, who helped write the Constitution, become the first president of Columbia
University in 1787.
A. become B. write C. who D. the first
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that acts as a
coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April, 1948, and headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health
The WHO"s constitution, states that its objective is "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of
health." Its major task is to combat diseases, especially key infectious diseases, and to promote the general
health of the people of the world. The WHO also sponsors programs to prevent and treat serious epidemics such
as SARS, malaria, and AIDS. The WHO supports the development and distribution of safe and effective
vaccines, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs. After over 2 decades of fighting smallpox, the WHO declared
in 1980 that the disease had been eradicated - the first disease in history to be eliminated by human effort.
The WHO is nearing success in developing vaccines against malaria and aims to eradicate polio within the next
few years. The organization has already endorsed the world"s first official HIV/AIDS Tool kit for Zimbabwe
making it an international standard. In addition to its work in eradicating disease, the WHO also carries out
various health-related campaigns, for example, to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables worldwide
and to discourage tobacco use.
Experts met at the WHO headquarters in Geneva in February, 2007, and reported that their work on pandemic
influenza vaccine development had achieved encouraging progress. More than 40 clinic trials have been
completed or are ongoing. Most have focused on healthy adults. Some companies, after completing safety
analyses in adults, have initiated clinical trials in the elderly and in children. All vaccines so far appear to be
safe arid well-tolerated in all age groups tested.
41. The World Health Organization (WHO) _______.
a. works on international public health b. has no relation to the United Nations


c. only takes care of Swiss people d. has no predecessor
42. Which is not mentioned in the second paragraph "as the tasks of the World Health Organization?
a. to promote the general health of everyone in the world
b. to support pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs
c. To combat diseases
d. To supply food for patients.
43. According to the text, which disease has been eradicated?
a. Malaria b. AIDS c. SARS d. Smallpox
44. According to the third paragraph, the World Health Organization ______.
a. has not developed vaccines against malaria yet b. is trying to eradicate polio
c. is not concerned about polio d. also carries out various health-related campaigns
45. Influenza vaccine _______.
a. has only been used for adults
b. cannot be used for children
c. has appeared to be safe in all age groups tested
d. causes bad effects on children and elderly people
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.
UNICEF was created in 1946 to help bring food and medicine to children who suffered during World
War II in Europe. It began as a temporary agency, but became a permanent part of the United Nations in 1953
(46)____ the need for its services around the world. UNICEF"s primary concern is to help governments of
developing countries improve the quality of life for (47)_____ one billion children. UNICEF"s main office is in
the United Nations offices in New York City, but it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programs (48)____.
In 1965, UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work helping children and building brighter future.
UNICEF works with governments to provide three kinds of services. First, UNICEF plans and develops
programs in developing countries. These programs serve the community (49)_______ providing health care,
information about nutrition, basic education, and safe water and sanitation.[ state of being clean and conducive
to health] Then UNICEF trains people to work in these programs. UNICEF also provides supplies and
equipment that (50)_______ the programs to work.
46. A. due to B. instead of C. except for D. in spite of
47. A. most B. the most C. almost D. all most
48. A. in world B. worldwide C. on world D. worldly
49. A. for B. with C. about D. by
50. A. enable B. let C. make D. suggest

------THE END------


TEST 01:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest
1. A. justice B. culture C. rule D. product
2. A. roles B. countries C. wives D. enterprises
3. A. average B. age C. marriage D. shortage
4. A. discriminated B. believed C. combined D. controlled
5. A. Asian B. victims C. disaster D. Malaysia
Choose the best option to complete these following sentence.
6. Peter asked me _______.
A. what time the film starts B. what time does the film start
C. what time did the film start D. what time the film started
7. You have been driving all day. You ______ be very tired.
A. must be B. can be C. ought to be D. may be
8. I last saw him when I was a student.
A. I have seen him since I was a student B. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.

C. I didn’t see him when I was a student. D. I haven’t seen him when I was a student.
9. The Association of Southeast Asia which consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia was _______ on
August 8 th , 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
A. invented B. found C. discovered D. founded
10. Are you going _________your study after you finish high school ?
A. on B. off C. after D. away
11. Thanks to the women"s liberation, women can take part in ____ activities.
A. socialize B. social C. society D. socially
12. The bigger the supermarket is, __________.
A. the choice is wide B. the wider the choice it is.
C. the wider the choice is. D. the more the choice is
13. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.
A. The most popular television programs become, the worst they seem.
B. The more popular become television programs, the worse they seem.
C. The more popular television programs become, the worse they seem.
D. The popular television programs, the worse they seem.
14. During his childhood, his family lived in London.
A. When he was a child, his family lived in London.
B. When he was children, his family lived in London.
C. During he was a child, his family lived in London
D. When he was childhood, his family lived in London
15. What does "www" ________ for? Is it short for “world wide web?”
A. point B. stand C. sit D. lie
16. Tom : “ Shall we go to the dancing hall tonight? “ – Mary : “______________”
A. Yes, let"s B. Yes, we shall. C. Yes, please. D. Yes, we go
17. Sue. “Could you pass the salt?” - Ken. “______________”
A. Certain! B. That’s right! C. Certainly! D. Well!
18. The song has ________ been selected for the 22 nd Sea Games, Vietnam.
A. official B. officer C. office D. officially
19. “Mr. and Mrs. Foster finally saw a football game.”
-“-_______ they ever_______a football game before?”
A. Didn"t / see B. Wasn"t / seen C. Weren"t / seen D. Hadn"t / seen
20. _______, give her this map of the city.
A. When Mr. Leat’s wife arrived B. When Mr.Leat’s wife will arrive
C. When Mr.Leat’s wife arrives D. When is Mr.Leat’s wife arrived
21. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse cultures.
A. respected B. same C. adopted D. various
22. Upon returning from the class, _________.
A. the mail box had a letter in it. B. a letter was in the mail box.
C. he found a letter from the mail box. D. a letter was found in the mail box.
23. People speak English all over the world.
A. All over the world speaks English. B. English all over the world is spoken.
C. English is spoken by all over the world. D. English is spoken all over the world.
24. People say that Mary is a good worker.
A. It is said to be a good worker. B. Mary is said to be a good worker.
C. Mary is said that she is a good worker. D. Mary is said that to be a good worker.
25. Peter : - “ Would you mind if I used the phone ?” - Tom : “_________.”
A. That’s OK B. You’re welcome C. No, of course not D. Sure. Here you are
26. Will the girl who has taken my bag by mistake bring _______ ?
A. it back to me B. it to me back C. back it to me D. back to me
27. During the flood, Army helicopters came and tried to evacuate _______ injured.


A. Ø B. a C. the D. an
28. That play was _______ for her to see again.
A. enough interesting B. too interesting C. interesting enough D. so interesting
29. The Boeing 747 is twice _______ the Boeing 707.
A. bigger than B. as big as C. as bigger as D. more bigger than
30. Tom : "I"ve passed my driving test" - Mary : - "_________"
A. It"s nice of you to say so B. Do you?
C. That"s a good idea D. Congratulations!
31. My problems are getting _______.
A. bader and bader B. more and more bad
C. worse and worse D. the worse and worse.
32. No sooner ________ than the rain came.
A. had we started B. we started C. as we started D. we had started
33. The 22 nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _____ countries.
A. participation B. participate C. participant D. participating
34. You have got a scholarship; You are luckier _____.
A. than I do B. as I do C. than I have D. than I am
35. You fail to hear what someone says to you, so you say, "_________?"
A. Pardon B. Pardon me C. Forgive me D. Excuse me
Choose the correct word for each of the blanks from.
Once there were lots of pandas in the mountains of western China. Today, they are ____(36) extinct. The
reason is that they can not find enough food. Pandas eat_____(37) leaves. They do not like another food. The
bamboo grows very slowly. It can take 10 years for a bamboo to grow from a seed to a big plant. Some types of
bamboo have seeds only once every 60 years. Pandas____(38) wait many years for their food to grow. While
the bamboo is growing, pandas do not have enough leaves to eat.
China and World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) are trying to save the panda. In 1979 they began to set up
special parks_____(39) pandas live. Scientists come here to study the panda’s eating and mating habits. By
learning more about the panda’s habits, scientists can save it from ______(40).
36. A. being B. having C. becoming D. making
37. A. bamboo B. cabbage C. grass D. banana
38. A. might B. should C. ought D. must
39. A. what B. because C. when D. where
40. A. appearance B. destruction C. damage D. extinction
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
41. Our train will arrive to Hue at noon.
A. will arrive B. to C. noon D. at
42. Mary speaks English very well. She spoke English since she was a little girl.
A. well B. spoke C. speaks D. was
43. It is rude to laugh on our friends.
A. rude B. It C. on D. to laugh
44. Please send me the smallest, most recently published, and less expensive dictionary that you have available.
A. recently B. the C. me D. less
45. The more that she tried to remove the dirty mark, the worse it looked.
A. the worse B. that C. to remove D. looked

Choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

In developing countries, where three fourths of the world’s population live, sixty percent of the people
who can’t read and write are women. Being illiterate doesn’t mean they are not intelligent. It does mean it is

difficult for them to change their lives. They produce more than half of the food. In Africa eighty percent of all
agricultural work is done by women. There are many programs to help poor countries develop their agriculture.
However, for years, these programs provided money and training for men.
In parts of Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman. At 4:45 a.m, she gets up, washes and eats. It
takes her a half hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3.00 p.m. She collects firewood and gets
home at 4:00. She spends the next hour and a haft preparing food to cook. Then she collects water for another
hour. From 6:30 to 8:30 she cooks. After dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes and her children. She
goes to bed at 9:30 p.m.
International organizations and programs run by developed nations are starting to help women, as well as
men, improve their agricultural production. Governments have already passed some laws affecting women
because of the UNO Decade for Women. The UNO report will affect the changes now happening in the family
and society.
46. By whom (what) was the Decade for Women organized?
A. by the United Nations Organization. B. by developing countries.
C. by the World Health Organization. D. by many African countries.
47. Why do people say women produce more than half of the food in Africa?
A. because 60 percent of women are illiterate.
B. because 80 percent of all agricultural work is done by women.
C. most women are not intelligent. D. all are correct.
48. Why do people say that African women’s lives are hard?
A. Because these women are busy with housework.. B. Because they work all day in the fields.
C. both A and B are correct. D. Because they are illiterate.
49. A typical African woman spends _____ collecting firewood every day.
A. 3 hours B. 2 hours C. 1 hour D. 4 hours
50. Which of these statements is NOT TRUE ?
A.Women’s roles in the family and society are changing nowadays.
B. It is difficult for women to change their lives because of their illiteracy.
C.In the past only men in poor countries got benefit from many international programs.
D. Because they are illiterate women are not intelligent.
------THE END------

TEST 02:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. advanced B. composed C. appalled D. bared-teeth
2. A. philosopher B. opponent C. water-polo D. proposal
3. A. chew B. Synchronize C. childbearing D. charity
Circle the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.
4. A. vulnerable B. sociable C. intellectual D. aerial
5. A. wilderness B. gorilla C. penalty D. habitat
Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
6. The more we learn, _________
A. we become wiser. B. wiser we become. C. we become wise. D. the wiser we become.
7. The crash resulted _________ the deaths of 10 passengers.
A. to B. at C. into D. in
8. The more he tried to help her, _________ she seemed to appreciate it.
A. the less B. the lesser C. less D. lesser
9. This is a valuable book. You _________ look after it carefully and you _________ lose it.
A. needn"t/ must B. must/ mustn"t C. mustn"t/ must D. must/ needn"t


10. The water was cold, _________ I didn"t go swimming.
A. However, B. Therefore, C. but D. so
11. Most of them will be jobless when the Games are over.
A. fascinating B. odd C. tempting D. unemployed
12. You should _________ your best clothes for the interview.
A. put on B. wash up C. go on D. take after
13. I can"t find my book anywhere; I _________ it at home.
A. must have been leaving B. must leave
C. must be leave D. must have left
14. "When can you come?" - "I"ll come as soon as _________ my work."
A. I finished B. I will finish C. I"ve finished D. I"d finish
15. A situation in a game when two teams have the same scores is called "___________".
A. Penalty B. Foul C. Opponent D. Tie
16. Because of an accident, my train was delayed for several hours.
A. looked after B. held up C. turned off D. tried out
17. _________ is the act of preventing something from being lost, wasted, damaged or destroyed.
A. Biodiversity B. Conservation C. Extinction D. Habitat
18. We have kept this seat for you. It"s _________ comfortable chair we have.
A. much too B. the most C. the very much D. the more
19. Please _________ this form and post it.
A. turn on B. fill in C. look up D. give up
20. This woman has _________ her whole life to helping others.
A. initiated B. appalled C. appealed D. dedicated
21. I understand your point of view. _________ I don"t agree with it.
A. Therefore, B. However, C. Although D. Because
22. I"ll come to see you before I _________ for the United States.
A. am leaving B. have left C. will leave D. leave
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
23. The two children tried as hardly as they could to bring about a reconciliation between their parents.
A. to bring about B. hardly C. children D. between
24. Endangered species are plant and animal species which is in danger of extinction.
A. is B. extinction C. danger D. Endangered
25. The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affects us.
A. rises B. The more C. affects us D. the worst
Read and then choose the correct option to complete each blank.
Books are written to provide knowledge and good books enrich the mind. By putting ourselves under
the influence of superior mind, we _____(26) our mental powers. _____(27) good books, we learn that people
everywhere are the same, in all ages, and in all places. This knowledge improves our love of others and helps us
to live in peace with them. We also recognize that the world was made not only for man alone but for every
creature _______(28) can feel hunger and thirst, warmth and cold.
Though it may be possible for us to travel ________(29) the world and see the things happening today,
it is not possible for us to see the things that happened in the past. But good books ________(30) us to see not
only into the most remote regions of the world today, but also into the world in which our ancestors lived.


26. A. improve B. set C. accelerate D. move
27. A. Through B. By C. On D. At
28. A. whose B. in which C. that D. why
29. A. throughout B. over C. on D. through
30. A. make B. help C. let D. suggest
Read and then choose the best answer.
The planet Earth is 4,600 million years old. It is difficult for us to think about such an enormous length
of time because it has little meaning for us. We can, however, simplify the idea to make it more understandable.
We can compare the planet Earth to a person of forty-six years of age.
Nothing is known about the first seven year of this person’s life. Very little information exists about the middle
period either. It was only at the age of forty-two that the Earth began to flower.
Dinosaur and great reptiles did not appear until one year ago, when the planet was forty five. Mammals only
arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week, man-like apes became ape-like men and became
communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth.
Modern man has only been around for four hours. During the last hour man discovered agriculture. The
industrial Revolution and the rise of large cities began just sixty seconds ago.
During that short time, modern man has made a rubbish tip of the Earth. In one minute, he has increased his
numbers to terrible proportions and has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals. He has robbed and
destroyed the planet in his search for fuels. Now he stands, like a violent, spoiled child, delighted at the speech
of his rise to power, on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the life which exists in the solar
31. The passage tells us that ____________
A. a great deal is known about how the Earth was created.
B. life on Earth began relatively recently.
C. more is known about the first part of the Earth’s life than the middle part.
D. scientists are well-informed about the middle part of the Earth’s life.
32. We are informed by the author that ___________
A. the dinosaurs appeared during the middle period.
B. mammals and great reptiles both appeared at the same time.
C. there were more than forty five kinds of great reptiles.
D. ape-like men appeared before the last Ice Age.
33. The author is mainly interested in ___________
A. the time when man first evolved from apes. B. what has happened since the Industrial Revolution.
C. the affects of farming. D. the period before the last Ice Age.
34. It would appear that the main danger ahead is that ___________
A. man will destroy everything on Earth. B. man will use up all the fuel.
C. there will be a population explosion. D. more species of animal may die out.
35. The author’s general view of man seem to be that ___________
A. he has no right to be so destructive. B. he has been the most successful animal.
C. he will be able to control the environment. D. he has learned a lot from past mistakes.
Choose the sentence that is similar to the root one.
36. You needn"t type this letter now.
A. This letter needn"t be typed now. B. This letter now needn"t type.


C. This letter needn"t to be typed now. D. This needn"t be typed letter now.
37. Although it was cold and rainy, we managed to go to class in time.
A. Because it was cold and rainy, we managed to go to class in time.
B. It was cold and rainy, but we managed to go to class in time.
C. It was cold and rainy, so we managed to go to class in time.
D. It was cold and rainy and we managed to go to class in time.
38. How well he studies depends on how hard he studies.
A. He studies harder and harder. B. The harder he studies, the worse he studies.
C. The harder he studies, the better he studies. D. He studies better and better.
39. As I get older, I want to travel less.
A. The more I get old, the less I want to travel. B. The older I get, the less I want to travel.
C. I"m getting older and older, so I don"t want to travel more.
D. I don"t want to travel because of my old age.
40. Parking is not allowed here.
A. You shouldn"t park here. B. You don"t park here.
C. You mustn"t park here. D. You needn"t park here.

------THE END------

TEST 03:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. sandy B. society C. mystery D. supply
2. A. explored B. entered C. remained D. balanced
3. A. both B. death C. without D. healthy
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the other three.
4. A. outstanding B. vulnerable C. enthusiast D. biologist
5. A. habitat B. tableland C. sociable D. expedition
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. He wanted to see me at lunchtime, _______was not convenient at all.
A. so B. that C. what D. which
2. -Joe is going on holiday next week. -Yes, I know. This time next week he_____ to Rome.
A. will be flying B. is flying C. will have flown D. has been flying
3. -“What does this word mean?” -“Why don’t you _____in your dictionary?”
A. look it into B. look it up C. look it for D. look it after
4. Jim won"t pass his math course ________he studies harder.
A. because B. if C. so D. unless
5. Many people _______to be homeless after the earthquake.
A. are reporting B. report C. are reported D. has been reported
6. In the past, women were economically _____ on their husbands or fathers.
A. expected B. demanded C. reliable D. dependent
7. Geography is a very interesting subject. ________, very few people study it thoroughly.
A. And B. However C. Moreover D. So
8. A: -"What"s wrong?" B: -"My car has broken down. _________me, please?
A. Might you help B. You will help C. Will you help D. Shall you help
9. Toxic chemicals in the air and land may drive many species to the ______of extinction.


A. edge B. border C. circumstance D. verge
10. It is not easy to get used to the new working environment but you have to try your best to __the difficulties.
A. go away B. get away C. get over D. go over
11. -"Don"t cry. Everything will be alright". -"Yes, but if I _____the bus, I wouldn"t have been late for school.
A. has missed B. hadn"t missed C. didn"t miss D. don"t miss
12. Tom: "Sorry Mum. I"ve broken a plate." Mom: - "You ______be more careful."
A. might B. may C. should D. can
13. Worldwide commercial ______of animals for food and other products has seriously reduced the number of
rare species.
A. killing B. exploration C. breeding D. exploitation
14. I _______go to the bank today. I have enough money.
A. couldn"t B. needn"t C. have to D. must
15. We can"t visit the city museum. It ______at the moment.
A. is repairing B. will be repaired C. has been repaired D. is being repaired
16. In water polo, defensive are not allowed to interfere___the opponent"s movement unless the player is
holding a ball.
A. on B. about C. into D. with
17. Tom: -"It was very kind of you to help me overcome the financial problem.
Mary: "-"________. What are friends for?"
A. Of course you do B. I"m afraid I can"t C. Never mind D. What a pity
18. Tom: "Hey, Peter. I"ve got a job at IBM company." -Peter: "___________"
A. Don"t mention it B. Congratulations! C. Happy landing D. It"s all right
19. -"I think married women should not go to work." -"_____________________"
A. Well, I see your point but it"s too boring to be housewives all their lives.
B. What nonsense! I don"t agree. Women are better at running a home than men.
C. In my opinion, Men lose their temper more easily than women
D. I believe women are more loyal than men.
20. When Jake opened the door, he knew someone ______in the house.
A. had been B. has been C. was being D. is
21. _________Sue is a good student, she hasn’t received a scholarship.
A. Because B. Even though C. In spite of D. Otherwise
22. -"Does your son study very much ?" -"No, he spends his time ________television."
A. being watched B. watch C. watching D. to watch
23. Many nations have laws offering protection to the rare species, such as forbidding hunting, creating ___.
A. agencies B. reserves C. awareness D. challenges
24. He is a great sports _______. He rarely misses any sport games.
A. enthusiast B. player C. energy D. programmer
25. ______ we leave, _______we will arrive.
A. The earlier / the sooner B. The earliest/ the sooner
C. The more early / the soonest D. Earlier / sooner
26. ________, I will give him the report.
A. When he returns B. When he will return C. No sooner he returns D. Until he will return
27. Nowadays, young people _____________.
A. do more reading as their parents used to B. don’t read as much as their parents used to
C. don’t read as many as their parents used to D. don’t hardly read much as their parents did
28. Peter apologized ____________.
A. me for phoning not earlier B. not to phone me earlier
C. for not phoning me earlier D. not for phoning me earlier
29. Jack asked his sister________.
A. where you have gone tomorrow B. where she would go the following day
C. where would she go the following day D. where you will go tomorrow


30. As the conversation went on, ______________.
A. he became more and more talkative. B. the more talkative he was
C. he was talkative the most D. he became the more talkative
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
31. There were so much books in the library that I didn’t know which one to choose.
32. The picnic will cancel because Peter has just had a traffic accident.
33. When you will come to my home town next week, you will see how much it has changed.
34. Although he worked very hardly, he didn’t get the promotion.
35. My father asked my elder brother to give off smoking because of his health.
Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.

Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better life
(36)………. they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents (37) .. come
to the U.S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here. They think their children
will have more career (38)…… and more successful lives. They make many sacrifices (39) … their children
will have more opportunities. They think their children will remain close to them because of this. Some
children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents. (40)…….,other children
feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans.
36. A. like B. than C. as D. that
37. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
38. A. choose B. choosing C. chosen D. choices
39. A. so that B. in order to C. so as D. such as
40. Therefore B. Due to C. However D. Because

-------------THE END-----------

TEST 04:
Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the rest
1. A. survival B. valuable C. condition D. gorilla
2. A. accurate B. protection C. subject D. surgeon
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
3. A. depend B. reduce C. between D. leopard
4. A. chew B. drew C. grew D. few
5. A. type B. digest C.habitat D. describe
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D ) to the sentence below:
6. The committee ____________ of different people of different views.
A. composes B. comprises C. consists D. contains
7. The scientific study of life and structure of plants and animals is called__________
A. botany B. biology C. zoology D. technology
8. Endangered animals should be well protected in their natural___________.
A. situation B. position C. habitat D. status
9. There are different ______ of books for people to read in different ways.
A. models B. styles C. sizes D. types
10. There are a lot of ______ of pollution from our modern world.


A. bases B. resources C. foundation D. sources
11. The diesel engine was named ________ its inventor Rudolf Diesel. /"di:zəl/
A. along B. to C. after D. with
12. Inflation and unemployment can ______ some companies to the verge of bankruptcy.
A. show B. lead C. cause D. drive
13. This superhighway is about 7000 miles in _______.
A. depth B. width C. weight D. length
14. Reviewers describes this novel _____ " hard-to-put-down".
A. about B. resembles C. as D. like
15. When you are _____ holiday, you may "swallow " a good story because of lack of time.
A. at B. in C. for D. on
16. _"Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy." _" _____________. I can manage"
A. No, thanks B. You are welcome C. Sorry D. Yes, please
17. " Do you mind driving?" - " ________ "
A. Never mind, thank you B. You"re welcome
C. Yes, please D. I"m feeling pretty tired.
18. "You can all come to my party?" - " __________ "
A. Yes, I shall. B. Excellent ! C. Yes, already D. Thanks a lot
19. "Would you mind if I smoked?" - " _________".
A. Yes, please don"t B. Not at all C. Yes, please do D. No, please!
20. You should hand him this letter of recommendation when you _____ there tomorrow.
A. came B. come C. will come D. are going to come
21. I ________ with my parents here when I was a child.
A. have lived B. lived C. had lived D. was living
22. They have lived next door to us for years, ______ we hardly ever see them.
A. so B. yet C. however D. therefore
23. There is still much to discuss. We shall, _______, return to this item at our next meeting.
A. so B. therefore C. however D. already
24. The drainage of wetlands, cutting of forests, ______ and road and dam construction have destroyed natural
A. urban B. urbanization C. preservation D. conservation
25. Many people thought that television with colour, picture and action could replace books, but, ______, it
hasn"t killed reading.
A. however B. because C. in fact D. therefore
26. You _____ go on diet; but you _______ eat sensibly. {reasonably}
A. must/ needn"t B. needn"t/ must C. should/ needn"t D. don"t need/ should
27. If the pain has gone, you _____ take any more of these tablets.
A. needn"t B. should C. won"t need D. have to
28. Different conservation measures ______ so as to save vulnerable species.
A. can"t have been taken B. have been taken
C. must have taken D. would have taken
29. I didn"t meet him yesterday. He ________ on business.
A. should go B. should have gone C. must go D. must have gone
30. The boss has got angry. I ________ more careful when I talked to him.
A. need have been B. must have been C. should have been D. can have been
31. It"s a pity she didn"t take her doctor"s advice. She wishes ________.
A. she takes her doctor"s advice B. she would take her doctor"s advice
C. she had taken her doctor"s advice D. she took her doctor"s advice
32. " She will have to correct the mistakes " means that " ________"
A. The mistakes will have to be corrected. B. The mistakes will be have to corrected.
C. The mistakes will be had to correct. D. The mistakes will have been to correct.


33. Who did you help?
A. Who was helped you ? B. Who was helped by you?
C. Who helped you? D. Who did you be helped?
34. The furniture was so expensive that I didn"t buy it.
A. The furniture was very expensive that I didn"t buy it.
B. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
C. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy it.
D. The furniture was too expensive that I didn"t buy it.
35. ________________, I would have learned how to read.
A. Unless I had been go to school as a child B. If I been able to go to school as a child
C. If I could be able to go to school as a child D. Had I been able to go to school as a child
Which underlined part needs correcting ?
36. A lot of articles about the environmental pollution have written by my classmates.
A. have written B. environmental C. about D. A lot of
37. Some people think that more and more people have television in their homes, less and less people will buy
books to read.
A. will buy B. more and more C. in their homes D. less and less
38. Plant and animal extinct leads to a loss of biodiversity, so maintaining biodiversity is important for us in
many ways.
A. extinct B. a loss C. so D. in many ways
39. This kind of grass can grow only in loosen sand on the crest.
A. only in B. on the C. grass D. loosen sand
40. The tourist guide only has a twenty-dollar bill with her when she landed at the airport
A. when B. has C. at D. twenty-dollar bill
Read the passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) is the most appropriate to each blank.
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the (41) _____ by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man
dirties the air with gases and smoke, (42) ______ the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil
with too many fertilizers and (43) _______. Man also pollutes his surroundings in various other ways. Environmental
pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water, and soil are necessary to the survival
of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (44) _____death. Polluted water kills fish and other
marine life. Pollution of soil (45) _______ the amount of land that is available for growing food. Environmental
pollution also brings ugliness to man"s naturally beautiful world.
41. A. paths B. ways C. streets D. roads
42. A. damages B. provides C. contaminates D. supplies
43. A. pollution B. substances C. pesticides D. dirty
44. A. so B. moreover C. even D. therefore
45. A. grows B. makes up C. increases D. reduces
Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
In the beautiful highlands of Scotland, there is a lake called the Loch Ness. In these peaceful surroundings, a
sea monster known as the "Loch Ness Monster" is said to be living in the lake. This creature, affectionately known as
"Nessie", has been reported to be seen by many people around the lake. According to these people, Nessie looked like a
creature from the dinosaur age. It had a huge body, a small reptilian/rep’tiliәn/ head and a long neck.
Does the Loch Ness Monster really exist? No one can tell for sure. Ever since the sighting of the monster, many
people have been keeping watch at the lake, hoping to catch a glimpse [quick look] of Nessie. In 1934, a doctor,
Colonel Robert Wilson, even managed to photograph the creature. The picture revealed a creature with a long neck
sticking out [nhô lên] of the water.

Where could the Loch Ness Monster have come from? One explanation given is that the monster is a pre-historic
creature which lived in the days of the dinosaurs. While other dinosaurs have died out and become extinct, this
creature has somehow managed to adapt to its surroundings and live on !
46. What is the passage about?
A. The Lock Ness Monster B. The Pre-historical Monster
C. A sea creature D. Loch Ness Lake
47. The sea monster"s name is _________
A. Lock Ness B. Nessie C. Monster D. Colonel
48. It can be inferred from the passage that _________
A. Nessie is reportedly a pre-historic creature B. Nessie is a dinosaur
C. Nessie is very dangerous D. Nessie has died
49. Which statement is NOT true?
A. According to many people, the Loch Ness Monster had a small reptilian head.
B. The Loch Ness Monster like other pre-historic creatures has died out and becomes extinct.
C. It is explained that the Loch Ness Monster is a pre-historic creature which lived in the days of the dinosaurs.
D. According to many people, the Loch Ness Monster had a huge body.
50. The word " affectionately " in line 3 mostly means _______.
A. in an angry way B. attractively C. in a lovely way D. hatefully

----------------THE END--------------

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the rest.
1. A. competition B. discovery C. domestic D. reserve
2. A. colony B. wildlife C. leopard D. rhinoceros
3. A. understand B. industry C. invitation D. computation
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that the rest
1. A. seriously B. primary C. identify D. biodiversity
2. A. described B. enjoyed C. digested D. killed
3. A. pleasure B. easy C. reading D. please
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following sentences.
4. This is the girl ___________father owns the biggest shop in the area.
A. who B. which C. whose D. whom
5. The man __________ she loves has been captured by the enemy.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. which
6. This is the shortest way to the city centre; _________ it is not the only way.
A. therefore B. so C. but D. however
7. Your son is heading the right direction;_____, I think you should encourage him to study harder.
A. Because B. However C. But D. Therefore
8. It was midnight, ___________the restaurant was still open.
A. therefore B. but C. however D. so
9. You ____________ smoke in here. It is against the rules.
A. mustn"t B. don"t have to C. needn"t D. mightn"t
10. This is a valuable book. You must look after it carefully and _________lose it.
A. must B. mustn’t C. may D. needn’t
11. I can’t find my book anywhere. I____________ have left it on the train. I am not sure.
A. must B. needn’t C. should D. might
12. ______________ is the protection of environment and natural resources.
A. Survival B. Commerce C. Conservation D. Extinction
13. ______________is one of the main causes of species extinction.
A. Pollution B. Forestation C. Population D. Exploitation


14. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with _________
A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinction D. extinctly
15. Although we are aware ________the importance of environment, we still overexploit it.
A. from B. on C. for D. of
16. Many rare animals are _______________ risk of extinction.
A. on B. in C. at D. with
17. Human depend ______ species to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
A. at B. on C. in D. about
18. If I had time, I _______________ to the beach with you this weekend.
A. will go B. will have gone C. would have gone D. would go
19. If you ...........there, what would you have done?
A. were B. had been C. would be D. would have been
20. When winter comes, I ______________ a new coat.
A. would have bought B. buy C. will buy D. would buy
21. We ______________ him for months now.
A. don"t see B. haven"t seen C. won"t see D. didn"t see
22. -“Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?” - Lam: “___________________.”
A. Yes, I’d love to B. I’m very happy C. Yes, it is D. Yes, so do I
23. A: “Are you coming on Saturday?” – B: “_________________________.”
A. I’m afraid not B. I’m afraid not to C. I’m afraid to D. I’m afraid I don’t
24. - A: “____________” - B: “Certainly”
A. Welcome back! B. What are you doing there?
C. I’m sorry I am late D. May I borrow a pencil, please?
25. He said he ______________ a football match the day before.
A. watch B. was watching C. had watched D. watched
26. She told her brother where she ______________ then.
A. studied B. studies C. had studied D. was studying
27. We went by ______________train to the west of England.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
28. Did you read ______ book I lent you last week ?
A. a B. the C. an D. no article
B. Find an error in each sentence ( A, B, C or D ):
29. The flight was delayed, but we had time to have something to eat.
A. The B. but C. to have D. to eat
30. As we had plenty of food, we mustn’t go to the supermarket
A. the B. mustn’t C. had D. As
31. The pupils failed the exam because of they were very lazy.
A. failed B. The pupils C. because of D. lazy
32. Since I have moved my house, they haven’t written to me.
A. written to B. my house C. Since D. have
33. He worked hard, however he could earn much money.
A. much B. worked C. earn D. however
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one ( A, B, C or D ):
34. I dance more beautifully than he does.
A. He doesn’t dance more beautifully than I B. He doesn’t dance as beautifully as I
C. He didn’t dance so beautifully as I D. He danced more beautifully than I
35. Mary got wet because she didn’t have an umbrella.
A. Mary didn’t have an umbrella. However, she got wet
B. Although Mary got wet, she didn’t have an umbrella
C. Mary didn’t have an umbrella. Therefore, she got wet
D. Mary got wet, but didn’t have an umbrella.


36. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.
A. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview
B. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them.
C. A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview.
D. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview.
37. She is the most beautiful in her school.
A. No one in her school is so beautiful as she. B. No one in her school is as beautiful than she.
C. No one in her school are as beautiful as she. D. No one in her school is as beautiful as she.
38. You live in a town. The town is very old.
A. You live in the town where is very old. B. You live in the town which is very old.
C. You live in the town what is very old. D. You live in the town when is very old.
Choose the word that best fits each space in the following passage:
Wild animals and wild places where they live are seriously (41)____ almost everywhere. One species has
become (42)_____ in each year of this century, but many hundreds are now in (43)____. Lack of (44) _____
would lead to the rapid advance of the process of extinction. Already many kinds of wild animals have been so
reduced in number that their role in the ecosystem is forgotten.
But even more important, perhaps, the individual kinds of animals and plants, whole habitats are in
danger of vanishing: marshes are being drained, and the world forests, especially the tropical forests are being
cut down to ( 45)______man’s need of timber and paper.
39. A.protected B. used C. rescued D. threatened
40. A. valuable B. extinct C. endangered D. dangerous
41. A. beauty B. preservation C. danger D. peace
42. A. attention B. care C. look D. ignorance
43. A. reduce B. help C. satisfy D. supply
Read this passage and choose the best given answer A, B, C or D for each question:
Once there were lots of pandas in the mountains of Western China. Today they are becoming extinct. The
reason is that they can’t find enough food. Pandas eat bamboo leaves. They do not like another food. The
bamboo grows very slowly. It can take ten years for a bamboo to grow from a seed to a big plant. Some types
of bamboo have seeds only once every sixty years.Pandas must wait many years for their food to grow. While
bamboo is growing, pandas do not have enough leaves to eat. Farmers are using more and more of the land on
the mountain side to grow food for man. The farmers cut down the bamboo. Bamboo leaves become less
plentiful. Pandas cannot find enough food to eat.They starve and die. China and World Wild Fund are trying to
save the pandas. In 1979 they began to set up special parks where pandas live. One such park is the Wolong
Reserve in Sichuan. The Wolong Reserve has highest number of pandas in the world. Scientists come here to
study the panda’s eating and mating habits. By learning more about the pandas habits, scientists can save it
from extinction.
44. We could find a lot of pandas ____________
A. in the mountains of Western China B. in the national parks of the world
C. on bamboo trees D. on the coast of Western China
45. It takes a bamboo ____________to grow into a big plant.
A. ten months B. a decade C. a century D. sixty years
46. Farmers cut down bamboo trees because they want to ______________
A. get food for pandas B. drive pandas away
C. make pandas starve and die D. get farmland
47. What do the scientists do to save pandas from extinction?
A. They stop farmers from cutting down the bamboo trees B. They set up parks for them
C. They enact laws to ban hunting D. They plant bamboo trees
48. Pandas are in danger of extinction because of______________
A. hunters kill them for commercial purpose B. farmers cut down trees for fuel and housing
C. there is not enough food for them D. They suffer from diseases.

--------------THE END-------------



KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ II - Năm học 2016 - 2017
Môn: Tiếng Anh 12 (Chương trình 7 năm)


Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
Học sinh làm Phần trắc nghiệm bằng cách chọn và tô kín một ô tròn trên Phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm tương
ứng với phương án trả lời đúng của mỗi câu và làm Phần tự luận trên đề kiểm tra.
Họ và tên thí sinh: ......................................................... Lớp: ........................
Số báo danh: ....................... Phòng thi :...................... Trường: THPT ……......……………...............
SECTION A (8.0 ms)
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions or do as
Question 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the others.
A. chances B. pictures C. reserves D. figures
Question 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the others.
A. contributed B. needed C. eradicated D. developed
Question 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that has a different stress pattern.
A. candidate B. animal C. buffalo D. employer
Question 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that has a different stress pattern.
A. extinct B. final C. recent D. useful
Question 5. - Jack: “My test results were not as good as I expected.” - Liz: “______”
A. Couldn’t be better. B. Better luck next time. C. Better late than never. D. Get better soo
Question 6. - Mum: “What"s wrong with you? ” - Son: “______”
A. Yes, I was tired yesterday. B. I have a headache.
C. Thank you very much. D. No, I don"t care.
Question 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.
He wasn"t exact pleased to see us - in fact he refused to open the door.
Question 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.
A wide knowledge of English can help us looking for a good career in the future.
Question 9. Population growth is causing destruction of wildlife ______ throughout the world.
A. habitat B. pollution C. atmosphere D. forest
Question 10. The company has been trying to ______ its policies to attract customers.
A. diversity B. diverse C. diversely D. diversify
Question 11. In the 28 th SEA Games, Thailand was ______ first with 95 gold medals.
A. replaced B. held C. ranked D. positioned
Question 12. My wife, who always lends a ______ ear, willingly listens to my problems and helps me out.
A. sensible B. deaf C. sympathetic D. shar
Question 13. The firm has a(n)______opportunities policy, which gives the same chance of employment to
A. equal B. limited C. suited D. social
Question 14. The sportsman ______ to answer questions concerning his private life.
A. suggested B. refused C. detested D. avoided
Question 15. Even as late as the early 20 th century, women ______ the United States could not vote.
A. in B. up C. on D. at
Question 16. By the end of this year, this old man ______ in this flat for 5 years.
A. is living B. will have lived C. will be living D. has lived
Question 17. ______ animals are in danger of extinction due to environmental pollution.
A. More and more B. The more and more C. Most and most D. The most and more
Question 18. The girl has ______ that she has used it for ages without any errors in it.

Mã đề : 710

A. so good computer B. a good computer C. such a good computer D. computer so good
Question 19. She will phone to invite you out for dinner ______ she arrives at the airport.
A. since B. until C. while D. as soon as
Question 20. It is believed that men and women ______ equal pay for equal work.
A. should have given B. should be giving C. should be given D. should give
Question 21. I need some help with this table. ______ you lift the other end, please?
A. Should B. May C. Shall D. Could
Question 22. The Olympic Games ______ every four years in a different country.
A. take after B. take place C. take part D. take over
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase for
each of the blanks from 23 to 27.
My parents were initially against my taking up wheelchair rugby because it’s often perceived to be
dangerous. Some people even call it “murderball”! So far I (23) ______ to avoid any crashes on the court
myself, although I’ve had a few near misses. I reckon (24) ______ you’re speedy enough you can avoid most
collisions! Anyway, luckily, I managed to persuade my parents to change their minds and so I wasn’t forced to
(25) ______. Now I regularly hear them cheering in the stands – they nearly deafen me each time I score!
Wheelchair rugby’s so exciting that it’s becoming increasingly popular with spectators, which is great (26)
______ that may mean more funding. (27)______, the modified chairs don’t come cheap! It’d be a shame if that
put anyone off the sport.
Question 23. A. manage B. managed C. would manage D. have managed
Question 24. A. if B. though C. until D. before
Question 25. A. turn it off B. take it up C. give it up D. set it off
Question 26. A. because B. therefore C. but D. however
Question 27. A. Sad B. Sadly C. Sadness D. Sadden
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 28 to 32.
Jamie Oliver is Britain’s most famous chef. He made his first TV cooking programmes when he was only
23, got married at 25 and was given a special award by the Queen at 28. A top supermarket used him in their
advertisements for many years, his books on cooking sell better than any other food writer’s, and journalists are
always writing articles about him.
A few years ago, Jamie opened the restaurant Fifteen in London. The name doesn’t describe where the
restaurant is – it’s because he chose this number of young people to become cooks there. Not one of them knew
how to cook so Jamie sent them to college in the year before he opened the restaurant. They also visited other
restaurants to learn more.
Fifteen really started because of a conversation Jamie had with his wife’s friend. She worked with difficult
children and found that they always enjoyed cooking, so Jamie decided to start a restaurant business to help
young people with problems.
The number of people working at Fifteen has grown. The restaurant in London is always full and Jamie has
several receptionists answering phone calls. There is another Fifteen in Amsterdam. Like the London
restaurant, it trains several young people every year. Its chefs also give cooking lessons in Dutch schools. The
children have fun learning to cook and afterward, they can enter a national competition called Junior Chefs.
Those with the best cooking ideas are invited to a party at Fifteen, where the winner is decided.
Question 28. At the age of 23 Jamie Oliver ______.
A. got married B. went on television C. met the Queen D. got a special award
Question 29. Now, Jamie Oliver ______.
A. is the top-selling writer on cooking in Britain B. is working with difficult children
C. does some work for a supermarket D. writes articles for several newspapers
Question 30. Jamie’s restaurant is called Fifteen because of ______.
A. the first staff there B. the opening hours C. his book number D. the street number
Question 31. The cooks who joined Fifteen ______.
A. worked with difficult children B. had no training in cooking


C. were already at a college D. came from other restaurants
Question 32. The winner of the Junior Chefs Competition ______.
A. must live in Amsterdam B. is chosen before the day of the party
C. has had a lesson with a chef from Fifteen D. is the one decided by only Jamie Oliver
SECTION B (2.0 ms) Rewrite the sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do
as directed.
Question 1. I could open the mail because it didn"t contain a virus.
If ............................................................................
Question 2. My mother said, “Make an appointment with the dentist.”
 My mother reminded .......................................................................
Question 3. John works much. He feels tired. (Use Double Comparative to combine the sentences.)
The ..........................................................................................
Question 4. Jane learned/ lot/ Vietnamese while she /Viet Nam. (Write a complete sentence with the words
 ................................................................................................

---------------------THE END---------------

MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 11- NĂM HỌC 2019-2020

I. PRONUNCIATION: Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. post B. busy C. swim D. spacious
2. A. best B. text C. exist D. letter
3. A. commune B. punctuality C. communication D. distribution
4. A. express B. recipient C. secure D. messenger
5. A. satisfaction B. facsimile C. punctuality D. spacious
6. A. noisy B. subscribe C. service D. graphics
7. A transfer B. newspaper C. thousand D. relatives
8. A. equipped B. delivered C. transferred D. received
9. A. helps B. provides C. documents D. texts
10. A. stop B. post C. offer D. from
II. VOCABULARY: Circle the letter before the word that can be best replaced with the word(s) in
11. Thanh Ba Post Office is equipped with advanced technology.
A. modern B. outdated C. fashionable D. beautiful
12. Thanh Ba Post Office has a spacious and pleasant front office.
A. cramped B. large and with a lot of space C. narrow D. safe
13. Our post office offers the best services with a well-trained staff.
A. rule B. impolite C. beautiful D. qualified
14. Your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest possible time.
A. European Monetary System B. Enhanced Messaging Service
C. Express Mail Service D. Emergency Mail Service
15. Express Money Transfer is a speedy and secure service for transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. fast and fixed B. fast and protected
C. slow and safe D. useful and confident
16. The Message Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to receive the call.
A. see B. watch C. write D. tell
17. If you want your favorite newspapers to be delivered to your house early in the morning you should
subscribe to them.
A. pay money B. write a letter C. make a call D. send e-mail
18. The staff of that post office are always thoughtful and courteous to customers.
A. kind and beautiful B. helpful and friendly
C. helpful and polite D. nice and arrogant
19. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, send it by fax machine.
A. first B. changed C. modern D. good
20. You can save money if you send a parcel which is under 15 kg.
A. letter B. package C. box D. present
21. The problem______ never occurred.
A. I hadn’t expected it B. that I had expected it C. who I had expected D. I had expected
22. In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School,_______.
A. engineers were educated there B where engineers were educated.
C. in which engineer educated D. where were engineers educated
23. It was the ragtime pianist Scott Joplin__ the Maple Leaf Rag, perhaps the best known of all ragtime tunes.
A. wrote B. the writer of C. who wrote D. writing
24. A keystone Species is a species of plants and animals__ absence has a major effect on an ecological
A. that its B. its C. whose D. with its
25. William Samuel Johnson,________ helped write the Constitution, became the first president of Columbia
College in 1187.
A. whom he had B. who had C. and he had D. had


26. My mother, ___________ , enjoys hill walking.
A. whom is in her seventies B. that is in her seventies
C. which is in her seventies D. who is in her seventies
27. She’s one of the kindest people________ I’ve ever known.
A. that B. whose C. who D. which
28. Where is the house________?
A. where they are living B. which they are living
C. where they are living there D. where they are living in
29. She lives in the house_________.
A. which has the red door B. has the red door
C. that with the red door D. with its red door
30. Mark Twain is an author________ I like best.
A. his books B. that books C. the book of whom D. whose books
IV. READING:Choose the sentence that is the best combination of each of the following pairs:
31. The elderly are usually thought to be passive. They can actually have active lives.
A. The elderly, thought to be passive, can actually have active lives.
B. The elderly can actually have active lives that are usually thought to be passive.
C. The elderly thought to be passive can actually have active lives.
D. The elderly lives which are thought to be passive can actually be active.
32. Shoes are the products. The company exported only these products to Mexico.
A. The company exported only shoes to Mexico, that are the only products.
B. Shoes are the only products to be exported to Mexico.
C. Shoes, which are the only products to be exported to Mexico.
D. The only products to be exported to Mexico, which are shoes.
33. Tommy is late. Does anybody know why?
A. Does anybody know what the reason why is Tommy late?
B. Does anybody know what the reason why Tommy is late?
C. Does anybody know the reason why is Tommy late?
D. Does anybody know the reason why Tommy is late?
34. She is the advisor. We got those recommendations from her.
A. She is the advisor, who we got those recommendations from.
B. She is the advisor whom we got those recommendations from her.
C. She is the advisor from that we got those recommendations.
D. She is the advisor from whom we got those recommendations.
35. My sister is the only member in my family. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics.
A. My sister is the only member in my family to hold a Ph.D. degree in Physics.
B. The only member in my family is my sister, who holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics.
C. The only member in my family which holds a Ph.D. degree is my sister.
D. My sister, who holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics, is the only member in my family.
36. Few people know about C.A.Lindburgh. He was the first person who flew across the Atlantic Ocean.
A. Few people know about C. A. Lindburgh, the first person flying across the Atlantic Ocean.
B. Few people know about C. A. Lindburgh, that was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
C. Few people know about C. A. Lindburgh, who was the first person flown across the Atlantic Ocean.
D. Few people know about C. A. Lindburgh, who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
37. The Mountain Region is in the Great Himalayan Range. It makes up the northern part of Nepal.
A. The Mountain Region which makes up the northern part of Nepal is in the Great Himalayan
B. The Mountain Region in the Great Himalayan Range makes up the northern part of Nepal.
C. The Great Himalayan Range, which makes up the northern part of Nepal, is the Mountain Region.
D. The northern part of Nepal, made up by the Great Himalayan Range is the Mountain Region.
38. This is the best book on the market. It was written for university students.
A. This is the best book written for university students, which are on the market.
B. This is the best book to be writing for university students on the market.
C. This is the best book to be written for university students on the market.
D. This is the best book that is on the market, which is written for university students.


39. I have a passion for winter. It is usually a sad season for many people.
A. I have a passion for winter when is usually a sad season for many people.
B. I have a passion for winter, which is usually a sad season for many people.
C. I have a passion for winter, when is usually a sad season for many people.
D. I have a passion for winter which is usually a sad season for many people.
40. That is the student . I borrowed his book last week .
A. That is the student I borrowed whose book last week.
B. The student whose book I borrowed that is .
C. That is the student whose book I borrowed last week
D. That is the student, whose book I borrowed last week
V/ Complete the sentences, using a relative pronoun.
1. The pub is opposite the Town Hall. I first met my wife there.
2. He was sitting on a chair. It was uncomfortable.
3. He smokes cigarettes. They are very strong.
4. Let me see the pictures. You took them at Peter"s wedding.
5. Some people only think about money. I don"t like them.
6. Do you know that lady? I repaired her car.
That girl is Swedish. Tom is in love with her.
7. John has bought a house. There are ghosts in that house.
8. Some people drive drunk. I never travel with them.
9. A man stole £10,000 from a bank. The police have caught him.
10. I bought bananas this morning. I have lost them.
11. Could you iron those trousers? They"re hanging up behind the door.
12. He worked with some people. They thought he was stupid.
13. When I looked through the window I saw a girl. Her beauty took my breath away.
14. These are the books. I use them in the class.
15. That"s the name. I couldn"t remember it yesterday.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. small B. supply C. sure D. species
2. A. swimmer B. sword C. swallow D. swam
3. A. parks B. animals C. planets D. environments
II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
4. A. endanger B. disappear C. prohibit D. destruction
5. A. extinct B. human C. species D. planet


III. Choose the correct answers:
6. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised.
A. established B. collapsed C. delayed D. decreased
7. Because of people’s _____with the environment, many kinds of plants and animals are becoming rare.
A. supply B. survival C. influence D. interference
8. We all regard pollution as a_______ matter to human beings.
A. serious B. seriously C. seriousness D. serio-comic
9. Garbage is considered to be some kind of ______.
A. pollute B. pollutants C. pollution D. polluting
10. The ____ is the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live.
A. consequence B. environment C. planet D. resource
11. “ Do you think it’s going to rain?” – “ __________.”
A. I hope not         B. I don’t hope          C. I don’t hope that     D. I don’t hope so
12. “ I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save energy.” – “ ______.”
A. Yes, we should.    B. Yes. You are good   C. No, I don’t like      D. Great! Let’s do that
13. “________ .” – “All right.”
A. We will make posters on energy saving and hang them around our school.
B. Why can’t we make posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school?
C. How about making posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school?
D. I’d like to make posters on energy saving and hang them around our school.
14. Can you turn the lights off before leaving the room?” – “______”
A. Yes, I can B. No, I can’t   C. Yes, of course   D. No, I don’t.
15. “ ________ ! Can you help me with this?”
A. Sorry  B. Excuse me C. Pardon D. My apology
16. When he ______, we ______ dinner.
A. arrived/having      B. was arriving/had     C. arrived/ were having     D. had arrived/had
17. While they ______ chess, we __________ the shopping.
A. playing/doing B. played/did            C. were playing/doing D. were playing/ were
18. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She _____ late yesterday and on Monday.
A. is/was    B. has been/is          C. has been/ was  D. has been/had been
19. He __________ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived  B. is living C. lived D. had lived
20. Last month my brother _______ me his photos. He _______ me his photos every year.
A. sends/sent B. sent/ sends C. sent/sent D. sends/sends
21. The boy ________ I lent my money is poor.
  A. to that    B. to who  C. to whom   D. whom
22. The knife ________ we are cutting bread is very sharp.
  A. with that   B. which   C. with which     D. that
23. Cathy is trustworthy. She’s a person upon _________ you can always depend.
A. who  B. whom   C. that  D. X
24. The man ____ I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university.
A. whom   B. that    C. X   D. all are correct.
25. Your career should focus on a field _________ you are generally interested.
A. on which  B. in which   C. which  D. that
26. What exactly is the influence of television ____________ children?
A. on B. in  C. at  D. with
27. I have two brothers, ________ are professional athletes.
  A. two of which  B. two of whom  C. both of whom    D. two of them
28. One of the people _________ I admire most in the history of the world is Gandhi.
  A. that   B. which   C. whose  D. of them
29. Sunday is the day _______ which we usually go fishing.
  A. during   B. at   C. in  D. on
30. The speech _______ we listened last night was informative.
A. to which  B. which to  C. to that  D. that


IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
31. The man whom remained in the office was the manager.
32. 1975 was the year in when the revolution took place.
33. Mr. Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today.
34. The car who I bought used to be my father’s.
35. You would be welcome to join our staff if you change your mind.
V. Choose the correct answer
36. The man is my teacher. I am grateful to him.
A. The man whom I am grateful to him is my teacher. C. The man is my teacher who I am grateful
B. The man whom I am grateful to is my teacher D. The man to him I am grateful is my teacher.
37. Ngoc is friendly. We are talking about her.
A. Ngoc, we are talking about, is friendly. C. Ngoc, about her we are talking, is friendly.
B. Ngoc, whom we are talking about is friendly. D. Ngoc, about whom we are talking, is friendly.
38. That is the student. I borrowed his book last week.
A. That is the student I borrowed whose book last week.
B. The student whose book I borrowed that is.
C. That is the student, whose book I borrowed last week.
D. That is the student whose book I borrowed last week.
39. The book is very expensive. My father is interested in it.
A. The book in which my father is interested is very expensive.
B. The book which in my father is interested is very expensive.
C. The book which my father is interested is very expensive.
D. The book in that my father is interested is very expensive.
40. Sue lives in a house. The house is opposite my house.
A. Sue lives in a house where is opposite my house.
B. Sue lives in a house which is opposite my house.
C. Sue lives in a house who is opposite my house.
D. Sue lives in a house and which is opposite my house.
VI. Read the test and choose the correct option to fill in the gaps.
In spite of all warnings, we are still not looking after our planet. Look what is happening to our
forests. We are cutting them ___ (41) at an alarming rate. If we keep on doing this, many animals and plants
will ___(42) extinct. Rare ___(43) , such as the mountain gorilla, are already in ___(44) . More will follow.
Forests are important for another reason, too. They help to slow the rate of global warming. Trees soak up
gases like carbon dioxide, which are given ___ (45) by power stations and factories. They also produce
oxygen, and act as the lungs of the world.
41. A. up B. in C. off D. down
42. A. go B. get C. become D. result
43. A. species B. tribes C. races D. specialities
44. A. threat B. danger C. fact D. troubles
45. A. off B. up C. out D. over
VII. Read the passage and choose the correct answers:
The scarcity of tigers and African elephants is more and more serious. They are endangered because
poachers hunt them in order to sell tiger pelts and elephant ivory.
At least 4,000 elephants are killed each year in order to meet the global demand for ivory, which is
used to make carvings, jewelry and other products although it is illegal to sell ivory since 1989 anywhere.
“Americans should be aware that there is still a problem with elephant poaching and loss to the illegal
ivory trade,” Ginette Hemley, Fund’s vice president for species conservation, told The Washington Post in
September. And so our message is “Don’t buy it, and don’t take that chance”.
A Wildlife Fund report states that the United States seized 8,300 illegal ivory items between 1995 and
2002. Each week there are about 1,000 ivory auctions, the report said.

As for tigers, their parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Tiger bones are used as a pain
reliever in traditional medicine. Even tiger’s whiskers are sold because some people in Asia think they are a
good-luck charm – like a rabbit’s foot in the United States. “ Part of our job is education,” said Professor
Dillon. “ The other part is law enforcement. So we have more than one strategy.”
46. Hunters poach tigers for their _______
A. ivory B. pelts C. carving D. jewelry
47. Which sentence is NOT true.
A. Elephants are hunted for their ivory. B. It is legal to sell ivory everywhere.
C. There are about 4,000 elephants killed each year. D. Elephant ivory is used to made jewelry.
48. The word it in line 8 referred to _______
A. an elephant B. a tiger C. tiger pelts D. elephant ivory
49. The Chinese use parts of the tiger as_______
A. carving B. jewelry C. decoration D. medicine
50. According to Professor Dillon, _______
A. there is only one strategy to solve the problem
B. it is education that can help to solve the problem
C. we need both education and law enforcement to solve the problem
D. only law enforcement can help to solve the problem
VIII/ Combine sentence using : preposition + whom/which
1. The teacher is Mr. Mike. We studied with him last week.
2. The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it.
3. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them many years ago.
4. Do you see my pen? I have just written with it.
5. I like standing at the window. I can see the part from this window.
6. We are crossing the meadow. We flew kites over it in our childhood.
7. They are repairing the tubes. Water is brought into our house through the tubes.
8. In the middle of the village there is a well. The villagers take water from it to drink.
9.This is a race opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.
10. The middle-aged man is the director. My father is talking to him.
11. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him.
12. This matter is of great importance. You should pay attention to it.
13. The woman lives next door to me. You gave place to her on the bus.
14. This snake is not venomous. You are afraid of it.
15. The examination lasted two days. I was successful in this examination.-



Choose the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1. The musicians _______ yesterday have played together for many years.
A. to who we listened B. who we listened to C. to that we listened D. to whom we listened
Question 2. Many scientists have claimed that _______ like music are often good at Maths.
A. children B. children who C. children whom D. whose children
Question 3. The student _______ had an impressive record.
A. the prize was awarded B. that the prize was awarded
C. to whom the prize was awarded D. who the prize was awarded
Question 4. Scientists will find ways _______ our supplies of coal, oil, and gas.
A. to increase B. increasing C. that increasing D. increased
Question 5. I think it was your Dad _______.
A. phoned B. to phone C. that phoned D. which phoned
Question 6. Airplanes _______ in the twentieth century is one of the sources of pollution.
A. which invented B. to invent C. invented D. that is invented
Question 7. She has two grown children, both of _______ live abroad.
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
Question 8. Could you please provide us _______some more modern equipment?
A. for B. by C. in D. with
Question 9. We do not have plenty _______ energy as we think.
A. of B. on C. over D. with
Question 10. I pulled off the sheets _______the furniture.
A. to cover B. covered C. that covering D. covering
Question 11. The nuclear power plant _______ last year will come to operate tomorrow.
A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. which completed
Question 12. Lady Astor was the first woman _______her seat in Parliament.
A. take B. to take C. taking D. who takes
Question 13. Do you remember the time _______we first visited London?
A. which B. when C. that D. on that
Question 14. The solar energy can change _______electricity.
A. to B. for C. with D. into
Question 15. Do you know the reason_______ she quit her job?
A. that B. which C. when D. why
Question 16. The park _______I used to jog in has been demolished.
A. which B. where C. in which D. in where
Question 17. Water is one of the precious resources _______for our life.
A. we depend on which B. which we depend
C. on which we depend D. on that we depend
Question 18. The areas _______are destroyed suffer a lot from soil erosion.
A. which trees B. whose trees C. that trees D. trees which
Question 19. I never forget the time _______I first visit Cat Tien National Park.
A. when B. why C. where D. on that
Question 20. I have to leave for London tomorrow, _______ means I cannot go to the party with you.
A. that B. which C. when D. why
Question 21. More and more rare animals are _______danger of extinction.
A. for B. on C. at D. in
Question 22. Some countries _______try to reduce extinction depend on the world organization for support.
A. which B. in which C. where D. whose
Question 23. Do you think that we are using up the resources _______for our survival?
A. are necessary B. that are necessary C. which necessary D. that necessary
Question 24. Rain forests are places_______ people harvest wood, delicious fruits, and powerful medicine.
A. in which B. in that C. in where D. which
Question 25. I wonder about _____ human beings are destroying the environment so seriously.
A. the reason that B. that reason C. the reason in which D. the reason for which


Question 26. The authority gathered those villagers_____ they explained the importance of forests.
A. who B. whom C. to whom D. to that
Question 27. The energy _______ by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.
A. that is producing B. which produces C. producing D. produced
Questions 28. They are making an artificial lake _______ water for the area.
A. provided B. that provided C. to provide D. which is provide
Question 29. She is the only one in the discussion _______ to using nuclear power.
A. objects B. objected C. to object D. whom objects
Question 30. The old man _______ a black suit is a famous energy researcher.
A. to wear B. wearing C. whom is wearing D. is wearing
Question 31. John was the last applicant _______ for a position in that energy station.
A. to interview B.which is interviewed C. interviewing D. to be interviewed
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 32. A. books B. bats C. cups D. dogs
Question 33. A. boxes B. classes C. notes D. buzzes
Question 34. A. hopes B. laughs C. works D. comes
Question 35. A. helps B. photographs C. costs D. plays
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the
blanks from 36 to 45.
There is now increasing concern about the world’s (36) _____, particularly about those involving fossil
(37) ______. In less than a hundred years we shall probably (38) _____ all the present (39) ____ of oil and
gas. The world’s coal (40) ____ should last longer but, once used, these cannot be (41) _____. It is important,
therefore, that we should develop such alternative sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy as
well as water and wind (42) _____ (classed as (43) _____ energy). Until these energy (44) ______ are widely
used, it is important for developed countries to reduce energy (45) ______ as much as possible.
36. A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials
37. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energy
38. A. end B. complete C. total D. exhaust
39. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources
40. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents
41. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced
42. A. force B. repeated C. renewed D. produced
43. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous
44. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials
45. A. exhaustion B. destruction C. waste D. consumption
Read the passage and choose the correct answers:
Scientists often divide resources into two groups: renewable and non– renewable. When a resource is
used, it takes some times to replace it. If the resource can be replaced quickly and easily, it is called
renewable. If it cannot be replaced quickly and easily, it is non-renewable. All fossil fuels are non-renewable
resources. Solar energy, air, and water are usually called renewable because there is an unlimited supply.
However, this definition may change if people are not careful with these resources. The amount of solar
energy that reaches the earth depends on the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy that
reaches the earth may be dangerous. If humans continue to pollute the air, it will not contain the correct
amounts of these gases.
Many resources are limited and non- renewable, and many are in danger of pollution. As a consequence,
resources must be conserved and the environment protected. Conservation must become an important part of
everyone’s life.
46. How many kinds of resources are mentioned in the passage?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
47. Non-renewable resources are those which _______
A. are unlimited
B. can be replaced quickly and easily
C. take millions of the years to replace


D. are used every day such as solar energy and water
48. What will happen if the atmosphere is polluted?
A. The air won’t contain the correct amounts of natural gases
B. Life won’t continue as it does
C. Renewable resources will soon become non- renewable
D. All are correct
49. The word conservation in the passage is opposite to
A. prevention B. pollution C. protection D. preservation
50. Why do we have to conserve resources?
A. Because many resources are limited and non-renewable
B. Because conservation plays an important part in everyone’s life
C. To keep the air from being polluted
D. To make natural resources renewable
Reduced relative clauses: Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ sử dụng Ving, V hoặc Vto
1. The students who did not come to the class yesterday explain their absence to the teacher.
2. Did you get the message which concerned the special meeting ?
3. Lan is the second student who entered the classroom this morning.
4. The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries.
5. He was the only man who reached the top.
6. He is always the first who comes and the last who goes.
7. People who listen to very loud music may suffer gradual hearing loss.
8. He was the second man who was saved in the fire.
9. I haven’t got anything that I could open a bottle of wine with.
10. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the island.
11. The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable.
12. This is the third who is late for the meeting today.
13. Am I the next person who joins the interview ?
14. The road joining the two villages is very narrow.
15. A lot of people invited to the party could not come.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1. A. knowledge B. friendship C. athlete D. compete
2. A. appreciate B. enthusiasm C. participant D. solidarity
3. A. aquatic B. basketball C. official D. together
4. A. occasion B. together C. develop D. volleyball


5. A. athletic B. history C. quality D. bodybuilding
II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
6. A. Asian B. basketball C. tennis D. solidarity
7. A. shooting B. squash C. sport D. sure
8. A. rugby B. nearby C. cycling D. apply
9. A. hoped B. attracted C. added D. participated
10. A. athletics B. participants C. efforts D. skills
III. Correction
11. By the time Joan arrived, all of the food had eaten.
12. The weather this year is much hotter than 2005.
13. If he would be taller, he would be a good basketball player.
14. The final exam was the more difficult than the mid-semester exam.
15. The customs in his country are more traditional than that in the United States.
IV. Vocabulary and grammar
16. Do you know when the 2006 Asian Games took place?
A. happened B. deepened C. added D. struggled
17. The Asian Games have advanced in all aspects since the first Games was help in 1951.
A. developed B. competed C. taken place D. decreased
18. Only 489 athletes took part in the 1 st Asian Games.
A. participated in B. got rid of C. gave up D. added to
19. Korea was chosen to be of the 2002 Asian Games.
A. athlete B. host C. participant D. guest
20. The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sporting all over the world.
A. problems B. athletes C. cultures D. events
21. After the accident he lost his for the sport.
A. enthusiasm B. enthusiast C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically
22. We are quite of the success of our country at the next Asian Games.
A. hope B. hopeful C. hopefully D. hopefulness
23. I do weight training every day to improve the of muscles.
A. strong B. strength C. strongly D. strengthen
24. We presented the athletes some flowers as a token of our for all their efforts to achieve.
A. appreciate B. appreciation C. appreciated D. appreciative
25. After the opening ceremony, the athletes got ready to start the .
A. compete B. competitor C. competition D. competitive
26. is considered to be the most popular, is also my favorite.
A. Football which B. Football, that C. Football, which D. Football
27. The football season is the time thousands of football fans crowd into the stadium to watch their
favorite teams.
A. where B. which C. at that D. when
28. Athletes do their best to win medals to winners as awards.
A. which give B. are give C. to give D. given
29. Each country sends its best athletes participation expresses the friendship and solidarity.
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
30. The man a black suit is a football referee.
A. to wear B. wearing C. who wear D. wears.
31. Fencing was first introduced at the 13 th Asian Games, in Bangkok. Thailand in 1998.
A. to be held B. holding C. when was held D. which was held
32. He took out a photo of Pélé, he adored.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. which
33. The death of his son was an experience from he never fully recovered.
A. when B. why C. that D. which


34. They are talking about they are looking at.
A. David Beckham is picture B. David Beckham’s picture
C. David Beckham, which picture D. David Beckham, whose picture
35. This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper leg was seriously hurt.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
VII. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Up to now, Thailand (36) the host country of the Asian Games four times. In 1966, Thailand held the
Games for the first time. It was the 5 th Games with 18 countries (37) _____ . In 1970, South Korea dropped its
plan to host the games (38) security threats from North Korea, and the (39) host Thailand
administered the Games in Bangkok using the funds of South Korea. In 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to
host the Games due to conflicts with Bangladesh and Indian. Thailand (40) to help and the Games
were held in Bangkok. The 13th Asian Games was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 6 to 20 December 1998.
36. A. is B. will be C. was D. has been
37. A. to compete B. competing C. competed D. compete
38. A. as B. due to C. because D. despite
39. A. previous B. advanced C. old D. before
40. A. suggested B. advised C. offered D. made
V. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
The Asian Games owes its origins to small Asian multi-sport competitions. The Far Eastern
Championship Games were created to show unity and cooperation among three nations: Japan, the Philippines
and China. The first games were held in Manila, the Philippines in 1931. Other Asian nations participated
after it was organized.
After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent. Many of the new independent
Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition where Asian dominance should not be shown by
violence and should be strengthened by mutual understanding. In August 1948, during the 14 th Olympic
Games in London, Indian representative Guru Dutt Sondhi proposed to sports leaders of the Asian teams the
idea of having discussions about holding the Asian Games. They agreed to form the Asian Athletic
Federation. A preparatory committee was set up to draft the charter for the Asian amateur athletic federation.
In February, 1949, the Asian athletic federation was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation. It
was decided to hold the first Asian Games in 1951 in New Delhi the capital of India. They added that the
Asian Games would be regularly held once every four years.
41. The text is about .
A. the origin of the Asian Games B. the Far Eastern Championship Games
C. the Games in Manila D. the relationship of Japan, the Philippines, and China
42. The Far Eastern Championship Games .
A. were held in Manila after World War II B. were held in Japan
C. were attended by all countries in Asia D. had the participation of only three nations
43. The 14 th Olympic Games took place .
A. in 1913 B. in august 1948 C. before the World War II D. in February 1949
44. The Asian Games .
A. were first held in China
B. were first held in Indian
C. were suggested establishing by a Londoner.
D. were held in same year of the 14 th Olympic Games
45. The Asian Games were first held in .
A. 1931 B. 1941 C. 1948 D. 1951

VI. Writing
46. The best place in which we can practise English is the staff-room.
A. The best place is the staff-room for practising English.
B. The best place is the staff-room to practise English.
C. The best place for practising English us is the staff-room.
D. The best place for us to practise English is the staff-room.


47. There are a lot of people. The people like to do things together.
A. There are a lot of people whom like to do things together.
B. There are a lot of people who like to do things together.
C. There are a lot of people who like do things together.
D. There are a lot of people like to do things together.
48. Sue lives in a house. The house is opposite my house.
A. Sue lives in a house where is opposite my house.
B. Sue lives in a house which is opposite my house.
C. Sue lives in a house who is opposite my house.
D. Sue lives in a house and which is opposite my house.
49. That old house ___________________.
A. at the end of the road has been sold. B. has been sold at the end of the road.
C. at the end of the road has sold. D. they have sold at the end of the road.
50. I will wait until __________________.
A. She will come tomorrow. B. she comes tomorrow.
C. she is coming tomorrow. D. she is going to come tomorrow.

I/ Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the rest in each of the following questions:
1. A. finished B. marched C. stopped D. robbed
2. A. attracted B. collected C. decided D. arrived
3. A. places B. ages C. lives D. pages
4. A. thanks B. shows C. suggests D. stops
5. A. letters B. books C. pets D. stamps
II/Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following questions.
6. There are number of things I like to do in my free time.
A. leisure B. precious C. busy D. idle
7. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A. unimpaired B. skilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified
8. Now I can play a few simple tunes.
A. compound B. plain C. easy D. complicated
9. ‘How do you do. I’m Bill Thomson. ‘_____________’
A. Very well. Thank you. B. I’m fifteen years old. C. I’m fine. D. How do you do.
10. I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.
A. limited B. excessive C. conceited D. moderate
11. ‘Thank you very much for the lovely flowers.’ ‘___________.’
A. You’re welcome. B. You like flowers, don’t you?
C. Yeah, the flowers are nice. D. It was an excellent choice.
12. The singer was ________________ on the piano by her sister.
A. played B. performed C. accompanied D. helped
13. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
A. busy B. relaxed C. comfortable D. free
14.___________ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979.
A. It was Jane Byrne B. Jane Byrne C. That Jane Byrne D. When Jane Byrne
15. ‘Would you like a drink ?’ ‘_______________’
A. Yes, I want to. B. Yes, please. C. Thank you. I don’t want. D. No, I won’t.
16.____________ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia
A. In 1790 was B. There was in 1790 C. In 1790 D. It was in 1790
17. ‘Nice to meet you.’ ‘___________’
A. This is Peter White. B. Nice to meet you, too.
C. I’m fine, thanks. D. It was nice to you to say so.
18. The man _______ on the chair behind me kept talking during the film, ___________really annoyed me.


A. having sat/ that B. sitting/ which C. to sit/ what D. to be sitting/ who
19. ‘Thank you very much.’ ‘___________’
A. Yes, of course. B. I like it a lot. C. You’re alright. D. You’re welcome.
20. He advised me to practise playing the guitar regularly.
A. frequently B. commonly C. freely D. completely
21. Neil Armstrong was the first person ___________ foot on the moon.
A. set B. setting C. to set D. who was set
22. In the novel by Peter, ________ the film is based, the main character is a teenager.
A. on that B. who C. on which D. which
23. Who was the first person _____________ the South Pole?
A. reached B. to reach C. who reaches D. had reached
24. It is in Quebec___________ French is used as an official language .
A. which B. where C. in where D. that
25. Mrs White, ______ taught me English 5 years ago, is a good teacher.
A. who B. that C. whom D. whose.
26. ___________that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia.
A. In 1790 was B. There was in 1790 C. In 1790 D. It was in 1790
27. It was Mr. Harding ___________ the bill to yesterday.
A. who sent my secretary B. to whom my secretary sent
C. that my secretary sent D. my secretary sent
28. ___________ Ruth St. Dennis turned to Asian dances to find inspiration for her choreography.
A. It was the dancer that B. The dancer C. That the dancer D. The dancer was
29___________ I bought the golden fish.
A. It was from this shop that B. I was from this shop where
C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that
30. It was Tom ___________ to help us.
A. comes B. who comes C. to come D. that came
III/ Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from 31 to 35
Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as envelopes or
packages with stamps on them. It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of
collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone.
Many casual collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the
creation of a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge. This is
especially important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps.
Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries that create limited runs
of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these
countries far exceed the postal needs of the countries.
Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic
Investment. Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are easy to store. They
offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals.
31. The estimated number of stamp collectors in the United States is _________
A. 30 million B. 20 million C. 10 million D. 15 million
32. Philatelic knowledge is especially important for _________
A. many casual collectors enjoy B. some small countries
C. those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps
D. the postal needs of the countries
33. Why have some collectors taken to Philatelic investment? – Because they ________
A. have observed the generally rising prices of stamps.
B. have observed the generally rising prices of rare stamps.
C. have observed the generally low prices of stamps.
D. haven’t observed the generally rising prices of stamps.
34. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to __________
A. Stamp collectors B. Small countries
C. Rare stamps D. The prices of rare stamps


35. Which of the following is NOT true about rare stamps? - ___________
A. They are among the most portable of tangible investments.
B. It’s easy for us to store rare stamps.
C. They are an important source of revenue.
D. They offer an attractive alternative to art.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 36 to 40
Hobbies are activities in which one participates strictly for ____36__. They help one to maintain a
mental and emotional balance. A hobby can be almost anything. Music is most popular. For example, many
people all over the world play piano simply for relaxing and _____37 __ in their free hours, and they do not
play professionally.Sports provide other ______38 _____ hobbies. Bicycling, running, tennis, ping-pong, and
countless other sports are enjoyed by millions of people ____39__ their leisure time.
Some people collect things as a hobby. Stamps, coins, and fine art are all popular collections, and
valuable, too. There are still hundreds of others, not necessarily valuable but still interesting, such as doll
collections, bottle collections, seashell collections, butterfly collections, and so on.
As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or
____40 _______, so everyone should have one or two hobbies.
36. A. amusement B. working C. researching D. investigating
37. A. funny B. fun C. rest D. resting
38. A. liking B. likely C. favorite D. loving
39. A. for B. during C. of D. on
40. A. education B. non-education C. educational D. educationally
IV/ Mark the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
41. There’s the woman who she told me about the handbag.
42. The man that you are looking for living next door.
43. The man for who the police are looking robbed the bank yesterday.
44 The actor about that I told you is coming here tomorrow.
45. It was many students some of who were playing in the schoolyard.
V/Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
46. Hung bought Lan a golden ring for her birthday.
A. It was a golden ring that was bought to Lan for her birthday by Hung.
B. It was a golden ring that was bought Lan for her birthday by Hung.
C. It was a golden ring that was bought for Lan her birthday.
D. It was a golden ring that Hung bought Lan for her birthday.
47. The girl gave the boy a special gift on Christmas.
A. It was the boy who the girl gave him a special gift on Christmas.
B. It was the boy who was gave a special gift on Christmas by the girl.
C. It was the boy who was given a special gift on Christmas by the girl.
D. It was a special gift that was given the boy in Christmas by the girl.
48. We have done a lot of exercises on Relative Clauses.
A. It was a lot of exercises that we have done on Relative Clauses.
B. It is a lot of exercises that are have done on Relative Clauses by us.
C. It is a lot of exercises that has been done on Relative Clauses by us.
D. It is a lot of exercises that have been done on Relative Clauses by us.
49. Columbus sailed to America in 1492.
A. That was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America
B. In 1492 that Columbus sailed to America


C. It was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America
D. It is in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America
50. The book is very expensive. My father is interested in it.
A. The book in which my father is interested is very expensive.
B. The book which in my father is interested is very expensive
C. The book which my father is interested is very expensive
D. The book in that my father is interested is very expensive
1. The man is learning English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. The woman gave him the English book. ----------------------------------------------------------------
3. She sent her friend a post card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Hoa borrowed some English books from Long. ---------------------------------------------------------
5. The little boy greeted his grand father in a strange language.--------------------------------------------------------
6. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions. -------------------------------------------------
7. The dog barked at the stranger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. My mom is making some cakes for our dinner. -------------------------------------------------------
9. We all saw her husband out side the theater last night. --------------------------------------------------------
10. Mr. Hao repaired the roof yesterday morning. -----------------------------------------
11. I always meet this student in the café whenever I come there. -------------------------------------------------
12. I bought this motor in HCM city some years ago. ------------------------------------------------------
13. I met Sasa on the way to my school. ---------------------------------------------------------
14. We were born in this place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. We often gather for dinner in this restaurant. ---------------------------------------------------------------

I/ VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: Circle the best answer among A, B, C or D.
1. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. sports B. plays C. households D. happens
2. Choose the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the others.
A. undertake B. accompany C. appreciate D. engrave
3. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
At the Asian Games, friendship and ______ are built and deepened.
A. solidarity B. championship C. competition D. contestant
4. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
He never drinks wine, ______?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. hasn’t he D. won’t he
5. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
She invited us to her birthday party last week.
A. It is we that were invited to her birthday party last week
B. It was us that was invited to her birthday party last week
C. It were we that were invited to her birthday party last week
D. It was us that were invited to her birthday party last week
6. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. screw B. screen C. scream D. creak
7. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
The old man ___________a black suit is a famous energy researcher.
A. wearing B. who wearing C. to wear D. is wearing
8. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Do-it-yourself home improvements or gardening is a form of ______in Britain.
A. recreation B. entertaining C. working D. sport
9. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
___________ has been teaching English to us at Quang Trung High School


A. It is Mr. Lanh B. It is Mr. Lanh that
C. He is Mr. Lanh who D. It was Mr. Lanh whom
10. Choose the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the others.
A. solidarity B. variety C. pursuit D. decision
11. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. jumped B. stopped C. managed D. marched
12. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
The 27-year old Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, became the first person to eat and drink in ______.
A. weigh B. weightless C. weightlessness D. weight
13. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
His brother’s hobbies are going swimming and ______toy cars.
A. electing B. collecting C. choosing D. selecting
14. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Uncle Ho was the president___________
A. we adore him B. whom we adore him C. whom adores us D. we adore
15. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
He was the first man ___________the burning building.
A. leaving B. to leave C. who leaves D. who leaving
16. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
______ my mother ______ my father went to the party . They all stayed at home.
A. Either -or B. both-and C. Neither -nor D. Not only/ but also
17. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Somebody took the letters to the post, ___________..?
A. didn’t they B. did they C. don’t they D. didn’t she
18. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Many people were thought ___________in that earthquake.
A. that they were killed B. to kill C. that they killed D. to have been killed
19. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
The speech ______ last night was informative.
A. we listened to it. B. which we listened to it
C. to that we listened D. to which we listened
20. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
She is not intelligent and she is not beautiful.
A. She is neither intelligent nor beautiful. B. She is not both intelligent either beautiful.
C. She neither is intelligent nor beautiful. D. She is not intelligent nor beautiful.
21. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
A. endangered B. attracted C. opened D. destroyed
22. ______ - He has lived in London for 2 years.
A. Where does John come from? B. Who is John living with?
C. How long has John lived in London? D. What does John do in the USA?
23. My brother used to play football ______ he does now.
A. better than B. best than C. well than D. good than
24. Florida, ______ attracts many tourists every year, is known as the Sunshine State.
A. who B. whom C. that D. which
25. He works at Heathrow Airport, that is one of the big airports in the world.
26. What ______ if you had been sent to England to study last year?
A. did you do B. would you do C. would you have done D. had you done
27. ______ it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat.
A. Because of B. In spite of C. Because D. Although
28. The TV program I watched last night was so ______ that I turned off it.
A. bored B. bore C. boring D. to bore


29. My classmate told me to watch movies in English______learn spoken English better.
A. so as B. so that C. in order that D. in order to
30. There will be ______ good film at ______ cinema next week.
A. a-a B. a-the C. the-a D. the- the
31. “Related to an area near a tropical area” means:
A. special B. contaminated C. tropical D. sub-tropical
32. The city of London was founded by the Romans in the year 43 AD.
A. established B. located C. developed D. characterized
33. Why have you bought so much food? I ______ for ten people.
A. will cook B. am going to cook C. cooked D. have cooked
34. The South Vietnam ______ on April 30, 1975.
A. was completely liberated B. was liberated completely
C. is completely liberated D. completely liberated
35. Do you take part ______ the school football team? - No, I can’t play football well.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
36. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
A. music B. noisy C. western D. busy
37. Choose the word whose main stress is places differently from that of the others
A. historic B. history C. moderate D. hospitable
38. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
A. months B. pulls C. goods D. warns
39. Jack got into trouble when he refused _________ his briefcase for the customs officer.
A. opening B. being opened C. to open D. to be opened
40. By the time you got her letter, she __________ in Paris.
A. arrives B. arrived C. was arriving D. had arrived
1. Read the following passage and choose the best answers by circling A, B, C or D.
Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a god. Other people thought it was just a light in the sky.
And others thought it was a big ball of cheese.
Then telescopes were made. And men saw that the moon was really another world. They wondered what
it was like. They dreamed of going there.
On July 20, 1969, that dream came true. Two American men landed on the moon. Their names were Neil
Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.
The first thing the men found was that the moon is covered with dust. The dust is so thick that the men
left footprints where they walked. Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon. And
they could stay there for years and years. There is no wind or rain to wipe them off.
The two men walked on the moon for hours. They picked up rocks to bring back to earth for study. They
dug up dirt to bring back. They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know. Then they climbed
back into their moon landing craft.
Next day the landing craft roared as the two men took off from the moon. They joined Michael Collins in
the spaceship that waited for them above the moon. Then they were off on their long trip back to earth. Behind
them they left the plains and tall mountains of the moon. They left the machines they had set up. And they left
footprints that may last forever.
41. This story tells ______________________
A. about the first men to walk on the moon.
B. what the men brought back from their trip to the moon.
C. how men found the footprints on the moon.
D. who had left footprints on the moon before the two men landed there.
42. A telescope ______________________.
A. makes faraway things seem closer. B. turns the moon into another world
C. makes many of men’s dreams come true D. makes balls of light seem brighter
43. The men brought rocks and dirt from the moon because ___________


A. they wanted something to show they were there.
B. they wanted to keep them as souvenirs
C. people wanted to use them to learn about the moon.
D. they might sell them to scientists.
44. The Americans’ machines will most likely stay on the moon until ___________
A. someone takes them away. B. a storm covers them with dust
C. rain and wind destroy them. D. they become rusty and break to pieces.
45. The next people who go to the moon most likely could ___________
A. find the places where Armstrong and Aldrin walked
B. leave the first set of footprints on the moon.
C. find that the machines have disappeared.
D. find that dust has wiped off the two men’s footprints.
Add tag questions to the following.
1.Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, ...............................?
2. Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, ....................................?
3. They’ll buy a new computer, ..........................................?
4. She can drink lots of tomato juice everyday, ......................................?
5. She may not come to class today, ....................................?
6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, ...........................................?
7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, .....................................?
8. He seldom visits you, .............................................?
9. You’ve never been in Italy, ..................................?
10. That’s Bob, ..........................................?
11. No-one died in the accident, ........................................?
12. I’m supposed to be here, .................................................?
13. Nothing is wrong, ..................................................?
14. Nobody called the phone, ...........................................?
15. Everything is okay, ...........................................?
16. Everyone took a rest, ....................................?
17. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, .................................?
18. Let’s dance together, ...........................................?
19. Don’t talk in class, ........................................?
20. Sit down, ..............................................?

--------------THE END------------


I. Phonetics:
- Pronunciation of –ED
+ / id /: t, d Ex: decided + / d /: b, g, h, n, l, z, v, m, r, i, y… Ex:
learned, played
+ / t /: còn lại. Ex: stopped
- Pronunciation of –S/ES
+ / iz /: s, x, z, ch, ge, ce, sh. Ex: boxes, watches …
+ / s /: p(h), t, k , f (th / θ /, gh / f /) Ex: books, laughs …
+ / z /: còn lại Ex: pens, pencils …
II. Communication exchanges:
- Invitations and suggestions
+ Let’s
+ Why don’t you + bare inf. Ex: Let’ go to the cinema tonight
+ Shall we
+ Would you like
+ Are you free + to-inf. Ex: Would you like to play football?
+ Do you feel like + V-ing Ex: How about going out now?
+ How about
- It isn’t/ wasn’t until + time/S+V2/ED… that +S+V2/ED…:
NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

ĐỀ 1

* Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A . stopped B. looked C. laughed D. wanted
2. A. sea B. singer C. sugar D. said
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words
3. A. history B. audience C. cinema D. existence
4. A. championship B. tournament C. committee D. continent
Choose A, B, C or D that best suits meaning of the sentences
5. Human infants have a gestation period of nine months.
A. the time during which a human baby develops inside its mother
B. the time when a stomach digests food
C. the time of eating food
D. the time of growing up
6. What would Tom do if he ......................... the truth?
A. would know B. has know C. knows D. knew
7. - A: “One of my teeth is loose”. - B: “I think ______________”
A. you should go to to dentist B. he should go to to dentist
C. should go to to scientist D. you should brush your teeth
8. . Those football on the street. It"s very dangerous.
A. should B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. needn’t


9. Many new roads......... in this city now.
A. build B. are built C. are building D. are being built
10. “Can you turn the radio down? I need to study for my math quiz this morning”.
A. Certainly. B. Not at all. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re welcome.
11. . “Robert ............ famous someday. He has appeared in three movies ready.” I’m sure he
.......... a star.
A. will be/ will be. B. will be/ is going to be
C. is/ will be D. is going to . be/ will be
12. The earth, ......... is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the planet from the sun.
A. who B. which C. that D. whom
13. The machine ......... I have to use in my job cost over a million pounds.
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
14. 1 bought this new software ............ Chinese.
A. for learning . B. learning C. to learn D. learned
15. Do you like folk music? ________________
A. Yes, I don’t. B. No, I like it a lot. C. Yes, I love it. D. It’s nice.
16. I was ............ that Jan couldn"t come to the party." "Her boss made her work overtime."
A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappoint D. disappointed
17. Don"t forget we"re meeting on ............Friday for ............ lunch.
A. a/ a B. a/ θ C. θ / the d/ θ / θ
18. I prefer love story films ____ thrilled ones .
A. from B. with C. to D. than
19. "Wow! This suitcase is heavy," `I ......... it for you. Give it to me."
A. will carry B. am carrying C. am going to carry D. carry
20. Scotland met Wales in the final at Twickenham.
A. at the end B. in the closing match
C. in the last match D. in the decisive match
21. “Do you remember Mrs Goddard ...........English composition?.” “I certainly do”
A. who taught us B. whom taught us C. that taught us D. whose teaching is
Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B, C, or D) that needs correcting
22. I would have called you if I could have known your number
23. It was not until his father came home that he didn’t do his homework.
Read the dialogue and fill in the blank by choosing A, B, C or D.
Organized football games began in 1863. In football, two (24)……………. of eleven
players try to kick or head the ball into the goal of the other team. The goal keeper,
(25)…………….. tries to keep the ball out of the goal, is only player on the field who can
touch the ball with his or her hands. The other players must use their feet, heads and bodies
(26)……………. the ball.
Every four years, football teams around the world (27)…………….. for the World Cup.
The World Cup competition started in 1930. Brazil is the home of many great football players,
including the most famous player of all, Pele’. With his fast dazzling speed, Pele’ played for

many years in Brazil and then in New York. People in more than 140 countries (28) ………….
the world play football. It is definitely the world’s most popular sport.
24. A. teams B. champions C. groups D. players
25. A. whom B. who C. which D. that
26. A. drive B. watch C. control D. make
27. A. fight B. compete C. play D. battle
28. A. whole B. through C. all over D. on
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
29. The police found two children in the forest.
30. My father didn"t earn much money, so life wasn"t easy for us.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
31. My favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son. ( make question)
32. She weren"t allowed to open her presents until her birthday.
It was not until ……………………………………………………………………………
33. This is frustrating remarks (nan long)
34. Nancy told me the secret, despite having promised not to do so.

ĐỀ 2
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced from that of the others.
1. A. lived B. traveled C. instructed D. contained
2. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
3. A. history B. audience C. cinema D. existence
4. A. compete B. tournament C. announcer D. promote
Choose the word . or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes
for the underlined word or phrase.
5. How many countries took part in the first World Cup?
A. interested B. participated C. competed D. cooperated
6. Sperm whales are ....................., which means they eat meat.
A. herbivores B. carnivores C. omnivores D. mammals
7. Tan is very interested…………….Marths.
A. in B. with C. of D. on
8. A: ……………………………………..
B: I like pop music
A. Do you like jazz? B. What music do you like?
C. What kinds of music do you like? D. What about pop music?
9. A: Why are sperm whale populations at risk?
A. Because fishing nets B. Because of people use fishing nets
C. Due to hunting and fishing nets D. Because accidental entrapment


10. A:………………………………..?- B: In Spain.
A. Where was the 12 th World Cup held
B.When was the 12 th World Cup held
C. Which teams played in the 12 th World Cup
D. Which team became the champion in the 12 th World Cup
11.The man about ………….….. I was telling you is standing over there.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
12.The bicycle…………… she bought was expensive.
A. who B. whom C. which D. where
13. Edward, ...................... father is my boss, has just moved to Paris.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
14I’m saving money ………..…… a cassette player
A. buying B. in buying C. to buy D. for buy
15."The phone"s ringing." - "I…………….it."
A will answer C. am going to answer
B. am answering D. go to answer
16. If I .................. wings,...................... take an airplane to fly home.
A. have/ won"t have to C. had/ wouldn"t have
B. have/ will have to D. had/ didn"t have to
17. The kitchen …………….painted by two workers now.
A. is B. is being C. was D. was being
18. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She……………use her car so much.
A. should B. could C. shouldn’t D. is going to
19."How does Jane like her new car? "She"s ………….……. with it.
A. delighted B. delighting C. delight D. delightful
20. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ……………. newspaper is in my bag
but I don’t know where …………….. magazine is.
A. A /a B. A/ the C. The / the D. The / a
21. Look at those dark clouds! It………………...
A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is going to rain

Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
22. The accident was your fault. If you drove more carefully, it wouldn’t have happened.
23. It was not until 2004 that Mary didn’t worked for the UN
Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question
The FIFA World Cup, occasionally called the Football World Cup, but usually referred to
simply as the World Cup. The championship has been awarded every four years since the first
tournament in  1930 , except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of  World War
II .
During the 19 tournaments that have been held, eight nations have won the title.  Brazil  is
the only team to have played in every tournament and have won the World Cup a record five
times. Italy  is the current champions and has won four titles, and  Germany  is next with three.

The other former champions are  Uruguay , winners of the inaugural tournament, and  Argentina ,
with two titles each, and  England  and  France , Spain with one title each.
The  most recent World Cup  was held in South Africa , between 11 June and 11 July 2010,
and the  2014 World Cup  will be held in  Brazil .
24. When was the first World Cup held?
A. 1946 B. 2006 C. 1930 D. 1942
25. …………………..ranked the second place in winning the title.
A. Italy B. Germany C. France D. England
26. How many countries have been the World Cup champion?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
27. In the past, in which year wasn’t the World Cup held?
A. 1966 B. 1939 C. 1942 D. 1930
28. Up to 2010, how many World Cup tournaments were held?
A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D. 19
Rewrite these following sentences with the words given:
1. Despite the bad traffic, we got home on time.
Although …………………………………………………………..
2. Nobody cleans the room everyday.
The room …………………………………………………………
3. He didn"t prepare for the interview, so he didn"t get the job.
4. Susie was not happy until she earned some money.
It was not …………………………………………………………
5. My new job is quite boring.
I am……………………………………………………………….
Make question for the underlined part.
6. I began to learn English six years ago.

ĐỀ 3

I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D:
1. The room is very dirty. You _______ clean it right now.
A. should B. needn’t C. may D. shouldn’t
2. The cinema changed completely _________ the end of the 1920s.
A. in B. at C. on D. to
3. A _________ is a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land.
A. island B. river C. gulf D. ocean
4. If I had enough money, I __________ a good dictionary.
A. would buy B. will buy C. will have bought D. would have bought.
5. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
A. pushed B. helped C. continued D. watched
6. If Nam had studied hard, he would pass the graduation exam.
7. They went to the bank _________ some money.
A. to send B. send C. sending D. sent


8. Circle the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
A. football B. interest C. compete D. champion
9. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
A. washes B. classes C. watches D. helps
10. It was not until she was 35 when Lan went abroad.
11. The man ______ I had seen before wasn’t at the party.
A. whom B. that C. which D. A & B
12. A: You really have a good voice, Lan!
B: __________!
A. Not at all B. Congratulation C. Thank you D. you’re welcome
13. _____ January is _____ first month of the year.
A. the/the B. the/X C. X/X D. X/the
14. Circle the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
A. fiction B. horror C. action D. cartoon
15. It was a very ________ film.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. to interest
16. She bought the dress _______ she had first asked for.
A. who B. whose C. which D. whom
17. A: How often is the World Cup held?
B: _______.
A. every two years B. every three years
C. every four years D. every five years
18. The house _________ by his brother tomorrow.
A. will build B. will be build C. will be building D. will be built
19. "Excuse me, waiter! This isn"t what I ordered. I didn’t order a chicken. `Sorry, sir. I
_______ this back and get your salad."
A. am taking B. will take C. am going to take D. take
20. World Cup is considered the most popular event in the world.
A. the continent B. the region C. the globe D. the nation
21. A: I don’t know how to use this camera.
B: It’s quite easy. I _____you
A. will show B. am going to show C. had shown D. have shown
22. My uncle, _______ you met at the party, is a lawyer.
A. which B. who C. whom D. that
23. A: I am taking the final test tomorrow.
B: ____________.
A. Take care B. Good luck C. Congratulation D. Thank you
 Read the passage and circle the best answer for each question:
The FIFA World Cup, occasionally called the Football World Cup, but usually referred
to simply as the World Cup, is an international football competition contested by the men"s
national teams of the members of Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the
sport"s global governing body. The championship has been awarded every four years since the
first tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of World
War II.

The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues
within the host nation(s) over a period of about a month. This phase is often called the World
Cup Finals. A qualification phase, which currently takes place over the preceding three years, is
used to determine which teams qualify for the tournament together with the host nation(s). The
World Cup is the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world, with an estimated 715.1
million people watching the 2006 final. The most recent World Cup was held in Germany in
2006. The next World Cup will be held in Brazil in 2014.
24. What does ‘FIFA” stand for?
A. Federation Internationale de Football Association
B. Federation Nationale de Football Association
C. Federal Internationale de Football Association
D. Federation Nationale de Foot Association
25. Why wasn’t “World cup 1942 and 1946” held?
D. because of Civic War. B. because of World War I.
C. because of Cold War. A. because of World War II.
26. Today the final tournament of the World Cup has __________ teams.
A. 23 B. 32 C. 42 D. 24
27. How many people watched the 2009 World Cup final?
A. about 715.1 billion B. about 751.1 million
C. about 517.1 million D. about 715.1 million
28. Where will the 2014 world cup be held?
A. in China B. in England C. in Brazil D. in Germany
II. Writing:
Finish the following sentences:
29. The opera was first performed in 1992. (WH - question)
 ……………………
30. The book is very interesting.
 He is . .
31. The fire has destroyed many houses. (Passive voice)
 .
32. Helen wasn’t happy until she returned her hometown.
It was not until .
33. He is still interested in playing sports in spite of his old age.
Although .
34. He didn"t study his lessons very carefully, so he got bad marks.
If .

ĐỀ 4

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
other words.
1. A. sight B. listen C. start D. music
2. A. stopped B. looked C. helped D. loved
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
3. A. compete B. event C. football D. postpone
4. A. cinema B. character C. calendar D. already


I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
5. Carnivores are animals which …………………………. .
A. eat meat B. eat plants C. swim very fast D. live on the bottom
6. Football is one of the most famous sport in the world.
A. the globe B. the nation C. the country D. region
7. Peter: There is a house near my home where I often hear a child crying.
Mary: You………report it to the police
A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. mustn’t
8. If I ……….……..….. you, I wouldn’t buy that coat.
A. am B. was C. were D. would be
9. If I didn’t want to go to the party, I ……….…….…………. go.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t
10. Many laws …………………………… in nature’s defence.
A. are passed B. have passed C. are passing D. were being passed
11.We are going to visit Ha Noi, ……………………………….. is the capital of Vietnam.
A. which B. that C. where D. Ø
12. Last month we spent our holiday in Tokyo, …………….. there are many temples.
A. which B. that C. where D. Ø
13. The earth, ......... is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the planet from the sun.
a. who b. which c. that d. whom e. θ
14. I’m saving money ……………………………. a cassette player.
A. buying B. to buying C. to buy D. for buy
15. There is ………………………….. post office on West Street.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
16. Cartoon film is different………….action film
A. from B. with C. for D. to
17. The movie on TV last night made me ……………………………. .
A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom
18. “Van is in hospital.”
–“Yes, I know. I …………….…………….. her tomorrow.”
A. am going to visit B. will visit C. go to visit D. will visiting
19. Would you mind lending me five dollars? I"m getting paid tomorrow.
a. Not at all. b. Yes. c. No, I don"t mind
20. LAN: (1)______________________________________________
MARY: Yes, of course I do.
A. How do you like music? B. Can you tell me if you like music?
C. You really like music, do you? D. Do you like listening to music?
21. Tom:: ……………………………………………
John: It was held in Brazil.
A. where was the fourth World Cup held? B. which was the fourth World Cup held?
C. when was the fourth World Cup held? D. what was the fourth World Cup held?
II- Circle the mistake in following sentence. (1.5 ms)
22. It was not until his father came home which he did his homework.
23. I had gone to see you if I’d known that you were ill.
C. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.


Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Wild animals (and wild plants) and the wild places where they live are seriously
threatened almost everywhere. One species has become extinct in each year of this century.
But many hundreds are now in danger. Lack of attention would lead to the rapid advance of the
process of extinction.
Already many kinds of wild animals has been so reduced in number that their role in the
ecosystem is forgotten. Animals like the great apes, the whales, seals etc. thought to be in
danger of extinction.
But even more important, perhaps than individual kinds of animals and plants, whole
habitats are in danger of vanishing: marshes are being drained, and the world forests, especially
tropical forests are being cut down to satisfy man’s needs of timber and paper.
What would our world be like if all the wild animals and wild plants vanished? - Would our
life still exist then?
24. What would happen to the human beings if the wild life vanished?
A. Many species would quickly become extinct. B. Tropical forests would be cut down.
C. The human life would be seriously threatened. D. Species would go on dying out.
25. What is more important than individual kinds of animals and plants?
A. The vanishing of whole habitats. B. The extinction of many species.
C. The rapid advance of the process of extinction. D. Man’s need of timber and paper
26. What does the writer caution us against?
A. cutting down the tropical forests. B. hunting wild animals.
C. draining marshes. D. destroying our environment.
27. What would happen if we cut down forests?
-.> Cutting down forests would cause ……………..
A. the changes of temperature. B. the flood
C. both A and B are correct. D. none are correct.
28. “To threaten” in the passage means …………..
A. to pollute C. to vanish
B. to give fear to D. to poison
D- Writing
29. I didn"t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.
30.The football match started at 3.00 last Sunday
31. We send the newspapers to Scotland by train.
32. I didn"t sleep until midnight.
33. Despite her dislikes coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
Although …………………………………………………………………
34. The football match is very exciting.
we …………………about the football match.

ĐỀ 5
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D (4.75ms)


1. Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores.
A. animals that live in the sea B. animals that only eat plants
C. fish that aren’t born from eggs D. animals that eat meat
2. A: “What solutions should we take to protect our oceans?” B: “………..”
A. We should clean beaches and tell other people not to litter rubbish
B. We should use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment
C. We should hunt whales for food, medicine and other products
D. We shouldn’t use water sparingly
3.You have a bad cold. I think you ___________ to the doctor.
A. should B. should go C. go D. shouldn’t go
4. We would take you back to the hotel if you ___________ to go to a night club.
A. won’t want B. don’t want C. didn’t want D. doesn’t want
5. Computers_________ since 1940s.
A. is used B. was used C. are used D. have been used
6. A: “What kind of music do you like?” B: “…………….”
A. every day B. Backstreet Boys C. jazz D. horror
7. Yesterday, we went to the market ______ some food.
A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. for buy
8. On Monday, we have _________Geography and ______Physic.
A. ø – ø B. the – the C. ø – the D. a – a
9.I think horror films are _________. I went with Lan to see Dracula last week. I was very
A. terrifying – terrified B. terrified – terrified
C. terrified – terrifying D. terrifying – terrifying
10.The Beatles used to be internationally famous ______ their songs and performance.
A. for B. along C. with
D. at
11. World Cup is consider the most popular event in the world.
A. the continent B. the region C. the globe D. the nation
12. A: “…….. is World Cup held?” B: “every four years”
A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How far
13.I’m sure he ___________ back.
A. is going to come B. be going to come C. will come D. will be come
14. He ___________ leave tomorrow morning. That’s his plan.
A. does B. is going to C. are going to D. will be
15. Did you meet the girl_______ was chosen as our monitor?
A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
16. He was killed by a man ______ friends we know.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. that
17. My sister__________________is coming to stay with me next week.
A. who lives in France B. ,that lives in France,
C. , who lives in France, D. which lives in France
* Choose the underlined part that needs correcting
18. It was not until he got a part-time job that he has money.
19. If Nick hadn’t come along, I don’t know what would happen.

II.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
20.A. polluted B. related C. crowded D. laughed
21. A. hopes B. sleeps C. ideas D. months
III. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.(0.5m)
22. A. century B. camera C. industry D. detective
23. A. competitor B. participant C. volunteer D. announcer
IV. Read the passage and then choose the best answer(2.25ms)
Organized football games began in 1863. In football, two (1) ______of eleven players try to
kick or head the ball into the goal of the other team. The goal keeper, (2) ______ tries to keep
the ball out of the goal, is only player on the field who can touch the ball with his or her hands.
The other players must use their feet, heads and bodies to (3)______ the ball.
Every four years, football teams around the world (4)______ for the World Cup. The
World Cup competition started in 1930. Brazil is the home of many great football players,
including the most famous player of all, Pelé. With his fast dazzling [amazingly impressive]
speed, Pelé played for many years in Brazil and then in New York. People in more than 140
countries (5)______ the world play football. It is definitely the world’s most popular sport.
24.A. players B. champions C. teams D. groups
25.A. whom B. who C. which D. that
26.A. hit B. control C. watch D. drive
27.A. play B. battle C. compete D. fight
28.A. on B. whole C. through D. all over
V.Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning.(3ms)
29.Despite the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.
30.There are over 84 lessons in my laptop now.
→ …………………………………………….…………………………………………………?
31. He didn’t stop working until he felt too tired.
→ It
32. Someone took Bob to the hospital.(changing into passive)
→ …………………………………………….…………………………………………………
33. Because she tried to work hard, she was successful.
→If ……………………………………………….………………………………………………
34. The program was boring.
 I was…………………………………………….……………………………………………

ĐỀ 6

I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. champions B. delights C. films D. singers
2. A. watched B. washed C. stopped D. destroyed
II. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.(0.5m)
1. A. history B. audience C terrify D. existence
2. A. suppose B. hero C. jointly D. special
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D (4,25ms)


1.The man ………….. you sent to the general has reported the victory.
A. whose B. which C. whom D. he
2.……………….was a French Emperor, fought his final battle in Waterloo
A. Napoleon Bonaparte who C. Napoleon Bonaparte, that
B. Napoleon Bonaparte, who D. Napoleon Bonaparte, whose
3. My father will fly to Ha Noi,………………is the capital city of Vietnam.
A. who B. whom C. which D. where
4. I have already decided. I ………….. a new car.
A. am going buy B. be going to buy C. will buy D. am going to buy
5. Many people believe Brazil ………… win the game.
A. is going to B. will C. will be D. be going to
6. World Cup is consider the most popular event in the world.
A. the continent B. the region C. the globe D. the nation
7. 4. A: “Which teams played in the World Cup 2010 final match?” B: “……………”
A. Spain B. Netherlands C. Spain and Nertherland D. England
8. What did you have for ……………breakfast this morning?
A. a B. an C. the D. ø
9. Van Cao was born…….November 15 th 1923………. Nam Dinh
A. in/ on B. in/in C. on/ in D. in /at
10. She felt ……….. at the end of the film. It is an ……………love story film.
A. surprised – interested B. surprised – interesting
C. surprising – interesting D. surprising – interested
11. I will find a part-time job ………….more money for my study.
A. to earn B. earning C. for earn D. earn
12. A: ……………..? B: I like classical music.
A. What kind of music do you like? B. Why do you like classical music?
C. What music do you like? D. A and B are correct
13. People were watching the match on TV.
A. The TV match were being watched. B. The match on TV was watched.
C. The match were being watched on TV. D. The match was being watched on TV.
14. The TV isn’t working. You can’t watch the football match.
 If_________________________________.
A. If the TV is working, we can watch the football match.
B. If the TV were working, we could watch the football match.
C. If the TV is working, we will watch the football match.
D. If the TV were working, we can’t watch the football match.
15. A: Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts.
A. We shouldn’t clean the beaches B. We should clean the beaches.
C. We don’t need to clean the beaches. D. a and c are correct
16. A: It’s raining. B: …………………..
A. You shouldn’t take the umbrella. B. You should take a rest .
C. You should go out. D. You should take your raincoat.
17. .………. is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which
make balanced environment.
A. biodiversity B. biodiversities C. samples D. oversized


IV. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting (0,5m)
1. It was not until he got a part-time job that he has money.
2. 10. I will have taken part in the contest unless I had broken my leg.
V. Read the passage and then choose the best answer (1,25m)
Parks in our country are wonderful playgrounds and millions of people visit them every year.
There are places where you can camp without charge or you can rent rooms in a hotel. You can
take a long walk in the forests, take boat trips, or climb mountains. You are not allowed to hunt
in the park, so there are many wild animals. You can fish in the streams of most of the parks.
The park keepers sometimes go with the visitors on walks to tell them about the animals,
plants, and mountains. They also have programmes and talks at the campgrounds and in the
hotels so that people can learn all about the park and the things that are in it.
1. We can camp in the parks _____________.
A. without having to pay anything B. with a small fee
C. if we rent a room in a hotel D. if we visit them every year
2. Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage?
A. go for a walk B. go climbing
C. go skiing D. go by boat
3 . The word “ streams ” in line 4 is closest in meaning to ______________.
A. small rivers B. ponds C. lakes D. big sea
4. The word “ them ” in line 5 refers to ______________.
A. parks B. visitors
C. park keepers D. animals
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. There are many animals in the parks.
B. We can walk and have talks with the park keepers.
C. We are allowed to fish in most of the parks.
D. We can hunt in the parks.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences without changing meaning, using given words (3ms)
1. He came to work in time in spite of the heavy traffic.
 Although…………………………………………………………………
2. We didn’t study English until we began primary school.
 It was……………………………………………………………………..
3. The ending of the film was very surprising.
 We were………………………………………………………………….
4. 1. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
 If we………………………………………………………………………
5. My cat didn’t kill the bird.
 The bird………………………………………………………………….
Write a question for the underined phrase:
6. Tom studied medicine because he wanted to become a doctor.


ĐỀ 7
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D (4.25ms)
1.Carnivores are animals which …………………………. .
A. eat meat B. eat plants C. swim very fast D. live on the bottom
2.You have been coughing a lot lately. You … smoke so much.
A. shouldn’t. B. can’t. C. should. D. can.
3.If I had a motorbike, I …………………home immediately.
A. would go B. go C. will go D. would have gone
4. A: “Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts.” B: “_______”
A. I like it very much B. We should clean beaches and tell other not
to litter them
C. It’s too dangerous D. We shouldn’t clean the beaches and tell
other not to litter them
5. These flowers are fresh. They _____ from the garden.
A. have just been picked B. have been just picked
C. have been picked just D. just have been picked
6.I went out …… a letter.
A. mailing. B. to mail. C. mails. D. for mailing.
7. A: What is your favorite song?- B: “________”
A. like folk music B. I like Backstreet Boys C. Tien Quan Ca D. Van Cao
8.There will be______good film at _____cinema next week.
A. the/the B. a/a C. a/the D. the/a
9. I prefer love story films_______dectective ones.
A. with B. to C. than D. into
10.He is very …………………….in my story.
A. interestingly B. interest C. interesting D. interested
11.The World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world.
A. competed B. regarded C. witnessed D. organized
12. A: “______________”- B: In Uruguay.
A. Where was the first World Cup held?
B. Where is the first World Cup held?
C. Which team became the champion in the first World Cup?
D. What was the score of the match?
13.They have just bought some paint. They ________ their house this afternoon.
A. are going to paint B. will paint C. to painting D. be going to paint
14.I’m bored right now, so I think I ………. about global warming on the internet.
A. am going to read B. will read C. read D. am reading
15. We know a lot of people ………………………………. live in London.
A. which B. that C. whom D. whose
16.Do you know the boy________ father is a teacher?
A. that B. whom C. whose D. which
17.My car, _______is very large, uses too much gasoline.
A. that B. which C. whose D. who
II.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
18.A. needed B. booked C. stopped D. washed
19.A. composer B. please C. peas D. bus

III. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.(0.5m)
20.A. decade B.existence C. audience D. motion
21.A. defeat B. victory C. trophy D. hero
IV. Read the passage and then choose the best answer(2.25ms)
Over the (22) past 25 years, football has not only taken (23) place as the world’s major
game in an ephemeral world but has also blossomed in other sides of society, commerce and
politics. Football, more than (24) any other factor, has developed through regions, people
and nations. With (25) approximately two hundred million active players it now (26) attracts a
substantial chunk of the leisure industry, having opened up new markets for itself and for the
rest of the business affairs.
22: A. past B. pass C. late D. recent
23: A. origin B. place C. root D. cause
24: A. the B. any C. some D. several
25: A. approximately B. totally C. accurately D. completely
26: A. attracts B. comprises C. constitutes D. contacts
V. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. (0.5m)
27.If I had had enough money yesterday, I would buy a car.
28.It was not when1998 that France became the champion of a World Cup.
VI.Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning.(3ms)
29.Inspite of being tired, he continued to work
→ Although…………………………………………………….…………………………………
30.My favourite musician is Beethoven.
→ …………………………………………………….…………………………………………?
31. We didn’t finish it until the end of last summer.
→ It was…………………………………………………….……………………………………
32. You can buy videos like this one anywhere .(changing into passive)
→ …………………………………………………….…………………………………………?
33. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.
→If …………………………………………………….………………………………………
34. I find the action film really interesting.(interesting → interested)
→ I’m …………………………………………………….………………………………………

ĐỀ 8

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences.(4.25ms)
1. The variety of all forms of life, from genes to species, through to the broad scale of
ecosystems is called____________.
A. biodiversity B. biology C. biological D. biologist
2. A: “What should we do to protect our oceans?”
B: “We ………… for species that are limited, threatened or endangered”
A. fish B. shouldn’t fish C. should fish D. fished
3. I _______ you _________ him to our party. Many people don’t like the way he talks.
A. think/ shouldn’t invite B. think/ should invite
C. don’t think/ should invite D. don’t think/ shouldn’t invite
4. The TV isn’t working. You can’t watch the football match.
 If_________________________________.


A. If the TV is working, we can watch the football match.
B. If the TV were working, we could watch the football match.
C. If the TV is working, we will watch the football match.
D. If the TV were working, we can’t watch the football match.
5. 4. Peter and Tom __________ in an accident yesterday.
A. are damage B. were damaged C. have been damaged D. are damage
6. She gets up early _________ to school in time.
A. in order to B. so as to go C. to going D. so as to going
7. A: “…………..?” B: “ Because it is rousing”
A. Why do you listen to folk music
B. Why do you like rock “n” roll music
C. Why do you like the ABBA band
D. Why do you listen to music every morning
8. This morning, I found ______ old book in my room. ______ book is about _______ wildlife.
A. an – The – a B. a – An – the C. an – The – ø D. a – The – ø
9. Young people prefer seeing the film at the cinema_____watching it
A. than B. rather C. to D. or
10. The audience got________with his performance.
A. boring B. boredom C. bored D. bore
11. I don’t think she _________ us with our problem.
A. is going to help B. going to help C. help D. will help
12.I"ve got two tickets. I______ a football match this afternoon.
A. am going to watch B. was going
C. am going watch D. will watch
13. A: “ What was the score of the World Cup 1950 final?” B: “…………”
A. two by one B. two of one C. two to one D. twice to ones
14. In the 2002 World Cup, Brazil gained a victory over Germany with the sore 2-0.
A. champion B. competition C. winner D. success
15. Kyoto,_______used to be the capital of Japan, has many temples.
A. who B. that C. which D. whom
16. The ambassador __________ comes from England has an attractive voice.
A. which B. whom C. where D. who
17. The Nile____________ is longer than any other river in the world.
A. who is in Egypt B. which is in Egypt
C. that is in Egypt D. , which is in Egypt,
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others. (0.5m)
18. A. established B. orphaned C. recognized D. endangered
19. A. starts B. speaks C. changes D. laughs
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.(0.5m)
20. Unless I have got there, I couldn’t have seen him.
21. It was not until he was too weak to work then Mr. Minh retired.
IV. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. (0.5m)
22. A. century B. camera C. industry D. detective
23. A. passionate B. continent C. controlling D. finalist


V. Read the passage and then choose the best answer (1.25ms)
No other sporting event captures the world’s imagination like FIFA World Cup. Ever
since the first competition in Uruguay in 1930, FIFA’s flagship has constantly grown in
popularity and prestige. A group of visionary French football administrators led in the 1920s by
the innovative Jules Rimet is credited with the original idea of bringing the world’s strongest
national football teams together to compete for the title of world champions. The original gold
trophy bore Jules Rimet’s name and was contested three times in the 1930s before the Second
World War put a 12-year stop to the competition. When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup
rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern
world. Held since 1958 alternately in Europe and America, the World Cup broke a new ground
with the Executive Committee’s decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts
for the 2002 edition.
Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An
accumulated audience of over 3.7 billion people watched the France 98 tournament including
approximately 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the
64 matches in the French stadiums.
24. The first World Cup tournament was held in __________.
A. 1920 B. 1930 C. 1958 D. 1996
25. Who are believed to be responsible for the idea of competing for the title of World
A. Jules Rimet B. French football administrators
C. The FIFA D. The executive committee
26. The FIFA World Cup________________.
A. bore Jules Rimet’s name
B. was held three times in the 1930
C. resumed in 1958
D. was halted by the outbreak of the Second World War
27. The 2002 World Cup _______________.
A. was the first World Cup held in Asia.
B. took place in May 1996.
C. was held in Korea and Japan.
D. A & C are correct.
28. How many people watched the France 98 tournament?
A. 1.3 billion B. 2.7 billion C. 3.7 million D. 4.1 billion
VI. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning, using given
1. My father will grow many trees in the park next week.
Many trees
2. Lisa felt tired, so she left the work for later.
3. They go dancing with their team once a week.
 ?
4. My sister didn’t become a good doctor until she worked in that hospital.
 It was not
5. Many students find these classes very boring.
 These classes make


6. In spite of earning a low salary, Lina gave money to her parents.
 Although

-- THE END --

Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
Question 1: A. final B. eliminate C. title D. stadium
Question 2: A. cartoon B. interest C. terrify D. fiction
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 3: She can’t bear people ...................... shout at her .
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
Question 4: We went to ………….. cinema twice a month.
A. an B. a C. Ø D. the
Question 5: Kyoto, ………… used to be the capital of Japan, has many temples.
A. that B. whom C. who D. which
Question 6: You look tired and pale. You should go to see the doctor.
A. Do you want to go to see the doctor? B. What"s the matter with you and your
doctor? C. Why don"t you go to see the doctor? D. Why do you
go to see the doctor?
Question 7: Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores.
A. animals that live in the sea B. animals that eat meat
C. fish that aren"t born from eggs D. animals that only eat plants
Question 8: A new bridge …………….built here next year.
A. would be B. could be C. are D. will be
Question 9: What would you do if you …………….. a million dollars?
A. win B. will win C. won D. had won
Question 10: The bag looks heavy. I ……………….. you with it.
A. am going to help B. am helping C. help D. will help
Question 11: I don"t think you ……………. work so hard. You"re not very well.
A. will B. should C. be going to D. would
Question 12: They were bitterly disappointed …………the result of the game.
A. against B. for C. as D. with
Question 13: The coach ……………… announce the list of footballers at the meeting
tomorrow morning. He"s got the final list.
A. is going to B. shouldn"t C. will D. had
Question 14: It’s the best book ..................... I’ve ever read.
A. what B. who C. that D. whom
Question 15: A: “……………..?: B: “The Beatles and Back Street Boys”.
A. What"s your favorite band? B. What kind of music do you like?
C. Which band do you do you prefer? D. Do you like The Beatles?
Question 16: By July 2006, the world had witnessed eighteen World Cup tournaments.
A. hosted B. planned C. noticed D. seen
Question 17: The audience got ……………….. with his performance.
A. boredom B. bored C. bore D. boring
Question 18: A: “……………..?: B: “In 2010”.

A. When was the 19 th World Cup held? B. Where was the 19 th World Cup held?
C. What was the score of the final game in 2010?D. Which team became the champion
in 2010?
Question 19: I went out …………… a letter.
A. mailing B. mails C. to mail D. for mailing
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correction.
Question 20: If Laura didn"t eat so much, she wouldn"t have put on weight.
Question 21: It was not until Mark helped me that I finish my project.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
Question 22: A. songs B. sits C. peas D. loves
Question 23: A. parked B. endangered C. watched D. stopped
Read the dialogue and fill in the blank by choosing A, B, C or D.
Wild animals (and wild plants) and the wild places where they live are seriously threatened
almost everywhere. One species has become extinct in each year of this century. But many
hundreds are now in danger. Lack of attention would lead to the rapid advance of the process of
Already many kinds of wild animals has been so reduced in number that their role in the
ecosystem is forgotten. Animals like the great apes, the whales, seals etc. thought to be in
danger of extinction.
But even more important, perhaps than individual kinds of animals and plants, whole
habitats are in danger of vanishing: marshes are being drained, and the world forests, especially
tropical forests are being cut down to satisfy man’s needs of timber and paper.
What would our world be like if all the wild animals and wild plants vanished? - Would our
life still exist then?
24. What would happen to the human beings if the wild life vanished?
A. Many species would quickly become extinct. B. Tropical forests would be cut down.
C. The human life would be seriously threatened. D. Species would go on dying out.
25. What is more important than individual kinds of animals and plants?
A. The vanishing of whole habitats. B. The extinction of many species.
C. The rapid advance of the process of extinction. D. Man’s need of timber and paper
26. What does the writer caution us against?
A. cutting down the tropical forests. B. hunting wild animals.
C. draining marshes. D. destroying our environment.
27. What would happen if we cut down forests?
-.> Cutting down forests would cause ……………..
A. the changes of temperature. B. the flood
C. both A and B are correct. D. none are correct.
28. “To threaten” in the passage means …………..
A. to pollute C. to vanish
B. to give fear to D. to poison
Do the following sentences as directed in parentheses.
1. They told the new student where to sit.


(Change the following sentence into the passive voice)
2. I didn ’ t have free time, so I couldn ’ t go to see him.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using Conditional sentence Type 3)
3. Minh goes to the post office twice a month.
(Write the question for the underlined words)
4. I didn"t comment further until I had all the information.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using “It was not until …… that …..”)
5. The film is disappointing.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using “disappointed”)
6. She decided to accept the job despite the low salary.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using “Although”)

---------- THE END ---------

Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
Question 1: A. compose B. religion C. audience D. memorial
Question 2: A. champion B. tournament C. committee D. trophy
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 3: - We need some bread for lunch. -Oh, do we? I ................... go to the shop and get
A. am going to B. will C. should D. am
Question 4: The man ................... came from Vinh was the guide for our group during my
A. who B. whose C. which D. whom
Question 5: World cup is considered the most popular event in the world.
A. the globe B. the continent C. the nation D. the region
Question 6: I don’t like stories ................... have unhappy endings.
A. in which B. who C. whose D. that
Question 7: You....................Mark. You know it"s a secret
A. might tell B. shouldn’t tell C. couldn"t tell D. should tell
Question 8: A: Where was the seventeenth World Cup held? B: …………….
A. In 2002 B. In South Korea & Japan
C. Every four years D. Brazil & Germany
Question 9: Their house, ............... is in the suburb of the city, is quite big and modern.
A. whom B. which C. that D. who
Question 10: A: This room has so many plastic bags. B: ……………..
A. We shouldn’t collect them now B. Let’s go for a drink
C. We should collect them now D. You look tired
Question 11: That film is only 90 minutes ………. length but it is very interesting.

A. with B. on C. in D. at
Question 12: A: What kind of music do you like? B: ……………..
A. I like pop music. B. I like music best.
C. I like listening to music. D. I prefer folk music to jazz.
Question 13: What would Tom do if he ......................... the truth?
A. would know B. has know C. knows D. knew
Question 14: The existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced
environment is called …………….. .
A. biodiversity B. maintain C. challenge D. rubbish
Question 15: - Why are you turning on radio? -I……………the weather forecast.
A. am going to listen to B. should listen to C. can listen to D. will listen to
Question 16: The photos ................... in a London studio last week
A. were taken B. was taken C. have been taken D. have taken
Question 17: The children were ...................... by Walt Disney films
A. fascinating B. fascinate C. fascination D. fascinated
Question 18: The staff are . working at weekend ................. delay the project any further
A. so that not to B. so as not to C. to not D. for not to
Question 19: I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ………… newspaper is in my bag and the
magazine is on the table.
A. A B. The C. Ø D. An
Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
The FIFA World Cup, occasionally called the Football World Cup, but usually referred to
simply as the World Cup. The championship has been awarded every four years since the first
tournament in  1930 , except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of  World War
II .
During the 18 tournaments that have been held, seven nations have won the
title.  Brazil  is the only team to have played in every tournament and have won the World Cup a
record five times. Italy  is the current champions and has won four titles, and  Germany  is next
with three. The other former champions are  Uruguay , winners of the inaugural tournament,
and  Argentina , with two titles each, and  England  and  France , with one title each.
The  most recent World Cup  was held in  Germany  in 2006. The  next World Cup  will be
held in South Africa , between 11 June and 11 July 2010, and the  2014 World Cup  will be held
in  Brazil .
Question 20: When was the first World Cup held?
A. 1946 B. 2006 C. 1930 D. 1942
Question 21: Which team had four titles?
A. Italy B. Germany C. France D. England
Question 22: Where will the 2014 World Cup be held?
A. Germany B. England C. Brazil D. Italy
Question 23: In the past, in which years wasn’t the World Cup held?
A. 1966 B. 1939 & 1945 C. 1942 & 1946 D. 1930
Question 24: Up to 2006, how many World Cup tournaments were held?
A. 16 B. 15 C. 17 D. 18
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correction.
Question 25: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss the train.


Question 26: It was not until 1915 that the cinema really become an industry.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
Question 27: A. agreed B. loved C. played D. parked
Question 28: A. features B. crops C. emotions D. fines
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. They use a computer to do that job nowadays
A computer..............................................................................................................
2. I was punished because I went out late last night.
3. Mary didn’t work for the United Nations until 2004
It was not until.........................................................................................................
4. There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert last night.
5. That film is interesting.
6. In spite of having a little money, I am happy.

---------- THE END ---------
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 1: It is not very difficult to become ______ good student.
A. Ø B. a C. an D. the
Question 2: The sick man ______ to the hospital.
A. is taking B. being taken C. was taken D. took
Question 3: Lan: My salary is very low. Hoa: I think you should ______ .
A. go to bed early B. look for another job C. see your friend D. buy a new
Question 4: He doesn’t like his job. It is so ______ .
A. boringly B. bore C. bored D. boring
Question 5: I’m not very ____ in science fiction and rarely read this kind of book.
A. interest B. interesting C. interests D. interested
Question 6: This is Mary, ______ volunteers to come to Viet Nam to teach the poor children.
A. that B. whom C. whose D. who
Question 7: A lot of people would be out of work if the company _______ down.
A. had closed B. closed C. opened D. had opened
Question 8: My brother ______ to buy a new house.
A. is going B. will C. are going D. be going
Question 9: He was the captain of the football team and led the team to some impressive
A. boss B. referee C. head D. stricker
Question 10: The dress ______ the woman is wearing is expensive.
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom


Question 11: I don’t think you ______ any problems at the airport.
A. are having B. are going to have C. will have D. be having
Question 12: What kind of music does Miss Hoang like? - “_______” .
A. She likes classical music B. She plays music to lull her baby to
sleep C. She likes the Backstreet Boys band D. Pop music is popular
Question 13: The book ____ was written a long time ago cannot be used as references.
A. that B. which C. which/ that D. who
Question 14: ______ a good student, you need to be hard working.
A. Became B. Become C. To become D. Becomes
Question 15: The cinema changed completely _______ the end of the 1920s.
A. on B. in C. for D. at
Question 16: My doctor suggested _____ on a diet to lose some weight.
A. I am going B. I should go C. me to go D. my go
Question 17: The _____ is divided into five different parts named the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian,
Antarctic and Artic.
A. woods B. universe C. ocean D. earth
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
Question 18: It was not until he was 32 that he get married to a pretty girl.
Question 19: If you worked hard, you would have passed your examination.
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
Question 20: A. silent B. agree C. actor D. horror
Question 21: A. elimination B. information C. competition D. participate
Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
Harry Redknapp and Frank Lampard played football together for West Ham football club
during the 1960s. they were best friends and married two sisters, so their sons - Frank Lampard
junior and Jamie Redknapp are cousines. The boys’ fathers used to take them to the football
field after school and make them train. All the hard work meant that both boys became very
good at playing football and both have played for England like their fathers. Later, Harry
became the manager of West Ham and Frank senior became assitant manager. Frank junior
joined them and played for West Ham but Jamie went to the other side of the country and
played for Liverpool. Jamie and Frank are friends just like their fathers and enjoy spending
time together when they can. But they aren’t married two sisters, Jamie’s wife is a pop star
who hasn’t got any sisters.
Question 22: Harry Redknapp and Frank Lampard are _______.
A. basketball players. B. football players. C. tennis players. D. volleyball
Question 23: Harry Redknapp’s wife and Frank Lampard’s wife are _______.
A. women B. counsines. C. friends D. sisters
Question 24: who trained Frank Lampard junior and Jamie Redknapp to became good football
A. Their fathers B. Their teachers C. Their mothers D. Nobody
Question 25: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. The two boys’s fathers are members of West Ham football club during the 1960s.
B. Frank junior’s wife is cinema star.
C. Jamie’s wife is a pop star.


D. The two boys are cousines.
Question 26: Who didn’t play for West Ham?
A. Harry Redknapp B. Frank Lampard C. Frank junior D. Jamie
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
Question 27: A. stopped B. played C. rained D. listened
Question 28: A. wants B. loves C. prefers D. peas
Do the following sentences as directed in parentheses.
1. The weather was so bad that all students couldn’t go to school.
(Rewrite the sentence with “If …”)
- ………………………………………………………………………………...
2. I often listen to music in my free time.
(Make the question for the underlined phrase in the following sentence.)
- …………………….…………………………………………………………..
3. Mr. Minh painted his house last month.
(Change the sentence into passive voice.)
- ……….………………………………………………………………………..
4. Lam didn’t know how to use computer until last year.
(Rewrite the sentence, using “ It was not until …”)
- ……………………………………………………………………………….
5. The song is boring.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using “bored”)
- ……………………………………………………………………………….
6. In spite of having a bad cold, Hoa finished her homework.
(Rewrite the following sentence, using “Alhough”)
- …………………………

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